コード例 #1
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            NeuralNetwork network       = new NeuralNetwork(ExecMode.Learning, 1 * Math.Pow(10, -6));
            string        imageFilePath = @"C:\Users\cleist\source\repos\LicensPlateRecognition\LicensPlateRecognition\LicensPlateRecognition\Image\";

            string[] trainingData = Directory.GetFiles(imageFilePath + "TrainingData", "*");
            string[] testData     = Directory.GetFiles(imageFilePath + "TestData", "*");
            // key value pairs for training or test input and desired output
            Dictionary <string, double[]> keyValuePairs = new Dictionary <string, double[]>();

            // Declare network layers: declare in order of traversion! Since it will be the order of the layers list in network class
            InputLayer       inputLayer = new InputLayer(28, 28, 1, network);
            ConvolutionLayer convLayer1 = new ConvolutionLayer(new Filter(5, 5, inputLayer.Depth), 20, 1, network);
            //ConvolutionLayer convLayer2 = new ConvolutionLayer(new Filter(5, 5, convLayer1.Filters.Count), 20, 1, network);
            PoolingLayer     pooling1   = new PoolingLayer(network);
            ConvolutionLayer convLayer3 = new ConvolutionLayer(new Filter(5, 5, convLayer1.Filters.Count), 40, 1, network);
            //ConvolutionLayer convLayer4 = new ConvolutionLayer(new Filter(3, 3, convLayer3.Filters.Count), 40, 1, network);
            PoolingLayer        pooling2             = new PoolingLayer(network);
            FullyConnectedLayer fullyConnectedLayer1 = new FullyConnectedLayer(network);
            //FullyConnectedLayer fullyConnectedLayer2 = new FullyConnectedLayer(network);
            OutputLayer outputLayer = new OutputLayer(network);
            // Declare Output Classes
            int outClass = 10;

            // ------------------------ MNIST Dataset ------------------------
            MNIST mnist = new MNIST();

            // ------------------------ MNIST Dataset ------------------------

            if (network.ExecMode == ExecMode.Learning)
                // create a csv with tuple of image and class value
                //network.CreateCSV(imageFilePath, trainingData, "training.csv");

                //network.LoadCSV(imageFilePath, keyValuePairs, "training.csv", outClass);

                // ------------------------ MNIST Dataset ------------------------
                // ------------------------ MNIST Dataset ------------------------

                var epochs = 59;
                // must be divisible through number of training data
                var miniBatchSize = 10;

                network.Learning(keyValuePairs, outClass, epochs, miniBatchSize, imageFilePath, mnist /* Mnist */);

                Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");

            if (network.ExecMode == ExecMode.Testing)
                // create a csv with tuple of image and class value
                //network.CreateCSV(imageFilePath, testData, "testing.csv");

                //network.LoadCSV(imageFilePath, keyValuePairs, "testing.csv", outClass);

                // ------------------------ MNIST Dataset ------------------------
                // ------------------------ MNIST Dataset ------------------------

                network.Testing(outClass, keyValuePairs, mnist /* Mnist */);

                Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");

            if (network.ExecMode == ExecMode.Normal)
                while (true)
                    Console.WriteLine("Please Insert an image filepath...");
                        string   image  = Console.ReadLine();
                        double[] output = network.ForwardPass(outClass, image, null);
                        for (int i = 0; i < output.Length; i++)
                            Console.Write("{0} ", output[i]);
                        Console.WriteLine("No image or supported image format!");