private static MemberCollection instance; // the instance is made of this class and object is made with the help of this public static MemberCollection getInstance() // this function returns the instance of the class or the object { if (instance == null) { instance = new MemberCollection(); } return(instance); }
static void Main(string[] args) { int userMainMenuChoice; // this variable is used to store the choice entered by the user while (true) // infinte loop till the user press 0 it will run { Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Community Library"); Console.WriteLine("===========Main Menu============"); Console.WriteLine("1. Staff Login"); Console.WriteLine("2. Member Login"); Console.WriteLine("0. Exit"); Console.WriteLine("================================"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please make a selection (1-2, or 0 to exit):"); try { userMainMenuChoice = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());// taking the user input switch (userMainMenuChoice) { case 1: // if 1 is pressed by user Console.WriteLine("Enter the username"); string staffUserName = Console.ReadLine(); if (staffUserName == "staff") // checking if the username entered by the user is correct { Console.WriteLine("Enter the password"); string staffPassword = Console.ReadLine(); if (staffPassword == "today123") // checking if the password entered by the user is correct { Staff s = new Staff(); // making the object of class Staff; // calling the menu function of class staff using object s } else { Console.WriteLine("Wrong password entered"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Wrong username"); } break; case 2: // if 2 is enterd by user MemberCollection memberCollection = MemberCollection.getInstance(); // getting the instance of class member function Console.WriteLine("Enter the userName"); string userName = Console.ReadLine(); bool checkUserName = memberCollection.findUserName(userName); // checking if the user name enterd by the user in correct if (checkUserName == true) { Console.WriteLine("Enter the password"); string password = Console.ReadLine(); Regex reg = new Regex(@"^[0-9]{4}$"); if (reg.IsMatch(password)) // checking if the password enterd is a 4 digit integer { bool checkPassword = memberCollection.checkPassword(userName, password); // cheking if the passowrd entered by the user corresponding to the user name is correct if (checkPassword == true) { int index = memberCollection.getIndex(userName, password); // getting the index of the member of corresponding username and password; // showing the menu of the corresponding member } else { Console.WriteLine("Wrong Password"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Enter four digit int only"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Worng user name entered"); } break; case 0: System.Environment.Exit(0); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Wrong input"); break; } } catch (FormatException) { Console.WriteLine("Error: Enter only integer values"); } } }