コード例 #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Library weeb = new Library("Kinokuniya");

            var catalog = new Catalog();

            catalog.Add(new Book("kimi no na wa. / your name.", "Makoto Shinkai", 6)); // Create Your Name manga
            catalog.Add(new Book("We Never Learn", "Tashi Tsutsui", 3));               // Create We Never Learn manga
            catalog.Add(new Book("Nani ga Fakku Kono BL!?", "Nani", 2));               // Create Werid BL Stuff
            catalog.Add(new Book("Fullmetal Alchemist Artbook", "Minoru Arakawa", 1)); // Create Fullmetal Artbook
            weeb.Catalog = catalog;

            weeb.Register("Raghav Vivek", 1234, "Password");  // Create Raghav
            weeb.Register("Ishan Parikh", 5678, "drowssaP");  // Create Ishan
            weeb.Register("Ken Armstrong", 9012, "Pdarsosw"); // Create Ken

            weeb.Login(1234, "Password"); // Login Raghav
            weeb.Login(5678, "drowssaP"); // Login Ishan
            weeb.Login(9012, "Pdarsosw"); // Login Ken

            weeb.CheckOut // Check out Your Name manga to Raghav
                weeb.Users.First(x => x.Name == "Raghav Vivek").ID,
                weeb.Catalog.Books.First(x => x.Name == "kimi no na wa. / your name.").ID
            weeb.CheckOut // Raghav checks out BL
                weeb.Users.First(x => x.Name == "Raghav Vivek").ID,
                weeb.Catalog.Books.First(x => x.Name == "Nani ga Fakku Kono BL!?").ID
            weeb.CheckOut // Check out Fullmetal artbook to Ishan
                weeb.Users.First(x => x.Name == "Ishan Parikh").ID,
                weeb.Catalog.Books.First(x => x.Name == "Fullmetal Alchemist Artbook").ID
            weeb.CheckOut // Check out We Never Learn to Ken
                weeb.Users.First(x => x.Name == "Ken Armstrong").ID,
                weeb.Catalog.Books.First(x => x.Name == "We Never Learn").ID

            weeb.CheckIn // Raghav checks in BL
                weeb.Users.First(x => x.Name == "Raghav Vivek").ID,
                weeb.Catalog.Books.First(x => x.Name == "Nani ga Fakku Kono BL!?").ID

            weeb.Catalog.Search(x => x.Name == "We Never Learn");             // Search for that cool manga

            weeb.Logout(weeb.Users.First(x => x.Name == "Raghav Vivek").ID);  // Log out Raghav
            weeb.Logout(weeb.Users.First(x => x.Name == "Ishan Parikh").ID);  // Log out Ishan
            weeb.Logout(weeb.Users.First(x => x.Name == "Ken Armstrong").ID); // Log out Ken

            Console.ReadLine(); // So the window doesn't close!
コード例 #2
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: MissPeperr/C-Exercises
        static void Main(string[] args)
             *  Create a few (4 or so) instances of books and use the method on your Library class to add them to the list of books in an instance of Library

            Book EndersGame = new Book()
                Name        = "Ender's Game",
                Author      = "Orson Scott Card",
                ISBN        = "ft37h890j",
                IsAvailable = true

            Book AnimalFarm = new Book()
                Name        = "Animal Farm",
                Author      = "George Orwell",
                ISBN        = "giy5uno3p",
                IsAvailable = true

            Book GreatGatsby = new Book()
                Name        = "The Great Gatsby",
                Author      = "F. Scott Fitzgerald",
                ISBN        = "htu3oine",
                IsAvailable = true

            Book Twilight = new Book()
                Name        = "Twilight",
                Author      = "Stephenie Meyer",
                ISBN        = "g678bi2d",
                IsAvailable = true

            Book book1 = new Book()
                Name        = "Book 1",
                Author      = "Author 1",
                ISBN        = "ehfh78394",
                IsAvailable = true

            Book book2 = new Book()
                Name        = "Book 2",
                Author      = "Author 2",
                ISBN        = "sdnbfayqu89",
                IsAvailable = true

            CardHolder Madi = new CardHolder()
                FullName = "Madison Peper",
                Id       = 1

            CardHolder Kayla = new CardHolder()
                FullName = "Kayla Reid",
                Id       = 2

            List <CardHolder> allCardHolders = new List <CardHolder>()
                Madi, Kayla

            List <Book> newBooks = new List <Book>()
                book1, book2, Twilight, AnimalFarm, GreatGatsby, EndersGame

            Library NSSLibrary = new Library(newBooks, "We the best Library", "Everywhere");

            Console.WriteLine("///// Checkout a book /////");
            NSSLibrary.Checkout(Twilight.ISBN, Madi);

            if (NSSLibrary.IsAvailable(Twilight.ISBN))
                Console.WriteLine($"{Twilight.Name} is currently available.");
                Console.WriteLine($"{Twilight.Name} is currently unavailable.");
                foreach (CardHolder cardHolder in allCardHolders)
                    if (cardHolder.hasBook(Twilight.ISBN))
                        Console.WriteLine($"{cardHolder.FullName} currently has {Twilight.Name}");

            Console.WriteLine("///// Check-in a book /////");
            NSSLibrary.CheckIn(Twilight.ISBN, Madi);

            if (NSSLibrary.IsAvailable(Twilight.ISBN))
                Console.WriteLine($"{Twilight.Name} is currently available.");
                Console.WriteLine($"{Twilight.Name} is currently unavailable.");
                foreach (CardHolder cardHolder in allCardHolders)
                    if (cardHolder.hasBook(Twilight.ISBN))
                        Console.WriteLine($"{cardHolder.FullName} currently has {Twilight.Name}");
コード例 #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Create Books
            Book book1 = new Book()
                Title  = "Game of Thrones",
                Author = "George R.R. Martin",
                ISBN   = "111A"
            Book book2 = new Book()
                Title  = "Casino Royale",
                Author = "Ian Fleming",
                ISBN   = "111B"
            Book book3 = new Book()
                Title  = "Lord of the Rings",
                Author = "J.R.R. Tolkien",
                ISBN   = "111C"
            Book book4 = new Book()
                Title  = "Count of Monte Cristo",
                Author = "Alexander Dumas",
                ISBN   = "111D"
            // Make two books for the initial inventory
            Book bookA = new Book()
                Title  = "BookA",
                Author = "AuthorA",
                ISBN   = "A"
            Book bookB = new Book()
                Title  = "BookB",
                Author = "AuthorB",
                ISBN   = "B"
            // make an initial inventory
            List <Book> initialInventory = new List <Book>();


            // Create the library and give it the initial Inventory
            Library library1 = new Library(initialInventory)
                Name    = "Gulley's Library",
                Address = "here"

            // Add the books to the Library Inventory

            // create a Card Holder
            CardHolder tg = new CardHolder()
                FullName = "Taylor Gulley",
                Id       = 1234

            //Check if a book is available
            if (library1.IsAvailable("111D"))
                Console.WriteLine("This book is available");
                Console.WriteLine("This book is not available");
            // Checkout a book
            library1.Checkout("111D", tg);
            //Return the book
            library1.CheckIn("111D", tg);

            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");