コード例 #1
        public void UpdateFiles()
            List<FileItem> files = new List<FileItem>();
            List<FileItem> filesDownload = new List<FileItem>();

            FileInfo fileinfo = new FileInfo(_updatePath);

            foreach (FileCollection col in _downloadcollections)

            AddToLog(files.Count + " files marked for check.");

            _progressVerify.Maximum = files.Count;
            _progressVerify.Value = 0;
            _progressTotalDownload.Value = 0;
            _progressFileDownload.Value = 0;

            if (Library.SystemSettings.isDebuggingEnabled)
                this.AddToLog("Starting file check", false);

            foreach (FileItem f in files)
                //build the stringname
                string FullPath = fileinfo.DirectoryName + f.Directory + f.Filename;

                if (File.Exists(FullPath))
                    //initiate a CRC object
                    CRC32 crc = new CRC32();

                    //check debug settings
                    if (Library.SystemSettings.isDebuggingEnabled)
                        this.AddToLog("      File: " + FullPath);
                        this.AddToLog(f.Directory + f.Filename);

                    //the file crc
                    string fileCRC = "";

                    //open a link to the file
                    using (Stream reader = new FileStream(FullPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                        //go though each byte
                        foreach (byte b in crc.ComputeHash(reader))
                            //build the crc string
                            fileCRC += b.ToString("x2").ToLower();

                    //check debug settings
                    if (Library.SystemSettings.isDebuggingEnabled)
                        this.AddToLog("System CRC: " + fileCRC);
                        this.AddToLog("   XML CRC: " + f.FileCRC);

                    //check if they are matching
                    if (fileCRC != f.FileCRC)

                        if (Library.SystemSettings.isDebuggingEnabled)
                            this.AddToLog("    Status: Marked for download");
                            this.AddToLog("", false);
                        if (Library.SystemSettings.isDebuggingEnabled)
                            this.AddToLog("    Status: No action required");
                            this.AddToLog("", false);


                    if (Library.SystemSettings.isDebuggingEnabled)
                        this.AddToLog("      File: " + FullPath);
                        this.AddToLog("    Status: Marked for download");
                        this.AddToLog("", false);

                        this.AddToLog(f.Directory + f.Filename);

                _progressVerify.Value += 1;

            _progressTotalDownload.Maximum = filesDownload.Count;
            _progressTotalDownload.Value = 0;

            if (Library.SystemSettings.isDebuggingEnabled)
                this.AddToLog("", false);
                this.AddToLog("Starting file download.");

            this.AddToLog(filesDownload.Count + " files marked for download.");

            foreach (FileItem f in filesDownload)
                //Build the pathstring
                string FullDirPath = fileinfo.DirectoryName + f.Directory;
                string FullFilePath = FullDirPath + f.Filename;

                using (WebClient webClient = new WebClient())
                    //initiate a CRC object
                    CRC32 crc = new CRC32();

                    webClient.DownloadProgressChanged += new DownloadProgressChangedEventHandler(webClient_DownloadProgressChanged);

                        string url = (webRepository + f.Directory + f.Filename).Replace('\\', '/');

                        if (!Directory.Exists(FullDirPath))

                        this.AddToLog("Downloading " + f.Directory + f.Filename + ".7z");
                        webClient.DownloadFileAsync(new Uri(url), FullFilePath+".7z");

                        if (Library.SystemSettings.isDebuggingEnabled)
                            this.AddToLog("            Waiting for download to finish");

                        while (webClient.IsBusy) { }

                        if (Library.SystemSettings.isDebuggingEnabled)
                            this.AddToLog("            Download finished");

                        //start deflateing the file

                        SevenZipExtractor zip = new SevenZipExtractor(FullFilePath + ".7z");

                        if (File.Exists(FullFilePath + ".7z"))
                            //make sure the CRC is new
                            CRC32 crc2 = new CRC32();

                            //the file crc
                            string fileCRC = "";

                            this.AddToLog("Checking local archive CRC...");

                            //open a link to the file
                            using (Stream reader = new FileStream(FullFilePath + ".7z", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                                //go though each byte
                                foreach (byte b in crc2.ComputeHash(reader))
                                    //build the crc string
                                    fileCRC += b.ToString("x2").ToLower();

                            if (f.ArchiveCRC == fileCRC)
                                    if (Library.SystemSettings.isDebuggingEnabled)
                                        this.AddToLog("Extracting :" + FullFilePath + ".7z");

                                    if (File.Exists(FullFilePath))
                                        //make sure the CRC is new
                                        CRC32 crc3 = new CRC32();

                                        //the file crc
                                        fileCRC = "";

                                        this.AddToLog("Checking local file CRC...");

                                        //open a link to the file
                                        using (Stream reader = new FileStream(FullFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                                            //go though each byte
                                            foreach (byte b in crc3.ComputeHash(reader))
                                                //build the crc string
                                                fileCRC += b.ToString("x2").ToLower();

                                        //check if they are matching
                                        if (fileCRC != f.FileCRC)
                                            this.AddToLog("[Error] File CRC did't match expected crc.");


                                            //check debug settings
                                            if (Library.SystemSettings.isDebuggingEnabled)
                                                this.AddToLog("System CRC: " + fileCRC);
                                                this.AddToLog("   XML CRC: " + f.FileCRC);
                                        this.AddToLog("[Error] Unable to locate extracted file.");
                                        this.AddToLog("[Error] Local : " + FullFilePath);
                                        this.AddToLog("[Error] Remote: " + url);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                this.AddToLog("[Error] CRC on local archive dosen't match.");
                                this.AddToLog("[Error] System CRC: " + fileCRC);
                                this.AddToLog("[Error]    XML CRC: " + f.FileCRC);

                            //clean up after ourselves.
                            File.Delete(FullFilePath + ".7z");
                    catch (WebException ex)
                        this.AddToLog("Error: " + ex.Message);

                _progressTotalDownload.Value += 1;

            this.AddToLog("System update finished..");
            if (this.LoggingArea.Text.Contains("error"))
                this.AddToLog("The log contains errors, please check the error log.");
                this.AddToLog("If the system have made an CRC error, please try");
                this.AddToLog("updateing the system again. If the error persist then");
                this.AddToLog("please notify me though mail ([email protected])");
                this.AddToLog(" or PM on the forum (msjohansen / Mark Johansen)");

            this.AddToLog("Did you have problems? try hitting F8 and try again.");
コード例 #2
        public void BuildFiles()
            //check if the updatepath is set and if the directory exists.
            if (_updatePath != null && Directory.Exists(_updatePath))
                //clear our the information
                _collections = new Collection();

                if (!Directory.Exists(_updatePath + "\\output"))

                //get the directory information
                DirectoryInfo directory = new DirectoryInfo(_updatePath);

                //get the dir length
                int dirLength = _updatePath.Length;

                //run though each folder
                foreach (DirectoryInfo d in directory.GetDirectories())
                    if (d.Name != "output")
                        //ask the collection to find the files
                        FileCollection c = FileCollection.Build(d);

                        //run though each files
                        foreach (FileItem f in c.Files)
                            //initiate a CRC object
                            CRC32 crc = new CRC32();

                            //build the stringname
                            string FullPath = _updatePath + "\\" + c.Name + f.Directory + f.Filename;

                            Console.WriteLine("[FILE]          : " + FullPath);

                            //open a link to the file
                            using (Stream reader = new FileStream(FullPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                                //go though each byte
                                foreach (byte b in crc.ComputeHash(reader))
                                    //build the crc string
                                    f.FileCRC += b.ToString("x2").ToLower();

                            Console.WriteLine("[FILE-CRC]      : " + f.FileCRC);

                            //output file
                            string outputDir = _updatePath + "\\output" + f.Directory;
                            string outputFile = outputDir + f.Filename + ".7z";

                            //start archiving the file
                            SevenZipCompressor zip = new SevenZipCompressor();
                            zip.CompressionMethod = CompressionMethod.Lzma2;
                            zip.CompressionLevel = CompressionLevel.Ultra;
                            zip.CompressionMode = CompressionMode.Create;

                            Console.WriteLine("[COMPRESS-FROM] : " + FullPath);
                            Console.WriteLine("[COMPRESS-TO]   : " + outputDir + f.Filename + ".7z");
                            zip.CompressFiles(outputFile, FullPath);

                            //initiate a CRC object
                            CRC32 crc2 = new CRC32();

                            f.ArchiveCRC = "";

                            //open a link to the file
                            using (Stream reader = new FileStream(outputFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                                //go though each byte
                                foreach (byte b in crc2.ComputeHash(reader))
                                    //build the crc string
                                    f.ArchiveCRC += b.ToString("x2").ToLower();
                            Console.WriteLine("[ARCHIVE-CRC]   : " + f.ArchiveCRC);


                        //add the collection to the group

                XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Collection));

                using (Stream stream = File.OpenWrite(_updatePath+@"\output\packages.xml"))
                    serializer.Serialize(stream, _collections);