コード例 #1
ファイル: Fnt.cs プロジェクト: Superfranci99/modime
 /// <summary>
 /// Create the folder tree.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="files">Files in the tree.</param>
 /// <returns>Root folder</returns>
 public GameFolder CreateTree(GameFile[] files)
     GameFolder root = new GameFolder("ROM");
     root.Tags["Id"] =  (ushort)this.tables.Length;
     this.CreateTree(root, files);
     return root;
コード例 #2
        public static GameFolder FromPath(string dir, string dirName)
            GameFolder folder = new GameFolder(dirName);

            foreach (string filePath in Directory.GetFiles(dir)) {
                string filename = Path.GetFileName(filePath);
                DataStream stream = new DataStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
                folder.AddFile(new GameFile(filename, stream));

            return folder;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Tests.cs プロジェクト: Superfranci99/modime
        private static void TestNdsRomRead(string romPath, string filePath, string outPath)
            DataStream romStream = new DataStream(romPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            Format romFormat = FileManager.GetFormat("Rom");

            GameFolder main = new GameFolder("main");
            GameFile rom  = new GameFile(Path.GetFileName(romPath), romStream, romFormat);

            XDocument xmlGame = new XDocument();	// TODO: Replace with ExampleGame.xml
            xmlGame.Add(new XElement("GameInfo", new XElement("Files")));
            FileManager.Initialize(main, FileInfoCollection.FromXml(xmlGame));

            GameFile file = FileManager.GetInstance().RescueFile(filePath);
            if (file != null)

コード例 #4
ファイル: Fnt.cs プロジェクト: Superfranci99/modime
        private void CreateTree(GameFolder currentFolder, GameFile[] listFile)
            int folderId = ((ushort)currentFolder.Tags["Id"] > 0x0FFF) ?
                            (ushort)currentFolder.Tags["Id"] & 0x0FFF : 0;

            // Add files
            foreach (ElementInfo fileInfo in this.tables[folderId].Files) {
                listFile[fileInfo.Id].Name = fileInfo.Name;

            // Add subfolders
            foreach (ElementInfo folderInfo in this.tables[folderId].Folders) {
                GameFolder subFolder = new GameFolder(folderInfo.Name);
                subFolder.Tags["Id"] =  folderInfo.Id;
                this.CreateTree(subFolder, listFile);
コード例 #5
ファイル: Fnt.cs プロジェクト: Superfranci99/modime
        private void CreateTablesRecursive(GameFolder currentFolder, ushort parentId, ref uint subtablesOffset)
            int folderId = ((ushort)currentFolder.Tags["Id"] > 0x0FFF) ?
                            (ushort)currentFolder.Tags["Id"] & 0x0FFF : 0;

            this.tables[folderId] = new Fnt.FntTable(

            // Set the info values
            foreach (GameFile file in currentFolder.Files)
                this.tables[folderId].AddFileInfo(file.Name, (ushort)file.Tags["Id"]);

            foreach (GameFolder folder in currentFolder.Folders)
                this.tables[folderId].AddFolderInfo(folder.Name, (ushort)folder.Tags["Id"]);

            subtablesOffset += (uint)this.tables[folderId].GetInfoSize();

            foreach (GameFolder folder in currentFolder.Folders)
                this.CreateTablesRecursive(folder, (ushort)(0xF000 | folderId), ref subtablesOffset);
コード例 #6
ファイル: Fnt.cs プロジェクト: Superfranci99/modime
        private void CreateTables(GameFolder root, int firstId)
            int numDirs = CountDirectories(root) + 1;
            this.tables = new Fnt.FntTable[numDirs];

            ReassignFileIds(root, firstId);

            // For each directory create its table.
            uint subtableOffset = (uint)(this.tables.Length * Fnt.FntTable.MainTableSize);
            this.CreateTablesRecursive(root, (ushort)numDirs, ref subtableOffset);
コード例 #7
ファイル: Fnt.cs プロジェクト: Superfranci99/modime
        private static int ReassignFileIds(GameFolder folder, int currentId)
            foreach (GameFile file in folder.Files)
                file.Tags["Id"] = (ushort)(currentId++);

            foreach (GameFolder subfolder in folder.Folders)
                currentId = ReassignFileIds(subfolder, currentId);

            return currentId;
コード例 #8
ファイル: Fnt.cs プロジェクト: Superfranci99/modime
        private static ushort GetIdFirstFile(GameFolder folder)
            ushort id = 0xFFFF;

            // Searchs in files
            foreach (GameFile file in folder.Files) {
                if ((ushort)file.Tags["Id"] < id)
                    id = (ushort)file.Tags["Id"];

            // Searchs in subfolders
            foreach (GameFolder subfolder in folder.Folders) {
                ushort fId = GetIdFirstFile(subfolder);
                if (fId < id)
                    id = fId;

            return id;
コード例 #9
ファイル: Fnt.cs プロジェクト: Superfranci99/modime
        private static int CountDirectories(GameFolder folder)
            int numDirs = folder.Folders.Count;

            foreach (GameFolder subfolder in folder.Folders)
                numDirs += CountDirectories(subfolder);

            return numDirs;
コード例 #10
ファイル: FileSystem.cs プロジェクト: Superfranci99/modime
        /// <summary>
        /// Write the file system to the stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="str">Stream to write to.</param>
        public override void Write(DataStream str)
            // The order is: ARM9 - Overlays9 - ARM7 - Overlays7 - FNT - FAT
            this.WriteArm(str, true);	// Write ARM9
            this.WriteArm(str, false);	// Write ARM7

            // To get the first ROM file ID
            int numOverlays = this.CountOverlays(false) + this.CountOverlays(true);

            // Create a new File Name Table...
            Fnt fnt = new Fnt();
            fnt.Initialize(null, this.root, numOverlays);

            // ... and writes it
            this.header.FntOffset = (uint)(this.header.HeaderSize + str.Position);
            long fntStartOffset = str.Position;
            this.header.FntSize = (uint)(str.Position - fntStartOffset);
            str.WritePadding(FileSystem.PaddingByte, FileSystem.PaddingAddress);

            // Create a temp dir with every file to be register in the FAT (Game + System)
            GameFolder tmpFolder = new GameFolder(string.Empty);
            tmpFolder.AddFolders(this.sysFolder.Folders);	// Overlay folders
            tmpFolder.AddFolder(this.root);					// Game files

            // Write File Allocation Table
            Fat fat = new Fat();
            fat.Initialize(null, tmpFolder, Banner.Size + this.header.HeaderSize);	// First file offset after banner
            this.header.FatOffset = (uint)(this.header.HeaderSize + str.Position);
            str.WritePadding(FileSystem.PaddingByte, FileSystem.PaddingAddress);
            this.header.FatSize = fat.Size;
コード例 #11
ファイル: FileSystem.cs プロジェクト: Superfranci99/modime
        /// <summary>
        /// Read the file system of the ROM and create the folder tree.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="str">Stream to read the file system.</param>
        public override void Read(DataStream str)
            // Read File Allocation Table
            // I'm creating a new DataStream variable because Fat class needs to know its length.
            DataStream fatStr = new DataStream(str, this.header.FatOffset, this.header.FatSize);
            Fat fat = new Fat();

            // Read File Name Table
            str.Seek(header.FntOffset, SeekMode.Origin);
            Fnt fnt = new Fnt();

            // Get root folder
            this.root = fnt.CreateTree(fat.GetFiles());

            // Get ARM and Overlay files
            this.sysFolder = new GameFolder("System");

            this.sysFolder.AddFile(ArmFile.FromStream(str, this.header, true));
            this.sysFolder.AddFolder(OverlayFolder.FromTable(str, this.header, true, fat.GetFiles()));

            this.sysFolder.AddFile(ArmFile.FromStream(str, this.header, false));
            this.sysFolder.AddFolder(OverlayFolder.FromTable(str, this.header, false, fat.GetFiles()));