public void GameLoop() { while (playing) { Console.WriteLine("Day {0}: Choose buy, inventory, recipe, price, day, weather, save, load, or quit.", currentDay); string choice = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); switch (choice) { case "buy": case "b": store.Buy(inventory.inventory, player, inventory); break; case "inventory": case "inv": case "i": inventory.DisplayInventory(); player.DisplayCash(); break; case "recipe": case "r": player.DisplayRecipe(); player.GetChangeRecipe(); break; case "price": case "p": player.DisplayPrice(); player.GetChangePrice(); break; case "day": case "d": day.StartDay(inventory, player, this, weatherForecast[0]); day.EndDay(this, player, inventory); break; case "weather": case "w": weather.WeatherCheck(weatherForecast); break; case "save": case "s": fileWriter.WriteFile(player, inventory, this); break; case "load": case "l": fileReader.ReadFile(player, inventory, this); break; case "quit": case "q": playing = false; break; } } }
public void PlayerInventory(Inventory inventory) { inventory.CheckCash(inventory); inventory.DisplayInventory(); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); }
public void CreateRecipe(Recipe recipe) { recipe = new Recipe(); recipe.ChangeRecipe(); recipe.SetRecipe(inventory); inventory.RemoveItems(recipe); inventory.DisplayInventory(); }
public void BuyItems(Store store, Inventory inventory) { store.BuyLemons(inventory); store.BuySugar(inventory); store.BuyIce(inventory); store.BuyCups(inventory); Console.Clear(); inventory.DisplayInventory(); inventory.CheckCash(inventory); Console.Clear(); }
public void ShowGameMenu() { bool menuActive = true; while (menuActive) { Console.WriteLine("Game Menu: What you like to Do?" + "\n" + "Inventory; Store; Recipe; Set Price; Start Selling."); string choice = Console.ReadLine(); switch (choice) { case "Inventory": Console.WriteLine("Here is your Inventory:"); inventory.DisplayInventory(); break; case "Store": Console.WriteLine("Here is the Store"); theStore.ShowStoreMenu(player); break; case "Recipe": Console.WriteLine("Here is your Lemonade Recipe:"); theStand.ShowLemonadeEquation(player); // menu to view and modify recipe break; case "Set Price": Console.WriteLine("Here is the price you are selling at:"); theStand.SetUpPrice(); // function to udate lemonade price break; case "Start Selling": Console.WriteLine("Good luck"); SellLemonade(); ShowProfit(); menuActive = false; //leave menu and start selling break; default: break; } } }
public void DisplayInventory() { inventory.DisplayInventory(); }
public void PlayerMenu() { while (mainMenu) { DisplayGameTitle(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkCyan; Console.WriteLine("\n*************** DAY {0} ***************", currentDay); Console.ResetColor(); weather.DisplayTodaysWeather(weatherForecast); Console.WriteLine("\n{0} what would you like to do?", player.Name); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow; Console.WriteLine("[1] Start Day [2] Inventory [3] Store [4] Cash Balance \n[5] Recipe [6] Set Price [7] Quit "); string choice = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); Console.ResetColor(); switch (choice) { case "1": Console.Clear(); day.StartDay(inventory, player, this, weatherForecast[0]); day.EndDay(this, player, inventory); Console.ReadKey(); break; case "2": inventory.DisplayInventory(); Console.ReadKey(); break; case "3": store.Purchase(inventory.Storage, player, inventory); Console.ReadKey(); break; case "4": player.DisplayCash(); Console.ReadKey(); break; case "5": player.DisplayRecipe(); player.GetChangeRecipe(); Console.ReadKey(); break; case "6": player.DisplayPricePerLemonadeCup(); Console.ReadKey(); break; case "7": mainMenu = false; Console.WriteLine("You Ended the Game. Goodbye!"); Console.ReadKey(); Environment.Exit(0); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Thats not a valid option, please choose between [1] - [7]"); Console.WriteLine("press enter to continue..."); Console.ReadLine(); mainMenu = true; break; } } }