public void AddBlockInstance(CardInstance attacker, CardInstance blocker, ref int count) { BlockInstance b = null; b = GetBlockInstanceOfAttacker(attacker); if (b == null) { b = new BlockInstance(); b.attacker = attacker; blockInstances.Add(attacker, b); } if (!b.blocker.Contains(blocker)) { b.blocker.Add(blocker); } count = b.blocker.Count; }
void BattleResolveForPlayers() { PlayerHolder player = Settings.gameManager.currentPlayer; PlayerHolder enemy = Settings.gameManager.GetEnemyOf(player); if (enemy.attackingCards.Count == 0) { photonView.RPC("RPC_BattleResolveCallback", PhotonTargets.All, enemy.photonId); // photonView.RPC("RPC_PlayerEndsPhase", PhotonTargets.All, player.photonId); return; } Dictionary <CardInstance, BlockInstance> blockDict = Settings.gameManager.GetBlockInstances(); for (int i = 0; i < enemy.attackingCards.Count; i++) { CardInstance inst = enemy.attackingCards[i]; Card c = inst.viz.card; CardProperties attack = c.GetProperty(dataHolder.attackElement); if (attack == null) { Debug.LogError("You are attacking with a card that can't attack"); continue; } int damageValue = attack.intValue; BlockInstance bi = GetBlockInstanceOfAttacker(inst, gm.GetBlockInstances()); if (bi != null) { for (int b = 0; b < bi.blocker.Count; b++) { CardProperties def = c.GetProperty(gm.defenceProperty); if (def == null) { Debug.LogWarning("You are trying to block with a card with no defense element!"); continue; } damageValue -= def.intValue; if (def.intValue <= damageValue) { bi.blocker[b].CardInstanceToGraveyard(); } } } if (damageValue <= 0) { damageValue = 0; PlayerWantsToUseCard(inst.viz.card.instID, enemy.photonId, CardOpertation.cardToGraveyard); } enemy.DropCard(inst, false); player.DoDamage(damageValue); photonView.RPC("RPC_SyncPlayerHealth", PhotonTargets.All, player.photonId,; } photonView.RPC("RPC_BattleResolveCallback", PhotonTargets.All, enemy.photonId); //photonView.RPC("RPC_PlayerEndsPhase", PhotonTargets.All, player.photonId); return; }