/// <summary> /// 先删除学生表中的毕业学生,再删除Ftp用户中的记录,再删除Signin表中的记录, 最后删除Web用户 /// 学年升级(只是年级改变)不影响Ftp账号使用(因为Ftp账号是根据Syear,Sclass,Snum入学年份、班级、学号创建 /// Ftp目录也是根据Syear,Sclass,Snum入学年份、班级、学号创建) /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void Btnupgrade_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { LearnSite.BLL.Room rm = new LearnSite.BLL.Room(); if (rm.GradeCount() > 0) { DateTime nowtime1 = DateTime.Now; LearnSite.BLL.Students st = new LearnSite.BLL.Students(); if (st.GetCounts() > 0) { st.Upgrade(); //所有年级升一级,并删除班级表中不存在班级的学生 System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); LearnSite.BLL.Signin sg = new LearnSite.BLL.Signin(); sg.Upgrade(); // 在签到表中删除学生表中不存在班级的学生 DateTime nowtime2 = DateTime.Now; Labelmsg.Text = "学年升级成功! 用时" + LearnSite.Common.Computer.Datagone(nowtime1, nowtime2) + "秒"; Btnupgrade.Enabled = false; LearnSite.BLL.Room rbll = new LearnSite.BLL.Room(); rbll.UpdateRhidNone(); //清除班级选择 LearnSite.BLL.Courses bll = new LearnSite.BLL.Courses(); bll.HideCourse(); //将所有发布的学案收回,处于未发布状态 LearnSite.Common.WordProcess.Alert("请给任课老师重新选择新学期任教班级!", this.Page); Session["Upgraded"] = "Done"; } else { Labelmsg.Text = "没有学生"; } } else { Labelmsg.Text = "班级未设置!"; } }
/// <summary> /// 先删除学生表中的毕业学生,再删除Ftp用户中的记录,再删除Signin表中的记录, 最后删除Web用户 /// 学年升级(只是年级改变)不影响Ftp账号使用(因为Ftp账号是根据Syear,Sclass,Snum入学年份、班级、学号创建 /// Ftp目录也是根据Syear,Sclass,Snum入学年份、班级、学号创建) /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void Btnupgrade_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { LearnSite.BLL.Room rm = new LearnSite.BLL.Room(); if (rm.GradeCount() > 0) { DateTime nowtime1 = DateTime.Now; LearnSite.BLL.Students st = new LearnSite.BLL.Students(); if (st.GetCounts() > 0) { st.Upgrade();//所有年级升一级,并删除班级表中不存在班级的学生 System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); LearnSite.Ftp.Reg.Upgrade();//删除学生表中不存在学号的账号(根据已经清除过的学生表与网页表对比) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); LearnSite.BLL.Signin sg = new LearnSite.BLL.Signin(); sg.Upgrade();// 在签到表中删除学生表中不存在班级的学生 System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); LearnSite.BLL.Webstudy ws = new LearnSite.BLL.Webstudy(); ws.Upgrade();//学年升级,删除Webstudy中学号不在Students的记录 DateTime nowtime2 = DateTime.Now; Labelmsg.Text = "学年升级成功! 用时" + LearnSite.Common.Computer.Datagone(nowtime1, nowtime2) + "秒"; Btnupgrade.Enabled = false; Session["Upgraded"] = "Done"; } else { Labelmsg.Text = "没有学生"; } } else { Labelmsg.Text = "班级未设置!"; } }
private void ShowSigin() { if (Request.Cookies[LearnSite.Common.CookieHelp.teaCookieNname] != null) { string Hid = tcook.Hid.ToString(); int Rgrade = Int32.Parse(DDLgrade.SelectedValue); int Rclass = Int32.Parse(DDLclass.SelectedValue); DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; int Qyear = dt.Year; int Qmonth = dt.Month; int Qday = dt.Day; string SignSort = RBsort.SelectedValue;//获取上课页面签到排序方法 LabelToday.Text = " 服务器日期校准:" + Qyear.ToString() + "年" + Qmonth.ToString() + "月" + Qday.ToString() + "日"; LearnSite.BLL.Signin sg = new LearnSite.BLL.Signin(); string pcroom = DDLhouse.SelectedValue; if (SignSort.Equals("3")) { LearnSite.Model.SeatCollect sctm = sg.StartSignTable(Rgrade, Rclass, Qyear, Qmonth, Qday, pcroom); DLonline.DataSource = sctm.Dt; DLonline.DataBind(); DLonline.RepeatColumns = sctm.Column; Labelsigin.Text = sctm.Online.ToString(); } else { DLonline.DataSource = sg.StartSignClass(Rgrade, Rclass, Qyear, Qmonth, Qday, SignSort); DLonline.DataBind(); DLonline.RepeatColumns = 8; Labelsigin.Text = DLonline.Items.Count.ToString(); } } }
protected void Btnlogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Snum = TextBoxuser.Text.Trim(); string Spwd = TextBoxpwd.Text.Trim(); if (Snum != "" && Spwd != "") { if (LearnSite.Common.WordProcess.IsEnNum(Snum) && LearnSite.Common.WordProcess.IsEnNum(Spwd)) { LearnSite.Model.Students model = new LearnSite.Model.Students(); LearnSite.BLL.Students bll = new LearnSite.BLL.Students(); int loginm = LearnSite.Common.XmlHelp.LoginMode();//获取登录方式 0表示个人密码方式登录 1表示班级密码方式登录 if (loginm == 1) { if (bll.ExistsLogin(Snum, Spwd)) { model = bll.SnumGetModel(Snum);//查询该学号和班级密码的学生是否存在,存在返回实体,不存在返回null } else { model = null; } } else { model = bll.GetStudentModel(Snum, Spwd);//查询该学号密码学生是否存在,存在返回实体,不存在返回null } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); if (model != null) { if (LearnSite.Common.CookieHelp.SetStudentCookies(model))//写cookies { DateTime LoginTime = DateTime.Now; string LoginIP = LearnSite.Common.Computer.GetGuestIP(); LearnSite.BLL.Signin gbll = new LearnSite.BLL.Signin(); gbll.SigninToday(Snum, LoginTime, LoginIP);//签到 System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); Response.Redirect("~/Student/myinfo.aspx", false); } else { string msg = "本机cookies设置失效,无法登录!"; Labelmsg.Text = msg; } } else { Labelmsg.Text = "用户名或密码错误!"; TextBoxuser.Text = ""; TextBoxpwd.Text = ""; } } else { Labelmsg.Text = "用户名或密码含有非法字符"; } } }
private void ShowSigin() { int Qgrade = Int32.Parse(DDLgrade.SelectedValue.ToString()); int Qclass = Int32.Parse(DDLclass.SelectedValue.ToString()); LearnSite.BLL.Signin sign = new LearnSite.BLL.Signin(); GVSignin.DataSource = sign.GetSignClass(Qgrade, Qclass); GVSignin.DataBind(); }
protected void BtnExcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int sgrade = Int32.Parse(DDLgrade.SelectedValue); int sclass = Int32.Parse(DDLclass.SelectedValue); int sterm = Int32.Parse(LearnSite.Common.XmlHelp.GetTerm()); LearnSite.BLL.Signin sgbll = new LearnSite.BLL.Signin(); sgbll.SignExcel(sgrade, sclass, sterm); }
private void showSign() { if (LearnSite.Common.CookieHelp.IsStudentLogin()) { string mynum = Request.Cookies[LearnSite.Common.CookieHelp.stuCookieNname].Values["Snum"].ToString(); LearnSite.BLL.Signin gbll = new LearnSite.BLL.Signin(); GVSignin.DataSource = gbll.SignSnumdetail(mynum); GVSignin.DataBind(); } }
private void showSign() { if (LearnSite.Common.CookieHelp.IsStudentLogin()) { string mynum = cook.Snum; LearnSite.BLL.Signin gbll = new LearnSite.BLL.Signin(); GVSignin.DataSource = gbll.SignSnumdetail(mynum); GVSignin.DataBind(); } }
private void Showname() { if (Request.QueryString["Qip"] != null) { string Qip = Request.QueryString["Qip"].ToString(); LabelIp.Text = Qip; LearnSite.BLL.Signin gbll = new LearnSite.BLL.Signin(); GridViewworks.DataSource = gbll.GetIpStudents(Qip); GridViewworks.DataBind(); } }
private void ShowOnline() { DateTime today = DateTime.Now; int Qyear = today.Year; int Qmonth = today.Month; int Qday = today.Day; LearnSite.BLL.Signin sg = new LearnSite.BLL.Signin(); DataListonline.DataSource = sg.OnlineToday(cook.Sgrade, cook.Sclass, Qyear, Qmonth, Qday); DataListonline.DataBind(); }
private void ShowOnline() { DateTime today = DateTime.Now; int Qyear = today.Year; int Qmonth = today.Month; int Qday = today.Day; int Qgrade = Int32.Parse(Request.Cookies[LearnSite.Common.CookieHelp.stuCookieNname].Values["Sgrade"].ToString()); int Qclass = Int32.Parse(Request.Cookies[LearnSite.Common.CookieHelp.stuCookieNname].Values["Sclass"].ToString()); LearnSite.BLL.Signin sg = new LearnSite.BLL.Signin(); DataListonline.DataSource = sg.OnlineToday(Qgrade, Qclass, Qyear, Qmonth, Qday); DataListonline.DataBind(); }
protected void Btnattitude_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Request.QueryString["Qid"] != null) { int Qid = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["Qid"].ToString()); int Qattitude = Int32.Parse(RBLattitude.SelectedValue); string Qnote = RBLattitude.Items[RBLattitude.SelectedIndex].Text; LearnSite.BLL.Signin sg = new LearnSite.BLL.Signin(); sg.UpdateAttitude(Qid, Qattitude, Qnote); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); Response.Redirect("~/Teacher/start.aspx", false); } }
private void showAttitude() { if (Request.QueryString["Sg"] != null && Request.QueryString["Ld"] != null && Request.QueryString["Qd"] != null) { Labelname.Text = Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["Ld"].ToString()); int Qid = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["Qd"].ToString()); LearnSite.BLL.Signin sgbll = new LearnSite.BLL.Signin(); LearnSite.Model.Signin sgmodel = new LearnSite.Model.Signin(); sgmodel = sgbll.GetModel(Qid); TextBox2.Text = sgmodel.Qgroup; DDLatt.SelectedValue = sgmodel.Qgscore.ToString(); } }
protected void ButtonClear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int oldyear = Int32.Parse(DDLyear.SelectedValue); LearnSite.BLL.Works wbll = new LearnSite.BLL.Works(); int wct = wbll.DeleteOldyear(oldyear);//清理作品记录 LearnSite.BLL.Signin sbll = new LearnSite.BLL.Signin(); int sct = sbll.DeleteOldyear(oldyear);//清理签到记录 LearnSite.BLL.Result rbll = new LearnSite.BLL.Result(); int rct = rbll.DeleteOldyear(oldyear);//清理测验记录 Labelmsg.Text = "执行结果:清理作品记录" + wct.ToString() + "条、清理签到记录" + sct.ToString() + "条、清理测验记录" + rct.ToString() + "条"; }
private void ShowNoSign() { if (Request.QueryString["Sgrade"] != null) { int Sgrade = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["Sgrade"].ToString()); int Sclass = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["Sclass"].ToString()); int Qyear = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["Qyear"].ToString()); int Qmonth = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["Qmonth"].ToString()); int Qday = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["Qday"].ToString()); LearnSite.BLL.Signin sign = new LearnSite.BLL.Signin(); GVNoSign.DataSource = sign.NoSignclassdetail(Sgrade, Sclass, Qyear, Qmonth, Qday); GVNoSign.DataBind(); Labelnosign.Text = "[" + GVNoSign.Rows.Count.ToString() + "位]"; } }
protected void ButtonClearStudent_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (CheckBoxDel.Checked) { string cip = Page.Request.UserHostAddress; //客户端IP string sip = LearnSite.Common.Computer.GetServerIp(); //服务器IP if (cip == sip) { string countstu = TextBoxcount.Text; if (countstu != "" && countstu != "0") { int sgrade = Int32.Parse(DDLgrade.SelectedValue); int sclass = Int32.Parse(DDLclass.SelectedValue); LearnSite.BLL.Webstudy wbll = new LearnSite.BLL.Webstudy(); wbll.DelWebClass(sgrade, sclass); LearnSite.BLL.Students sbll = new LearnSite.BLL.Students(); int delcount = sbll.DeleteClassMate(sgrade, sclass);//清空该班级学生 Labelmsg.Text = "您请空了" + DDLgrade.SelectedValue + "年级" + DDLclass.SelectedValue + "班所有学生共" + delcount.ToString() + "位!"; int syear = sbll.GetYear(sgrade, sclass); LearnSite.BLL.Signin gbll = new LearnSite.BLL.Signin(); gbll.DelSignClass(sgrade, sclass, syear); //清空签到 LearnSite.BLL.Works kbll = new LearnSite.BLL.Works(); kbll.DelClass(sgrade, sclass, syear); //清空作品 LearnSite.BLL.SurveyFeedback fbll = new LearnSite.BLL.SurveyFeedback(); fbll.DelClass(sgrade, sclass, syear); //清空调查 LearnSite.BLL.TopicReply rbll = new LearnSite.BLL.TopicReply(); rbll.DelClass(sgrade, sclass, syear); //清空讨论 } else { Labelmsg.Text = "无学生记录可清空!"; } } else { Labelmsg.Text = "此操作只能在服务器上浏览该页面才能执行,谢谢!"; } } else { Labelmsg.Text = "请在确认操作选项上打勾!"; } }
private void ShowSignin() { if (Request.QueryString["Sgrade"] != null) { int Sgrade = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["Sgrade"].ToString()); int Sclass = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["Sclass"].ToString()); int Qyear = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["Qyear"].ToString()); int Qmonth = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["Qmonth"].ToString()); int Qday = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["Qday"].ToString()); int sort = RBtnList.SelectedIndex; LearnSite.BLL.Signin sign = new LearnSite.BLL.Signin(); GVSignin.DataSource = sign.SignclassdetailSort(Sgrade, Sclass, Qyear, Qmonth, Qday, sort); GVSignin.DataBind(); Labelsignin.Text = "[" + GVSignin.Rows.Count.ToString() + "位]"; } }
private void ShowNoSigin() { int Rgrade = Int32.Parse(DDLgrade.SelectedValue); int Rclass = Int32.Parse(DDLclass.SelectedValue); LearnSite.BLL.Students sbll = new LearnSite.BLL.Students(); int Syear = sbll.GetYear(Rgrade, Rclass); DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; int Qyear = dt.Year; int Qmonth = dt.Month; int Qday = dt.Day; LearnSite.BLL.Signin sg = new LearnSite.BLL.Signin(); DLnotline.DataSource = sg.StartNoSignClassTwo(Rgrade, Rclass, Syear, Qyear, Qmonth, Qday); DLnotline.DataBind(); Labelsigno.Text = DLnotline.Items.Count.ToString(); }
private void showAttitude() { if (Request.QueryString["Qid"] != null) { if (Request.QueryString["Qname"] != null) { Labelname.Text = Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["Qname"].ToString()); } int Qid = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["Qid"].ToString()); LearnSite.BLL.Signin sgbll = new LearnSite.BLL.Signin(); LearnSite.Model.Signin sgmodel = new LearnSite.Model.Signin(); sgmodel = sgbll.GetModel(Qid); int att = sgmodel.Qattitude.Value; if (att != 0 && att > -5 && att < 3) { RBLattitude.SelectedValue = att.ToString(); } TextBox2.Text = sgmodel.Qnote; DDLatt.SelectedValue = att.ToString(); } }
protected void Btnattitude_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string qgroup = TextBox2.Text.Trim(); string qgscore = DDLatt.SelectedValue; if (qgroup.Length > 2 && Request.QueryString["Sg"] != null && Request.QueryString["Qcid"] != null) { try { int qgscoreto = Int32.Parse(qgscore); string sgroup = Request.QueryString["Sg"].ToString(); int Qcid = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["Qcid"].ToString()); LearnSite.BLL.Signin gbll = new LearnSite.BLL.Signin(); int gn = gbll.UpdateSgroup(Int32.Parse(sgroup), qgroup, qgscoreto, Qcid); Labelmsg.Text = "成功评价小组表现,当前小组共有" + gn + "位同学!"; } catch { Labelmsg.Text = "该页面被您修改过,评分值请用数字!<br/>(采用英语输入法数字)"; } } }
protected void Btnattitude_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Request.QueryString["Qid"] != null && Request.QueryString["Qcid"] != null) { int Qid = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["Qid"].ToString()); int Qcid = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["Qcid"].ToString()); try { int Qattitude = Int32.Parse(DDLatt.SelectedValue); if (Qattitude != 0) { string Qnote = ""; if (TextBox2.Text.Trim() == "" && RBLattitude.SelectedIndex > -1)//如果自定义评语为空,则取选项内容 { Qnote = RBLattitude.Items[RBLattitude.SelectedIndex].Text; } else { if (RBLattitude.SelectedIndex > -1) { Qnote = RBLattitude.Items[RBLattitude.SelectedIndex].Text + "..." + TextBox2.Text.Trim(); } else { Qnote = TextBox2.Text.Trim(); } } LearnSite.BLL.Signin sg = new LearnSite.BLL.Signin(); sg.UpdateAttitude(Qid, Qattitude, Qnote, Qcid);//表现评价时记录学案编号cid Labelmsg.Text = "对" + Labelname.Text + "学习表现评价成功!"; } } catch { Labelmsg.Text = "该页面被您修改过,评分值请用数字!<br/>(采用英语输入法数字)"; } } }
private void ShowFoot() { DateTime dt3 = DateTime.Now; string pp = LearnSite.Common.Computer.MyIp();// Page.Request.UserHostAddress; DateTime dt4 = DateTime.Now; if (Request.QueryString["mySnum"] != null) { string mysnum = Request.QueryString["mySnum"].ToString(); TextBoxuser.Text = mysnum; TextBoxpwd.Focus(); LearnSite.BLL.Signin gbll = new LearnSite.BLL.Signin(); if (!gbll.IsSameIp(mysnum, pp)) { Labelmsg.Text = "您上次不是从这台电脑登录学习平台?<br/>随意换机会给他人带来不便,请理解!"; } } Labelterm.Text = LearnSite.Common.XmlHelp.GetTerm(); int loginm = LearnSite.Common.XmlHelp.LoginMode();//获取登录方式 0表示个人密码方式登录 1表示班级密码方式登录 DateTime dt5 = DateTime.Now; Labelhostname.Text = GetHostNameMy(pp); DateTime dt6 = DateTime.Now; Labelip.Text = pp; Labelloadtime.Text = "IP:" + LearnSite.Common.Computer.DatagoneMilliseconds(dt3, dt4) + "毫秒 " + " 主机名:" + LearnSite.Common.Computer.DatagoneMilliseconds(dt5, dt6) + "毫秒 "; if (loginm == 1) { Labelversion.Text = "『班级模式』"; } else { Labelversion.Text = "『个人模式』"; } }
protected void Btnupload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (IsValid) { string Wmid = Request.QueryString["Mid"].ToString(); if (LearnSite.Common.WordProcess.IsNum(Wmid)) { string Sname = Request.Cookies["StudentCookies"].Values["Sname"].ToString(); string Syear = Request.Cookies["StudentCookies"].Values["Syear"].ToString(); string Sgrade = Request.Cookies["StudentCookies"].Values["Sgrade"].ToString(); string Sclass = Request.Cookies["StudentCookies"].Values["Sclass"].ToString(); string Wnum = Request.Cookies["StudentCookies"].Values["Snum"].ToString(); string Wip = Request.Cookies["StudentCookies"].Values["LoginIp"].ToString(); string LoginTime = Request.Cookies["StudentCookies"].Values["LoginTime"].ToString(); string Wcid = LabelMcid.Text; string Mfiletype = LabelMfiletype.Text; string Wmsort = LabelMsort.Text; DateTime Wdate = DateTime.Now; string iplast = Wip.Substring(Wip.LastIndexOf(".") + 1); if (CheckBoxMupload.Checked)//是否可上传 { string postfilename = this.AttachFile.FileName; int Wlength = Convert.ToInt32(this.AttachFile.ContentLength); if (postfilename != "" && postfilename != null) { if (LearnSite.Common.WorkUpload.CheckType(postfilename, Mfiletype)) //上传类型是否正确 { LearnSite.BLL.Works ws = new LearnSite.BLL.Works(); string Wid = ws.WorkDone(Wnum, Int32.Parse(Wcid), Int32.Parse(Wmid));//返回空字符表示不存在该记录 if (Wid != "") { //重新提交修改作品 string MySavePath = LearnSite.Common.WorkUpload.GetWurl(Syear, Sgrade, Sclass, Wcid, Wmid);//获得作品保存路径(如果不存在,自动创建) string RndTime = (DateTime.Parse(LoginTime)).Minute.ToString(); string NewFileName = Server.UrlDecode(Sname) + Wcid + "_" + Wmid + "_" + RndTime + iplast + "." + Mfiletype; string Wurl = MySavePath + "/" + NewFileName; string saveFilename = Server.MapPath(Wurl); try { this.AttachFile.MoveTo(saveFilename, Brettle.Web.NeatUpload.MoveToOptions.Overwrite);//保存提交作品 ws.UpdateWorkUp(Int32.Parse(Wid), Wurl, NewFileName, Wlength, Wdate,CheckBoxCan.Checked);//更新Wfilename, Wurl,Wlength, Wdate string ch = "课程活动" + Wmsort + "重新提交作品成功!"; Labelmsg.Text = ch; LearnSite.Common.WordProcess.Alert(ch, this.Page); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } else { //如果作品未提交,提交作品(Wnum, Wcid,Wmid,Wmsort, Wfilename, Wurl,Wlength, Wdate, Wip, Wtime) string MySavePath = LearnSite.Common.WorkUpload.GetWurl(Syear, Sgrade, Sclass, Wcid, Wmid);//获得作品保存路径(如果不存在,自动创建) string RndTime = (DateTime.Parse(LoginTime)).Minute.ToString(); string NewFileName = Server.UrlDecode(Sname) + Wcid + "_" + Wmid + "_" + RndTime + iplast + "." + Mfiletype; string Wurl = MySavePath + "/" + NewFileName; string Wtime = LearnSite.Common.Computer.TimePassed().ToString(); LearnSite.Model.Works wmodel = new LearnSite.Model.Works(); wmodel.Wnum = Wnum; wmodel.Wcid = Int32.Parse(Wcid); wmodel.Wmid = Int32.Parse(Wmid); wmodel.Wmsort = Int32.Parse(Wmsort); wmodel.Wfilename = NewFileName; wmodel.Wurl = Wurl; wmodel.Wlength = Wlength; wmodel.Wdate = Wdate; wmodel.Wip = Wip; wmodel.Wtime = Wtime; wmodel.Wcan = CheckBoxCan.Checked; string saveFilename = Server.MapPath(Wurl); try { this.AttachFile.MoveTo(saveFilename, Brettle.Web.NeatUpload.MoveToOptions.Overwrite);//保存提交作品 ws.AddWorkUp(wmodel);//添加作品提交记录 string worknums = ws.HowCidWorks(Int32.Parse(Wcid), Wnum); if (worknums != "") { LearnSite.BLL.Signin sn = new LearnSite.BLL.Signin(); sn.UpdateQwork(Wnum, Int32.Parse(worknums));//更新今天签到表中的作品数量 } string ch = "课程活动"+Wmsort+"提交作品成功!"; Labelmsg.Text = ch; LearnSite.Common.WordProcess.Alert(ch, this.Page); ShowWorked(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } } else { Labelmsg.Text = "提交类型错误!"; string ch = "提交作品类型错误!"; LearnSite.Common.WordProcess.Alert(ch, this.Page); } } else { Labelmsg.Text = "你没有选择提交作品!"; string ch = "你没有浏览选择你的作品,请再选择一遍!"; LearnSite.Common.WordProcess.Alert(ch, this.Page); } } else { Labelmsg.Text = "本任务无作品!"; } } } }
private void uploadgroupwork() { if (Request.Files["Filedata"] != null) { try { // Get the data HttpPostedFile group_upload = Request.Files["Filedata"]; string Gtype = group_upload.FileName.Substring(group_upload.FileName.LastIndexOf(".") + 1).ToLower(); string Gmid = Request.QueryString["mid"].ToString(); string Gnum = Request.QueryString["num"].ToString(); string info = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["info"].ToString()); LearnSite.BLL.Mission mbll = new LearnSite.BLL.Mission(); LearnSite.Model.Mission mmodel = new LearnSite.Model.Mission(); mmodel = mbll.GetModel(Int32.Parse(Gmid)); // string Gextention = mmodel.Mfiletype; string Gcid = mmodel.Mcid.ToString(); //Syear | Sgrade | Sclass | Sid | Sname | Wip | Sterm | LoginTime string[] infoarray = info.Split('|'); string Ggroup = infoarray[3];//取组长 string Gyear = infoarray[0]; string Ggrade = infoarray[1]; string Gclass = infoarray[2]; string Gip = infoarray[5]; string LoginTime = infoarray[7]; string Gterm = infoarray[6]; LearnSite.BLL.Signin sn = new LearnSite.BLL.Signin(); LearnSite.Model.Signin qmodel = sn.GetModelm(Gnum); if (qmodel != null) { Gyear = qmodel.Qsyear.ToString(); Ggrade = qmodel.Qgrade.ToString(); Gclass = qmodel.Qclass.ToString(); Gip = qmodel.Qip; LoginTime = qmodel.Qdate.ToString(); Gterm = qmodel.Qterm.ToString(); } int Glengh = group_upload.ContentLength; DateTime Gdate = DateTime.Now; LearnSite.BLL.GroupWork gbll = new LearnSite.BLL.GroupWork(); bool gdone = gbll.DoneGroupWork(Gnum, Int32.Parse(Gmid)); string MySavePath = LearnSite.Common.WorkUpload.GetWurl(Gyear, Ggrade, Gclass, Gcid, Gmid);//获得作品保存路径(如果不存在,自动创建) string NewFileName = "g" + Gnum + Gcid + "_" + Gmid + "." + Gtype; string Gurl = MySavePath + "/" + NewFileName; string saveFilename = Server.MapPath(Gurl); //如果作品未提交,提交作品 if (!gdone) { int Gtime = LearnSite.Common.Computer.TimePassed(); LearnSite.Model.GroupWork gmodel = new LearnSite.Model.GroupWork(); gmodel.Gcheck = false; gmodel.Gcid = Int32.Parse(Gcid); gmodel.Gclass = Int32.Parse(Gclass); gmodel.Gdate = DateTime.Now; gmodel.Gfilename = NewFileName; gmodel.Ggrade = Int32.Parse(Ggrade); gmodel.Ghit = 0; gmodel.Gip = Gip; gmodel.Glengh = Glengh; gmodel.Gmid = Int32.Parse(Gmid); gmodel.Gnote = ""; gmodel.Gnum = Gnum; gmodel.Grank = -1; gmodel.Gscore = 0; LearnSite.BLL.Students sbll = new LearnSite.BLL.Students(); gmodel.Gstudents = sbll.GroupSnum(Gnum); gmodel.Gterm = Int32.Parse(Gterm); gmodel.Gtime = Gtime; gmodel.Gtype = Gtype; gmodel.Gurl = Gurl; gmodel.Gvote = 0; gmodel.Ggroup = Int32.Parse(Ggroup); gbll.Add(gmodel);//添加小组作品提交记录 } else { //已交则不更新记录 } try { group_upload.SaveAs(saveFilename);//保存提交作品 Response.StatusCode = 200; Response.Write(NewFileName); } catch (Exception ex) { Response.StatusCode = 200; Response.Write(ex); } } catch (Exception ex) { Response.StatusCode = 200; Response.Write(ex); } finally { Response.End(); } } }
private void ShowSignin() { if (Request.QueryString["Sgrade"] != null) { int Sgrade =Int32.Parse( Request.QueryString["Sgrade"].ToString()); int Sclass =Int32.Parse( Request.QueryString["Sclass"].ToString()); int Qyear =Int32.Parse( Request.QueryString["Qyear"].ToString()); int Qmonth =Int32.Parse( Request.QueryString["Qmonth"].ToString()); int Qday =Int32.Parse( Request.QueryString["Qday"].ToString()); LearnSite.BLL.Signin sign = new LearnSite.BLL.Signin(); GVSignin.DataSource = sign.Signclassdetail(Sgrade, Sclass, Qyear, Qmonth, Qday); GVSignin.AllowPaging = false; GVSignin.DataBind(); Labelsignin.Text ="["+ GVSignin.Rows.Count.ToString() + "位]"; GVSignin.AllowPaging = true; GVSignin.DataBind(); } }
private void ShowSigin() { int Rgrade = Int32.Parse(DDLgrade.SelectedValue); int Rclass = Int32.Parse(DDLclass.SelectedValue); DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; int Qyear = dt.Year; int Qmonth = dt.Month; int Qday = dt.Day; LabelToday.Text = "现在日期:" + dt.ToLongDateString(); LearnSite.BLL.Signin sg = new LearnSite.BLL.Signin(); DLonline.DataSource = sg.StartSignClass(Rgrade, Rclass, Qyear, Qmonth, Qday); DLonline.DataBind(); int dcount = DLonline.Items.Count; Labelsigin.Text = " 共" + dcount.ToString() + "位 "; }
/// <summary> /// 分开是为了不让课程Cid重取 /// </summary> private void ShowWorks() { string Hid = Request.Cookies["TeacherCookies"].Values["Hid"].ToString(); if (Session[Hid+"Setgrade"] != null && Session[Hid+"Setclass"] != null) { int Sgrade = Int32.Parse(Session[Hid+"Setgrade"].ToString()); int Sclass = Int32.Parse(Session[Hid+"Setclass"].ToString()); string myCid = LabelCid.Text; if (myCid != "") { int Wmsort = Int32.Parse(DDLmsort.SelectedValue); LearnSite.BLL.Works wbll = new LearnSite.BLL.Works(); DataListworks.DataSource = wbll.ShowTodayWorks(Sgrade, Sclass, Int32.Parse(myCid), Wmsort);//获得今天本班该活动作品列表 DataListworks.DataBind();//Wid,Sname,Wurl,Wvote,Wscore,Qwork Labelcounts.Text = DataListworks.Items.Count.ToString(); LearnSite.BLL.Signin sbll = new LearnSite.BLL.Signin(); DataListNoworks.DataSource = sbll.GetNoWorkStudents(Sgrade, Sclass);//获取今天本班未提交作品的学生列表 DataListNoworks.DataBind(); } } }
private void uploadthiswork() { HttpPostedFile work_upload = Request.Files["imgFile"]; int maxSize = 104857600;//定义上传最大值为100MB if (work_upload != null) { string Wmid = Request.QueryString["mid"].ToString(); string Wnum = Request.QueryString["num"].ToString(); LearnSite.BLL.Mission mbll = new LearnSite.BLL.Mission(); LearnSite.Model.Mission mmodel = new LearnSite.Model.Mission(); mmodel = mbll.GetModel(Int32.Parse(Wmid)); string Wcid = mmodel.Mcid.ToString(); string Wmsort = mmodel.Msort.ToString(); string Wfiletype = work_upload.FileName.Substring(work_upload.FileName.LastIndexOf(".") + 1).ToLower(); string Wextention = mmodel.Mfiletype; string limitext = Wextention;//初始化,随意 switch (Wextention) { case "doc": limitext = "*.doc;*.docx"; break; case "ppt": limitext = "*.ppt;*.pptx"; break; case "xls": limitext = "*.xls;*.xlsx"; break; case "office": limitext = "*.doc;*.docx;*.ppt;*.pptx;*.xls;*.xlsx"; break; case "sb": limitext = "*.sb;*.sb2"; break; default: limitext = "*." + Wextention; break; } if (Wfiletype == Wextention || limitext.Contains(Wfiletype)) { if (work_upload.InputStream != null || work_upload.InputStream.Length < maxSize) { int Wlength = work_upload.ContentLength; string Syear = Request.Cookies[LearnSite.Common.CookieHelp.stuCookieNname].Values["Syear"].ToString(); string Sgrade = Request.Cookies[LearnSite.Common.CookieHelp.stuCookieNname].Values["Sgrade"].ToString(); string Sclass = Request.Cookies[LearnSite.Common.CookieHelp.stuCookieNname].Values["Sclass"].ToString(); string Wsid = Request.Cookies[LearnSite.Common.CookieHelp.stuCookieNname].Values["Sid"].ToString(); string Wip = Request.Cookies[LearnSite.Common.CookieHelp.stuCookieNname].Values["LoginIp"].ToString(); string Sname = Request.Cookies[LearnSite.Common.CookieHelp.stuCookieNname].Values["Sname"].ToString(); string Wterm = Request.Cookies[LearnSite.Common.CookieHelp.stuCookieNname].Values["ThisTerm"].ToString(); DateTime Wdate = DateTime.Now; bool checkcan = true; LearnSite.BLL.Works ws = new LearnSite.BLL.Works(); string Wid = ws.WorkDone(Wnum, Int32.Parse(Wcid), Int32.Parse(Wmid));//返回空字符表示不存在该记录 if (Wid != "") { if (!ws.IsChecked(Int32.Parse(Wid))) { //如果未评价,则重新提交修改作品 string MySavePath = LearnSite.Common.WorkUpload.GetWurl(Syear, Sgrade, Sclass, Wcid, Wmid);//获得作品保存路径(如果不存在,自动创建) string RndTime = LearnSite.Common.WordProcess.GetRandomNum(99).ToString(); string OnlyFileName = Wnum + "_" + Wcid + "_" + Wmid + "_" + RndTime; string NewFileName = OnlyFileName + "." + Wfiletype; string Wurl = MySavePath + "/" + NewFileName; string resaveFilename = Server.MapPath(Wurl); ws.UpdateWorkUp(Int32.Parse(Wid), Wurl, NewFileName, Wlength, Wdate, checkcan, ""); //更新Wfilename, Wurl,Wlength, Wdate LearnSite.BLL.Signin sn = new LearnSite.BLL.Signin(); sn.UpdateQwork(Int32.Parse(Wsid), Int32.Parse(Wcid)); //更新今天签到表中的作品数量 work_upload.SaveAs(resaveFilename); //保存提交作品 Hashtable hash = new Hashtable(); hash["error"] = 0; Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8"); Response.Write(JsonMapper.ToJson(hash)); Response.End(); } else { showError("老师已经评价了!"); } } else { //如果作品未提交,提交作品(Wnum, Wcid,Wmid,Wmsort, Wfilename, Wurl,Wlength, Wdate, Wip, Wtime) string MySavePath = LearnSite.Common.WorkUpload.GetWurl(Syear, Sgrade, Sclass, Wcid, Wmid);//获得作品保存路径(如果不存在,自动创建) string RndTime = LearnSite.Common.WordProcess.GetRandomNum(99).ToString(); string OnlyFileName = Wnum + "_" + Wcid + "_" + Wmid + "_" + RndTime; string NewFileName = OnlyFileName + "." + Wfiletype; string Wurl = MySavePath + "/" + NewFileName; string Wtime = LearnSite.Common.Computer.TimePassed().ToString(); LearnSite.Model.Works wmodel = new LearnSite.Model.Works(); wmodel.Wnum = Wnum; wmodel.Wcid = Int32.Parse(Wcid); wmodel.Wmid = Int32.Parse(Wmid); wmodel.Wmsort = Int32.Parse(Wmsort); wmodel.Wfilename = NewFileName; wmodel.Wtype = Wextention; wmodel.Wurl = Wurl; wmodel.Wlength = Wlength; wmodel.Wdate = Wdate; wmodel.Wip = Wip; wmodel.Wtime = Wtime; wmodel.Wcan = checkcan; wmodel.Wcheck = false; wmodel.Wegg = 12;//设定票数为12张 wmodel.Whit = 0; wmodel.Wgrade = Int32.Parse(Sgrade); wmodel.Wterm = Int32.Parse(Wterm); wmodel.Wsid = Int32.Parse(Wsid); wmodel.Wclass = Int32.Parse(Sclass); wmodel.Wname = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Sname); wmodel.Wyear = Int32.Parse(Syear); switch (Wfiletype) { case "doc": case "ppt": case "xls": case "docx": case "pptx": case "xlsx": case "wps": case "dps": case "et": wmodel.Woffice = true; break; default: wmodel.Woffice = false; break; } wmodel.Wflash = false; wmodel.Werror = false; string saveFilename = Server.MapPath(Wurl); ws.AddWorkUp(wmodel); //添加作品提交记录 LearnSite.BLL.Signin sn = new LearnSite.BLL.Signin(); sn.UpdateQwork(Int32.Parse(Wsid), Int32.Parse(Wcid)); //更新今天签到表中的作品数量 work_upload.SaveAs(saveFilename); //保存提交作品 Hashtable hash = new Hashtable(); hash["error"] = 0; Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8"); Response.Write(JsonMapper.ToJson(hash)); Response.End(); } } else { showError("选择的文件大小超过限制!(最大为100MB)"); } } else { showError("选择的文件类型错误!"); } } else { showError("请选择文件!"); } }
/// <summary> /// 返回本课的活动、调查、讨论、表单 汇总表 /// </summary> /// <param name="Cid"></param> /// <param name="Sgrade"></param> /// <param name="Sclass"></param> public DataTable CourseTotals(int Cid, int Sgrade, int Sclass) { Students sbll = new Students(); DataTable dtstus = sbll.GetStudentsSnumSname(Sgrade, Sclass).Tables[0];//学号和姓名 if (dtstus.Rows.Count > 0) { ListMenu lbll = new ListMenu(); DataTable dt = lbll.GetShowedMenu(Cid).Tables[0]; int dcount = dt.Rows.Count; if (dcount > 0) { Works wbll = new Works(); SurveyFeedback fbll = new SurveyFeedback(); TopicReply rbll = new TopicReply(); TxtFormBack xbll = new TxtFormBack(); for (int i = 0; i < dcount; i++) { string Ltype = dt.Rows[i]["Ltype"].ToString(); //获取学案项目类型:1活动2调查3讨论4表单 int Lxid = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["Lxid"].ToString()); //获取对应项目ID编号 string Ltitle = dt.Rows[i]["Ltitle"].ToString().Replace(" ", ""); //获取菜单标题 string Ltitlestr = "l" + Ltype + "x" + Lxid.ToString(); switch (Ltype) { case "1": //活动 case "5": //编程 DataTable dtms = wbll.getScoreList(Lxid, Sgrade, Sclass); if (dtms.Rows.Count > 0) { dtstus.Columns.Add(Ltitlestr, typeof(int)); GetScore(dtstus, Ltitlestr, dtms); dtstus.Columns[Ltitlestr].ColumnName = Ltitle; } dtms.Dispose(); break; case "2": //调查 DataTable dtsf = fbll.GetClassScore(Lxid, Sgrade, Sclass); if (dtsf.Rows.Count > 0) { dtstus.Columns.Add(Ltitlestr, typeof(int)); GetScore(dtstus, Ltitlestr, dtsf); dtstus.Columns[Ltitlestr].ColumnName = Ltitle; } dtsf.Dispose(); break; case "3": //讨论 DataTable dttr = rbll.GetClassListScore(Sgrade, Sclass, Lxid); if (dttr.Rows.Count > 0) { dtstus.Columns.Add(Ltitlestr, typeof(int)); GetScore(dtstus, Ltitlestr, dttr); dtstus.Columns[Ltitlestr].ColumnName = Ltitle; } dttr.Dispose(); break; case "4": //表单 DataTable dttx = xbll.GetClassTxtFormScore(Sgrade, Sclass, Lxid); if (dttx.Rows.Count > 0) { dtstus.Columns.Add(Ltitlestr, typeof(int)); GetScore(dtstus, Ltitlestr, dttx); dtstus.Columns[Ltitlestr].ColumnName = Ltitle; } dttx.Dispose(); break; } } } dt.Dispose(); //汇总 int cml = dtstus.Columns.Count; if (cml > 2) { Signin gbll = new Signin(); DataTable dtatd = gbll.GetClassListQattitude(Sgrade, Sclass, Cid); if (dtatd.Rows.Count > 0) { string clmatd = "clmattitude"; dtstus.Columns.Add(clmatd, typeof(int)); GetScore(dtstus, clmatd, dtatd); dtstus.Columns[clmatd].ColumnName = "课堂表现"; cml = cml + 1;//新增了课堂表现列 } dtstus.Columns.Add("汇总", typeof(float)); dtTotal(dtstus, cml); } } dtstus.Columns["Snum"].ColumnName = "学号"; dtstus.Columns["Sname"].ColumnName = "姓名"; return(dtstus); }
private void LoginCode() { string Snum = TextBoxuser.Text.Trim(); string Spwd = TextBoxpwd.Text.Trim(); string lbip = Labelip.Text; string msg = ""; if (Snum != "" && Spwd != "") { if (LearnSite.Common.WordProcess.IsNum(Snum) && LearnSite.Common.WordProcess.IsEnNum(Spwd)) { LearnSite.Model.Students model = new LearnSite.Model.Students(); LearnSite.BLL.Students bll = new LearnSite.BLL.Students(); int loginm = LearnSite.Common.XmlHelp.LoginMode();//获取登录方式 0表示个人密码方式登录 1表示班级密码方式登录 if (loginm == 1) { if (bll.ExistsLogin(Snum, Spwd)) { model = bll.SnumGetModel(Snum);//查询该学号和班级密码的学生是否存在,存在返回实体,不存在返回null } else { model = null; } } else { if (bll.ExistsLoginSelf(Snum, Spwd)) { model = bll.GetStudentModel(Snum, Spwd);//查询该学号密码学生是否存在,存在返回实体,不存在返回null } else { model = null; } } if (model != null) { int Qgrade = model.Sgrade.Value; int Qclass = model.Sclass.Value; int Qsid = model.Sid; string Qname = model.Sname; int Qsyear = model.Syear.Value; int Qterm = Int32.Parse(LearnSite.Common.XmlHelp.GetTerm()); if (LearnSite.Common.XmlHelp.GetSingleLogin()) //如果是单点登录 { if (!LearnSite.Common.App.IsLogin(Snum)) //如果不在线 { if (LearnSite.Common.CookieHelp.SetStudentCookies(model, Labelip.Text)) //写cookies { DateTime LoginTime = DateTime.Now; LearnSite.BLL.Signin gbll = new LearnSite.BLL.Signin(); gbll.SigninToday(Snum, LoginTime, lbip, Qgrade, Qterm, Qsid, Qname, Qclass, Qsyear); //签到 Btnlogin.Enabled = false; LearnSite.Common.App.AppKickUserRemove(Snum); //将踢除列表中的学号去掉(2011-9-20修) LearnSite.Common.App.AppUserAdd(Snum); //给网站全局变量列表中增加该用户 System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(200); OpenJump(Qgrade, Qclass); //跳转选择 } else { msg = "请不要换机,否则无法登录!"; } } else { msg = "该用户已经在其他电脑登录!<br/>请询问老师或查看当前是否是你自己的学号!"; } } else { if (LearnSite.Common.CookieHelp.SetStudentCookies(model, lbip))//写cookies { DateTime LoginTime = DateTime.Now; LearnSite.BLL.Signin gbll = new LearnSite.BLL.Signin(); gbll.SigninToday(Snum, LoginTime, lbip, Qgrade, Qterm, Qsid, Qname, Qclass, Qsyear);//签到 Btnlogin.Enabled = false; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(200); OpenJump(Qgrade, Qclass);//跳转选择 } else { msg = "请不要换机,否则无法登录!"; } } } else { string msgstr = "『当前为班级密码模式』"; if (loginm == 0) { msgstr = "『当前为个人密码模式』"; } msg = "用户名或密码错误!" + msgstr; TextBoxuser.Text = ""; TextBoxpwd.Text = ""; } } else { msg = "用户名或密码含有非法字符,学号必须为数字"; } } Labelmsg.Text = msg; }
protected void BtnRegister_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string g = DDLgrade.SelectedValue; string c = DDLclass.SelectedValue; string x = DDLsex.SelectedValue; string n = Tsname.Text.Trim(); if (g.Length > 0 && c.Length > 0 && x.Length > 0 && n.Length > 0 && n.Length < 10) { if (LearnSite.Common.WordProcess.IsChina(n)) { int Sgrade = Int32.Parse(g); int Sclass = Int32.Parse(c); LearnSite.BLL.Students stubll = new LearnSite.BLL.Students(); long NewSnum = stubll.GetMaxSnum(Sgrade, Sclass); LearnSite.BLL.DelStudents dbll = new LearnSite.BLL.DelStudents(); string mySyear = stubll.GetYear(Sgrade); int Syear = Int32.Parse(mySyear); LearnSite.Model.Students student = new LearnSite.Model.Students(); student.Syear = Syear; student.Sgrade = Sgrade; student.Sclass = Sclass; student.Sname = n; student.Sex = DDLsex.SelectedValue; string myPwd = LearnSite.Common.WordProcess.GetRandomNumber(3); student.Spwd = myPwd; student.Saddress = ""; student.Sphone = ""; student.Sparents = ""; student.Sheadtheacher = "在线注册"; student.Sscore = 0; student.Sattitude = 0; string Tsnum = dbll.GetNewSnum(NewSnum);//获取删除列表中不存在的新学号 student.Snum = Tsnum; int Sid = stubll.AddStudent(student); if (Sid > 1) { student.Sid = Sid;//修正注册后cookies中的Sid值 2014-9-28号 System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(200); LearnSite.Common.WordProcess.Alert("注册成功,你的学号为" + Tsnum + "密码为" + myPwd + "请牢记!", this.Page); string lbip = Page.Request.UserHostAddress; int Qterm = Int32.Parse(LearnSite.Common.XmlHelp.GetTerm()); if (LearnSite.Common.CookieHelp.SetStudentCookies(student, lbip))//写cookies { DateTime LoginTime = DateTime.Now; LearnSite.BLL.Signin gbll = new LearnSite.BLL.Signin(); gbll.SigninToday(Tsnum, LoginTime, lbip, Sgrade, Qterm, Sid, n, Sclass, Syear); //签到 System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(200); OpenJump(Sgrade, Sclass); //跳转选择 } } else { labelmsg.Text = "自动申请的学号已被使用,请点击注册继续申请!"; } } else { labelmsg.Text = "注册名必须为中文!"; } } else { labelmsg.Text = "注册失败!<br/>(当前无班级可注册或姓名长度超过限制!)"; } }
private void ShowOnline() { DateTime today=DateTime.Now; int Qyear=today.Year; int Qmonth=today.Month; int Qday=today.Day; int Qgrade=Int32.Parse(Request.Cookies["StudentCookies"].Values["Sgrade"].ToString()); int Qclass=Int32.Parse(Request.Cookies["StudentCookies"].Values["Sclass"].ToString()); LearnSite.BLL.Signin sg = new LearnSite.BLL.Signin(); DataListonline.DataSource = sg.OnlineToday(Qgrade, Qclass, Qyear, Qmonth, Qday); DataListonline.DataBind(); }
private void uploadthiswork() { if (Request.Files["Filedata"] != null) { try { HttpPostedFile work_upload = Request.Files["Filedata"]; string Wmid = Request.QueryString["mid"].ToString(); string Wnum = Request.QueryString["num"].ToString(); string info = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["info"].ToString()); LearnSite.BLL.Mission mbll = new LearnSite.BLL.Mission(); LearnSite.Model.Mission mmodel = new LearnSite.Model.Mission(); mmodel = mbll.GetModel(Int32.Parse(Wmid)); string Wcid = mmodel.Mcid.ToString(); string Wmsort = mmodel.Msort.ToString(); string Wfiletype = work_upload.FileName.Substring(work_upload.FileName.LastIndexOf(".") + 1).ToLower(); // string Wextention = mmodel.Mfiletype; int Wlength = work_upload.ContentLength; //Syear | Sgrade | Sclass | Sid | Sname | Wip | Sterm | LoginTime string[] infoarray = info.Split('|'); string Syear = infoarray[0]; string Sgrade = infoarray[1]; string Sclass = infoarray[2]; string Wsid = infoarray[3]; string Sname = infoarray[4]; string Wip = infoarray[5]; string Wterm = infoarray[6]; string Logintime = infoarray[7]; DateTime Wdate = DateTime.Now; bool checkcan = true; LearnSite.BLL.Works ws = new LearnSite.BLL.Works(); string Wid = ws.WorkDone(Wnum, Int32.Parse(Wcid), Int32.Parse(Wmid));//返回空字符表示不存在该记录 if (Wid != "") { if (!ws.IsChecked(Int32.Parse(Wid))) { //如果未评价,则重新提交修改作品 string MySavePath = LearnSite.Common.WorkUpload.GetWurl(Syear, Sgrade, Sclass, Wcid, Wmid);//获得作品保存路径(如果不存在,自动创建) string RndTime = LearnSite.Common.WordProcess.GetRandomNum(99).ToString(); string OnlyFileName = Wnum + "_" + Wcid + "_" + Wmid + "_" + RndTime; string NewFileName = OnlyFileName + "." + Wfiletype; string Wurl = MySavePath + "/" + NewFileName; string resaveFilename = Server.MapPath(Wurl); try { ws.UpdateWorkUp(Int32.Parse(Wid), Wurl, NewFileName, Wlength, Wdate, checkcan, "");//更新Wfilename, Wurl,Wlength, Wdate //LearnSite.BLL.Signin sn = new LearnSite.BLL.Signin(); //sn.UpdateQwork(Int32.Parse(Wsid), Int32.Parse(Wcid));//更新今天签到表中的作品数量 work_upload.SaveAs(resaveFilename);//保存提交作品 Response.StatusCode = 200; Response.Write(NewFileName); } catch (Exception ex) { Response.StatusCode = 200; Response.Write(ex); } finally { Response.End(); } } else { Response.StatusCode = 200; Response.Write("老师已经评价了!"); Response.End(); } } else { //如果作品未提交,提交作品(Wnum, Wcid,Wmid,Wmsort, Wfilename, Wurl,Wlength, Wdate, Wip, Wtime) string MySavePath = LearnSite.Common.WorkUpload.GetWurl(Syear, Sgrade, Sclass, Wcid, Wmid);//获得作品保存路径(如果不存在,自动创建) string RndTime = LearnSite.Common.WordProcess.GetRandomNum(99).ToString(); string OnlyFileName = Wnum + "_" + Wcid + "_" + Wmid + "_" + RndTime; string NewFileName = OnlyFileName + "." + Wfiletype; string Wurl = MySavePath + "/" + NewFileName; string Wtime = LearnSite.Common.Computer.TimePassed(Logintime).ToString(); LearnSite.Model.Works wmodel = new LearnSite.Model.Works(); wmodel.Wnum = Wnum; wmodel.Wcid = Int32.Parse(Wcid); wmodel.Wmid = Int32.Parse(Wmid); wmodel.Wmsort = Int32.Parse(Wmsort); wmodel.Wfilename = NewFileName; wmodel.Wtype = Wfiletype; wmodel.Wurl = Wurl; wmodel.Wlength = Wlength; wmodel.Wdate = Wdate; wmodel.Wip = Wip; wmodel.Wtime = Wtime; wmodel.Wcan = checkcan; wmodel.Wcheck = false; wmodel.Wegg = 12;//设定票数为12张 wmodel.Whit = 0; wmodel.Wgrade = Int32.Parse(Sgrade); wmodel.Wterm = Int32.Parse(Wterm); wmodel.Wsid = Int32.Parse(Wsid); wmodel.Wclass = Int32.Parse(Sclass); wmodel.Wname = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Sname); wmodel.Wyear = Int32.Parse(Syear); switch (Wfiletype) { case "doc": case "ppt": case "xls": case "docx": case "pptx": case "xlsx": case "wps": case "dps": case "et": wmodel.Woffice = true; break; default: wmodel.Woffice = false; break; } wmodel.Wflash = false; wmodel.Werror = false; string saveFilename = Server.MapPath(Wurl); try { ws.AddWorkUp(wmodel); //添加作品提交记录 LearnSite.BLL.Signin sn = new LearnSite.BLL.Signin(); sn.UpdateQwork(Int32.Parse(Wsid), Int32.Parse(Wcid)); //更新今天签到表中的作品数量 work_upload.SaveAs(saveFilename); //保存提交作品 Response.StatusCode = 200; Response.Write(NewFileName); } catch (Exception ex) { Response.StatusCode = 200; Response.Write(ex); } finally { Response.End(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Response.StatusCode = 200; Response.Write(ex); } finally { Response.End(); } } }
private void uploadgroupwork() { HttpPostedFile group_upload = Request.Files["imgFilegroup"]; int maxSize = 104857600;//定义上传最大值为100MB if (group_upload != null) { // Get the data string Gtype = group_upload.FileName.Substring(group_upload.FileName.LastIndexOf(".") + 1).ToLower(); string Gmid = Request.QueryString["mid"].ToString(); string Gnum = Request.QueryString["num"].ToString(); LearnSite.BLL.Mission mbll = new LearnSite.BLL.Mission(); LearnSite.Model.Mission mmodel = new LearnSite.Model.Mission(); mmodel = mbll.GetModel(Int32.Parse(Gmid)); string Gextention = mmodel.Mfiletype; string Gcid = mmodel.Mcid.ToString(); string limitext = Gextention;//初始化,随意 switch (Gextention) { case "doc": limitext = "*.doc;*.docx"; break; case "ppt": limitext = "*.ppt;*.pptx"; break; case "xls": limitext = "*.xls;*.xlsx"; break; case "office": limitext = "*.doc;*.docx;*.ppt;*.pptx;*.xls;*.xlsx"; break; case "sb": limitext = "*.sb;*.sb2"; break; default: limitext = "*." + Gextention; break; } if (Gtype == Gextention || limitext.Contains(Gtype)) { if (group_upload.InputStream != null || group_upload.InputStream.Length < maxSize) { LearnSite.BLL.Signin sn = new LearnSite.BLL.Signin(); LearnSite.Model.Signin qmodel = sn.GetModelm(Gnum); LearnSite.Model.Cook cook = new LearnSite.Model.Cook(); string Ggroup = cook.Sid.ToString();//取组长 string Gyear = cook.Syear.ToString(); string Ggrade = cook.Sgrade.ToString(); string Gclass = cook.Sclass.ToString(); string Gip = cook.LoginIp; string LoginTime = cook.LoginTime; string Gterm = cook.ThisTerm.ToString(); if (qmodel != null) { Gyear = qmodel.Qsyear.ToString(); Ggrade = qmodel.Qgrade.ToString(); Gclass = qmodel.Qclass.ToString(); Gip = qmodel.Qip; LoginTime = qmodel.Qdate.ToString(); Gterm = qmodel.Qterm.ToString(); } int Glengh = group_upload.ContentLength; DateTime Gdate = DateTime.Now; LearnSite.BLL.GroupWork gbll = new LearnSite.BLL.GroupWork(); bool gdone = gbll.DoneGroupWork(Gnum, Int32.Parse(Gmid)); string MySavePath = LearnSite.Common.WorkUpload.GetWurl(Gyear, Ggrade, Gclass, Gcid, Gmid);//获得作品保存路径(如果不存在,自动创建) string NewFileName = "g" + Gnum + Gcid + "_" + Gmid + "." + Gtype; string Gurl = MySavePath + "/" + NewFileName; string saveFilename = Server.MapPath(Gurl); //如果作品未提交,提交作品 if (!gdone) { int Gtime = LearnSite.Common.Computer.TimePassed(); LearnSite.Model.GroupWork gmodel = new LearnSite.Model.GroupWork(); gmodel.Gcheck = false; gmodel.Gcid = Int32.Parse(Gcid); gmodel.Gclass = Int32.Parse(Gclass); gmodel.Gdate = DateTime.Now; gmodel.Gfilename = NewFileName; gmodel.Ggrade = Int32.Parse(Ggrade); gmodel.Ghit = 0; gmodel.Gip = Gip; gmodel.Glengh = Glengh; gmodel.Gmid = Int32.Parse(Gmid); gmodel.Gnote = ""; gmodel.Gnum = Gnum; gmodel.Grank = -1; gmodel.Gscore = 0; LearnSite.BLL.Students sbll = new LearnSite.BLL.Students(); gmodel.Gstudents = sbll.GroupSnum(Gnum); gmodel.Gterm = Int32.Parse(Gterm); gmodel.Gtime = Gtime; gmodel.Gtype = Gtype; gmodel.Gurl = Gurl; gmodel.Gvote = 0; gmodel.Ggroup = Int32.Parse(Ggroup); gbll.Add(gmodel);//添加小组作品提交记录 } else { //已交则不更新记录 } group_upload.SaveAs(saveFilename);//保存或更新提交作品 Hashtable hash = new Hashtable(); hash["error"] = 0; Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8"); Response.Write(JsonMapper.ToJson(hash)); Response.End(); } else { showError("选择的文件大小超过限制!(最大为10MB)"); } } else { showError("选择的文件类型错误!"); } } else { showError("请选择文件!"); } }