コード例 #1
        protected virtual void Translate(Vector2 screenDelta)
            // If camera is null, try and get the main camera, return true if a camera was found
            if (LeanTouch.GetCamera(ref Camera) == true)
                // Screen position of the transform
                var screenPosition = Camera.WorldToScreenPoint(transform.position);

                // Add the deltaPosition
                screenPosition += (Vector3)screenDelta;

                // Convert back to world space
                transform.position = Camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(screenPosition);
コード例 #2
        protected override void OnSelect(LeanFinger finger)

            // Make sure the camera exists
            var camera = LeanTouch.GetCamera(Camera, gameObject);

            if (camera != null)
                // Calculate finger offset
                var screenPosition = (Vector2)camera.WorldToScreenPoint(transform.position);

                screenOffset = screenPosition - finger.ScreenPosition;
コード例 #3
ファイル: LeanFinger.cs プロジェクト: Fred-Han/Oct15
        public Vector3 GetSnapshotWorldPosition(float targetAge, float distance, Camera camera = null)
            // Make sure the camera exists
            camera = LeanTouch.GetCamera(camera);

            if (camera != null)
                var screenPosition = GetSnapshotScreenPosition(targetAge);
                var point          = new Vector3(screenPosition.x, screenPosition.y, distance);


コード例 #4
        private void UpdateTranslation()
            var finalTransform = Target != null ? Target : transform;

            // Get the fingers we want to use
            var fingers = Use.GetFingers();

            // Calculate the screenDelta value based on these fingers
            var screenDelta = LeanGesture.GetScreenDelta(fingers);

            // Make sure the camera exists
            var camera = LeanTouch.GetCamera(ScreenDepth.Camera, gameObject);

            if (fingers.Count == 0)
                deltaDifference = Vector2.zero;

            if (camera != null)
                var worldPosition  = finalTransform.position;
                var oldScreenPoint = camera.WorldToScreenPoint(worldPosition);

                if (TrackScreenPosition == true)
                    if (ScreenDepth.TryConvert(ref worldPosition, oldScreenPoint + (Vector3)(screenDelta + deltaDifference), gameObject) == true)
                        finalTransform.position = worldPosition;

                    var newScreenPoint = camera.WorldToScreenPoint(worldPosition);
                    var oldNewDelta    = (Vector2)(newScreenPoint - oldScreenPoint);

                    deltaDifference += screenDelta - oldNewDelta;
                    if (ScreenDepth.TryConvert(ref worldPosition, oldScreenPoint + (Vector3)screenDelta, gameObject) == true)
                        finalTransform.position = worldPosition;
                Debug.LogError("Failed to find camera. Either tag your cameras MainCamera, or set one in this component.", this);
コード例 #5
ファイル: LeanFinger.cs プロジェクト: Asra2000/Anatomic
        /// <summary>This will return the ray of the finger's start position relative to the specified camera (none/null = Main Camera).</summary>
        public Ray GetStartRay(Camera camera = null)
            // Make sure the camera exists
            camera = LeanTouch.GetCamera(camera);

            if (camera != null)
                Debug.LogError("Failed to find camera. Either tag your cameras MainCamera, or set one in this component.");

コード例 #6
ファイル: LeanFinger.cs プロジェクト: Asra2000/Anatomic
        /// <summary>This will return the change in world position of this finger based on the last and current distance from the camera.</summary>
        public Vector3 GetWorldDelta(float lastDistance, float distance, Camera camera = null)
            // Make sure the camera exists
            camera = LeanTouch.GetCamera(camera);

            if (camera != null)
                return(GetWorldPosition(distance, camera) - GetLastWorldPosition(lastDistance, camera));
                Debug.LogError("Failed to find camera. Either tag your cameras MainCamera, or set one in this component.");

コード例 #7
ファイル: LeanCameraTwist.cs プロジェクト: naseba/ARAnatomyGP
        protected virtual void Rotate(float twistDegrees)
            // Make sure the camera exists
            var camera = LeanTouch.GetCamera(Camera, gameObject);

            if (camera != null)
                var axis = transform.InverseTransformDirection(camera.transform.forward);

                transform.rotation *= Quaternion.AngleAxis(twistDegrees, axis);
                Debug.LogError("Failed to find camera. Either tag your cameras MainCamera, or set one in this component.", this);
コード例 #8
        protected virtual void Update()
            // Does the path exist?
            if (Path != null)
                // Is this GameObject selected?
                if (Selectable.IsSelected == true)
                    // Does it have a selected finger?
                    var finger = Selectable.SelectingFinger;

                    if (finger != null)
                        // Make sure the camera exists
                        var camera = LeanTouch.GetCamera(Camera, gameObject);

                        if (camera != null)
                            // Offset finger screen position
                            var screenPosition = finger.ScreenPosition + screenOffset;

                            // Find offset ray for this finger
                            var ray = camera.ScreenPointToRay(screenPosition);

                            // Move GameObject to closest point, if one was found
                            var closestPoint = default(Vector3);

                            if (Path.TryGetClosest(ray, ref closestPoint, Smoothing) == true)
                                transform.position = closestPoint;

                if (AutoSnap == true)
                    // Move GameObject to closest point, if one was found
                    var closestPoint = default(Vector3);

                    if (Path.TryGetClosest(transform.position, ref closestPoint, Smoothing) == true)
                        transform.position = closestPoint;
コード例 #9
        // Override the WritePositions method from LeanDragLine
        protected virtual void WritePositions(Link link)
            // Make sure the camera exists
            var camera = LeanTouch.GetCamera(Camera, gameObject);

            if (camera == null)

            // Get start and current world position of finger
            var screenPoint = camera.WorldToScreenPoint(link.Target.transform.position);
            var start       = link.Target.transform.position;
            var end         = link.Finger.GetWorldPosition(screenPoint.z);
            var distance    = Vector3.Distance(start, end);

            // Limit the length?
            if (LengthLimit > 0.0f && distance > LengthLimit)
                var direction = Vector3.Normalize(end - start);

                distance = LengthLimit;
                end      = start + direction * distance;

            if (Invert == true)
                end = start + (start - end);

            // Write positions
            var thickness = distance * ThicknessScale;


            link.Line.SetWidth(thickness, thickness);
            link.Line.positionCount = 2;

            link.Line.startWidth = thickness;
            link.Line.endWidth   = thickness;
            link.Line.SetPosition(0, start);
            link.Line.SetPosition(1, end);
コード例 #10
        protected virtual void LateUpdate()
            // Make sure the camera exists
            var camera = LeanTouch.GetCamera(Camera, gameObject);

            if (camera != null)
                // Get the fingers we want to use
                var fingers = LeanTouch.GetFingers(IgnoreGuiFingers, RequiredFingerCount);

                // Get the world delta of all the fingers
                var worldDelta = LeanGesture.GetWorldDelta(fingers, Distance, camera);

                // Pan the camera based on the world delta
                transform.position -= worldDelta * Sensitivity;
コード例 #11
        protected virtual void Translate(Vector2 screenDelta)
            // verifica se a camera existe
            var camera = LeanTouch.GetCamera(Camera, gameObject);

            if (camera != null)
                // posicao da tela de tranformacao
                var screenPoint = camera.WorldToScreenPoint(transform.position);

                // adiciona o deltaPosicao
                screenPoint += (Vector3)screenDelta;

                // converte de volta ao espaco na tela
                transform.position = camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(screenPoint);
コード例 #12
        protected void SetZoom(float current)
            // Make sure the camera exists
            var camera = LeanTouch.GetCamera(Camera, gameObject);

            if (camera != null)
                if (camera.orthographic == true)
                    camera.orthographicSize = current;
                    camera.fieldOfView = current;
コード例 #13
        /// <summary>This allows you to click the screen when using a perspective camera, and have the Pitch and Yaw values update to that point.</summary>
        public void RotateToFinger(LeanFinger finger)
            var camera = LeanTouch.GetCamera(Camera, gameObject);

            if (camera != null)
                var xyz       = finger.GetRay(camera).direction;
                var longitude = Mathf.Atan2(xyz.x, xyz.z);
                var latitude  = Mathf.Asin(xyz.y / xyz.magnitude);
                var newPitch  = latitude * -Mathf.Rad2Deg;
                var newYaw    = longitude * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
                var delta     = Mathf.DeltaAngle(Yaw, newYaw);

                Pitch = newPitch;
                Yaw  += delta;
コード例 #14
        protected virtual void Translate(Vector2 screenDelta)
            // Make sure the camera exists
            var camera = LeanTouch.GetCamera(Camera, gameObject);

            if (camera != null)
                // Screen position of the transform
                Vector3 screenPosition = camera.WorldToScreenPoint(transform.position);

                // Add the deltaPosition
                screenPosition += (Vector3)screenDelta;

                // Convert back to world space
                transform.position = camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(screenPosition);
コード例 #15
ファイル: LeanTranslateAlong.cs プロジェクト: contrejo27/Jose
        protected virtual void Update()
            // Get the fingers we want to use
            var fingers = LeanSelectable.GetFingers(IgnoreStartedOverGui, IgnoreIsOverGui, RequiredFingerCount, RequiredSelectable);

            // Calculate the screenDelta value based on these fingers
            var screenDelta = LeanGesture.GetScreenDelta(fingers);

            // Make sure the camera exists
            var camera = LeanTouch.GetCamera(Camera, gameObject);

            if (fingers.Count == 0)
                deltaDifference = Vector2.zero;

            if (camera != null)
                if (TrackScreenPosition == true)
                    var oldScreenPoint = camera.WorldToScreenPoint(transform.position);
                    var worldPosition  = default(Vector3);

                    if (ScreenDepth.TryConvert(ref worldPosition, oldScreenPoint + (Vector3)(screenDelta + deltaDifference), camera, gameObject) == true)
                        transform.position = worldPosition;

                    var newScreenPoint = camera.WorldToScreenPoint(transform.position);
                    var oldNewDelta    = (Vector2)(newScreenPoint - oldScreenPoint);

                    deltaDifference += screenDelta - oldNewDelta;
                    var oldScreenPoint = camera.WorldToScreenPoint(transform.position);
                    var worldPosition  = default(Vector3);

                    if (ScreenDepth.TryConvert(ref worldPosition, oldScreenPoint + (Vector3)screenDelta, camera, gameObject) == true)
                        transform.position = worldPosition;
コード例 #16
        protected virtual void Translate(Vector2 screenDelta)
            // Make sure the camera exists
            var camera = LeanTouch.GetCamera(Camera, gameObject);

            if (camera != null)
                // Screen position of the transform
                var screenPoint = camera.WorldToScreenPoint(transform.position);

                // Add the deltaPosition
                screenPoint += (Vector3)screenDelta;
                Vector3 originalPos = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, transform.position.z);
                // Convert back to world space
                transform.position = camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(screenPoint);
                transform.position = new Vector3(originalPos.x, transform.position.y, originalPos.z);
コード例 #17
ファイル: LeanFinger.cs プロジェクト: Asra2000/Anatomic
        /// <summary>This will return the world position of this finger based on the distance from the camera.</summary>
        public Vector3 GetWorldPosition(float distance, Camera camera = null)
            // Make sure the camera exists
            camera = LeanTouch.GetCamera(camera);

            if (camera != null)
                var point = new Vector3(ScreenPosition.x, ScreenPosition.y, distance);

                Debug.LogError("Failed to find camera. Either tag your cameras MainCamera, or set one in this component.");

コード例 #18
        public void Apply(Vector2 screenDelta)
            // Make sure the camera exists
            var camera = LeanTouch.GetCamera(Camera, gameObject);

            if (camera != null)
                var oldPoint    = transform.position;
                var screenPoint = camera.WorldToScreenPoint(oldPoint);

                screenPoint.x += screenDelta.x;
                screenPoint.y += screenDelta.y;

                var newPoint = camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(screenPoint);

                ApplyBetween(oldPoint, newPoint);
コード例 #19
        protected override void LateUpdate()
            // Make sure the camera exists
            if (LeanTouch.GetCamera(ref Camera, gameObject) == true)
                // Use the LateUpdate code from LeanCameraZoom

                // Get t value
                var factor = LeanTouch.GetDampenFactor(Dampening, Time.deltaTime);

                // Lerp the current value to the target one
                currentZoom = Mathf.Lerp(currentZoom, Zoom, factor);

                // Set the new zoom
コード例 #20
        protected virtual void Translate(float pinchScale, Vector2 screenCenter)
            // Make sure the camera exists
            var camera = LeanTouch.GetCamera(Camera, gameObject);

            if (camera != null)
                // Screen position of the transform
                var screenPosition = camera.WorldToScreenPoint(transform.position);

                // Push the screen position away from the reference point based on the scale
                screenPosition.x = screenCenter.x + (screenPosition.x - screenCenter.x) * pinchScale;
                screenPosition.y = screenCenter.y + (screenPosition.y - screenCenter.y) * pinchScale;

                // Convert back to world space
                transform.position = camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(screenPosition);
コード例 #21
ファイル: LeanScale.cs プロジェクト: ruanderzi/appRA-Fisica
        protected virtual void Translate(float pinchScale, Vector2 screenCenter)
            // certifica de que a câmera existe
            var camera = LeanTouch.GetCamera(Camera, gameObject);

            if (camera != null)
                // pega posição da tela da transformação
                var screenPosition = camera.WorldToScreenPoint(transform.position);

                // afasta a posição da tela do ponto de referência com base na escala
                screenPosition.x = screenCenter.x + (screenPosition.x - screenCenter.x) * pinchScale;
                screenPosition.y = screenCenter.y + (screenPosition.y - screenCenter.y) * pinchScale;

                // Converter de volta ao espaço mundial
                transform.position = camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(screenPosition);
コード例 #22
        private void TranslateUI(Vector2 screenDelta)
            var camera = LeanTouch.GetCamera(Camera, gameObject);

            // Screen position of the transform
            var screenPoint = RectTransformUtility.WorldToScreenPoint(camera, transform.position);

            // Add the deltaPosition
            screenPoint += screenDelta;

            // Convert back to world space
            var worldPoint = default(Vector3);

            if (RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToWorldPointInRectangle(transform.parent as RectTransform, screenPoint, camera, out worldPoint) == true)
                transform.position = worldPoint;
コード例 #23
        private void Scale(float pinchScale, Vector2 screenCenter, RaycastHit hit)
            // Make sure the scale is valid
            if (pinchScale > 0.0f)
                var scale = hit.transform.localScale;

                if (Relative == true)
                    // Make sure the camera exists
                    var camera = LeanTouch.GetCamera(Camera, gameObject);

                    if (camera != null)
                        // Screen position of the transform
                        var screenPosition = camera.WorldToScreenPoint(hit.transform.position);

                        // Push the screen position away from the reference point based on the scale
                        screenPosition.x = screenCenter.x + (screenPosition.x - screenCenter.x) * pinchScale;
                        screenPosition.y = screenCenter.y + (screenPosition.y - screenCenter.y) * pinchScale;

                        // Convert back to world space
                        hit.transform.position = camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(screenPosition);

                        // Grow the local scale by scale
                        scale *= pinchScale;
                    // Grow the local scale by scale
                    scale *= pinchScale;

                if (ScaleClamp == true)
                    scale.x = Mathf.Clamp(scale.x, ScaleMin.x, ScaleMax.x);
                    scale.y = Mathf.Clamp(scale.y, ScaleMin.y, ScaleMax.y);
                    scale.z = Mathf.Clamp(scale.z, ScaleMin.z, ScaleMax.z);

                hit.transform.localScale = scale;
コード例 #24
        private Vector3 GetStartPoint(LeanFinger finger)
            // Use target position?
            if (Target != null)

            // Make sure the camera exists
            var camera = LeanTouch.GetCamera(Camera, gameObject);

            if (camera != null)
                // Get start and current world position of finger
                return(finger.GetStartWorldPosition(Distance, camera));

コード例 #25
        private void Rotate(Vector3 center, float degrees)
            if (Relative == true)
                // If camera is null, try and get the main camera, return true if a camera was found
                if (LeanTouch.GetCamera(ref Camera) == true)
                    // World position of the reference point
                    var worldReferencePoint = Camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(center);

                    // Rotate the transform around the world reference point
                    transform.RotateAround(worldReferencePoint, Camera.transform.forward, degrees);
                transform.rotation *= Quaternion.AngleAxis(degrees, RotateAxis);
コード例 #26
        protected override void Translate(Vector2 screenDelta)
            // Make sure the camera exists
            var camera = LeanTouch.GetCamera(Camera, gameObject);

            if (camera != null)
                // Store old position
                var oldPosition = transform.position;
                // Screen position of the transform
                var screenPosition = camera.WorldToScreenPoint(oldPosition);
                // Add the deltaPosition
                screenPosition += (Vector3)screenDelta;
                // Convert back to world space
                var newPosition = camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(screenPosition);
                // Add to delta
                RemainingDelta += newPosition - oldPosition;
コード例 #27
ファイル: LeanScale.cs プロジェクト: Logic-py/Tangoversed
        private void Scale(float pinchScale, Vector2 screenCenter)
            // Make sure the scale is valid
            if (pinchScale > 0.0f)
                var scale = transform.localScale;

                if (Relative == true)
                    // If camera is null, try and get the main camera, return true if a camera was found
                    if (LeanTouch.GetCamera(ref Camera) == true)
                        // Screen position of the transform
                        var screenPosition = Camera.WorldToScreenPoint(transform.position);

                        // Push the screen position away from the reference point based on the scale
                        screenPosition.x = screenCenter.x + (screenPosition.x - screenCenter.x) * pinchScale;
                        screenPosition.y = screenCenter.y + (screenPosition.y - screenCenter.y) * pinchScale;

                        // Convert back to world space
                        transform.position = Camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(screenPosition);

                        // Grow the local scale by scale
                        scale *= pinchScale;
                    // Grow the local scale by scale
                    scale *= pinchScale;

                if (ScaleClamp == true)
                    scale.x = Mathf.Clamp(scale.x, ScaleMin.x, ScaleMax.x);
                    scale.y = Mathf.Clamp(scale.y, ScaleMin.y, ScaleMax.y);
                    scale.z = Mathf.Clamp(scale.z, ScaleMin.z, ScaleMax.z);

                transform.localScale = scale;
                //transform.position = arController.itemSpawnPos;
コード例 #28
        protected virtual void TranslateUI(float pinchScale, Vector2 pinchScreenCenter)
            var camera = LeanTouch.GetCamera(Camera, gameObject);

            // Screen position of the transform
            var screenPoint = RectTransformUtility.WorldToScreenPoint(camera, transform.position);

            // Push the screen position away from the reference point based on the scale
            screenPoint.x = pinchScreenCenter.x + (screenPoint.x - pinchScreenCenter.x) * pinchScale;
            screenPoint.y = pinchScreenCenter.y + (screenPoint.y - pinchScreenCenter.y) * pinchScale;

            // Convert back to world space
            var worldPoint = default(Vector3);

            if (RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToWorldPointInRectangle(transform.parent as RectTransform, screenPoint, camera, out worldPoint) == true)
                transform.position = worldPoint;
コード例 #29
        protected virtual void Translate(Vector2 screenDelta, RaycastHit hit)
            // Make sure the camera exists
            var camera = LeanTouch.GetCamera(Camera, gameObject);

            if (camera != null)
                Debug.Log("Calculating new position...");
                // Screen position of the transform
                var screenPosition = camera.WorldToScreenPoint(hit.transform.position);

                // Add the deltaPosition
                screenPosition += (Vector3)screenDelta;

                // Convert back to world space
                hit.transform.position = camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(screenPosition);
コード例 #30
        private Vector3 GetPoint(Vector3 axis, Vector2 screenPoint)
            // Make sure the camera exists
            var camera = LeanTouch.GetCamera(Camera, gameObject);

            if (camera != null)
                var ray      = camera.ScreenPointToRay(screenPoint);
                var plane    = new Plane(axis, transform.position);
                var distance = default(float);

                if (plane.Raycast(ray, out distance) == true)
