コード例 #1
        public void Save_LineInfo_LineStatus(Line line, string lineID, DataTable tbl)
            //Update datatable with new info
            foreach (DataRow row in tbl.Rows)
                string LineID = row["LineID"].ToString();
                string sql_cmd;
                int x, y, w, h;

                //Get the information of object and update to the table
                if (line.Get_WST_LocationAndSize(LineID, out x, out y, out w, out h))
                    row["Line_x"] = x;
                    row["Line_y"] = y;
                    row["Line_width"] = w;
                    row["Line_height"] = h;
                    sql_cmd = "update [R_009_Line_Status] set [Line_x] = '" + x + "', Line_y = '" + y + "', Line_width = '" + w + "', Line_height = '" + h + "'";
                    sql_cmd += " where LineID = '" + LineID + "'";
コード例 #2
        public void Save_LineInfo(Line line)
            string lineID = FindLineID(line.LineName);

            DataTable tbl = Load_FullLineInfo(lineID);

            //Update datatable with new info
            foreach (DataRow row in tbl.Rows)
                string WST_ID = row["WST_ID"].ToString();

                int x, y, w, h;

                //Get the information of object and update to the table
                if (line.Get_WST_LocationAndSize(WST_ID,out x, out y, out w, out h))
                    row["WST_x"] = x;
                    row["WST_y"] = y;
                    row["WST_width"] = w;
                    row["WST_heigh"] = h;

            Update_SQL_Data(List_Line_da, tbl);