コード例 #1
        private void CargaDatos()
            lbltotalregistros.Text = string.Empty;
            var xtipoplanilla = string.Empty;
            var nestado = 1;
            if (rbestado2.Checked)
                nestado = 2;
            if (rbestado3.Checked)
                nestado = 3;
            if (cmbfiltrotipoplanilla.Enabled)
                if (cmbfiltrotipoplanilla.SelectedValue != null)
                    xtipoplanilla = cmbfiltrotipoplanilla.SelectedValue.ToString();
            var nposcolumnasortear = 0;
            var PrvSotOrder = default(SortOrder);
            var zordenado = false;
            var xcodcliente = "..";
            var xpalabra1 = string.Empty;
            var xpalabra2 = string.Empty;
            var xpalabra3 = string.Empty;
            if (txtfiltronombre.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                xpalabra1 = VariablesPublicas.Palabras(txtfiltronombre.Text, 1);
                xpalabra2 = VariablesPublicas.Palabras(txtfiltronombre.Text, 2);
                xpalabra3 = VariablesPublicas.Palabras(txtfiltronombre.Text, 3);
            if (Examinar.CurrentRow != null)
                xcodcliente = Examinar.Rows[Examinar.CurrentRow.Index].Cells["rubroid"].Value.ToString();
            if (Examinar.SortedColumn != null)
                nposcolumnasortear = Examinar.SortedColumn.Index;
                PrvSotOrder = Examinar.SortOrder;
                zordenado = true;
            var BL = new tb_plla_rubrosdescuentosBL();
            var BE = new tb_plla_rubrosdescuentos();

            BE.tipoplla = xtipoplanilla;
            BE.descriplike1 = xpalabra1;
            BE.descriplike2 = xpalabra2;
            BE.descriplike3 = xpalabra3;
            BE.norden = 0;
            BE.incluir_blanco = 0;
            BE.nestado = nestado;
            tablaclientes = BL.GetAll_CONSULTA(VariablesPublicas.EmpresaID, BE).Tables[0];
            Examinar.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
            Examinar.DataSource = tablaclientes;


            if (zordenado)
                if (PrvSotOrder == SortOrder.Ascending)
                    Examinar.Sort(Examinar.Columns[nposcolumnasortear], System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Ascending);
                    Examinar.Sort(Examinar.Columns[nposcolumnasortear], System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Descending);
                Examinar.Sort(Examinar.Columns["rubroid"], System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Ascending);
            if (Examinar.CurrentRow == null)
                if (Examinar.RowCount > 0)
                    Examinar.CurrentCell = Examinar.Rows[0].Cells["rubroid"];
            for (lc_cont = 0; lc_cont <= Examinar.Rows.Count - 1; lc_cont++)
                if (Examinar.Rows[lc_cont].Cells["rubroid"].Value.ToString() == xcodcliente)
                    Examinar.CurrentCell = Examinar.Rows[lc_cont].Cells["rubroid"];
            if (Examinar.RowCount > 0)
                lbltotalregistros.Text = Examinar.RowCount.ToString() + " Registro(s)";
                lbltotalregistros.Text = " NINGUN REGISTRO";
コード例 #2
        public bool U_Validacion()
            var xmsg = string.Empty;
            var objeto = new object();
            objeto = null;
            if (txtdescripcion.Text.Trim().Length == 0)
                xmsg = "Ingrese Descripción";
                objeto = txtdescripcion;
            var xvarrr = string.Empty;
            if (cmbtipoplanilla.SelectedValue != null)
                if (cmbtipoplanilla.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim().Length > 0)
                    xvarrr = cmbtipoplanilla.SelectedValue.ToString();
                    if (xvarrr.Trim().Length == 0)
                        xmsg = "Ingrese Tipo de Planilla";
                        objeto = cmbtipoplanilla;
                    if (cmbtipocalculo.SelectedValue != null)
                        if (cmbtipocalculo.SelectedValue.ToString() == "PR")
                            var BL = new tb_plla_rubrosdescuentosBL();
                            var BE = new tb_plla_rubrosdescuentos();

                            BE.tipoplla = cmbtipoplanilla.SelectedValue.ToString();
                            BE.norden = 1;
                            BE.incluir_blanco = 0;
                            BE.tipocalculo = "PR";
                            BE.nestado = 1;
                            tmptabla = BL.GetAll_CONSULTA(VariablesPublicas.EmpresaID, BE).Tables[0];
                            if (BL.Sql_Error.Length > 0)
                                Frm_Class.ShowError(BL.Sql_Error, this);
                                return false;
                            if (tmptabla.Rows.Count > 0)
                                for (lc_cont = 0; lc_cont <= tmptabla.Rows.Count - 1; lc_cont++)
                                    if (tmptabla.Rows[lc_cont]["rubroid"].ToString() != txtsigla.Text + txtcodigo.Text)
                                        xmsg = xmsg + "\r" + "Solo Un Rubro puede tener Tipo Calculo Prestamo...Verifique" + "\r" + tmptabla.Rows[lc_cont]["rubroid"] + "-" + tmptabla.Rows[lc_cont]["rubroname"];

            if (xmsg.Trim().Length > 0)
                MessageBox.Show(xmsg.Trim(), "Error en Ingreso de Datos");
                if (objeto != null)
                    objeto = Focus();
            return xmsg.Trim().Length == 0;
コード例 #3
        private void btneliminar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Examinar.CurrentRow != null)
                var xnomcampo = string.Empty;
                var BL = new tb_plla_rubrosdescuentosBL();
                var BE = new tb_plla_rubrosdescuentos();

                BE.rubroid = Examinar.Rows[Examinar.CurrentRow.Index].Cells["tipoplla"].Value.ToString() + Examinar.Rows[Examinar.CurrentRow.Index].Cells["rubroid"].Value.ToString();
                tmpcursor = BL.GetAll_IR(VariablesPublicas.EmpresaID, BE).Tables[0];
                if (BL.Sql_Error.Length > 0)
                    xnomcampo = BL.Sql_Error;
                    Frm_Class.ShowError(BL.Sql_Error, this);
                    if (tmpcursor.Rows.Count == 0)
                        for (lc_cont = 0; lc_cont <= tmpcursor.Rows.Count - 1; lc_cont++)
                            xnomcampo = xnomcampo + tmpcursor.Rows[lc_cont]["relacion"] + "\r";
                            if (lc_cont + 1 == 10)
                if (xnomcampo.Length == 0)
                    var BL1 = new tb_plla_rubrosdescuentosBL();
                    var BE1 = new tb_plla_rubrosdescuentos();

                    BE1.rubroid = Examinar.Rows[Examinar.CurrentRow.Index].Cells["rubroid"].Value.ToString();
                    BE1.tipoplla = Examinar.Rows[Examinar.CurrentRow.Index].Cells["tipoplla"].Value.ToString();
                    BE1.norden = 1;
                    BE1.incluir_blanco = 0;
                    BE1.nestado = 1;
                    tmptabla = BL1.GetAll_CONSULTA(VariablesPublicas.EmpresaID, BE1).Tables[0];
                    if (BL1.Sql_Error.Length == 0)
                        var message = "Desea eliminar datos del rubro  " + tmptabla.Rows[0]["rubroid"].ToString().Trim() + "-" + tmptabla.Rows[0]["rubroname"].ToString().Trim() + " ...?";
                        var caption = "Mensaje del Sistema";
                        var buttons = MessageBoxButtons.YesNo;
                        DialogResult result;
                        result = MessageBox.Show(this, message, caption, buttons, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2);
                        if (result == DialogResult.Yes)
                            var BLE = new tb_plla_rubrosdescuentosBL();

                            BLE.Eliminar(VariablesPublicas.EmpresaID, tmptabla);
                            if (BLE.Sql_Error.Length == 0)
                                var BLL = new tb_co_seguridadlogBL();
                                var BEL = new tb_co_seguridadlog();

                                BEL.moduloid = Name;
                                BEL.clave = VariablesPublicas.EmpresaID + Examinar.Rows[Examinar.CurrentRow.Index].Cells["tipoplla"].Value.ToString() + Examinar.Rows[Examinar.CurrentRow.Index].Cells["rubroid"].Value.ToString();
                                BEL.cuser = VariablesPublicas.Usuar;
                                BEL.fecha = DateTime.Now;
                                BEL.pc = VariablesPublicas.userip;
                                BEL.accion = "B";
                                BEL.detalle = "Rubro: " + txtdescripcion.Text;

                                BLL.Insert(VariablesPublicas.EmpresaID.ToString(), BEL);
                                Frm_Class.ShowError(BLE.Sql_Error, this);
                        Frm_Class.ShowError(BL1.Sql_Error, this);
                    MessageBox.Show(xnomcampo, "IMPOSIBLE ELIMINAR REGISTRO");
コード例 #4
        public void RequeryRubroIngresoPlanilla()
            var xvmcod = string.Empty;
            var xtipoplanilla = ".....";
            var vmxtipo = string.Empty;
            if (cmbtipo.SelectedValue != null)
                vmxtipo = cmbtipo.SelectedValue.ToString();
            if (cmbrubroingreso.SelectedValue != null)
                xvmcod = cmbrubroingreso.SelectedValue.ToString();

            if (cmbtipoplanilla.SelectedValue != null)
                xtipoplanilla = cmbtipoplanilla.SelectedValue.ToString();
            if (vmxtipo.Trim().Length > 0)
                if (vmxtipo == "I")
                    var BL = new tb_plla_rubrosingresoBL();
                    var BE = new tb_plla_rubrosingreso();

                    BE.tipoplla = xtipoplanilla;
                    BE.norden = 2;
                    BE.incluir_blanco = 1;
                    BE.nestado = 1;
                    cmbrubroingreso.DataSource = BL.GetAll_CONSULTA(VariablesPublicas.EmpresaID, BE).Tables[0];

                    cmbrubroingreso.ValueMember = "rubroid";
                    cmbrubroingreso.DisplayMember = "rubroname";
                    cmbrubroingreso.SelectedValue = xvmcod;
                    var BL = new tb_plla_rubrosdescuentosBL();
                    var BE = new tb_plla_rubrosdescuentos();

                    BE.tipoplla = xtipoplanilla;
                    BE.norden = 2;
                    BE.incluir_blanco = 1;
                    BE.nestado = 1;
                    cmbrubroingreso.DataSource = BL.GetAll_CONSULTA(VariablesPublicas.EmpresaID, BE).Tables[0];
                    cmbrubroingreso.ValueMember = "rubroid";
                    cmbrubroingreso.DisplayMember = "rubroname";
                    cmbrubroingreso.SelectedValue = xvmcod;
                cmbrubroingreso.DataSource = null;