public LayeObject Instantiate(LayeState state, string ctorName, params LayeObject[] args) { if (!ctorInfos.ContainsKey(ctorName)) { if (ctorName != null) state.RaiseException("{0} does not have a constructor named {1}.", name, ctorName); else state.RaiseException("{0} does not have a default constructor.", name); return NULL; } var ctor = ctorInfos[ctorName]; // TODO check contructors var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(type); return Bind(instance); }
public override LayeObject MethodInvoke(LayeState state, string methodName, params LayeObject[] args) { if (!instanceMethodDelegates.ContainsKey(methodName)) { state.RaiseException("No such method {1} in {0}.", TypeName, methodName); return NULL; } return instanceMethodDelegates[methodName](state, args); }
public override LayeObject InvokeAsMethod(LayeState state, LayeObject ths, params LayeObject[] args) { try { return callback(state, ths, args); } catch (UnhandledLayeException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { state.RaiseException(e.GetType().FullName + ": " + e.Message + Environment.NewLine + e.StackTrace); return NULL; } }
private LayeObject Infix__repeat(LayeState state, LayeObject ths, params LayeObject[] args) { var arg = args[0] as LayeInt; if (arg == null) { state.RaiseException("Can only multiply a string by an integer value, got a(n) {0}.", args[0].TypeName); return NULL; } var count = arg.value; switch (count) { case 0: return EMPTY_STRING; case 1: return ths; case 2: return new LayeString((ths as LayeString).value + (ths as LayeString).value); default: var value = (ths as LayeString).value; var builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) builder.Append(value); return new LayeString(builder.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// Attempts to invoke this object as a method on another object. /// If this object cannot be invoked, a <code>LayeIllegalOperation</code> exception is thrown. /// Otherwise, the result of the invocation is returned. /// </summary> /// <param name="state"></param> /// <param name="ths"></param> /// <param name="args"></param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual LayeObject InvokeAsMethod(LayeState state, LayeObject ths, params LayeObject[] args) { state.RaiseException("Attempt to call {0}.", TypeName); return NULL; }
public override LayeObject Infix(LayeState state, string op, LayeObject that) { if (that.IsNumeric) { lfloat thatValue = that is LayeInt ? (that as LayeInt).value : (that as LayeFloat).value; switch (op) { case "+": return new LayeFloat(value + thatValue); case "-": return new LayeFloat(value - thatValue); case "*": return new LayeFloat(value * thatValue); case "/": if (thatValue == 0) { state.RaiseException("Attempt to divide by zero."); return NULL; } return new LayeFloat(value / thatValue); case "//": if (thatValue == 0) { state.RaiseException("Attempt to divide by zero."); return NULL; } return LayeInt.ValueOf((lint)(value / thatValue)); case "%": if (thatValue == 0) { state.RaiseException("Attempt to divide by zero."); return NULL; } return new LayeFloat(value % thatValue); case "^": return new LayeFloat((lfloat)Math.Pow(value, thatValue)); case "==": return value == thatValue ? TRUE : FALSE; case "!=": return value != thatValue ? TRUE : FALSE; case "<": return value < thatValue ? TRUE : FALSE; case "<=": return value <= thatValue ? TRUE : FALSE; case ">": return value > thatValue ? TRUE : FALSE; case ">=": return value >= thatValue ? TRUE : FALSE; default: break; } } return base.Infix(state, op, that); }
/// <summary> /// Access the fields of this object. /// If a field does not exist, an exception is thrown. /// </summary> /// <param name="key"></param> /// <returns></returns> public override LayeObject this[LayeState state, string key, bool raiseExceptions = true] { get { if (fields.ContainsKey(key)) return fields[key]; if (raiseExceptions) state.RaiseException("No such field {0} in kit.", key); return NULL; } set { if (Sealed) { if (fields.ContainsKey(key)) fields[key] = value; else if (raiseExceptions) state.RaiseException("No such field {0} in kit.", key); } else fields[key] = value; } }
internal LayeObject GetGlobal(LayeState state, string key, bool raiseException = true) { if (!globals.ContainsKey(key)) { if (raiseException) state.RaiseException("Undefined symbol {0}.", key); return NULL; } return globals[key]; }
/// <summary> /// Access the fields of this object. /// If a field does not exist, an exception is thrown. /// </summary> /// <param name="key"></param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual LayeObject this[LayeState state, string key, bool raiseExceptions = true] { get { LayeObject property; if (type.FindInstancePropertyGet(key, out property)) return property.InvokeAsMethod(state, this); else if (type.HasInstanceField(key)) return fields[key]; if (raiseExceptions) state.RaiseException("No such field {1} in {0}.", TypeName, key); return NULL; } set { LayeObject property; if (type.FindInstancePropertySet(key, out property)) property.InvokeAsMethod(state, this, value); else if (type.HasInstanceField(key)) fields[key] = value; else if (raiseExceptions) state.RaiseException("No such field {1} in {0}.", TypeName, key); } }
public virtual LayeObject Infix(LayeState state, string op, LayeObject that) { if (type != null) { LayeObject method; if (type.FindInfix(op, out method)) return method.InvokeAsMethod(state, this, that); } state.RaiseException("Attempt to invoke infix {0} on {1} with {2}.", op, TypeName, that.TypeName); return NULL; }
public virtual LayeObject Prefix(LayeState state, string op) { if (type != null) { LayeObject method; if (type.FindPrefix(op, out method)) return method.InvokeAsMethod(state, this); } state.RaiseException("Attempt to invoke prefix {0} on {1}.", op, TypeName); return NULL; }
/// <summary> /// Attempts to invoke this object. /// If this object cannot be invoked, a <code>LayeIllegalOperation</code> exception is thrown. /// Otherwise, the result of the invocation is returned. /// </summary> /// <param name="state"></param> /// <param name="ths"></param> /// <param name="args"></param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual LayeObject Invoke(LayeState state, params LayeObject[] args) { if (type != null) { LayeObject invoke; if (type.GetInvoke(out invoke)) return invoke.InvokeAsMethod(state, this, args); } state.RaiseException("Attempt to call {0}.", TypeName); return NULL; }
/// <summary> /// Access an index of this object. /// </summary> /// <param name="key"></param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual LayeObject this[LayeState state, params LayeObject[] args] { get { state.RaiseException("Attempt to index {0}.", TypeName); return NULL; } set { state.RaiseException("Attempt to index {0}.", TypeName); } }
public LayeObject As(LayeState state, LayeObject typeDef) { if (typeDef == null) throw new ArgumentException("typeDef"); if (!(typeDef is LayeTypeDef)) { state.RaiseException("Type expected in as expression, got {0}.", typeDef.TypeName); return NULL; } var type = typeDef as LayeTypeDef; if (this.type.InheritsFromOrIs(type)) return this; LayeObject asCast; if (this.type.FindAsCast(type, out asCast)) { LayeObject result = asCast.InvokeAsMethod(state, this); if (!result.TypeOf(state, type)) { state.RaiseException("Expected result of type {0} to be returned by cast method, but {1} was found.",, result.TypeName); return NULL; } return result; } return NULL; }
public LayeObject OperatorIndexSet(LayeState state, string op, LayeObject value) { if (type != null) { LayeObject property; if (type.FindInstanceOperatorIndexSet(op, out property)) return property.InvokeAsMethod(state, this, value); } state.RaiseException("Attempt to index {0} with operator {1}.", TypeName); return NULL; }
public bool NotEqualTo(LayeState state, LayeObject that) { if (that == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("that"); if (type != null) { LayeObject infixEqualTo; if (type.FindInfix("!=", out infixEqualTo)) { var result = infixEqualTo.InvokeAsMethod(state, this, that); var boolval = result.As(state, LayeBool.TYPE) as LayeBool; if (boolval == null) { state.RaiseException("Attempt to convert {0} to Bool.", result.TypeName); return true; } return boolval.value; } } return !ReferenceEquals(this, that); }
public int GetHashCode(LayeState state) { if (type != null) { LayeObject propHashCode; if (type.FindInstancePropertyGet("hashCode", out propHashCode)) { var result = propHashCode.InvokeAsMethod(state, this); var ival = result.As(state, LayeInt.TYPE) as LayeInt; if (ival == null) { state.RaiseException("Attempt to convert {0} to Int.", result.TypeName); return 0; } return ival.value.GetHashCode(); } } return base.GetHashCode(); }
public string ToString(LayeState state) { if (type != null) { LayeObject methToString; if (type.FindInstanceMethod("toString", out methToString)) { var result = methToString.InvokeAsMethod(state, this); var strval = result.As(state, LayeString.TYPE) as LayeString; if (strval == null) { state.RaiseException("Attempt to convert {0} to String.", result.TypeName); return null; } return strval.value; } } return base.ToString(); }
/// <summary> /// Attempts to invoke a method on this object. /// If a method cannot be found, a <code>LayeNoSuchMethod</code> exception is thrown. /// Otherwise, the result of the invocation is returned. /// </summary> /// <param name="state"></param> /// <param name="ths"></param> /// <param name="args"></param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual LayeObject MethodInvoke(LayeState state, string methodName, params LayeObject[] args) { if (type != null) { LayeObject method; if (type.FindInstanceMethod(methodName, out method)) return method.InvokeAsMethod(state, this, args); } state.RaiseException("No such method {1} in {0}.", TypeName, methodName); return NULL; }
public override LayeObject Infix(LayeState state, string op, LayeObject that) { if (that.IsNumeric) { switch (op) { case "&": if (that is LayeInt) return ValueOf(value & (that as LayeInt).value); break; case "|": if (that is LayeInt) return ValueOf(value | (that as LayeInt).value); break; case "~": if (that is LayeInt) return ValueOf(value ^ (that as LayeInt).value); break; case "<<": if (that is LayeInt) return ValueOf(value << (int)(that as LayeInt).value); break; case ">>": if (that is LayeInt) return ValueOf(value >> (int)(that as LayeInt).value); break; case ">>>": if (that is LayeInt) return ValueOf((lint)((ulint)value >> (int)(that as LayeInt).value)); break; case "+": if (that is LayeInt) return ValueOf(value + (that as LayeInt).value); else return new LayeFloat(value + (that as LayeFloat).value); case "-": if (that is LayeInt) return ValueOf(value - (that as LayeInt).value); else return new LayeFloat(value - (that as LayeFloat).value); case "*": if (that is LayeInt) return ValueOf(value * (that as LayeInt).value); else return new LayeFloat(value * (that as LayeFloat).value); case "/": case "//": if (that is LayeInt) { var thatValue = (that as LayeInt).value; if (thatValue == 0) { state.RaiseException("Attempt to divide by zero."); return NULL; } return ValueOf(value / thatValue); } else { var thatValue = (that as LayeFloat).value; if (thatValue == 0) { state.RaiseException("Attempt to divide by zero."); return NULL; } return new LayeFloat(value / thatValue); } case "%": if (that is LayeInt) { var thatValue = (that as LayeInt).value; if (thatValue == 0) { state.RaiseException("Attempt to divide by zero."); return NULL; } return ValueOf(value % thatValue); } else { var thatValue = (that as LayeFloat).value; if (thatValue == 0) { state.RaiseException("Attempt to divide by zero."); return NULL; } return new LayeFloat(value % thatValue); } case "^": return new LayeFloat((lfloat)Math.Pow(value, (that as LayeFloat).value)); case "==": if (that is LayeInt) return value == (that as LayeInt).value ? TRUE : FALSE; else return value == (that as LayeFloat).value ? TRUE : FALSE; case "!=": if (that is LayeInt) return value != (that as LayeInt).value ? TRUE : FALSE; else return value != (that as LayeFloat).value ? TRUE : FALSE; case "<": if (that is LayeInt) return value < (that as LayeInt).value ? TRUE : FALSE; else return value < (that as LayeFloat).value ? TRUE : FALSE; case "<=": if (that is LayeInt) return value <= (that as LayeInt).value ? TRUE : FALSE; else return value <= (that as LayeFloat).value ? TRUE : FALSE; case ">": if (that is LayeInt) return value > (that as LayeInt).value ? TRUE : FALSE; else return value > (that as LayeFloat).value ? TRUE : FALSE; case ">=": if (that is LayeInt) return value >= (that as LayeInt).value ? TRUE : FALSE; else return value >= (that as LayeFloat).value ? TRUE : FALSE; default: break; } } return base.Infix(state, op, that); }