コード例 #1
        public static void RenderEquipmentView(Point mousePos)
            Item item = currentlyViewedItem;

            string name = item.Name;
            string pt2  = "";

            Color textColor = new Color(Color.AntiqueWhite, 0.99F),
                  bgColor   = new Color(color, 0.99F);

            int viewStartX = width;

            // split the name into two lines if necessary
            Tuple <string, string> stringParts = Window.SplitNameIfGreaterThanLength(name, pt2, 18);

            name = stringParts.Item1;
            pt2  = stringParts.Item2;

            if (item.Identified)
                textColor = item.ReturnRarityColor();

            // print the name at top
            GUI.Console.Print(viewStartX + 1, 1, name, textColor);
            GUI.Console.Print(viewStartX + 1, 2, pt2, textColor);

            //// print the splash art
            //bool thisItemHasSplashArt = item.splash != null;
            //if (thisItemHasSplashArt)
            //    for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++)
            //        for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
            //            Program.mapConsole.Set(i, j + 3, item.splash[i, j].color, Swatch.SecondaryDarker, item.splash[i, j].character);

            textColor = new Color(100, 116, 136, 0.99F);

            //print the item description
            Program.Window.Print(GUI.Console, viewStartX + 1, 13, item.Description, 18, textColor);

            // print the weight, volume, and quality
            string plural = ".";

            if (item.Weight > 1)
                plural = "s.";

            textColor = Color.LightGray;
            GUI.Console.Print(viewStartX + 1, 21, "Weight: " + Math.Round(item.Weight, 2) + " lb" + plural, textColor);
            GUI.Console.Print(viewStartX + 1, 23, "Size: " + Math.Round(Convert.FromCubicFeetToCubicInches(item.Volume), 2), textColor);
            GUI.Console.Print(viewStartX + 7, 24, "cubic inches", textColor);

            int x = viewStartX + 10 - "[unequip]".Length / 2;

            bool highlightingAction = false;

            textColor = Color.Orange;
            Color highlightingColor = Color.Green;

            string action = "[unequip]";

            if (mousePos.Y == 27 && mousePos.X >= x && mousePos.X < x + action.Length)
                highlightingAction = true;

            if (highlightingAction)
                GUI.Console.Print(x, 27, action, highlightingColor, lighterColor);
                GUI.Console.Print(x, 27, action, textColor, lighterColor);
コード例 #2
        } // input handling

        public static bool RenderInventory() // display handling
            int heightOfItems  = inventoryItems.Count;
            int itemPortHeight = Program.Console.Height - 8 - (displayingEquipment ? equipmentStartY : 3);

            itemsPerPage = itemPortHeight / padding;

            Point mousePos = new Point(SadConsole.Global.MouseState.ScreenPosition.X / SadConsole.Global.FontDefault.Size.X,
                                       SadConsole.Global.MouseState.ScreenPosition.Y / SadConsole.Global.FontDefault.Size.Y);

            float bgAlpha = 0.99F, fgAlpha = 0.99F;

            Color textColor        = new Color(Color.White, fgAlpha);
            Color highlightedColor = new Color(Color.Green, bgAlpha);
            Color bgColor          = new Color(darkerColor, bgAlpha);

            // FUNCTIONS

            void AddEquipment()
                if (Program.Player.Body.MainHand != null)
                if (Program.Player.Body.OffHand != null)
                if (Program.Player.Body.Helmet != null)
                if (Program.Player.Body.ChestPiece != null)
                if (Program.Player.Body.Shirt != null)
                if (Program.Player.Body.Gauntlets != null)
                if (Program.Player.Body.Leggings != null)
                if (Program.Player.Body.Boots != null)

            string AddEquipSlotToName(string name, int index)
                if (Program.Player.Body.MainHand != null &&
                    name.CompareTo(Program.Player.Body.MainHand.Name) == 0)
                    name = $"main hand: {name}";
                else if (Program.Player.Body.OffHand != null &&
                         name.CompareTo(Program.Player.Body.OffHand.Name) == 0)
                    name = $"off hand: {name}";
                else if (Program.Player.Body.Helmet != null &&
                         name.CompareTo(Program.Player.Body.Helmet.Name) == 0)
                    name = $"head: {name}";
                else if (Program.Player.Body.ChestPiece != null &&
                         name.CompareTo(Program.Player.Body.ChestPiece.Name) == 0)
                    name = $"chest: {name}";
                else if (Program.Player.Body.Shirt != null &&
                         name.CompareTo(Program.Player.Body.Shirt.Name) == 0)
                    name = $"shirt: {name}";
                else if (Program.Player.Body.Gauntlets != null &&
                         name.CompareTo(Program.Player.Body.Gauntlets.Name) == 0)
                    name = $"hands: {name}";
                else if (Program.Player.Body.Leggings != null &&
                         name.CompareTo(Program.Player.Body.Leggings.Name) == 0)
                    name = $"legs: {name}";
                else if (Program.Player.Body.Boots != null &&
                         name.CompareTo(Program.Player.Body.Boots.Name) == 0)
                    name = $"feet: {name}";


            void ConvertInventoryForDisplay()
                // items are stored in the inventory on an individual basis.
                // they are displayed in chunks that have a counter
                inventoryCount = new Dictionary <string, int>();
                inventoryItems = new List <Item>();
                bool InventoryItemsContains(Item item)
                    foreach (Item i in inventoryItems)
                        if (item.Name == i.Name)

                foreach (Item item in Program.Player.Inventory)
                    if (!InventoryItemsContains(item))
                        inventoryCount[item.Name] = 1;
                        inventoryCount[item.Name] += 1;

            void DetermineInventoryPages()
                if (itemPortHeight % padding != 0)
                    itemsPerPage += 1;
                inventoryPages = heightOfItems / itemsPerPage;
                if (heightOfItems % itemsPerPage != 0)
                    inventoryPages += 1;
                if (invCurrentPage > inventoryPages - 1 & heightOfItems > 2)
                    invCurrentPage = inventoryPages - 1;

            void DetermineEquipmentPages()
                equipmentPages = 1;
                equipmentPages = equipment.Count / equipmentPerPage;
                if (equipment.Count % equipmentPerPage != 0)
                    equipmentPages += 1;
                if (equipCurrentPage > equipmentPages - 1 & equipment.Count > 2)
                    equipCurrentPage = equipmentPages - 1;

            void PrintHeader()
                // fill the background
                for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < Program.Console.Height; j++)
                        GUI.Console.SetGlyph(i, j, ' ', bgColor, bgColor);
                // print the header
                GUI.Console.Print(width / 2 - "INVENTORY".Length / 2, 1, "INVENTORY", textColor);

                // print the right page turning button
                GUI.Console.Print(width - 2, 1, " ", textColor, bgColor);
                if (mousePos.Equals(new Point((width - 2), 1)))
                    bgColor = highlightedColor * 0.95F;
                if (inventoryPages > 1 && invCurrentPage < inventoryPages - 1)
                    GUI.Console.Print(width - 2, 1, ">", textColor, bgColor);
                bgColor = new Color(darkerColor, bgAlpha);

                // print the left page turning button
                GUI.Console.Print(1, 1, " ", textColor, bgColor);
                if (mousePos.Equals(new Point(1, 1)))
                    bgColor = highlightedColor * 0.95F;
                if (inventoryPages > 1 && invCurrentPage > 0)
                    GUI.Console.Print(1, 1, "<", textColor, bgColor);
                bgColor = new Color(color, bgAlpha);

            bool PrintInventory()

                bool highlighting = false;
                bool highlighted  = false;

                for (int i = 0, index = 0 + invCurrentPage * itemsPerPage; i < itemPortHeight; i += padding, index++)
                    string name = "";
                    bool   indexGreaterThanInventory = index >= inventoryItems.Count;
                    textColor = new Color(Color.AntiqueWhite, fgAlpha);

                    // this is to clear the line
                    GUI.Console.Print(1, 4 + i, "                     ", new Color(darkerColor, bgAlpha), new Color(darkerColor, bgAlpha));
                    GUI.Console.Print(1, 4 + i + 1, "                     ", new Color(darkerColor, bgAlpha), new Color(darkerColor, bgAlpha));

                    if (inventoryCount.Any() && !indexGreaterThanInventory)
                        Item item = inventoryItems[index];
                        name = item.Name;
                        string invCounter = "x" + inventoryCount[item.Name];

                        string pt2 = "";
                        Tuple <string, string> nameParts = Window.SplitNameIfGreaterThanLength(name, pt2, width - 3 - invCounter.Length);
                        name = nameParts.Item1;
                        if (nameParts.Item2 != "")
                            pt2 = nameParts.Item2;

                        // check if the mouse is on the item that is currently being drawn
                        if (mousePos.Y >= 3 && mousePos.X >= 1 && mousePos.X <= (width - 2))
                            if (mousePos.Y - 4 == i || mousePos.Y - 1 - 4 == i)
                                highlighted = true;

                        if (item.Identified)
                            textColor = item.ReturnRarityColor();
                        if (index % 2 == 0)
                            bgColor = new Color(color, bgAlpha);
                            bgColor = new Color(lighterColor, bgAlpha);

                        if (item == currentlyViewedItem)
                            bgColor = highlightedColor * bgAlpha;
                        string spaces = "";
                        for (int c = 0; c <= (width - 2) - (1 + name.Length) - invCounter.Length; c++)
                            spaces += ' ';
                        if (highlighted)
                            // print the name's first line
                            GUI.Console.Print(1, 4 + i, name + spaces, highlightedColor, bgColor);
                            // print the count
                            GUI.Console.Print(width - 1 - invCounter.Length, 4 + i, invCounter, textColor, bgColor);
                            // print / clear the name's second line
                            GUI.Console.Print(1, 4 + i + 1, "                    ", textColor, bgColor);
                            if (pt2 != "")
                                GUI.Console.Print(1, 4 + i + 1, pt2, highlightedColor, bgColor);
                            highlighting = true;
                            // print the name's first line
                            GUI.Console.Print(1, 4 + i, name + spaces, textColor, bgColor);
                            // print the count
                            GUI.Console.Print(width - 1 - invCounter.Length, 4 + i, invCounter, textColor, bgColor);
                            // print / clear the name's second line
                            GUI.Console.Print(1, 4 + i + 1, "                    ", textColor, bgColor);
                            if (pt2 != "")
                                GUI.Console.Print(1, 4 + i + 1, pt2, textColor, bgColor);
                    highlighted = false;

            bool PrintEquipment()
                string equipmentTitle = " EQUIPMENT ";

                if (displayingEquipment)
                    equipmentTitle = (char)31 + equipmentTitle + (char)31;
                    equipmentTitle = (char)30 + equipmentTitle + (char)30;
                GUI.Console.Print(width / 2 - "  EQUIPMENT  ".Length / 2, equipmentStartY - 2, equipmentTitle, textColor);

                if (!displayingEquipment)


                bgColor = new Color(darkerColor, bgAlpha);

                // print the right page turning button
                GUI.Console.Print(width - 2, equipmentStartY - 2, " ", textColor, bgColor);

                if (mousePos.Equals(new Point(width - 2, equipmentStartY - 2)))
                    bgColor = highlightedColor * 0.95F;
                if (equipmentPages > 1 && equipCurrentPage < equipmentPages - 1)
                    GUI.Console.Print(width - 2, equipmentStartY - 2, ">", textColor, bgColor);

                bgColor = new Color(darkerColor, bgAlpha);

                // print the left page turning button
                GUI.Console.Print(1, equipmentStartY - 2, " ", textColor, bgColor);

                if (mousePos.Equals(new Point(1, equipmentStartY - 2)))
                    bgColor = highlightedColor * 0.95F;
                if (equipmentPages > 1 && equipCurrentPage > 0)
                    GUI.Console.Print(1, equipmentStartY - 2, "<", textColor, bgColor);

                bgColor = new Color(color, bgAlpha);

                bool highlighting = false;
                bool highlighted  = false;

                for (int i = 0, index = 0 + equipCurrentPage * equipmentPerPage; i < equipmentLen; i += padding, index++)
                    string name = "";

                    bool indexGreaterThanPlayersItems = index >= equipment.Count;

                    textColor = new Color(Color.AntiqueWhite, bgAlpha);

                    // this is to clear the line
                    GUI.Console.Print(1, equipmentStartY + i, "                    ", new Color(darkerColor, bgAlpha), new Color(darkerColor, bgAlpha));
                    GUI.Console.Print(1, equipmentStartY + i + 1, "                    ", new Color(darkerColor, bgAlpha), new Color(darkerColor, bgAlpha));

                    if (equipment.Any() && !indexGreaterThanPlayersItems)
                        Item item = equipment[index];
                        name = AddEquipSlotToName(item.Name, index);

                        string pt2 = "";
                        Tuple <string, string> nameParts = Window.SplitNameIfGreaterThanLength(name, pt2, StatusPanel.Width - 2);
                        name = nameParts.Item1;
                        if (name[name.Length - 1] == ' ')
                            name = name.Substring(0, name.Length - 1);
                        if (nameParts.Item2 != "")
                            pt2 = nameParts.Item2;

                        // check if the mouse is on the item that is currently being drawn
                        if (mousePos.X >= 1 && mousePos.X <= (width - 1))
                            if (mousePos.Y - equipmentStartY == i || mousePos.Y - 1 - equipmentStartY == i)
                                highlighted = true;

                        if (item.Identified)
                            textColor = new Color(item.ReturnRarityColor(), bgAlpha);

                        bgColor = index % 2 == 0 ? new Color(color, bgAlpha) : new Color(lighterColor, bgAlpha);

                        if (item == currentlyViewedItem)
                            bgColor = new Color(highlightedColor * 0.95F, bgAlpha);

                        string spaces = "";

                        for (int c = 0; c < (StatusPanel.Width - 2) - name.Length; c++)
                            spaces += ' ';

                        if (highlighted)
                            // print the name's first line
                            GUI.Console.Print(1, equipmentStartY + i, name + spaces, highlightedColor, bgColor);
                            // print / clear the name's second line
                            GUI.Console.Print(1, equipmentStartY + i + 1, "                    ", bgColor, bgColor);

                            if (pt2 != "")
                                GUI.Console.Print(1, equipmentStartY + i + 1, pt2, highlightedColor, bgColor);

                            highlighting = true;
                            // print the name's first line
                            GUI.Console.Print(1, equipmentStartY + i, name + spaces, textColor, bgColor);
                            // print / clear the name's second line
                            GUI.Console.Print(1, equipmentStartY + i + 1, "                    ", textColor, bgColor);

                            if (pt2 != "")
                                GUI.Console.Print(1, equipmentStartY + i + 1, pt2, textColor, bgColor);

                    highlighted = false;

            // START

            equipment = new List <Item>();


            // print the gold
            int goldX = width - 1 - $"gold: {Program.Player.Gold}".Length;

            GUI.Console.Print(goldX, Program.Console.Height - 2, $"gold: {Program.Player.Gold}", textColor);

            return(PrintInventory() | PrintEquipment());
コード例 #3
        public static void RenderItemView()
            if (currentlyViewedItem == null)
            // initialize variables
            Item   item    = currentlyViewedItem;
            string name    = item.Name;
            float  fgAlpha = 0.99F;
            Color  color   = new Color(Color.AntiqueWhite, fgAlpha);

            string pt2 = "";

            // split the name into two lines if necessary
            Tuple <string, string> stringParts = Window.SplitNameIfGreaterThanLength(name, pt2, 18);

            name = stringParts.Item1;
            pt2  = stringParts.Item2;

            // print the name at top
            if (item.Identified)
                color = item.ReturnRarityColor();

            GUI.Console.Print(width + 1, 1, name, color);
            GUI.Console.Print(width + 1, 2, pt2, color);

            Tuple <byte, Color> comparisonArrow = GUI.GetItemArrow(item);

            if (comparisonArrow.Item1 != 0)
                GUI.Console.SetGlyph(width + 1 + (pt2 == "" ? name.Length : pt2.Length), pt2 == "" ? 1 : 2, comparisonArrow.Item1, comparisonArrow.Item2);

            //// print the splash art
            //bool thisItemHasSplashArt = item.splash != null;
            //if (thisItemHasSplashArt)
            //    for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++)
            //        for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
            //            Program.mapConsole.Set(i, j + 3, item.splash[i, j].color, Swatch.SecondaryDarker, item.splash[i, j].character);

            //print the item description
            color = new Color(100, 116, 136, 0.99F);
            int numlines = Program.Window.Print(GUI.Console, width + 1, 13, item.Description, 18, color);

            // print the weight, volume, and durability
            color = new Color(Color.LightGray, 0.99F);
            string plural = ".";

            if (item.Weight > 1)
                plural = "s.";
            GUI.Console.Print(width + 1, 14 + numlines, "Weight: " + Math.Round(item.Weight, 2) + " lb" + plural, color);
            GUI.Console.Print(width + 1, 14 + numlines + 2, "Size: " + Math.Round(Convert.FromCubicFeetToCubicInches(item.Volume), 2), color);
            GUI.Console.Print(width + 7, 14 + numlines + 3, "cubic inches", color);
            GUI.Console.Print(width + 1, 14 + numlines + 4, $"Impact Dur.: {item.ImpactDurability / Physics.ImpactFractures[item.Material]*100}%", color);
            GUI.Console.Print(width + 1, 14 + numlines + 5, $"Shear Dur.: {item.ShearDurability / Physics.ShearFractures[item.Material] * 100}%", color);

            int actionsStartY = Program.Console.Height - 7;

            // print the actions
            for (int x = width + 1; x <= width + 12; x += 11)
                color = Color.Orange;
                Color highlightingColor       = Color.Green;
                bool  highlightingAction      = false;
                bool  thisIsTheFirstIteration = x == width + 1;

                string action = thisIsTheFirstIteration ? "[eat]" : "[drink]";
                if (Program.Window.MousePos.Y == actionsStartY && Program.Window.MousePos.X >= x && Program.Window.MousePos.X < x + action.Length)
                    highlightingAction = true;
                GUI.Console.Print(x, actionsStartY, action, highlightingAction ? highlightingColor : color, lighterColor);

                highlightingAction = false;
                action             = thisIsTheFirstIteration ? "[drop]" : "[equip]";
                if (Program.Window.MousePos.Y == actionsStartY + 2 && Program.Window.MousePos.X >= x && Program.Window.MousePos.X < x + action.Length)
                    highlightingAction = true;
                GUI.Console.Print(x, actionsStartY + 2, action, highlightingAction ? highlightingColor : color, lighterColor);

                if (thisIsTheFirstIteration)
                    highlightingAction = false;
                    action             = "[open]";
                    if (Program.Window.MousePos.Y == actionsStartY + 4 && Program.Window.MousePos.X >= x && Program.Window.MousePos.X < x + action.Length)
                        highlightingAction = true;
                    GUI.Console.Print(x, actionsStartY + 4, action, highlightingAction ? highlightingColor : color, lighterColor);
コード例 #4
        public static void RenderItemView()
            if (currentlyViewedItem == null)
            // initialize variables
            Item   item    = currentlyViewedItem;
            string name    = item.Name;
            float  fgAlpha = 0.99F;
            Color  color   = new Color(Color.AntiqueWhite, fgAlpha);

            if (GUI.Console.GetGlyph(width + 1, 1) != name[0])
                string pt2 = "";

                // split the name into two lines if necessary
                Tuple <string, string> stringParts = Window.SplitNameIfGreaterThanLength(name, pt2, 18);
                name = stringParts.Item1;
                pt2  = stringParts.Item2;

                // print the name at top
                if (item.Identified)
                    color = item.ReturnRarityColor();

                GUI.Console.Print(width + 1, 1, name, color);
                GUI.Console.Print(width + 1, 2, pt2, color);

                Tuple <byte, Color> comparisonArrow = GUI.GetItemArrow(item);
                if (comparisonArrow.Item1 != 0)
                    GUI.Console.SetGlyph(width + 1 + (pt2 == "" ? name.Length : pt2.Length), pt2 == "" ? 1 : 2, comparisonArrow.Item1, comparisonArrow.Item2);

            //// print the splash art
            //bool thisItemHasSplashArt = item.splash != null;
            //if (thisItemHasSplashArt)
            //    for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++)
            //        for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
            //            Program.mapConsole.Set(i, j + 3, item.splash[i, j].color, Swatch.SecondaryDarker, item.splash[i, j].character);

            //print the item description
            if (GUI.Console.GetGlyph(width + 1, 13) != item.Description[0])
                color = new Color(100, 116, 136, 0.99F);
                Program.Window.Print(GUI.Console, width + 1, 13, item.Description, 18, color);

            // print the weight, volume, and quality
            if (GUI.Console.GetGlyph(width + 1, 21) != 'W')
                color = new Color(Color.LightGray, 0.99F);
                string plural = ".";
                if (item.Weight > 1)
                    plural = "s.";
                GUI.Console.Print(width + 1, 21, "Weight: " + Math.Round(item.Weight, 2) + " lb" + plural, color);
                GUI.Console.Print(width + 1, 23, "Size: " + Math.Round(Convert.FromCubicFeetToCubicInches(item.Volume), 2), color);
            GUI.Console.Print(width + 7, 24, "cubic inches", color);

            // print the actions
            for (int x = width + 1; x <= width + 12; x += 11)
                color = Color.Orange;
                Color  highlightingColor  = Color.Green;
                bool   highlightingAction = false;
                string action             = "";

                bool thisIsTheFirstIteration = x == width + 1;
                if (thisIsTheFirstIteration)
                    action = "[drop]";
                    action = "[throw]";

                if (Program.Window.MousePos.Y == 27 && Program.Window.MousePos.X >= x && Program.Window.MousePos.X < x + action.Length)
                    highlightingAction = true;

                if (highlightingAction)
                    GUI.Console.Print(x, 27, action, highlightingColor, lighterColor);
                    GUI.Console.Print(x, 27, action, color, lighterColor);

                highlightingAction = false;
                if (thisIsTheFirstIteration)
                    action = "[drink]";
                    action = "[equip]";
                if (Program.Window.MousePos.Y == 29 && Program.Window.MousePos.X >= x && Program.Window.MousePos.X < x + action.Length)
                    highlightingAction = true;
                if (highlightingAction)
                    GUI.Console.Print(x, 29, action, highlightingColor, lighterColor);
                    GUI.Console.Print(x, 29, action, color, lighterColor);