private void c1FlexGrid_Conditions_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (!ribbonCheckBox_CheckCondition.Checked) { C1FlexGrid grid = sender as C1FlexGrid; if (grid.RowSel > 0) { Point pt = new Point(e.X, e.Y); Point FormLocation = this.Location; // Point groupLocation = groupBox2.Location; // Point groupLocation = splitContainer2.Panel1.Location; Point groupLocationSplitter = splitContainer1.Panel2.Location; Point groupLocation = grid.Location; Point PopupLocation = new Point(FormLocation.X + groupLocation.X + e.X + groupLocationSplitter.X - 40, FormLocation.Y + 145 + groupLocation.Y + e.Y); int nCondition_ID = (int)grid[grid.RowSel, "Condition"]; if (nCondition_ID == (int)Definition.RoutingConditions.SAMPLEONPOS || // sample on pos nCondition_ID == (int)Definition.RoutingConditions.SAMPLEPRIORITY || // sample priority nCondition_ID == (int)Definition.RoutingConditions.SAMPLETYPE) // sample type { if (grid.ColSel == 3) { Select_Form select_Form = new Select_Form(this, PopupLocation, nCondition_ID, grid, true); select_Form.ShowDialog(); } } } } }
private void c1FlexGrid_Commands_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (ribbonCheckBox_CheckCondition.Checked) { ShowEditInfo(); return; } C1FlexGrid grid = sender as C1FlexGrid; Point pt = new Point(e.X, e.Y); Point FormLocation = this.Location; Point groupLocation = grid.Location; Point groupLocationSplitter = splitContainer1.Panel2.Location; Point PopupLocation = new Point(FormLocation.X + groupLocation.X + e.X + groupLocationSplitter.X-70, FormLocation.Y + 90 + groupLocation.Y + e.Y); // Rectangle rc = grid.GetCellRect(row,col); // idrouting_commands,RoutingPositionEntry_ID if (grid.Row != -1) { int nCommandType_ID = (int)grid[grid.RowSel, "Command"]; if (nCommandType_ID == (int)Definition.RoutingCommands.SHIFTSAMPLE) // shift sample { if (grid.ColSel == 2) { Select_Form select_Form = new Select_Form(this, PopupLocation, nCommandType_ID, grid); select_Form.ShowDialog(); } } if (nCommandType_ID == (int)Definition.RoutingCommands.CREATESAMPLE) // create sample { if (grid.ColSel == 2 || grid.ColSel == 3) { Select_Form select_Form = new Select_Form(this, PopupLocation, nCommandType_ID, grid); select_Form.ShowDialog(); } } if (nCommandType_ID == (int)Definition.RoutingCommands.DELETESAMPLE) // delete sample { // no edit needed } if (nCommandType_ID == (int)Definition.RoutingCommands.CHANGESAMPLETYPE) // change sample type { // done with a combobox } if (nCommandType_ID == (int)Definition.RoutingCommands.CHANGEPRIORITY) // change sample priority { // done with a numeric box } if (nCommandType_ID == (int)Definition.RoutingCommands.WRITEGLOBALTAG) // write WinCC global tag { if (grid.ColSel == 4) { Select_Form select_Form = new Select_Form(this, PopupLocation, nCommandType_ID, grid); select_Form.ShowDialog(); } } if (nCommandType_ID == (int)Definition.RoutingCommands.WRITEMACHINETAG) // write WinCC machine tag { if (grid.ColSel == 4) { Select_Form select_Form = new Select_Form(this, PopupLocation, nCommandType_ID, grid); select_Form.ShowDialog(); } } if (nCommandType_ID == (int)Definition.RoutingCommands.INSERTWSENTRY) // write WS entry { // both Name and Value must be free discribable if (grid.ColSel == 3) { int nPositionType = -1; Int32.TryParse(grid.GetData(grid.RowSel, 2).ToString(), out nPositionType); if (nPositionType == (int)Definition.WSInsertLocation.SAMPLEONPOS) { Select_Form select_Form = new Select_Form(this, PopupLocation, nCommandType_ID, grid); select_Form.ShowDialog(); } } } if (nCommandType_ID == (int)Definition.RoutingCommands.DELETEWSENTRY) // delete WS entry { // both Name must be free discribable } if (nCommandType_ID == (int)Definition.RoutingCommands.SENDINGCOMMANDTOMACHINE) // sending command to machine { if (grid.ColSel == 2 || grid.ColSel == 3) { Select_Form select_Form = new Select_Form(this, PopupLocation, nCommandType_ID, grid); select_Form.ShowDialog(); } } if (nCommandType_ID == (int)Definition.RoutingCommands.CREATERESERVATION || nCommandType_ID == (int)Definition.RoutingCommands.DELETERESERVATION) // create/delete reservation { if (grid.ColSel == 2) { Select_Form select_Form = new Select_Form(this, PopupLocation, nCommandType_ID, grid); select_Form.ShowDialog(); } } } }