static void GetCarInfo() { Console.WriteLine("So you'd like to add your old beater to the lot. Let's get a little info on it real quick."); Console.Write("What's the make?: "); string make = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("What's the model?: "); string model = Console.ReadLine(); string yearStr = ""; string priceStr = ""; string mileageStr = ""; do { Console.Write("What year is it?: "); yearStr = Console.ReadLine(); } while (Validator.CheckInt(yearStr)); int year = Int32.Parse(yearStr); do { Console.Write("How much is it?: $"); priceStr = Console.ReadLine(); } while (Validator.CheckDec(priceStr)); decimal price = Decimal.Parse(priceStr); do { Console.Write("How many miles?: "); mileageStr = Console.ReadLine(); } while (Validator.CheckDouble(mileageStr)); double mileage = Double.Parse(mileageStr); CarLot.AddCar(new UsedCar(make, model, year, price, mileage)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Car newFord = new Car("Ford", "Focus", 2008, 2000m); Car newChevy = new Car("Chevy", "Blazer", 2020, 42000m); Car newJeep = new Car("Jeep", "Compass", 2021, 48000m); UsedCar usedChevy = new UsedCar("Chevy", "Cruze", 2016, 5600m, 89500); UsedCar usedDodge = new UsedCar("Dodge", "Ram", 2008, 2400m, 150866); UsedCar usedFord = new UsedCar("Ford", "F-150", 2016, 8450m, 65000); CarLot cars = new CarLot(); cars.AddCar(newFord); cars.AddCar(newChevy); cars.AddCar(newJeep); cars.AddCar(usedChevy); cars.AddCar(usedDodge); cars.AddCar(usedFord); Console.WriteLine("welcome to Chelsea's Current Car Collection!"); cars.ListCar(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { CarLot.AddCar(new Car("Chevy", "Blazer", 2021, 28800m)); CarLot.AddCar(new Car("Kia", "Telluride", 2021, 32190m)); CarLot.AddCar(new Car("Aston Martin", "Vantage", 2021, 139000m)); CarLot.AddCar(new UsedCar("Alfa Romeo", "Stelvio Sport", 2018, 25990m, 41509)); CarLot.AddCar(new UsedCar("Dodge", "Charger", 2019, 39646m, 15992)); CarLot.AddCar(new UsedCar("GMC", "Yukon SLT", 2018, 45000m, 30864)); bool done = false; while (!done) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Grant Chirpus' Used Car Emporium!!\n"); CarLot.ListCars(); bool isValid = false; while (!isValid) { Console.Write($"\nWhich car would you like? "); bool isInt = Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int choice); if (isInt && choice >= 1 && choice <= CarLot.carList.Count) { isValid = true; Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"You have selected the {CarLot.carList[choice - 1].Make} {CarLot.carList[choice - 1].Model} for ${CarLot.carList[choice - 1].Price}"); bool validAns = false; while (!validAns) { Console.Write($"\nWould you like to buy the {CarLot.carList[choice - 1].Make} {CarLot.carList[choice - 1].Model}? (y/n): "); string userAns = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (userAns == "y" || userAns == "n") { validAns = true; if (userAns == "y") { Console.WriteLine($"Congratulations on your new {CarLot.carList[choice - 1].Make} {CarLot.carList[choice - 1].Model}!"); CarLot.carList.RemoveAt(choice - 1); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Are you sure??? Ok, no worries."); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Sorry, that was not a valid option. Please try again"); } } } else if (isInt && (choice == CarLot.carList.Count + 1 || choice == CarLot.carList.Count + 2)) { isValid = true; if (choice == CarLot.carList.Count + 1) { GetCarInfo(); } else { done = true; Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Goodbye! Have a beautiful time!"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Sorry, that was not a valid option. Please try again"); } } } }