コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the card payment by establishing a connection with the configured payment processor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eftInfo">Reference to an EftInfo object.</param>
        /// <param name="posTransaction">Current transaction.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the processing succeeded.</returns>
        public bool ProcessCardPayment(ref IEFTInfo eftInfo, IPosTransaction posTransaction)
            //eftInfo.Authorized = true;
            //eftInfo.IsPendingCapture = true;

            //return eftInfo.Authorized;

            // This is the main entry point for the actual card processing.  All card information that was
            //    gathered by GetCardInfoAndAmount() has been copied to similar fields in the "eftInfo" object.
            //    Use this information when calling your provider's service.

            // Our example will simulate successful authorization (or refund) randomly based on whether
            //    this method gets hit on an odd or even second.  In a real scenario, this is where you
            //    would call your payment provider directly (web service, direct sockets, etc.) or call
            //    out to a DLL with the necessary parameters.

            // All information is stored back to the eftInfo object which is used for printing the receipt,
            //    storing information to the database (RetailTransactionPaymentTrans table),  statement posting, etc.

            // In this example, we are simulating a 1-step Auth/Capture process, so we will
            //    always leave "IsPendingCapture" as false.

            // The eftInfo class has many properties; most of them are used only for printing on the receipt.
            //      See the EFT_NewSample2012_Readme.docx file for a mapping.
            // Only a few are stored to the RetailTransactionPaymentTrans table:
            //      eftInfo.BatchCode = BATCHID
            //      eftInfo.AuthCode = EFTAUTHENTICATIONCODE
            //      eftInfo.IssuerNumber = CARDTYPEID  ** Only used if cardInfo.CardTypeId was blank after ID'ing the card
            // In addition, the cardInfo.CardNumber (masked) is stored to the CARDORACCOUNT column.
            // You may wish to save additional information to your own table.

            // Note:  Both a SALE and a REFUND process will end up here.  To determine if we're charging the card
            //  or refunding money to the card, simply look at eftInfo.Amount.  If the amount is negative, send a refund request.

            //if (DateTime.Now.Second % 2 == 1) //Uncomment this line to RANDOMLY succeed (odd or even second)
            ////if (true)  //Uncomment this line to ALWAYS succeed
            //    //Auth was successful
            //    eftInfo.Authorized = true;

            //    //Authorization code returned from processor.
            //    eftInfo.AuthCode = "123456";

            //    // Some fields only for printing on the receipt (see note above)
            //    eftInfo.TransactionDateTime = DateTime.Now;
            //    eftInfo.Message = String.Empty;
            //    eftInfo.SequenceCode = String.Empty;
            //    eftInfo.EntrySourceCode = String.Empty;
            //    eftInfo.RetrievalReferenceNumber = String.Empty;
            //    eftInfo.AccountType = "Checking";
            //    eftInfo.ResponseCode = String.Empty;
            //    eftInfo.AuthorizedText = "Success";  // Printed on receipt as "EFT Info Message" field

            //    // If performing a two-step Auth/Capture process, would set this to true in order
            //    //    to be caught by the Capture process at the end of the transaction.  Otherwise,
            //    //    the Authorization process must send a Capture request at the same time as the Auth request.
            //    eftInfo.IsPendingCapture = false;

            //    //Authorization failed
            //    eftInfo.Authorized = false;

            //    eftInfo.TransactionDateTime = DateTime.Now;
            //    eftInfo.ProviderResponseCode = "99";
            //    eftInfo.NotAuthorizedText = "Not Approved";

            //    //Error Code and Error Message are shown to the user in pop-up window.
            //    eftInfo.ErrorCode = "99999";
            //    eftInfo.ErrorMessage = "This is why the auth failed.";

            //if (!eftInfo.Authorized)
            //    // May want to print decline receipt if authorization failed.
            //    PrintDeclineReceipt(eftInfo);

            //    // Otherwise, set ErrorCode and ErrorMessage will be shown on the screen if Authorized = false
            //    // Note:  If authorization was successful, by default no message is given.  You can add functionality
            //    //      to notify user of success.


            /* Blocked on 29.07.2013 //
             * string sReqXML = "22,0,<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?><purchase-request><TransactionInput ID='ID000001'><Card><IsManualEntry>false</IsManualEntry><Track1>4550381512383001^SUBHANKAR  KUNDU          ^1012101154730000000000774000000</Track1><Track2>5566204200063157=10031010019400</Track2></Card><Amount><BaseAmount>100</BaseAmount><CurrencyCode>INR</CurrencyCode></Amount><POS><POSReferenceNumber>TL993812</POSReferenceNumber><TransactionTime>2008-09-17T09:30:47.0Z</TransactionTime><Product><Code>SK9881277736</Code><Name>NOKIA 6610</Name><Description>Nokia mobile phone</Description><Category>MBL</Category></Product><Product><Code>SK9881277788</Code><Name>NOKIA 78GL ADPTR</Name><Description>Nokia travel adaptor</Description><Category>MBA</Category></Product><User><ID>16</ID><Name>AMITKUMAR</Name></User><TrackingNumber>818</TrackingNumber></POS></TransactionInput></purchase-request>";
             * Project1.Class1 oEFTClass = new Project1.Class1();
             * String sResponseXML = oEFTClass.Inno(sReqXML);
             * DataSet ds = new DataSet();
             * using (StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(sResponseXML))
             * {
             *  ds = new DataSet();
             *  ds.ReadXml(stringReader);
             * }
             * DataTable dt = new DataTable();
             * if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0)
             * {
             *   dt = ds.Tables["HostResponse"];
             * }
             * if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
             * {
             *  string code = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["ResponseCode"]);
             *  string message = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["ResponseMessage"]);
             *  string approvalcode = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["ApprovalCode"]);
             *  if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(approvalcode))
             *  {
             *      eftInfo.Authorized = false;
             *      eftInfo.ErrorCode = code;
             *      eftInfo.ErrorMessage = message;
             *  }
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  eftInfo.Authorized = false;
             *  eftInfo.ErrorCode = "99999";
             *  eftInfo.ErrorMessage = "No Connection Available to authorize the connection.";
             * }

            //using (LSRetailPosis.POSProcesses.frmMessage dialog = new frmMessage(sResponseXML, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information))
            //    Application.ApplicationFramework.POSShowForm(dialog);
            // eftInfo.Authorized = true;

            eftInfo.Authorized = true;

            string sTblName = "EXTNDCARDINFO" + ApplicationSettings.Terminal.TerminalId;
            string sCardNo  = EFT.InternalApplication.BusinessLogic.Utility.MaskCardNumber(eftInfo.CardNumber);

            RetailTransaction retailTrans = posTransaction as RetailTransaction;

            if (retailTrans != null)
                retailTrans.PartnerData.EFTCardNo = eftInfo.CardNumber;
                UpdateCardIfo(sTblName, retailTrans.TransactionId, sCardNo, sEFTApprovalCode, sCExpMonth, sCExpYear);

            LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction custTrans = posTransaction as LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction;
            if (custTrans != null)
                custTrans.PartnerData.EFTCardNo = eftInfo.CardNumber;
                UpdateCardIfo(sTblName, custTrans.TransactionId, sCardNo, sEFTApprovalCode, sCExpMonth, sCExpYear);

コード例 #2
        public void PostProcessOperation(IPosTransaction posTransaction, PosisOperations posisOperation)
            if (posisOperation == PosisOperations.CustomerAccountDeposit)
                LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction custTrans = posTransaction as LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction;
                if (custTrans != null && custTrans.Amount != 0)
                    custTrans.PartnerData.EFTCardNo = string.Empty;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(custTrans.Customer.CustomerId)))
                        bool   IsRepair   = false;
                        string sCustOrder = OrderNum(out IsRepair);

                        //string sCustOrder = OrderNum();
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sCustOrder))
                            decimal dFixedRatePercentage = 0m;
                            decimal dCustOrderTotalAmt   = 0m;

                            if (!IsRepair)
                                dFixedRatePercentage = GetCustOrderFixedRateInfo(sCustOrder, ref dCustOrderTotalAmt);

                            SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection();

                            if (application != null)
                                connection = application.Settings.Database.Connection;
                                connection = ApplicationSettings.Database.LocalConnection;

                            Enums.EnumClass oEnum       = new Enums.EnumClass();
                            string          sMaxAmount  = string.Empty;
                            string          sTerminalID = ApplicationSettings.Terminal.TerminalId;
                            string          sMinAmt     = Convert.ToString(oEnum.ValidateMinDeposit(connection, out sMaxAmount, sTerminalID, dCustOrderTotalAmt));

                            (((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction))).CustomerDepositItem.Comment = "INFORMATION : MINIMUM DEPOSIT AMOUNT IS " + decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(sMinAmt), 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) + " " +
                                                                                                                                     "AND MAXIMUM DEPOSIT AMOUNT IS " + decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(sMaxAmount), 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);

                            ((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction)).PartnerData.FixedRateCustOrdNo         = sCustOrder;
                            ((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction)).PartnerData.FixedRateCustOrdPercentage = dFixedRatePercentage;
                            ((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction)).PartnerData.FixedRateCustOrdTotAmt     = dCustOrderTotalAmt;

                            ((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction)).PartnerData.GSSNum        = string.Empty;
                            ((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction)).PartnerData.NumMonths     = string.Empty;
                            ((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction)).PartnerData.OperationType = Convert.ToString("NORMALCUSTOMERDEPOSIT");
                            ((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction)).PartnerData.OperationDone = Convert.ToBoolean(false);
                            ((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction)).PartnerData.OrderNo       = sCustOrder;
                            ((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction)).PartnerData.SKUData       = string.Empty;
                            ((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction)).PartnerData.ItemIds       = string.Empty;
                            ((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction)).PartnerData.IsRepair      = IsRepair;
                            #region Comment
                            //frmOptionSelectionGSSorCustomerOrder optionSelection = new frmOptionSelectionGSSorCustomerOrder();
                            //SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection();

                            //if (application != null)
                            //    connection = application.Settings.Database.Connection;
                            //    connection = ApplicationSettings.Database.LocalConnection;

                            //if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
                            //    connection.Open();

                            //if (optionSelection.isGSS)
                            //    string commandText = string.Empty;

                            //    commandText = " SELECT   GSSACCOUNTOPENINGPOSTED.GSSACCOUNTNO AS [GSSACCOUNTNO.], " +
                            //                  " DIRPARTYTABLE.NAMEALIAS AS [CUSTOMERNAME],  " +
                            //                  " ( CASE  WHEN  GSSACCOUNTOPENINGPOSTED.SCHEMETYPE=0 THEN 'FIXED' ELSE 'FLEXIBLE' END) AS [SCHEMETYPE], " +
                            //                  " GSSACCOUNTOPENINGPOSTED.SCHEMECODE AS [SCHEMECODE], " +
                            //                  " GSSACCOUNTOPENINGPOSTED.GSSConfirm AS [GSSCONFIRM] " +
                            //                  " FROM         DIRPARTYTABLE INNER JOIN " +
                            //                  " CUSTTABLE ON DIRPARTYTABLE.RECID = CUSTTABLE.PARTY INNER JOIN " +
                            //                  " WHERE GSSACCOUNTOPENINGPOSTED.CUSTACCOUNT = '" + custTrans.Customer.CustomerId + "'";

                            //    if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
                            //        connection.Open();

                            //    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(commandText, connection);
                            //    SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                            //    DataTable dtGSS = new DataTable();
                            //    dtGSS.Load(rdr);

                            //    BlankOperations.WinFormsTouch.frmGSSInput oGSS = new frmGSSInput(dtGSS, (((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction))).CustomerDepositItem.Amount);
                            //    oGSS.ShowDialog();

                            //    rdr.Dispose();

                            //    if (oGSS.bStatus)
                            //    {
                            //        ((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction)).PartnerData.GSSNum = Convert.ToString(oGSS.GSSnumber);
                            //        ((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction)).PartnerData.NumMonths = Convert.ToString(oGSS.months);
                            //        ((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction)).PartnerData.OperationType = Convert.ToString("GSS");

                            //        ((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction)).PartnerData.OperationDone = Convert.ToBoolean(true);
                            //        ((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction)).PartnerData.GoldFixing = oGSS.GoldFixing;
                            //        ((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction)).Amount = Convert.ToDecimal(oGSS.Amount);
                            //        (((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction))).CustomerDepositItem.Amount = Convert.ToDecimal(oGSS.Amount);
                            //        (((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction))).TransSalePmtDiff = Convert.ToDecimal(oGSS.Amount);

                            //        ((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction)).PartnerData.FixedRateCustOrdNo = string.Empty;

                            //    }
                            //    else
                            //    {
                            //        ((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction)).PartnerData.GSSNum = string.Empty;
                            //        ((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction)).PartnerData.NumMonths = string.Empty;
                            //        ((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction)).PartnerData.OperationType = Convert.ToString("NORMALCUSTOMERDEPOSIT");

                            //        ((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction)).PartnerData.OperationDone = Convert.ToBoolean(false);

                            //        ((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction)).PartnerData.FixedRateCustOrdNo = string.Empty;
                            //        ((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction)).PartnerData.FixedRateCustOrdPercentage = 0;
                            //        ((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction)).PartnerData.FixedRateCustOrdTotAmt = 0;

                            //    }

                            ((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction)).PartnerData.GSSNum        = string.Empty;
                            ((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction)).PartnerData.NumMonths     = string.Empty;
                            ((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction)).PartnerData.OperationType = Convert.ToString("NORMALCUSTOMERDEPOSIT");

                            ((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction)).PartnerData.OperationDone = Convert.ToBoolean(false);

                            ((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction)).PartnerData.FixedRateCustOrdNo         = string.Empty;
                            ((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction)).PartnerData.FixedRateCustOrdPercentage = 0;
                            ((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction)).PartnerData.FixedRateCustOrdTotAmt     = 0;
                            ((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction)).PartnerData.ItemIds  = string.Empty;
                            ((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction)).PartnerData.IsRepair = false;


            LSRetailPosis.ApplicationLog.Log("IOperationTriggersV1.PostProcessOperation", "After the operation has been processed this trigger is called.", LSRetailPosis.LogTraceLevel.Trace);
コード例 #3
        public void PrePayment(IPreTriggerResult preTriggerResult, IPosTransaction posTransaction, object posOperation, string tenderId)
            RetailTransaction retailTransaction = posTransaction as RetailTransaction;

            LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction custTrans = posTransaction as LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction;
            if (custTrans != null)
                InputConfirmation inputconfirm = new InputConfirmation();
                inputconfirm.PromptText = "Remarks ";
                inputconfirm.InputType  = InputType.Normal;

                Interaction.frmInput Oinput = new Interaction.frmInput(inputconfirm);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Oinput.InputText))
                    custTrans.PartnerData.Remarks = Oinput.InputText;
                    custTrans.PartnerData.Remarks = "";

                if ((PosisOperations)posOperation == PosisOperations.PayCreditMemo)
                    preTriggerResult.ContinueOperation = false;

                SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection();

                if (application != null)
                    connection = application.Settings.Database.Connection;
                    connection = ApplicationSettings.Database.LocalConnection;

                Enums.EnumClass oEnum       = new Enums.EnumClass();
                string          sMaxAmount  = string.Empty;
                string          sTerminalID = ApplicationSettings.Terminal.TerminalId;
                string          sMinAmt     = Convert.ToString(oEnum.ValidateMinDeposit(connection, out sMaxAmount, sTerminalID, Convert.ToDecimal((((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction))).CustomerDepositItem.Amount)));
                if (Convert.ToDecimal(sMinAmt) != 0 && Convert.ToDecimal(sMaxAmount) != 0)
                    if (Convert.ToDecimal(sMinAmt) > Convert.ToDecimal((((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction))).CustomerDepositItem.Amount) ||
                        Convert.ToDecimal(sMaxAmount) < Convert.ToDecimal((((LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction)(posTransaction))).CustomerDepositItem.Amount))
                        preTriggerResult.ContinueOperation = false;
                        preTriggerResult.MessageId         = 50448;

            //start : RH on 05/11/2014
            if (retailTransaction != null)
                /* InputConfirmation inC = new InputConfirmation();
                 * inC.PromptText = "Remarks";
                 * inC.InputType = InputType.Normal;
                 * Interaction.frmInput Oinput = new Interaction.frmInput(inC);
                 * Oinput.ShowDialog();
                 * if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Oinput.InputText))
                 *   retailTransaction.PartnerData.Remarks = Oinput.InputText;
                 * else
                 *   retailTransaction.PartnerData.Remarks = "";*/

                int iPM    = 100;
                int iCF    = 100;
                int isSale = 0;
                foreach (SaleLineItem saleLineItem in retailTransaction.SaleItems)
                    if (!saleLineItem.Voided)
                        isSale = 1;
                        iPM    = getMetalType(saleLineItem.ItemId);
                        if (iPM == (int)MetalType.PackingMaterial)
                if (isSale == 1 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(retailTransaction.PartnerData.Remarks))
                    InputConfirmation inC = new InputConfirmation();
                    inC.PromptText = "Remarks";
                    inC.InputType  = InputType.Normal;

                    Interaction.frmInput Oinput = new Interaction.frmInput(inC);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Oinput.InputText))
                        retailTransaction.PartnerData.Remarks = Oinput.InputText;
                        retailTransaction.PartnerData.Remarks = "";

                if ((isSale == 1 || retailTransaction.SaleIsReturnSale) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(retailTransaction.PartnerData.TouristNumber))
                    using (LSRetailPosis.POSProcesses.frmMessage dialog = new LSRetailPosis.POSProcesses.frmMessage("Tourist VAT Applicable.", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question))
                        //command.Parameters.Add("@GOLDFIXING", SqlDbType.Bit).Value = Convert.ToString(dialog.DialogResult).ToUpper().Trim() == "YES" ? "True" : "False";
                        if (Convert.ToString(dialog.DialogResult).ToUpper().Trim() == "YES")
                            InputConfirmation inC = new InputConfirmation();
                            inC.PromptText = "Tourist VAT Applicable";
                            inC.InputType  = InputType.Normal;
                            inC.MaxLength  = 20;

                            Interaction.frmInput Oinput = new Interaction.frmInput(inC);
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Oinput.InputText))
                                retailTransaction.PartnerData.TouristNumber = Oinput.InputText;
                                retailTransaction.PartnerData.TouristNumber = "";

                string sAdjustmentId = AdjustmentItemID();
                foreach (SaleLineItem SLineItem in retailTransaction.SaleItems)
                    //if(SLineItem.ItemId == sAdjustmentId && retailTransaction.SaleItems.Count == 1)
                    //    retailTransaction.RefundReceiptId = "1";
                    //    //break;

                    if (SLineItem.ItemId == sAdjustmentId && retailTransaction.SaleItems.Count > 0)
                        retailTransaction.RefundReceiptId = "1";
                    if (SLineItem.ItemId != sAdjustmentId)
                        retailTransaction.RefundReceiptId = "";

                foreach (SaleLineItem saleLineItem in retailTransaction.SaleItems)
                    if (!saleLineItem.Voided)
                        iCF = getMetalType(saleLineItem.ItemId);
                        if (iCF == (int)MetalType.Certificate)

                foreach (SaleLineItem saleLineItem in retailTransaction.SaleItems)
                    if (saleLineItem.ReturnLineId == 0)
                        if (retailTransaction.PartnerData.PackingMaterial != "Y")
                            if (IsRetailItem(saleLineItem.ItemId))
                                if (iPM != (int)MetalType.PackingMaterial)
                                    #region Commented
                                    //using(LSRetailPosis.POSProcesses.frmMessage dialog = new LSRetailPosis.POSProcesses.frmMessage("Have you issued packing material?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question))
                                    //    LSRetailPosis.POSProcesses.POSFormsManager.ShowPOSForm(dialog);
                                    //    if(Convert.ToString(dialog.DialogResult).ToUpper().Trim() == "NO")
                                    //    {
                                    //        preTriggerResult.ContinueOperation = false;
                                    //        return;
                                    //    }
                                    //    else
                                    //    {
                                    //        retailTransaction.PartnerData.PackingMaterial = "Y";

                                    //        if(IsCertificateItem(saleLineItem.ItemId))
                                    //        {
                                    //            if(iCF != (int)MetalType.Certificate)
                                    //            {
                                    //                using(LSRetailPosis.POSProcesses.frmMessage dialog1 = new LSRetailPosis.POSProcesses.frmMessage("Have you issued the certificate?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question))
                                    //                {
                                    //                    LSRetailPosis.POSProcesses.POSFormsManager.ShowPOSForm(dialog1);
                                    //                    if(Convert.ToString(dialog1.DialogResult).ToUpper().Trim() == "NO")
                                    //                    {
                                    //                        preTriggerResult.ContinueOperation = false;
                                    //                        return;
                                    //                    }
                                    //                    else
                                    //                        retailTransaction.PartnerData.CertificateIssue = "Y";
                                    //                }
                                    //            }
                                    //            else
                                    //                retailTransaction.PartnerData.CertificateIssue = "Y";
                                    //        }
                                    //    }
                                    using (LSRetailPosis.POSProcesses.frmMessage dialog = new LSRetailPosis.POSProcesses.frmMessage("Proceed without packing material?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question))
                                        if (Convert.ToString(dialog.DialogResult).ToUpper().Trim() == "NO")
                                            preTriggerResult.ContinueOperation = false;
                                    retailTransaction.PartnerData.PackingMaterial = "Y";

                                    #region Commented
                                    //    if(iCF != (int)MetalType.Certificate)
                                    //    {
                                    //        using(LSRetailPosis.POSProcesses.frmMessage dialog1 = new LSRetailPosis.POSProcesses.frmMessage("Have you issued the certificate?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question))
                                    //        {
                                    //            LSRetailPosis.POSProcesses.POSFormsManager.ShowPOSForm(dialog1);
                                    //            if(Convert.ToString(dialog1.DialogResult).ToUpper().Trim() == "NO")
                                    //            {
                                    //                preTriggerResult.ContinueOperation = false;
                                    //                return;
                                    //            }
                                    //            else
                                    //                retailTransaction.PartnerData.CertificateIssue = "Y";
                                    //        }
                                    //    }
                                    //    else
                                    //        retailTransaction.PartnerData.CertificateIssue = "Y";
                        #region Commented
                        //    else if(retailTransaction.PartnerData.CertificateIssue != "Y")
                        //    {
                        //        if(IsCertificateItem(saleLineItem.ItemId))
                        //        {
                        //            if(iCF != (int)MetalType.Certificate)
                        //            {
                        //                using(LSRetailPosis.POSProcesses.frmMessage dialog1 = new LSRetailPosis.POSProcesses.frmMessage("Have you issued the certificate?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question))
                        //                {
                        //                    LSRetailPosis.POSProcesses.POSFormsManager.ShowPOSForm(dialog1);
                        //                    if(Convert.ToString(dialog1.DialogResult).ToUpper().Trim() == "NO")
                        //                    {
                        //                        preTriggerResult.ContinueOperation = false;
                        //                        return;
                        //                    }
                        //                    else
                        //                        retailTransaction.PartnerData.CertificateIssue = "Y";
                        //                }
                        //            }
                        //            else
                        //                retailTransaction.PartnerData.CertificateIssue = "Y";
                        //        }
                        //    }
            // end: RH on 05/11/2014

            LSRetailPosis.ApplicationLog.Log("PaymentTriggers.PrePayment", "On the start of a payment operation...", LSRetailPosis.LogTraceLevel.Trace);

            switch ((PosisOperations)posOperation)
            case PosisOperations.PayCash:
                // Insert code here...

            case PosisOperations.PayCard:
                // Insert code here...

            case PosisOperations.PayCheque:
                // Insert code here...

            case PosisOperations.PayCorporateCard:
                // Insert code here...

            case PosisOperations.PayCreditMemo:
                // Insert code here...

            case PosisOperations.PayCurrency:
                // Insert code here...

            case PosisOperations.PayCustomerAccount:
                // Insert code here...

            case PosisOperations.PayGiftCertificate:
                // Insert code here...

            case PosisOperations.PayLoyalty:
                // Insert code here...

                // etc.....
コード例 #4
        public bool ProcessInfoCode(IPosTransaction posTransaction, decimal quantity, decimal amount, string refRelation, string refRelation2, string refRelation3,
                                    InfoCodeTableRefType tableRefId, string linkedInfoCodeId, IInfoCodeLineItem orgInfoCode, InfoCodeType infoCodeType)
            RetailTransaction      retailTransaction      = posTransaction as RetailTransaction;
            TenderCountTransaction tenderCountTransaction = posTransaction as TenderCountTransaction;

            // Other possible transaction types at this point include CustomerPayment

            if (refRelation == null)
                refRelation = string.Empty;

            if (refRelation2 == null)
                refRelation2 = string.Empty;

            if (refRelation3 == null)
                refRelation3 = string.Empty;

            IInfoCodeSystem infoCodeSystem = this.Application.BusinessLogic.InfoCodeSystem;

            IInfoCodeLineItem[] infoCodes = new IInfoCodeLineItem[0];

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(linkedInfoCodeId))
                infoCodes = infoCodeSystem.GetInfocodes(linkedInfoCodeId);
            else if (tableRefId == InfoCodeTableRefType.FunctionalityProfile)
                infoCodes    = infoCodeSystem.GetInfocodes(refRelation2);
                refRelation2 = string.Empty;
            else if (tableRefId == InfoCodeTableRefType.PreItem)
                // Pre item is just a table ref id of item, but handled during different processing
                infoCodes = infoCodeSystem.GetInfocodes(refRelation, refRelation2, refRelation3, InfoCodeTableRefType.Item);
                infoCodes = infoCodeSystem.GetInfocodes(refRelation, refRelation2, refRelation3, tableRefId);

            foreach (InfoCodeLineItem infoCode in infoCodes)
                if (infoCode.InfocodeId == null)
                }                                                  //If no infocode is found

                // Process age limit info codes as pre item.  I.e. stop processing on this info code if it is pre item
                // and not of type age limit.
                // Low impact fix that should be reevaluated if any info code other than age limit is ever added
                // pre item.  Using continue because indentation of if/else sequence already too much.
                if (((tableRefId == InfoCodeTableRefType.PreItem) && (infoCode.InputType != InfoCodeInputType.AgeLimit)))

                //If bug in data, fixes division by zero
                if (infoCode.RandomFactor == 0)
                    infoCode.RandomFactor = 100;

                infoCode.OriginType   = infoCodeType;
                infoCode.RefRelation  = refRelation;
                infoCode.RefRelation2 = refRelation2;
                infoCode.RefRelation3 = refRelation3;
                switch (infoCode.OriginType)
                case InfoCodeType.Header:
                    infoCode.Amount = amount;

                case InfoCodeType.Sales:
                    infoCode.Amount = (amount * -1);

                case InfoCodeType.Payment:
                    infoCode.Amount = amount;

                case InfoCodeType.IncomeExpense:
                    infoCode.Amount = amount;

                int    randomFactor = (int)(100 / infoCode.RandomFactor); //infoCode.RandomFactor = 100 means ask 100% for a infocode
                Random random       = new Random();
                int    randomNumber = random.Next(randomFactor);          //Creates numbers from 0 to randomFactor-1
                //Only get the infocode if randomfactor is set to zero or generated random number is the sama as the randomfactor-1
                if (infoCode.RandomFactor == 100 || randomNumber == (randomFactor - 1))
                    Boolean infoCodeNeeded = true;
                    if (infoCode.OncePerTransaction)
                        if (tenderCountTransaction != null)
                            infoCodeNeeded = tenderCountTransaction.InfoCodeNeeded(infoCode.InfocodeId);
                            infoCodeNeeded = retailTransaction.InfoCodeNeeded(infoCode.InfocodeId);

                    if (infoCodeNeeded)
                        // If the required type is negative but the quantity is positive, do not continue
                        if (infoCode.InputRequiredType == InfoCodeInputRequiredType.Negative && quantity > 0)
                            infoCodeNeeded = false;

                        // If the required type is positive but the quantity is negative, do not continue
                        if (infoCode.InputRequiredType == InfoCodeInputRequiredType.Positive && quantity < 0)
                            infoCodeNeeded = false;
                    // If there is some infocodeID existing, and infocod is needed
                    if (infoCode.InfocodeId != null && infoCodeNeeded == true)
                        #region Text and General
                        if (infoCode.InputType == InfoCodeInputType.Text || infoCode.InputType == InfoCodeInputType.General)
                            Boolean inputValid = true;
                            bool    abort      = false;
                            // Get a infocode text
                                inputValid = true;

                                InputConfirmation inputConfirmation = new InputConfirmation()
                                    MaxLength  = MaxInfocodeInformationLengh,
                                    PromptText = infoCode.Prompt,

                                InteractionRequestedEventArgs request = new InteractionRequestedEventArgs(inputConfirmation, () =>
                                    if (inputConfirmation.Confirmed)
                                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputConfirmation.EnteredText))
                                            abort = true;
                                            int textId = 0;
                                            if (inputConfirmation.EnteredText.Length == 0 && infoCode.InputRequired)
                                                textId     = 3590; //The input text is required
                                                inputValid = false;

                                            if (inputValid && infoCode.MinimumLength > 0 && inputConfirmation.EnteredText.Length < infoCode.MinimumLength)
                                                textId     = 3591; //The input text is too short.
                                                inputValid = false;

                                            if (inputValid && infoCode.MaximumLength > 0 && inputConfirmation.EnteredText.Length > infoCode.MaximumLength)
                                                textId     = 3592; //The input text exceeds the maximum length.
                                                inputValid = false;

                                            if (inputValid && infoCode.AdditionalCheck == 1)
                                                inputValid = CheckKennitala(inputConfirmation.EnteredText);
                                                if (!inputValid)
                                                    textId = 3603;

                                            if (!inputValid)
                                        infoCode.Information = inputConfirmation.EnteredText;
                                        inputValid = infoCode.InputRequired;


                                if (abort)
                            } while (!inputValid);
                            //Adding the result to the infocode


                        #region Date
                        else if (infoCode.InputType == InfoCodeInputType.Date)
                            Boolean inputValid = true;
                                inputValid = true;

                                string inputText;
                                //Show the input form
                                using (frmInputNumpad inputDialog = new frmInputNumpad())
                                    inputDialog.EntryTypes = NumpadEntryTypes.Date;
                                    inputDialog.PromptText = infoCode.Prompt;
                                    // Quit if cancel is pressed...
                                    if (inputDialog.DialogResult == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel && !infoCode.InputRequired)

                                    inputText = inputDialog.InputText;

                                //Is input valid?
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputText))
                                    int      textId   = 0;
                                    bool     isDate   = true;
                                    DateTime infoDate = DateTime.Now;

                                        infoDate = Convert.ToDateTime(inputText, (IFormatProvider)Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat);
                                        isDate = false;

                                    if (!isDate)
                                        textId     = 3602; //Date entered is not valid
                                        inputValid = false;

                                    if (inputText.Length == 0 && infoCode.InputRequired)
                                        textId     = 3594; //A number input is required
                                        inputValid = false;

                                    if (!inputValid)
                                        //Setting the result to the infocode
                                        infoCode.Information = infoDate.ToString(Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern);
                                else if (infoCode.InputRequired)
                                    inputValid = false;
                                    POSFormsManager.ShowPOSMessageDialog(3597);//A number input is required
                            } while (!inputValid);


                        #region Numeric and Operator/Staff

                        else if (infoCode.InputType == InfoCodeInputType.Numeric || infoCode.InputType == InfoCodeInputType.Operator)
                            Boolean inputValid = true;

                                inputValid = true;

                                string inputText = string.Empty;
                                //Show the input form
                                using (frmInputNumpad inputDialog = new frmInputNumpad())
                                    inputDialog.EntryTypes = NumpadEntryTypes.Price;
                                    inputDialog.PromptText = infoCode.Prompt;
                                    // Quit if cancel is pressed and input not required...
                                    if (inputDialog.DialogResult == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel && !infoCode.InputRequired)

                                    // If input required then only valid result is Ok.
                                    if (inputDialog.DialogResult == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                                        inputText = inputDialog.InputText;

                                //Is input empty?
                                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(inputText))
                                    int textId = 0;
                                    if (inputText.Length == 0 && infoCode.InputRequired)
                                        textId     = 3594; //A number input is required
                                        inputValid = false;

                                    if (infoCode.MinimumValue != 0 && Convert.ToDecimal(inputText) < infoCode.MinimumValue)
                                        textId     = 3595; //The number is lower than the minimum value
                                        inputValid = false;

                                    if (infoCode.MaximumValue != 0 && Convert.ToDecimal(inputText) > infoCode.MaximumValue)
                                        textId     = 3596; //The number exceeds the maximum value
                                        inputValid = false;

                                    if (!inputValid)
                                    inputValid = false;
                                    POSFormsManager.ShowPOSMessageDialog(3597); //A number input is required

                                //Setting the result to the infocode
                                infoCode.Information = inputText;
                            } while (!inputValid);


                        #region Customer

                        else if (infoCode.InputType == InfoCodeInputType.Customer)
                            bool inputValid = true;
                                inputValid = true;
                                Contracts.DataEntity.ICustomer customer = this.Application.Services.Customer.Search();
                                if (customer != null)
                                    infoCode.Information = customer.CustomerId;
                                    inputValid           = true;
                                    if (infoCode.InputRequired)
                                        inputValid = false;
                                        POSFormsManager.ShowPOSMessageDialog(3598); //A customer needs to be selected
                            } while (!inputValid);

                        #region Item

                        else if (infoCode.InputType == InfoCodeInputType.Item)
                            Boolean inputValid = true;
                                string       selectedItemID = string.Empty;
                                DialogResult dialogResult   = this.Application.Services.Dialog.ItemSearch(500, ref selectedItemID);
                                // Quit if cancel is pressed...
                                if (dialogResult == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel && !infoCode.InputRequired)

                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedItemID))
                                    infoCode.Information = selectedItemID;
                                    inputValid           = true;
                                    if (infoCode.InputRequired)
                                        inputValid = false;
                                        POSFormsManager.ShowPOSMessageDialog(3599);//A items needs to be selected
                            } while (!inputValid);

                        #region SubCode

                        else if ((infoCode.InputType == InfoCodeInputType.SubCodeList) || (infoCode.InputType == InfoCodeInputType.SubCodeButtons))
                            FormInfoCodeSubCodeBase infoSubCodeDialog;
                            if (infoCode.InputType == InfoCodeInputType.SubCodeList)
                                infoSubCodeDialog = new FormInfoCodeSubCodeList();
                                infoSubCodeDialog = new FormInfoSubCode();

                            using (infoSubCodeDialog)
                                bool inputValid = false;
                                    infoSubCodeDialog.InfoCodePrompt = infoCode.Prompt;
                                    infoSubCodeDialog.InfoCodeId     = infoCode.InfocodeId;
                                    infoSubCodeDialog.InputRequired  = infoCode.InputRequired;

                                    switch (infoSubCodeDialog.DialogResult)
                                    case DialogResult.OK:
                                        inputValid = true;

                                    case DialogResult.No:

                                        if (!infoCode.InputRequired)

                                    //if InputValid is false then nothing was selected in the dialog and there is no point in going through this code
                                    if (inputValid)
                                        infoCode.Information = infoSubCodeDialog.SelectedDescription;
                                        infoCode.Subcode     = infoSubCodeDialog.SelectedSubcodeId;

                                        //TenderDeclarationTransaction also has infocodes but it can't have any sale items so no need
                                        //to go through this code.
                                        if (retailTransaction != null)
                                            //Look through the information on the subcode that was selected and see if an item is to be sold
                                            //and if a discount and/or price needs to be modified
                                            //foreach (SubcodeInfo subcodeInfo in infoSubCodeDialog.SubCodes)
                                            if ((infoSubCodeDialog.SelectedTriggerFunction == (int)TriggerFunctionEnum.Item) && (infoSubCodeDialog.SelectedTriggerCode.Length != 0))
                                                OperationInfo opInfo = new OperationInfo();

                                                ItemSale itemSale = new ItemSale();
                                                itemSale.OperationID    = PosisOperations.ItemSale;
                                                itemSale.OperationInfo  = opInfo;
                                                itemSale.Barcode        = infoSubCodeDialog.SelectedTriggerCode;
                                                itemSale.POSTransaction = retailTransaction;

                                                //The infocode item has been added.
                                                //Look at the last item on the transaction and if it is the same item that the ItemSale was supposed to sell
                                                //then check to see if it is to have a special price or discount
                                                if (retailTransaction.SaleItems.Last.Value.ItemId == infoSubCodeDialog.SelectedTriggerCode)
                                                    //set the property of that item to being an infocode item such that if the same item is added again, then
                                                    //these will not be aggregated (since the item as infocode item might receive a different discount than the same
                                                    //item added regularly.
                                                    retailTransaction.SaleItems.Last.Value.IsInfoCodeItem = true;

                                                    infoCode.SubcodeSaleLineId = retailTransaction.SaleItems.Last.Value.LineId;

                                                    if (infoSubCodeDialog.SelectedPriceType == (int)PriceTypeEnum.Price)
                                                        PriceOverride priceOverride = new PriceOverride();

                                                        opInfo.NumpadValue = infoSubCodeDialog.SelectedAmountPercent.ToString("n2");
                                                        opInfo.ItemLineId  = retailTransaction.SaleItems.Last.Value.LineId;

                                                        priceOverride.OperationInfo  = opInfo;
                                                        priceOverride.OperationID    = PosisOperations.PriceOverride;
                                                        priceOverride.POSTransaction = retailTransaction;
                                                        priceOverride.LineId         = retailTransaction.SaleItems.Last.Value.LineId;
                                                    else if (infoSubCodeDialog.SelectedPriceType == (int)PriceTypeEnum.Percent)
                                                        LineDiscountPercent lineDiscount = new LineDiscountPercent();

                                                        opInfo.NumpadValue = infoSubCodeDialog.SelectedAmountPercent.ToString("n2");
                                                        opInfo.ItemLineId  = retailTransaction.SaleItems.Last.Value.LineId;

                                                        lineDiscount.OperationInfo  = opInfo;
                                                        lineDiscount.OperationID    = PosisOperations.LineDiscountPercent;
                                                        lineDiscount.POSTransaction = retailTransaction;
                                } while (!inputValid);

                        #region Age limit

                        else if ((infoCode.InputType == InfoCodeInputType.AgeLimit))
                            int ageLimit = (int)infoCode.MinimumValue;
                            if (ageLimit >= 0)
                                //Calculate birthdate corresponding to minimum age limit
                                DateTime dtBirthDate = DateTime.Today.AddYears(-ageLimit);

                                //Convert the date time value according to the current culture information
                                string birthDate = dtBirthDate.ToString(System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern);
                                string msg       = ApplicationLocalizer.Language.Translate(3606, ageLimit, birthDate);

                                // Process age limit info codes if it is pre item and prompt the message to user for processing.
                                // Also Info Code type is an item and Age Limit is a link to reason code then process the info code with prompt to user.
                                if (((tableRefId == InfoCodeTableRefType.PreItem) && (infoCode.InputType == InfoCodeInputType.AgeLimit)) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(linkedInfoCodeId) && tableRefId == InfoCodeTableRefType.Item))
                                    using (frmMessage frmMsg = new frmMessage(msg, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information, false))
                                        if (frmMsg.DialogResult != DialogResult.Yes)
                                infoCode.Information = msg;


                        // Add the infocode to the transaction
                        if (infoCode.Information != null && infoCode.Information.Length > 0)
                            string infoComment = string.Empty;
                            if (infoCode.PrintPromptOnReceipt || infoCode.PrintInputOnReceipt || infoCode.PrintInputNameOnReceipt)
                                if (infoCode.PrintPromptOnReceipt && (infoCode.Prompt.Length != 0))
                                    infoComment = infoCode.Prompt;

                                if (infoCode.PrintInputOnReceipt && (infoCode.Subcode != null) && (infoCode.Subcode.Length != 0))
                                    if (infoComment.Length != 0)
                                        infoComment += " - " + infoCode.Subcode;
                                        infoComment = infoCode.Subcode;

                                if (infoCode.PrintInputNameOnReceipt && (infoCode.Information.Length != 0))
                                    if (infoComment.Length != 0)
                                        infoComment += " - " + infoCode.Information;
                                        infoComment = infoCode.Information;

                            if (infoCodeType == InfoCodeType.Sales)
                                int lineId;
                                if (infoCode.SubcodeSaleLineId != -1)
                                    SaleLineItem saleLineItem = retailTransaction.GetItem(infoCode.SubcodeSaleLineId - 1);
                                    lineId = saleLineItem.LineId;
                                    // don't save if this is pre-item. the same infocodes will be found next pass for normal item infocodes.
                                    if (tableRefId == InfoCodeTableRefType.PreItem)
                                        LinkedListNode <SaleLineItem> saleLineItem = retailTransaction.SaleItems.Last;
                                        lineId = saleLineItem.Value.LineId;

                                if (infoComment.Trim().Length != 0)
                                    OperationInfo opInfo = new OperationInfo();
                                    opInfo.NumpadValue = infoComment.Trim();
                                    opInfo.ItemLineId  = lineId;

                                    ItemComment itemComment = new ItemComment();
                                    itemComment.OperationID    = PosisOperations.ItemComment;
                                    itemComment.POSTransaction = (PosTransaction)posTransaction;
                                    itemComment.OperationInfo  = opInfo;
                            else if (infoCodeType == InfoCodeType.Payment)
                                if (retailTransaction != null)
                                    LinkedListNode <TenderLineItem> tenderLineItem = retailTransaction.TenderLines.Last;

                                    if (infoComment.Trim().Length != 0)
                                        tenderLineItem.Value.Comment = infoComment.Trim();
                                    LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction custPayTrans = posTransaction as LSRetailPosis.Transaction.CustomerPaymentTransaction;
                                    LinkedListNode <TenderLineItem> tenderLineItem = custPayTrans.TenderLines.Last;

                                    if (infoComment.Trim().Length != 0)
                                        tenderLineItem.Value.Comment = infoComment.Trim();

                                //LinkedListNode<TenderLineItem> tenderLineItem = retailTransaction.TenderLines.Last; //

                                //if (infoComment.Trim().Length != 0)
                                //    tenderLineItem.Value.Comment = infoComment.Trim();
                                if (retailTransaction != null)
                                    if (infoComment.Trim().Length != 0)
                                        retailTransaction.InvoiceComment += infoComment.Trim();
                                    //No invoice comment on TenderDeclarationTransaction
