private void Chat(int channel, string name, SecondLife.key id, string message, CommunicationType how) { if (OnChat != null) { OnChat(this, new SecondLifeHostChatEventArgs(channel, name, id, message, how)); } }
public llDialogForm(SecondLifeHost host, SecondLife.String strObjectName, SecondLife.key id, SecondLife.String strOwner, SecondLife.String strMessage, SecondLife.list buttons, SecondLife.integer intChannel) { InitializeComponent(); = host; this.Channel = intChannel; this.OwnerName = strOwner; this.ObjectName = strObjectName; = id; for (int intI = 1; intI <= 12; intI++) { Button button = this.Controls["Button" + intI] as Button; button.Visible = false; } this.label1.Text = strOwner + "'s '" + strObjectName + "'"; this.label2.Text = strMessage.ToString().Replace("&", "&&"); for (int intI = 1; intI <= buttons.Count; intI++) { Button button = this.Controls["Button" + intI] as Button; if (button == null) { continue; } button.Text = buttons[intI - 1].ToString().Replace("&", "&&"); button.Visible = true; button.Click += new EventHandler(button_Click); } }
public llTextBoxForm(SecondLifeHost host, SecondLife.String strObjectName, SecondLife.key id, SecondLife.String strOwner, SecondLife.String strMessage, SecondLife.integer intChannel) { InitializeComponent(); = host; this.Channel = intChannel; this.OwnerName = strOwner; this.ObjectName = strObjectName; = id; this.label1.Text = strMessage.ToString().Replace("&", "&&"); }
public PermissionsForm(SecondLifeHost host, string strObjectName, SecondLife.key id, string strOwner, SecondLife.key agent, int intPermissions) { InitializeComponent(); = host; this.OwnerName = strOwner; this.ObjectName = strObjectName; this.agent = agent; = id; this.intPermissions = intPermissions; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if ((intPermissions & SecondLife.PERMISSION_DEBIT) == SecondLife.PERMISSION_DEBIT) { sb.AppendLine("Take Linden dollars (L$) from you"); } if ((intPermissions & SecondLife.PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS) == SecondLife.PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS) { sb.AppendLine("Act on your control inputs"); } if ((intPermissions & SecondLife.PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) == SecondLife.PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) { sb.AppendLine("Animate your avatar"); } if ((intPermissions & SecondLife.PERMISSION_ATTACH) == SecondLife.PERMISSION_ATTACH) { sb.AppendLine("Attach to your avatar"); } if ((intPermissions & SecondLife.PERMISSION_CHANGE_LINKS) == SecondLife.PERMISSION_CHANGE_LINKS) { sb.AppendLine("Link and delink from other objects"); } if ((intPermissions & SecondLife.PERMISSION_TRACK_CAMERA) == SecondLife.PERMISSION_TRACK_CAMERA) { sb.AppendLine("Track your camera"); } if ((intPermissions & SecondLife.PERMISSION_CONTROL_CAMERA) == SecondLife.PERMISSION_CONTROL_CAMERA) { sb.AppendLine("Control your camera"); } this.label1.Text = "'" + strObjectName + "', an object owned by '" + strOwner + "',\nwould like to:"; this.label2.Text = sb.ToString(); }
private void Speak(CommunicationType how) { int intChannel = 0; string strMessage = this.textBox1.Text.Trim(); History.Add(strMessage); intHistory = History.Count; if (strMessage != "") { if (strMessage[0] == '/') { if (strMessage.StartsWith("/me")) { // do nothing } else { string strChannel = ""; for (int intI = 1; intI < strMessage.Length; intI++) { if (strMessage[intI] >= '0' && strMessage[intI] <= '9') { strChannel += strMessage[intI]; if (intI < 10) { continue; } } try { intChannel = Convert.ToInt32(strChannel); strMessage = strMessage.Substring(intI).Trim(); } catch { } break; } } } } SecondLife.key id = new SecondLife.key(Properties.Settings.Default.AvatarKey); Chat(intChannel, Properties.Settings.Default.AvatarName, id, strMessage, how); this.textBox1.Clear(); this.buttonSay.Enabled = false; this.buttonShout.Enabled = false; }
private object[] GetArguments(string strName, string strArgs) { object[] objResult = new object[0]; if (strArgs != "") { try { string[] args = strArgs.Trim().Split(new char[] { ',' }); object[] argobjects = new object[args.Length]; for (int intI = 0; intI < argobjects.Length; intI++) { string[] argument = args[intI].Trim().Split(new char[] { ' ' }); if (argument.Length == 2) { string[] arArgs; string strArgumentValue = GetArgumentValue(strName + "_" + intI); string strArgumentName = argument[1]; string strArgumentType = argument[0]; switch (strArgumentType) { case "System.String": argobjects[intI] = strArgumentValue; break; case "System.Int32": argobjects[intI] = int.Parse(strArgumentValue); break; case "LSLEditor.SecondLife+Float": argobjects[intI] = new SecondLife.Float(strArgumentValue); break; case "LSLEditor.SecondLife+integer": argobjects[intI] = new SecondLife.integer(int.Parse(strArgumentValue)); break; case "LSLEditor.SecondLife+String": argobjects[intI] = new SecondLife.String(strArgumentValue); break; case "LSLEditor.SecondLife+key": argobjects[intI] = new SecondLife.key(strArgumentValue); break; case "LSLEditor.SecondLife+list": argobjects[intI] = new SecondLife.list(new string[] { strArgumentValue }); break; case "LSLEditor.SecondLife+rotation": arArgs = strArgumentValue.Replace("<", "").Replace(">", "").Replace(" ", "").Split(new char[] { ',' }); argobjects[intI] = new SecondLife.rotation(double.Parse(arArgs[0]), double.Parse(arArgs[1]), double.Parse(arArgs[2]), double.Parse(arArgs[3])); break; case "LSLEditor.SecondLife+vector": arArgs = strArgumentValue.Replace("<", "").Replace(">", "").Replace(" ", "").Split(new char[] { ',' }); argobjects[intI] = new SecondLife.vector(double.Parse(arArgs[0]), double.Parse(arArgs[1]), double.Parse(arArgs[2])); break; default: MessageBox.Show("Compiler->GetArguments->[" + strArgumentType + "][" + strArgumentName + "]"); argobjects[intI] = null; break; } } else { MessageBox.Show("Argument must be 'type name' [" + args[intI] + "]"); break; } } objResult = argobjects; } catch { } } return(objResult); }
public WebRequestClass(WebProxy proxy, SecondLife secondlife, string strUrl, SecondLife.list parameters, string postData, SecondLife.key key) { try { // Create a new webrequest to the mentioned URL. WebRequest myWebRequest = WebRequest.Create(strUrl); myWebRequest.Headers.Add("Cache-Control", "max-age=259200"); //myWebRequest.Headers.Add("Connection", "keep-alive"); myWebRequest.Headers.Add("Pragma", "no-cache"); //myWebRequest.Headers.Add("Via", "1.1 (squid/2.6.STABLE12)"); //myWebRequest.Headers.Add("Content-Length", "3"); //myWebRequest.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "text/plain;charset=utf-8"); //myWebRequest.Headers.Add("Accept", "text/*"); myWebRequest.Headers.Add("Accept-Charset", "utf-8;q=1.0, *;q=0.5"); myWebRequest.Headers.Add("Accept-Encoding", "deflate, gzip"); //myWebRequest.Headers.Add("Host", ""); //myWebRequest.Headers.Add("User-Agent", "LSLEditor 2.24 ("); myWebRequest.Headers.Add("X-SecondLife-Shard", "Production"); SecondLife.vector RegionCorner = secondlife.llGetRegionCorner(); SecondLife.vector pos = secondlife.llGetPos(); myWebRequest.Headers.Add("X-SecondLife-Object-Name",; myWebRequest.Headers.Add("X-SecondLife-Object-Key",; myWebRequest.Headers.Add("X-SecondLife-Region", Properties.Settings.Default.RegionName + " (" + (int)RegionCorner.x + ", " + (int)RegionCorner.y + ")"); myWebRequest.Headers.Add("X-SecondLife-Local-Position", "("+pos.x+", "+pos.y+", "+pos.z+")"); myWebRequest.Headers.Add("X-SecondLife-Local-Rotation", "(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000)"); myWebRequest.Headers.Add("X-SecondLife-Local-Velocity", "(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)"); myWebRequest.Headers.Add("X-SecondLife-Owner-Name", Properties.Settings.Default.AvatarName); myWebRequest.Headers.Add("X-SecondLife-Owner-Key", Properties.Settings.Default.AvatarKey); myWebRequest.Headers.Add("X-Forwarded-For", ""); // Setting up paramters for (int intI = 0; intI < parameters.Count; intI += 2) { switch (int.Parse(parameters[intI].ToString())) { case 0: myWebRequest.Method = parameters[intI + 1].ToString(); break; case 1: myWebRequest.ContentType = parameters[intI + 1].ToString(); break; case 2: // HTTP_BODY_MAXLENGTH break; default: break; } } if (proxy != null) myWebRequest.Proxy = proxy; // Create a new instance of the RequestState. RequestState myRequestState = new RequestState(); myRequestState.secondlife = secondlife; myRequestState.httpkey = key; myRequestState.postData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postData); // 19 sep 2007 myWebRequest.ContentLength = myRequestState.postData.Length; // The 'WebRequest' object is associated to the 'RequestState' object. myRequestState.request = myWebRequest; // Start the Asynchronous call for response. IAsyncResult asyncResult; if (myWebRequest.Method == "POST" || myWebRequest.Method == "PUT") asyncResult = (IAsyncResult)myWebRequest.BeginGetRequestStream(new AsyncCallback(RespCallback), myRequestState); else asyncResult = (IAsyncResult)myWebRequest.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(RespCallback), myRequestState); } catch (WebException e) {;; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Exception raised!"); Console.WriteLine("Source : " + e.Source); Console.WriteLine("Message : " + e.Message);; } }
public static void Request(WebProxy proxy, SecondLife secondlife, string strUrl, SecondLife.list parameters, string postData, SecondLife.key key) { string strMethod = "GET"; string strContentType = "text/plain; charset=utf-8"; for (int intI = 0; intI < parameters.Count; intI += 2) { int intKey; if (!int.TryParse(parameters[intI].ToString(), out intKey)) { continue; } switch (intKey) { case 0: // get, post, put, delete strMethod = parameters[intI + 1].ToString().ToUpper(); break; case 1: strContentType = parameters[intI + 1].ToString(); break; case 2: // HTTP_BODY_MAXLENGTH break; case 3: // HTTP_VERIFY_CERT break; default: break; } } WebClient wc = new WebClient(); wc.Headers.Add("Content-Type", strContentType); wc.Headers.Add("Accept", "text/*"); wc.Headers.Add("Accept-Charset", "utf-8; q=1.0, *; q=0.5"); wc.Headers.Add("Accept-Encoding", "deflate, gzip"); wc.Headers.Add("User-Agent", "Second Life LSL/1.19.0(12345) ("); System.Drawing.Point point = Properties.Settings.Default.RegionCorner; SecondLife.vector RegionCorner = new SecondLife.vector(point.X, point.Y, 0); SecondLife.vector pos = secondlife.GetLocalPos; wc.Headers.Add("X-SecondLife-Shard", Properties.Settings.Default.XSecondLifeShard); wc.Headers.Add("X-SecondLife-Object-Name",; wc.Headers.Add("X-SecondLife-Object-Key",; wc.Headers.Add("X-SecondLife-Region", string.Format("{0} ({1}, {2})", Properties.Settings.Default.RegionName, (int)RegionCorner.x, (int)RegionCorner.y)); wc.Headers.Add("X-SecondLife-Local-Position", string.Format("({0}, {1}, {2})", pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)); wc.Headers.Add("X-SecondLife-Local-Rotation", "(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000)"); wc.Headers.Add("X-SecondLife-Local-Velocity", "(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)"); wc.Headers.Add("X-SecondLife-Owner-Name", Properties.Settings.Default.AvatarName); wc.Headers.Add("X-SecondLife-Owner-Key", Properties.Settings.Default.AvatarKey); wc.Headers.Add("X-Forwarded-For", ""); if (proxy != null) { wc.Proxy = proxy; } Uri uri = new Uri(strUrl); // Basic Authentication scheme, added 28 mrt 2008 if (uri.UserInfo != "") { string[] UserInfo = uri.UserInfo.Split(':'); if (UserInfo.Length == 2) { CredentialCache mycache = new CredentialCache(); mycache.Add(uri, "Basic", new NetworkCredential(UserInfo[0], UserInfo[1])); wc.Credentials = mycache; } } UserState userState = new UserState(key, secondlife); if (strMethod == "POST" || strMethod == "PUT") { wc.UploadDataCompleted += new UploadDataCompletedEventHandler(wc_UploadDataCompleted); wc.UploadDataAsync(uri, strMethod, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postData), userState); } else { wc.DownloadDataCompleted += new DownloadDataCompletedEventHandler(wc_DownloadDataCompleted); wc.DownloadDataAsync(uri, userState); } }
public UserState(SecondLife.key httpkey, SecondLife secondlife) { this.secondlife = secondlife; this.httpkey = httpkey; }