private void InitOtherListView() { _othListView = new SiteListView(); _othListView.MySortBrush = SystemBrushes.ControlLight; _othListView.MyHighlightBrush = Brushes.Goldenrod; _othListView.GridLines = true; _othListView.MultiSelect = false; _othListView.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; _othListView.ControlPadding = 4; _othListView.HeaderStyle = ColumnHeaderStyle.Nonclickable; //add columns and items EXColumnHeader exEditCol = new EXColumnHeader("", 120); _othListView.Columns.Add(exEditCol); //string[] testname = Enum.GetNames(typeof(OtherTestNameEnum)); var results = DataRepository.GetTestByPlatform(ClassOfMorbidityTestEnum.OtherTest.ToString()); //for (int i = 0; i < testname.Length; i++) foreach (Test t in results) { EXEditableColumnHeader exCol = new EXEditableColumnHeader(t.TestName, 60); _othListView.Columns.Add(exCol); } _othListView.EditableListViewSubitemValueChanged += new EventHandler <EXEditableListViewSubitemEventArgs>(_othListView_EditableListViewSubitemValueChanged); tabOther.Controls.Add(_othListView); }
public override int DoDraw(DrawListViewSubItemEventArgs e, int x, EXColumnHeader ch) { EXBoolColumnHeader boolcol = (EXBoolColumnHeader)ch; Image boolimg; if (this.BoolValue == true) { boolimg = boolcol.TrueImage; } else { boolimg = boolcol.FalseImage; } int imgy = e.Bounds.Y + ((int)(e.Bounds.Height / 2)) - ((int)(boolimg.Height / 2)); e.Graphics.DrawImage(boolimg, x, imgy, boolimg.Width, boolimg.Height); x += boolimg.Width + 2; return x; }
public override int DoDraw(DrawListViewSubItemEventArgs e, int x, EXColumnHeader ch) { return x; }
private void this_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { EXListViewItem lstvItem = this.GetItemAt(e.X, e.Y) as EXListViewItem; if (lstvItem == null) return; _clickeditem = lstvItem; int x = lstvItem.Bounds.Left; int i; for (i = 0; i < this.Columns.Count; i++) { x = x + this.Columns[i].Width; if (x > e.X) { x = x - this.Columns[i].Width; _clickedsubitem = lstvItem.SubItems[i]; _col = i; break; } } if (!(this.Columns[i] is EXColumnHeader)) return; EXColumnHeader col = (EXColumnHeader)this.Columns[i]; if (col.GetType() == typeof(EXEditableColumnHeader)) { EXEditableColumnHeader editcol = (EXEditableColumnHeader) col; if (editcol.MyControl != null) { Control c = editcol.MyControl; if (c.Tag != null) { this.Controls.Add(c); c.Tag = null; if (c is ComboBox) { ((ComboBox)c).SelectedValueChanged += new EventHandler(cmbx_SelectedValueChanged); } c.Leave += new EventHandler(c_Leave); } if (c is ComboBox) { if(ComboBoxBeforeVisible != null) ComboBoxBeforeVisible(this, new EXEditableListViewComboBoxEventArgs(_clickeditem, (EXListViewSubItem)_clickedsubitem) ); } c.Location = new Point(x, this.GetItemRect(this.Items.IndexOf(lstvItem)).Y); c.Width = this.Columns[i].Width; if (c.Width > this.Width) c.Width = this.ClientRectangle.Width; c.Text = _clickedsubitem.Text; c.Visible = true; c.BringToFront(); c.Focus(); } else { txtbx.Location = new Point(x, this.GetItemRect(this.Items.IndexOf(lstvItem)).Y); txtbx.Width = this.Columns[i].Width; if (txtbx.Width > this.Width) txtbx.Width = this.ClientRectangle.Width; txtbx.Text = _clickedsubitem.Text; txtbx.Visible = true; txtbx.BringToFront(); txtbx.Focus(); } } else if (col.GetType() == typeof(EXBoolColumnHeader)) { EXBoolColumnHeader boolcol = (EXBoolColumnHeader)col; if (boolcol.Editable) { EXBoolListViewSubItem boolsubitem = (EXBoolListViewSubItem)_clickedsubitem; if (boolsubitem.BoolValue == true) { boolsubitem.BoolValue = false; } else { boolsubitem.BoolValue = true; } if (BoolListViewSubItemValueChanged != null) { BoolListViewSubItemValueChanged(this, new EXBoolListViewSubItemEventArgs(_clickeditem, boolsubitem)); } this.Invalidate(boolsubitem.Bounds); } } }
private void InitOtherListView() { _othListView = new SiteListView(); _othListView.MySortBrush = SystemBrushes.ControlLight; _othListView.MyHighlightBrush = Brushes.Goldenrod; _othListView.GridLines = true; _othListView.MultiSelect = false; _othListView.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; _othListView.ControlPadding = 4; _othListView.HeaderStyle = ColumnHeaderStyle.Nonclickable; //add columns and items EXColumnHeader exEditCol = new EXColumnHeader("", 120); _othListView.Columns.Add(exEditCol); string[] testname = Enum.GetNames(typeof(OtherTestNameEnum)); for (int i = 0; i < testname.Length; i++) { EXEditableColumnHeader exCol = new EXEditableColumnHeader(testname[i].Replace('_', ' '), 60); _othListView.Columns.Add(exCol); } _othListView.EditableListViewSubitemValueChanged += new EventHandler<EXEditableListViewSubitemEventArgs>(_othListView_EditableListViewSubitemValueChanged); tabOther.Controls.Add(_othListView); }