protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsValid) { return; } var modLoanProgram = new LPWeb.Model.Company_Loan_Programs(); string loanProgram = this.txtLoanProgram.Text.Trim(); bool IsARM = this.cbARM.Checked; var status = false; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(loanProgram)) { modLoanProgram.LoanProgram = loanProgram; modLoanProgram.IsARM = IsARM; try { bllLoanProgram.Add(modLoanProgram); status = true; } catch (Exception exception) { LPLog.LogMessage(exception.Message); } if (status == true) { //reload the grid data FillDataGrid(string.Empty); //todo:display successfuly message PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Loan Program added successfully.", PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf); } else { //todo:display faild message PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Failed to add the Loan Program.", PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf); } } else { //todo:display the field can not be empty PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Loan Program cannot be empty.", PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf); } }
/// <summary> /// 获得数据列表 /// </summary> public List <LPWeb.Model.Company_Loan_Programs> DataTableToList(DataTable dt) { List <LPWeb.Model.Company_Loan_Programs> modelList = new List <LPWeb.Model.Company_Loan_Programs>(); int rowsCount = dt.Rows.Count; if (rowsCount > 0) { LPWeb.Model.Company_Loan_Programs model; for (int n = 0; n < rowsCount; n++) { model = new LPWeb.Model.Company_Loan_Programs(); if (dt.Rows[n]["LoanProgramID"].ToString() != "") { model.LoanProgramID = int.Parse(dt.Rows[n]["LoanProgramID"].ToString()); } model.LoanProgram = dt.Rows[n]["LoanProgram"].ToString(); model.IsARM = (dt.Rows[n]["IsARM"] != DBNull.Value && Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[n]["IsARM"]) == true) ? true : false; modelList.Add(model); } } return(modelList); }
protected void btImportARM_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (Request.QueryString["upfile"] == null) { Write(0, ""); return; } if (!fileUpARM.HasFile) { Write(0, "no file"); return; } DataTable dtExcelData = new DataTable(); #region 文件数据 读取 string FilePath = this.fileUpARM.FileName; //string strUploadUrl = Server.MapPath("./");//此"."可以换成项目文件里的其它文件夹名称 string strUploadUrl = Server.MapPath("~/");//此"."可以换成项目文件里的其它文件夹名称 strUploadUrl = strUploadUrl.Replace("Settings\\", ""); #region 文件到临时文件夹 string strUploadFolder = @"\UploadFiles\\Temp\\"; // 临时文件夹 //string sTempUploadFold = strUploadUrl + strUploadFolder; // this.MapPath("~/UploadFiles/Temp/"); string sTempUploadFold = strUploadUrl; string sFileExt1 = Path.GetExtension(this.fileUpARM.FileName).ToLower(); string sTempFileName1 = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + sFileExt1; // 临时文件路径 string sTempFilePath1 = Path.Combine(sTempUploadFold, sTempFileName1); // "D:\\Test\\" + FilePath;// try { // 文件上传到临时文件夹 this.fileUpARM.SaveAs(sTempFilePath1); } catch (Exception ex) { string exmsg = string.Format("Failed to upload the file due to insufficient privilege: {0}", ex.Message); PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, exmsg, PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf); } #endregion try { PageCommon commonMgr = new PageCommon(); if (sTempFilePath1.Substring(sTempFilePath1.LastIndexOf(".")).ToLower() == ".xlsx") { dtExcelData = commonMgr.GetTableFromXlsx(sTempFilePath1); } else if (sTempFilePath1.Substring(sTempFilePath1.LastIndexOf(".")).ToLower() == ".xls") { dtExcelData = commonMgr.GetTableFromXls(sTempFilePath1); } else if (sTempFilePath1.Substring(sTempFilePath1.LastIndexOf(".")).ToLower() == ".csv") { dtExcelData = commonMgr.GetTableFromCsv(sTempFilePath1); } } catch (Exception ex) { Write(0, "Import Error. Please make sure row 1 of the file has data."); return; } finally { if (File.Exists(sTempFilePath1)) { File.Delete(sTempFilePath1); } } #endregion if (dtExcelData == null || dtExcelData.Rows.Count == 0) { Write(0, "No Data"); return; } List <LPWeb.Model.Company_LoanProgramDetails> detailList = new List <LPWeb.Model.Company_LoanProgramDetails>(); #region Check Data if (dtExcelData.Columns.Count < 7) { Write(0, "Columns err"); return; } int rowNum = 2; bool isErr = false; foreach (DataRow dr in dtExcelData.Rows) { var lpDetail = new LPWeb.Model.Company_LoanProgramDetails(); lpDetail.Enabled = true; if (dr["Investor"] != DBNull.Value) { lpDetail.Investor = dr["Investor"].ToString(); } if (dr["Program"] != DBNull.Value) { lpDetail.Program = dr["Program"].ToString(); } if (dr["Index"] != DBNull.Value) { lpDetail.IndexType = dr["Index"].ToString(); } if (dr["Margin"] != DBNull.Value) { try { lpDetail.Margin = Convert.ToDecimal(ReplaceEToD(dr["Margin"])); } catch { Write(0, "The following rows/Column contain invalid data:Row <" + rowNum + "> Column <Margin> must be decimal."); isErr = true; break; } } if (dr["1st Adj"] != DBNull.Value) { try { lpDetail.FirstAdj = Convert.ToDecimal(ReplaceEToD(dr["1st Adj"])); } catch { Write(0, "The following rows/Column contain invalid data:Row <" + rowNum + "> Column <FirstAdj> must be decimal."); isErr = true; break; } } if (dr["Sub Adj"] != DBNull.Value) { try { lpDetail.SubAdj = Convert.ToDecimal(ReplaceEToD(dr["Sub Adj"])); } catch { Write(0, "The following rows/Column contain invalid data:Row <" + rowNum + "> Column <Sub Adj> must be decimal."); isErr = true; break; } } if (dr["Lifetime"] != DBNull.Value) { try { lpDetail.LifetimeCap = Convert.ToDecimal(ReplaceEToD(dr["Lifetime"])); } catch { Write(0, "The following rows/Column contain invalid data:Row <" + rowNum + "> Column <Lifetime> must be decimal."); isErr = true; break; } } rowNum++; detailList.Add(lpDetail); } if (isErr) { return; } #endregion #region Import ServiceTypes bllServiceTypes = new ServiceTypes(); LPWeb.BLL.ContactCompanies bllContactCompanies = new ContactCompanies(); Company_LoanProgramDetails bllLoanProgramDetails = new Company_LoanProgramDetails(); foreach (LPWeb.Model.Company_LoanProgramDetails detail in detailList) { #region LoanProgramID LPWeb.Model.Company_Loan_Programs loanpro = bllLoanProgram.GetModelList(" LoanProgram ='" + detail.Program.Trim() + "'").FirstOrDefault(); if (loanpro != null && loanpro.LoanProgram.Trim() == detail.Program.Trim()) { detail.LoanProgramID = loanpro.LoanProgramID; if (!loanpro.IsARM) { loanpro.IsARM = true; bllLoanProgram.Update(loanpro); } } else { loanpro = new LPWeb.Model.Company_Loan_Programs(); loanpro.IsARM = true; loanpro.LoanProgram = detail.Program; int loanprogramsId = bllLoanProgram.Add(loanpro); detail.LoanProgramID = loanprogramsId; } #endregion #region InvestorID //detail.LenderCompanyId; 已取出 在CR67 var ServiceType = bllServiceTypes.GetModelList(" Name ='Investor'").FirstOrDefault(); //cr67 int InvestorServiceTypeId = ServiceType == null ? 0 : ServiceType.ServiceTypeId; string sWhere = string.Format("[Name]='{0}'", detail.Investor.Trim()); if (InvestorServiceTypeId > 0) { sWhere += " AND ServiceTypeId=" + InvestorServiceTypeId; } LPWeb.Model.ContactCompanies contactComp = bllContactCompanies.GetModelList(sWhere).FirstOrDefault(); if (contactComp != null && contactComp.Name.Trim() == detail.Investor.Trim()) { detail.InvestorID = contactComp.ContactCompanyId; } else { contactComp = new LPWeb.Model.ContactCompanies(); contactComp.Name = detail.Investor.Trim(); //var type = bllServiceTypes.GetModelList(" Name ='Lender' or Name = 'Lending '").FirstOrDefault(); if (ServiceType != null) { contactComp.ServiceTypeId = ServiceType.ServiceTypeId; contactComp.ServiceTypes = ServiceType.Name; } contactComp.Enabled = true; var contactCompanyId = bllContactCompanies.Add(contactComp); detail.InvestorID = contactCompanyId; } #endregion if (bllLoanProgramDetails.Exists(detail.LoanProgramID, detail.InvestorID)) { bllLoanProgramDetails.Update(detail); } else { bllLoanProgramDetails.Add(detail); } } #endregion Write(1, ""); } catch (Exception ex) { Write(0, ex.Message.Replace("'", "").Replace("\r\n", "")); } }
/// <summary> /// 更新一条数据 /// </summary> public void Update(LPWeb.Model.Company_Loan_Programs model) { dal.Update(model); }
/// <summary> /// 增加一条数据 /// </summary> public int Add(LPWeb.Model.Company_Loan_Programs model) { return(dal.Add(model)); }