public void CloneFrom(VizChannel source) { if (color == 0) { color = source.color; } if (myName.Length == 0) { ChangeName(source.Name); } if (this.parentVisualization == null) { this.parentVisualization = source.parentVisualization; } SubType = source.SubType; SubParam = source.SubParam; if (output.deviceType == DeviceType.None) { output.deviceType = source.output.deviceType; output.circuit = source.output.circuit; =; output.unit = source.output.unit; } for (int c = 0; color < 5; color++) { colors[color] = source.colors[c]; } LED = source.LED; }
public void CloneTo(VizChannel destination) { if (destination.color == 0) { destination.color = color; } if (destination.Name.Length == 0) { destination.ChangeName(myName); } if (destination.parentVisualization == null) { destination.parentVisualization = this.parentVisualization; } destination.SubType = SubType; destination.SubParam = SubParam; if (destination.output.deviceType == DeviceType.None) { destination.output.deviceType = output.deviceType; destination.output.circuit = output.circuit; =; destination.output.unit = output.unit; } for (int c = 0; c < 5; c++) { destination.colors[c] = colors[c]; } destination.LED = LED; }
} // end Clear Sequence public VizChannel ParseVizChannel(string lineIn) { VizChannel vch = new VizChannel(""); //vch.SetParentViz(this); vch.SetIndex(VizChannels.Count); VizChannels.Add(vch); vch.Parse(lineIn); return vch; }
public IMember Clone(string newName) { // See Also: Clone(), CopyTo(), and CopyFrom() VizChannel vch = new VizChannel(newName, utils.UNDEFINED); //vch.myCentiseconds = myCentiseconds; //vch.myIndex = myIndex; //vch.VizID = VizID; //vch.myAltVizID = myAltVizID; vch.imSelected = imSelected; vch.color = color; vch.output = output.Clone(); vch.SubType = SubType; vch.SubParam = SubParam; vch.LED = LED; for (int c = 0; c < 5; c++) { vch.colors[c] = colors[c]; } return(vch); }
//public List<Prop> Props = new List<Prop>(); public int ReadVisualizationFile(string existingFileName) { errorStatus = 0; string lineIn; // line read in (does not get modified) string xmlInfo = ""; int li = utils.UNDEFINED; // positions of certain key text in the line //Track trk = new Track(); // const string ERRproc = " in Visualization4:ReadVisualizationFile("; // const string ERRgrp = "), on Line #"; // const string ERRitem = ", at position "; // const string ERRline = ", Code Line #"; //SequenceType st = SequenceType.Undefined; string creation = ""; DateTime modification; VizChannel lastVizChannel = null; //Prop lastProp = null; DrawObject lastDrawObject = null; Clear(true); info.file_accessed = File.GetLastAccessTime(existingFileName); info.file_created = File.GetCreationTime(existingFileName); info.file_saved = File.GetLastWriteTime(existingFileName); //try //{ StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(existingFileName); // Check for items in the order from most likely item to least likely // Effects, Channels, RGBchannels, Groups, Tracks... // Sanity Check #1A, does it have ANY lines? if (!reader.EndOfStream) { lineIn = reader.ReadLine(); // Sanity Check #2, is it an XML file? li = lineIn.Substring(0, 6).CompareTo("<?xml "); if (li != 0) { errorStatus = 101; } else { xmlInfo = lineIn; // Sanity Check #1B, does it have at least 2 lines? if (!reader.EndOfStream) { lineIn = reader.ReadLine(); // Sanity Check #3, is it a visualization? //li = lineIn.IndexOf(STARTvisualization); li = utils.ContainsKey(lineIn, STARTvisualization); if (li != 0) { errorStatus = 102; } else { info = new Info(null, lineIn); creation = info.createdAt; // Save this for later, as they will get changed as we populate the file modification = info.lastModified; info.filename = existingFileName; myName = Path.GetFileName(existingFileName); info.xmlInfo = xmlInfo; // Sanity Checks #4A and 4B, does it have a 'SaveFileVersion' and is it '14' // (SaveFileVersion="14" means it cane from LOR Sequence Editor ver 4.x) if (info.saveFileVersion != 3) { errorStatus = 114; } else { // All sanity checks passed // * PARSE LINES while ((lineIn = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { lineCount++; //try //{ //! DrawPoints //li = lineIn.IndexOf(STARTdrawPoint); li = utils.ContainsKey(lineIn, STARTdrawPoint); if (li > 0) { //TODO Save It! } else // Not a DrawPoint { //! DrawObjects //li = lineIn.IndexOf(STARTdrawObject); li = utils.ContainsKey(lineIn, STARTdrawObject); if (li > 0) { //TODO: Save it! lastDrawObject = ParseDrawObject(lineIn); } else // Not a DrawObject { //! Viz Channel //li = lineIn.IndexOf(STARTvizChannel); li = utils.ContainsKey(lineIn, STARTvizChannel); if (li > 0) { lastVizChannel = ParseVizChannel(lineIn); lastVizChannel.Parent = lastDrawObject; if (lastDrawObject.redChannel == null) { if (lastVizChannel.VizID == 1) { lastDrawObject.subChannel = lastVizChannel; } else { // Error Condition, unexpected System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); } } else { if (lastDrawObject.grnChannel == null) { if (lastVizChannel.VizID == 2) { lastDrawObject.isRGB = true; lastDrawObject.redChannel.rgbChild = RGBchild.Red; lastDrawObject.grnChannel = lastVizChannel; lastDrawObject.grnChannel.rgbChild = RGBchild.Green; } else { // Error Condition System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); } } else { if (lastDrawObject.bluChannel == null) { if (lastVizChannel.VizID == 3) { lastDrawObject.bluChannel = lastVizChannel; lastDrawObject.bluChannel.rgbChild = RGBchild.Blue; } else { // Error Condition System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); } } else { // Error Condition System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); } // bluChannel null } // grnChannel null } // redChannel null } // Is it a Viz Channel? (or not?) else // Not a Viz Channel { //! Samples //li = lineIn.IndexOf(STARTsample); li = utils.ContainsKey(lineIn, STARTsample); if (li > 0) { //TODO Save It! } else // Not a Sample { //! Assigned Channel Groups //li = lineIn.IndexOf(STARTassignedChannelsGroup); li = utils.ContainsKey(lineIn, STARTassignedChannelsGroup); if (li > 0) { //TODO Collect channels in group } else // Not an Assigned Channels Group { //! DrawPoint Groups //li = lineIn.IndexOf(STARTdrawPointsGroup); li = utils.ContainsKey(lineIn, STARTdrawPointsGroup); if (li > 0) { //TODO: Collect DrawPoints in group } // end if a track else // not a track { } // end Track (or not) } // end Track Items (or not) } // end ChannelGroup (or not) } // end RGBchannel (or not) } // end regular Channel (or not) } // end timing (or not) /* } // end 2nd Try catch (Exception ex) { StackTrace st = new StackTrace(ex, true); StackFrame sf = st.GetFrame(st.FrameCount - 1); string emsg = ex.ToString(); emsg += ERRproc + existingFileName + ERRgrp + lineCount.ToString() + ERRitem + li.ToString(); emsg += ERRline + sf.GetFileLineNumber(); #if DEBUG System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); #endif utils.WriteLogEntry(emsg, utils.LOG_Error, Application.ProductName); } // end catch */ } // end while lines remain } // end SaveFileVersion = 14 // Restore these to the values we captured when first reading the file info header info.createdAt = creation; info.lastModified = info.file_saved; dirty = false; //Members.ReIndex(); } // end second line is sequence info } // end has a second line } // end first line was xml info } // end has a first line reader.Close(); /* } // end try catch (Exception ex) { StackTrace st = new StackTrace(ex, true); StackFrame sf = st.GetFrame(st.FrameCount - 1); string emsg = ex.ToString(); emsg += ERRproc + existingFileName + ERRgrp + "none"; emsg += ERRline + sf.GetFileLineNumber(); #if DEBUG System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); #endif utils.WriteLogEntry(emsg, utils.LOG_Error, Application.ProductName); } // end catch */ if (errorStatus <= 0) { info.filename = existingFileName; //! for debugging //string sMsg = summary(); //MessageBox.Show(sMsg, "Summary", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } return errorStatus; } // end ReadSequenceFile