public QuadTree(NiTriShapeData data, int quadLevel) { this.sampleSize = Game.sampleSize; // water if (data.GetBSNumUVSets() == 0) { this.sampleSize = 1; this.isLand = false; } else { isLand = true; } this.vertices = data.GetVertices(); this.boundingBox = new BBox(); this.boundingBox.Set(float.MaxValue, float.MinValue, float.MaxValue, float.MinValue, float.MaxValue, float.MinValue); this.segments = new QuadTreeLeaf[(int)(this.sampleSize * quadLevel * this.sampleSize * quadLevel)]; for (int index = 0; index < (this.sampleSize * quadLevel) * (this.sampleSize * quadLevel); index++) { this.segments[index] = this.CreateSegment(index, quadLevel, data.GetTriangles(), data.GetVertices()); boundingBox.GrowByBox(this.segments[index].boundingBox); } QuadTreeLeaf quadTreeLeaf = new QuadTreeLeaf(); List<Triangle> triangles = data.GetTriangles(); quadTreeLeaf.boundingBox.GrowByBox(boundingBox); quadTreeLeaf.triangles = triangles; this.entirequad = quadTreeLeaf; }
public void GrowByBox(BBox boundingBox) { if (boundingBox.px1 < this.px1) { this.px1 = boundingBox.px1; } if (boundingBox.px2 > this.px2) { this.px2 = boundingBox.px2; } if (boundingBox.py1 < this.py1) { this.py1 = boundingBox.py1; } if (boundingBox.py2 > this.py2) { this.py2 = boundingBox.py2; } if (boundingBox.pz1 < this.pz1) { this.pz1 = boundingBox.pz1; } if (boundingBox.pz2 > this.pz2) { this.pz2 = boundingBox.pz2; } }
public ShapeDesc() { this.shape = (NiTriShape)null; = (NiTriShapeData)null; this.textures = new string[2]; this.boundingBox = new BBox(); // relative x, y for segment this.x = new float(); this.y = new float(); this.segments = new List <SegmentDesc>(); }
public ShapeDesc() { this.shape = (NiTriShape)null; = (NiTriShapeData)null; this.textures = new string[2]; this.boundingBox = new BBox(); // relative x, y for segment this.x = new float(); this.y = new float(); this.segments = new List<SegmentDesc>(); }
public QuadDesc(bool val) { this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.statics = new List <StaticDesc>(); this.terrainQuadTree = new QuadTree(); this.waterQuadTree = new QuadTree(); this.hasTerrainVertices = false; this.boundingBox = new BBox(); this.outValues = new OutDesc(); this.outValues.totalTriCount = 0; this.outValues.reducedTriCount = 0; this.textureBlockIndex = new Dictionary <string, int>(); this.textureBlockIndexPassThru = new Dictionary <string, int>(); this.dataBlockIndex = new Dictionary <string, int>(); this.shaderBlockIndex = new Dictionary <string, int>(); }
public ShapeDesc() { = ""; this.staticName = ""; this.staticModel = ""; this.geometry = null; this.shaderType = ""; this.effectShader = null; this.lightingShader = null; this.texturingProperty = null; this.materialProperty = null; this.sourceTextureBase = null; this.sourceTextureDetail = null; this.sourceTextureGlow = null; this.sourceTextureBump = null; this.shaderHash = ""; this.shapeHash = ""; this.material = ""; this.textures = new string[10] { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; this.textures[0] = "textures\\"; this.textures[1] = "textures\\"; this.isPassThru = false; this.isGroup = false; this.isHighDetail = false; this.hasVertexColor = false; this.allWhite = false; this.isDoubleSided = false; this.isAlpha = false; this.isDecal = false; this.enableParent = 0; this.TextureClampMode = 0; this.boundingBox = new BBox(); this.x = new float(); this.y = new float(); this.segments = new List <SegmentDesc>(); this.translation = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f); this.rotation = new Matrix33(true); this.scale = 1f; }
public ShapeDesc(ShapeDesc shapeDesc) { =; this.staticName =; this.staticModel =; this.geometry = null; this.shaderType = shapeDesc.shaderType; this.effectShader = shapeDesc.effectShader; this.lightingShader = shapeDesc.lightingShader; this.texturingProperty = shapeDesc.texturingProperty; this.materialProperty = shapeDesc.materialProperty; this.sourceTextureBase = shapeDesc.sourceTextureBase; this.sourceTextureDetail = shapeDesc.sourceTextureDetail; this.sourceTextureGlow = shapeDesc.sourceTextureGlow; this.sourceTextureBump = shapeDesc.sourceTextureBump; this.shaderHash = shapeDesc.shaderHash; this.shapeHash = shapeDesc.shapeHash; this.material = shapeDesc.material; this.textures = shapeDesc.textures; this.isPassThru = shapeDesc.isPassThru; this.isGroup = shapeDesc.isGroup; this.isHighDetail = shapeDesc.isHighDetail; this.hasVertexColor = shapeDesc.hasVertexColor; this.allWhite = shapeDesc.allWhite; this.isDoubleSided = shapeDesc.isDoubleSided; this.isAlpha = shapeDesc.isAlpha; this.isDecal = shapeDesc.isDecal; this.enableParent = shapeDesc.enableParent; this.TextureClampMode = shapeDesc.TextureClampMode; this.boundingBox = new BBox(); this.x = shapeDesc.x; this.y = shapeDesc.y; this.segments = new List <SegmentDesc>(); this.translation = shapeDesc.translation; this.rotation = shapeDesc.rotation; this.scale = shapeDesc.scale; }
public ShapeDesc(String gameDir, NiFile file, NiTriBasedGeom geom, StaticDesc stat, int quadIndex, StringList PassThruMeshList, bool skyblivionTexPath, bool useOptimizer, bool fixTangents, bool useDecalFlag, bool terrain, bool verbose, LogFile logFile) { = ""; if (geom.GetNameIndex() != -1) { = file.GetStringAtIndex(geom.GetNameIndex()); } else { = geom.GetName(); } if ( == null) { = ""; } this.staticName = stat.staticName; if (stat.staticModels != null && quadIndex < stat.staticModels.Count()) { this.staticModel = stat.staticModels[quadIndex].ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } else { this.staticModel = ""; } this.geometry = null; this.shaderType = ""; this.effectShader = null; this.lightingShader = null; this.texturingProperty = null; this.materialProperty = null; this.sourceTextureBase = null; this.sourceTextureDetail = null; this.sourceTextureGlow = null; this.sourceTextureBump = null; this.shaderHash = ""; this.shapeHash = ""; if (stat.materialName != null) { this.material = stat.materialName; } else { this.material = ""; } if (quadIndex != 0 && this.material.ToLower().Contains("largeref")) { this.material = Regex.Replace(this.material, "-largeref", "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); } this.textures = new string[10] { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; this.textures[0] = "textures\\"; this.textures[1] = "textures\\"; if ( == "LODGenPassThru" || this.material.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == "passthru" || (PassThruMeshList != null && staticModel != "" && PassThruMeshList.Any(staticModel.Contains))) { this.isPassThru = true; this.material = "passthru"; } else { this.isPassThru = false; } if ((stat.staticFlags & 1) == 1) { this.isGroup = true; } this.isHighDetail = false; this.hasVertexColor = false; this.allWhite = false; this.isDoubleSided = false; this.isAlpha = false; this.isDecal = false; this.enableParent = 0; this.TextureClampMode = 0; this.boundingBox = new BBox(); this.x = new float(); this.y = new float(); this.segments = new List <SegmentDesc>(); this.translation = new Vector3(stat.x, stat.y, stat.z); this.scale = stat.scale; Matrix33 matrix33_1 = new Matrix33(true); Matrix33 matrix33_2 = new Matrix33(true); Matrix33 matrix33_3 = new Matrix33(true); matrix33_1.SetRotationX(Utils.ToRadians(-stat.rotX)); matrix33_2.SetRotationY(Utils.ToRadians(-stat.rotY)); matrix33_3.SetRotationZ(Utils.ToRadians(-stat.rotZ)); this.rotation = new Matrix33(true) * matrix33_1 * matrix33_2 * matrix33_3; try { if (geom.GetClassName() == "NiTriStrips") { int index = geom.GetData(); if (index == -1) { geometry = new Geometry(); } else { geometry = new Geometry(new NiTriShapeData((NiTriStripsData)file.GetBlockAtIndex(index))); } List <int> extradatalist = geom.GetExtraData(); if (extradatalist.Count == 1) { NiBinaryExtraData extradata = (NiBinaryExtraData)file.GetBlockAtIndex(extradatalist[0]); this.geometry.SetTangents(extradata.GetTangents()); this.geometry.SetBitangents(extradata.GetBitangents()); } } else { int index = geom.GetData(); if (index == -1) { geometry = new Geometry(); } else { if (file.GetBlockAtIndex(index).IsDerivedType("BSTriShape")) { BSTriShape bsts = (BSTriShape)file.GetBlockAtIndex(index); geometry = bsts.GetGeom(); } else { geometry = new Geometry((NiTriShapeData)file.GetBlockAtIndex(index)); } } } } catch { logFile.WriteLog("Skipping non supported data " + this.staticModel + " " +; geometry = new Geometry(); return; } if (terrain) { return; } if (geometry.uvcoords.Count == 0) { logFile.WriteLog("Skipping no UV " + this.staticModel + " " +; geometry = new Geometry(); return; } if (geometry.HasVertexColors()) { this.allWhite = true; List <Color4> vertexColors = geometry.GetVertexColors(); for (int index = 0; index < vertexColors.Count; index++) { float r = vertexColors[index][0]; float g = vertexColors[index][1]; float b = vertexColors[index][2]; float a = vertexColors[index][3]; if (r < 0.9f || b < 0.9f || g < 0.9f) { this.allWhite = false; } if (this.isPassThru && Game.Mode != "merge5") { // if neither LOD flag is set, alpha is used on/off at 0.5f, nobody wants that // HD snow shader uses alpha for something else a = 1f; } vertexColors[index] = new Color4(r, g, b, a); } if (this.allWhite) { geometry.SetVertexColors(new List <Color4>()); } else if (this.isPassThru && Game.Mode != "merge5") { geometry.SetVertexColors(vertexColors); } } this.hasVertexColor = geometry.HasVertexColors(); try { this.shapeHash = Utils.GetHash(Utils.ObjectToByteArray(geometry.vertices)); } catch { logFile.WriteLog("Can not get hash for vertices in " + this.staticModel + " block " +; logFile.Close(); System.Environment.Exit(3003); } if ((file.GetVersion() > 335544325U) && (file.GetUserVersion() > 11U)) { for (int index = 0; index < 2; index++) { if (geom.GetBSProperty(index) != -1) { string type = file.GetBlockAtIndex(geom.GetBSProperty(index)).GetClassName().ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (type == "nialphaproperty") { if (Game.Mode == "fo4" || Game.Mode == "merge5") { this.isAlpha = true; NiAlphaProperty alphaProperty = (NiAlphaProperty)file.GetBlockAtIndex(geom.GetBSProperty(index)); this.alphaThreshold = alphaProperty.GetThreshold(); } } else if (type == "bseffectshaderproperty") { this.shaderType = type; BSEffectShaderProperty shader = (BSEffectShaderProperty)file.GetBlockAtIndex(geom.GetBSProperty(index)); this.textures[0] = shader.GetSourceTexture().ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); // disable non supported flags if (Game.Mode != "merge5") { shader.SetShaderFlags1(shader.GetShaderFlags1() & 3724541045); shader.SetShaderFlags2(shader.GetShaderFlags2() & 3758063615); } shader.SetSourceTexture(""); this.effectShader = shader; if (this.hasVertexColor) { shader.SetShaderFlags2(shader.GetShaderFlags2() | 32); } else { shader.SetShaderFlags2(shader.GetShaderFlags2() & 4294967263); } this.isDoubleSided = (shader.GetShaderFlags2() & 16) == 16; this.TextureClampMode = shader.GetTextureClampMode(); shader.SetTextureClampMode(3); try { this.shaderHash = Utils.GetHash(Utils.ObjectToByteArray(shader)); } catch { logFile.WriteLog("Can not get hash for shader in " + this.staticModel + " block " +; logFile.Close(); System.Environment.Exit(3004); } } else if (type == "bslightingshaderproperty") { this.shaderType = type; BSLightingShaderProperty shader = (BSLightingShaderProperty)file.GetBlockAtIndex(geom.GetBSProperty(index)); // disable non supported flags if (Game.Mode != "merge5") { //enviroment shader if (shader.GetShaderType() == 1) { if ((shader.GetShaderFlags2() & 64) == 64) { //glow shader shader.SetShaderType(2); } shader.SetShaderType(0); } //3695270121 shader.SetShaderFlags1(shader.GetShaderFlags1() & 3724541045); shader.SetShaderFlags2(shader.GetShaderFlags2() & 3758063615); } this.TextureClampMode = shader.GetTextureClampMode(); shader.SetTextureClampMode(3); this.isDoubleSided = (shader.GetShaderFlags2() & 16) == 16; if ((Game.Mode == "tes5" || Game.Mode == "sse") && useDecalFlag && !this.isPassThru && ((shader.GetShaderFlags1() & 67108864) == 67108864 || (shader.GetShaderFlags1() & 134217728) == 134217728)) { this.isDecal = true; // SLSF1_Decal shader.SetShaderFlags1(shader.GetShaderFlags1() | 67108864); // SLSF1_Dynamic_Decal shader.SetShaderFlags1(shader.GetShaderFlags1() | 134217728); // SLSF2_No_Fade shader.SetShaderFlags2(shader.GetShaderFlags2() | 8); } if (this.hasVertexColor) { shader.SetShaderFlags2(shader.GetShaderFlags2() | 32); } else { shader.SetShaderFlags2(shader.GetShaderFlags2() & 4294967263); } // no specular flag -> reset specular strength, color, glossiness //if ((shader.GetShaderFlags1() & 1) == 0 || shader.GetSpecularStrength() == 0f || (shader.GetGlossiness() == 80f && shader.GetSpecularColor() == new Color3(0f, 0f, 0f) && shader.GetSpecularStrength() == 1f)) //{ shader.SetShaderFlags1(shader.GetShaderFlags1() & 4294967294); shader.SetGlossiness(80f); shader.SetSpecularColor(new Color3(0f, 0f, 0f)); shader.SetSpecularStrength(1f); //} // no soft/rim/back/effect lighting -> reset effect lighting 1 and 2 if ((shader.GetShaderFlags2() & 1308622848) == 0 || (shader.GetLightingEffect1() < 0.1f && shader.GetLightingEffect2() < 0.1f)) { shader.SetShaderFlags2(shader.GetShaderFlags2() & 2986344447); shader.SetLightingEffect1(0f); shader.SetLightingEffect2(0f); } // no own emit -> reset own emit, emissive color, muliplier if ((shader.GetShaderFlags1() & 4194304) == 0 || (shader.GetEmissiveColor()[0] < 0.1f && shader.GetEmissiveColor()[1] < 0.1f && shader.GetEmissiveColor()[2] < 0.1f) || shader.GetEmissiveMultiple() == 0f) { shader.SetShaderFlags1(shader.GetShaderFlags1() & 4290772991); shader.SetEmissiveColor(new Color3(0f, 0f, 0f)); shader.SetEmissiveMultiple(1f); } this.backlightPower = shader.GetBacklightPower(); if (shader.GetTextureSet() != -1 && this.textures[0] == "textures\\") { BSShaderTextureSet shaderTextureSet = (BSShaderTextureSet)file.GetBlockAtIndex(shader.GetTextureSet()); for (int index2 = 0; index2 < shaderTextureSet.GetNumTextures(); ++index2) { this.textures[index2] = shaderTextureSet.GetTexture(index2).ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } } shader.SetTextureSet(-1); //BGSM takes priority and overwrite everything in nif if (shader.GetNameIndex() != -1) { string bgsmFileName = file.GetStringAtIndex(shader.GetNameIndex()).ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (bgsmFileName.Contains(".bgsm")) { int i = bgsmFileName.IndexOf("\\data\\"); if (i > 0) { i += 6; bgsmFileName = bgsmFileName.Substring(i, bgsmFileName.Length - i); } if (stat.materialSwap.ContainsKey(bgsmFileName)) { bgsmFileName = stat.materialSwap[bgsmFileName]; } BGSMFile bgsmdata = new BGSMFile(); bgsmdata.Read(gameDir, bgsmFileName, logFile); if (bgsmdata.textures[0] != "") { this.textures[0] = "textures\\" + bgsmdata.textures[0]; this.textures[1] = "textures\\" + bgsmdata.textures[1]; this.textures[7] = "textures\\" + bgsmdata.textures[2]; this.TextureClampMode = bgsmdata.textureClampMode; shader.SetTextureClampMode(this.TextureClampMode); this.isAlpha = Convert.ToBoolean(bgsmdata.alphaFlag); this.isDoubleSided = Convert.ToBoolean(bgsmdata.doubleSided); shader.SetShaderFlags2(shader.GetShaderFlags2() | 16); this.alphaThreshold = bgsmdata.alphaThreshold; this.backlightPower = bgsmdata.backlightPower; shader.SetBacklightPower(this.backlightPower); } } } try { this.shaderHash = Utils.GetHash(Utils.ObjectToByteArray(shader)); } catch { logFile.WriteLog("Can not get hash for shader in " + this.staticModel + " block " +; logFile.Close(); System.Environment.Exit(3005); } this.lightingShader = shader; } else { if (this.shaderType == "") { this.shaderType = type; } } } } } else { this.shaderType = "none"; for (int index = 0; index < geom.GetNumProperties(); ++index) { NiProperty niProperty = (NiProperty)file.GetBlockAtIndex(geom.GetProperty(index)); string type = niProperty.GetClassName().ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (niProperty.GetType() == typeof(BSShaderPPLightingProperty)) { BSShaderPPLightingProperty shader = (BSShaderPPLightingProperty)file.GetBlockAtIndex(geom.GetProperty(index)); BSShaderTextureSet shaderTextureSet = (BSShaderTextureSet)file.GetBlockAtIndex(shader.GetTextureSet()); for (int index2 = 0; index2 < shaderTextureSet.GetNumTextures(); ++index2) { this.textures[index2] = shaderTextureSet.GetTexture(index2).ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } //this.hasVertexColor = (shader.GetShaderFlags2() & 32) == 32; //this.isDoubleSided = (shader.GetShaderFlags2() & 16) == 16; //this.TextureClampMode = shader.GetTextureClampMode(); this.shaderType = type; break; } if (niProperty.GetType() == typeof(NiMaterialProperty)) { this.materialProperty = (NiMaterialProperty)niProperty; this.hasVertexColor = this.geometry.HasVertexColors(); } if (niProperty.GetType() == typeof(NiTexturingProperty)) { this.texturingProperty = (NiTexturingProperty)niProperty; string str1 = "textures\\"; string str2 = "textures\\"; if (this.texturingProperty != null) { TexDesc baseTexture = this.texturingProperty.GetBaseTexture(); if (this.texturingProperty.HasBaseTexture() && this.texturingProperty.GetBaseTexture().source != -1) { this.sourceTextureBase = (NiSourceTexture)file.GetBlockAtIndex(this.texturingProperty.GetBaseTexture().source); str1 = this.sourceTextureBase.GetFileName().ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (this.texturingProperty.HasDarkTexture() && this.texturingProperty.GetDarkTexture().source != -1) { if (verbose) { logFile.WriteLog("dark texture " + this.staticName); } } if (this.texturingProperty.HasDetailTexture() && this.texturingProperty.GetDetailTexture().source != -1) { if (verbose) { logFile.WriteLog("detail texture " + this.staticName); } this.sourceTextureDetail = (NiSourceTexture)file.GetBlockAtIndex(this.texturingProperty.GetDetailTexture().source); str1 = this.sourceTextureDetail.GetFileName().ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (this.texturingProperty.HasGlossTexture() && this.texturingProperty.GetGlossTexture().source != -1) { if (verbose) { logFile.WriteLog("gloss texture " + this.staticName); } } if (this.texturingProperty.HasGlowTexture() && this.texturingProperty.GetGlowTexture().source != -1) { if (verbose) { logFile.WriteLog("glow texture " + this.staticName); } this.sourceTextureGlow = (NiSourceTexture)file.GetBlockAtIndex(this.texturingProperty.GetGlowTexture().source); } if (this.texturingProperty.HasBumpMapTexture() && this.texturingProperty.GetBumpMapTexture().source != -1) { if (verbose) { logFile.WriteLog("bump texture " + this.staticName); } this.sourceTextureBump = (NiSourceTexture)file.GetBlockAtIndex(this.texturingProperty.GetBumpMapTexture().source); } if (this.texturingProperty.HasDecalTexture0() && this.texturingProperty.GetDecalTexture0().source != -1) { if (verbose) { logFile.WriteLog("decal texture " + this.staticName); } } str2 = Utils.GetNormalTextureName(str1); if (skyblivionTexPath && !str1.Contains("textures\\tes4")) { str1 = str1.ToLower().Replace("textures", "textures\\tes4"); str2 = str2.ToLower().Replace("textures", "textures\\tes4"); } } this.textures[0] = str1.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); this.textures[1] = str2.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (this.texturingProperty.HasBaseTexture()) { this.TextureClampMode = this.texturingProperty.GetBaseTexture().clampMode; } this.shaderType = type; break; } } } for (int index = 0; index < this.textures.Length; index++) { this.textures[index] = this.textures[index].Trim(); if (this.textures[index].Contains(".dds") && !this.textures[index].Contains("textures\\")) { this.textures[index] = Path.Combine("textures\\", this.textures[index]); } } if (((Game.Mode == "convert4" || Game.Mode == "convert5") && useOptimizer && AtlasList.Contains(this.textures[0])) || this.textures[0] == "textures\\") { string texture = this.textures[0]; geometry = geometry.ReUV(this, texture, logFile, verbose); this.textures = new string[10] { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; this.textures[0] = AtlasList.Get(texture).AtlasTexture; this.textures[1] = AtlasList.Get(texture).AtlasTextureN; if (this.textures[2] != "") { this.textures[2] = AtlasList.Get(texture).AtlasTexture; } if (Game.Mode == "fo4") { this.textures[7] = AtlasList.Get(texture).AtlasTextureS; } this.TextureClampMode = 0U; this.isHighDetail = false; } else if ((Game.Mode == "convert4" || Game.Mode == "convert5") && useOptimizer && verbose) { logFile.WriteLog(this.staticModel + " " + + " " + this.textures[0] + " not in atlas file"); } if (!geometry.HasNormals()) { geometry.FaceNormals(); geometry.SmoothNormals(60f, 0.001f); } if (fixTangents && !geometry.HasTangents()) { geometry.UpdateTangents(fixTangents); } }
public void ShrinkByBox(BBox boundingBox) { if (boundingBox.px1 > this.px1) { this.px1 = boundingBox.px1; } if (boundingBox.px2 < this.px2) { this.px2 = boundingBox.px2; } if (boundingBox.py1 > this.py1) { this.py1 = boundingBox.py1; } if (boundingBox.py2 < this.py2) { this.py2 = boundingBox.py2; } if (boundingBox.pz1 > this.pz1) { this.pz1 = boundingBox.pz1; } if (boundingBox.pz2 < this.pz2) { this.pz2 = boundingBox.pz2; } }
private QuadTreeLeaf CreateSegment(int segmentnumber, int quadLevel, List<Triangle> triangles, List<Vector3> vertices) { quadLevel = (int)(this.sampleSize * quadLevel); QuadTreeLeaf quadTreeLeaf = new QuadTreeLeaf(); List<Triangle> triangles1 = new List<Triangle>(); int segmentx = segmentnumber / quadLevel; int segmenty = segmentnumber - (segmentx * quadLevel); quadTreeLeaf.boundingBox.Set(float.MaxValue, float.MinValue, float.MaxValue, float.MinValue, float.MaxValue, float.MinValue); BBox bbox = new BBox(); bbox.Set((float)segmentx / quadLevel * 4096, ((float)segmentx + 1) / quadLevel * 4096, (float)segmenty / quadLevel * 4096, ((float)segmenty + 1) / quadLevel * 4096, 0f, 0f); for (int index = 0; index < triangles.Count; index++) { BBox tbox = new BBox(float.MaxValue, float.MinValue, float.MaxValue, float.MinValue, float.MaxValue, float.MinValue); for (int index2 = 0; index2 < 3; index2++) { Vector3 vertex = vertices[triangles[index][index2]]; tbox.GrowByVertex(vertex); } if (tbox.px2 >= bbox.px1 && tbox.px1 <= bbox.px2 && tbox.py2 >= bbox.py1 && tbox.py1 <= bbox.py2) { triangles1.Add(triangles[index]); quadTreeLeaf.boundingBox.GrowByBox(tbox); } } quadTreeLeaf.triangles = triangles1; return quadTreeLeaf; }
private bool LoadTerrainQuad(QuadDesc quad, out QuadTree qt, out QuadTree waterQt, out BBox boundingBox) { bool flag = false; string str = ""; if (Game.Mode == "fnv") { str = "meshes\\landscape\\lod\\" + this.worldspaceName + "\\" + this.worldspaceName + ".Level" + this.quadLevel.ToString() + ".X" + quad.x.ToString() + ".Y" + quad.y.ToString() + ".nif"; } else { str = "meshes\\terrain\\" + this.worldspaceName + "\\" + this.worldspaceName + "." + this.quadLevel.ToString() + "." + quad.x.ToString() + "." + quad.y.ToString() + ".btr"; } boundingBox = new BBox(); qt = (QuadTree)null; waterQt = (QuadTree)null; if (!File.Exists(this.gameDir + str) && !BSAArchive.FileExists(str)) { if (this.verbose) { this.logFile.WriteLog("terrain file not found " + str); } } else { //Console.WriteLine("Doing " + str); //logFile.WriteLog("Doing " + str); NiFile niFile = new NiFile(); niFile.Read(this.gameDir, str, logFile); BSMultiBoundNode bsMultiBoundNode1 = (BSMultiBoundNode)niFile.GetBlockAtIndex(0); if (bsMultiBoundNode1 != null && bsMultiBoundNode1.GetNumChildren() > 0U) { BSMultiBound bsMultiBound1 = (BSMultiBound)niFile.GetBlockAtIndex(bsMultiBoundNode1.GetMultiBound()); BSMultiBoundAABB bsMultiBoundAabb1 = bsMultiBound1 != null ? (BSMultiBoundAABB)niFile.GetBlockAtIndex(bsMultiBound1.GetData()) : (BSMultiBoundAABB)null; if (bsMultiBound1 != null && bsMultiBoundAabb1 != null) { NiTriShape niTriShape = (NiTriShape)niFile.GetBlockAtIndex(bsMultiBoundNode1.GetChildAtIndex(0)); if (niTriShape != null) { NiTriShapeData data = (NiTriShapeData)niFile.GetBlockAtIndex(niTriShape.GetData()); Vector3 vector3_1 = bsMultiBoundAabb1.GetPosition() / 4; Vector3 vector3_2 = bsMultiBoundAabb1.GetExtent() / 4; boundingBox.Set(vector3_1[0] - vector3_2[0], vector3_1[0] + vector3_2[0], vector3_1[1] - vector3_2[1], vector3_1[1] + vector3_2[1], vector3_1[2] - vector3_2[2], vector3_1[2] + vector3_2[2]); List<Vector3> vertices = data.GetVertices(); if (Game.Mode == "fnv") { for (int index = 0; index < vertices.Count; index++) { vertices[index] = vertices[index] / quadLevel; } } List<Triangle> triangles = data.GetTriangles(); for (int index = 0; index < triangles.Count; index++) { Vector3 vertA = vertices[triangles[index][0]]; Vector3 vertB = vertices[triangles[index][1]]; Vector3 vertC = vertices[triangles[index][2]]; if ((vertA[0] == 0 && vertB[0] == 0 && vertC[0] == 0) || (vertA[0] == 4096 && vertB[0] == 4096 && vertC[0] == 4096) || (vertA[1] == 0 && vertB[1] == 0 && vertC[1] == 0) || (vertA[1] == 4096 && vertB[1] == 4096 && vertC[1] == 4096)) { triangles.RemoveAt(index); --index; } } data.SetVertices(vertices); data.SetTriangles(triangles); qt = new QuadTree(data, quadLevel); if (qt != null) flag = true; } } if (Game.Mode != "fnv" && this.removeUnderwaterFaces && bsMultiBoundNode1.GetNumChildren() > 1U) { BSMultiBoundNode bsMultiBoundNode2 = (BSMultiBoundNode)niFile.GetBlockAtIndex(bsMultiBoundNode1.GetChildAtIndex(1)); if (bsMultiBoundNode2 != null) { BSMultiBound bsMultiBound2 = (BSMultiBound)niFile.GetBlockAtIndex(bsMultiBoundNode2.GetMultiBound()); BSMultiBoundAABB bsMultiBoundAabb2 = (BSMultiBoundAABB)niFile.GetBlockAtIndex(bsMultiBound2.GetData()); NiTriShapeData datacombined = new NiTriShapeData(); ushort numVertices = 0; for (int index = 0; index < bsMultiBoundNode2.GetNumChildren(); index++) { NiObject blockAtIndex = niFile.GetBlockAtIndex(bsMultiBoundNode2.GetChildAtIndex(index)); if (blockAtIndex != null) { NiTriShapeData data; if (blockAtIndex.GetClassName() == "BSSegmentedTriShape") { BSSegmentedTriShape segmentedTriShape = (BSSegmentedTriShape)blockAtIndex; data = (NiTriShapeData)niFile.GetBlockAtIndex(segmentedTriShape.GetData()); } else { NiTriShape niTriShape = (NiTriShape)blockAtIndex; data = (NiTriShapeData)niFile.GetBlockAtIndex(niTriShape.GetData()); } if (index == 0) { datacombined = data; numVertices += data.GetNumVertices(); } else { datacombined.AppendVertices(data.GetVertices()); List<Triangle> triangles = new List<Triangle>(data.GetTriangles()); for (int index2 = 0; index2 < triangles.Count; ++index2) { triangles[index2][0] += numVertices; triangles[index2][1] += numVertices; triangles[index2][2] += numVertices; } datacombined.AppendTriangles(triangles); numVertices += data.GetNumVertices(); } } } Vector3 vector3_1 = bsMultiBoundAabb2.GetPosition() / 4; Vector3 vector3_2 = bsMultiBoundAabb2.GetExtent() / 4; BBox boundingBox1 = new BBox(vector3_1[0] - vector3_2[0], vector3_1[0] + vector3_2[0], vector3_1[1] - vector3_2[1], vector3_1[1] + vector3_2[1], vector3_1[2] - vector3_2[2], vector3_1[2] + vector3_2[2]); waterQt = new QuadTree(datacombined, quadLevel); } } } } return flag; }
private void GenerateMultibound(NiFile file, BSMultiBoundNode node, QuadDesc curQuad, BBox bb) { if ((Game.Mode != "fnv") || (Game.Mode == "fnv" && node.GetMultiBound() == -1)) { BSMultiBound bsMultiBound = new BSMultiBound(); node.SetMultiBound(file.AddBlock((NiObject)bsMultiBound)); BSMultiBoundAABB bsMultiBoundAabb = new BSMultiBoundAABB(); bsMultiBound.SetData(file.AddBlock((NiObject)bsMultiBoundAabb)); float num1 = (float)curQuad.x * 4096f; float num2 = (float)curQuad.y * 4096f; bsMultiBoundAabb.SetPosition(new Vector3((float)(((double)num1 + (double)bb.px1 + ((double)num1 + (double)bb.px2)) / 2.0), (float)(((double)num2 + (double)bb.py1 + ((double)num2 + (double)bb.py2)) / 2.0), (float)(((double)bb.pz1 + (double)bb.pz2) / 2.0))); bsMultiBoundAabb.SetExtent(new Vector3((float)(((double)bb.px2 - (double)bb.px1) / 2.0), (float)(((double)bb.py2 - (double)bb.py1) / 2.0), (float)(((double)bb.pz2 - (double)bb.pz1) / 2.0))); } }
private ShapeDesc TransformShape(QuadDesc quad, StaticDesc stat, NiFile file, NiTriBasedGeom geom, Matrix44 parentTransform, float parentScale) { BBox bbox = new BBox(float.MaxValue, float.MinValue, float.MaxValue, float.MinValue, float.MaxValue, float.MinValue); ShapeDesc shape1 = new ShapeDesc(); NiTriShape shape2; NiTriShapeData data = new NiTriShapeData(); //Console.WriteLine("Reading block #" + geom.GetData()); if (geom.GetClassName() == "NiTriStrips") { shape2 = new NiTriShape(geom); data = new NiTriShapeData((NiTriStripsData)file.GetBlockAtIndex(geom.GetData())); } else if (geom.GetClassName() == "BSLODTriShape") { shape2 = new NiTriShape(geom); data = (NiTriShapeData)file.GetBlockAtIndex(geom.GetData()); } else { shape2 = new NiTriShape(geom); data = (NiTriShapeData)file.GetBlockAtIndex(geom.GetData()); } if (verbose && !data.HasVertexColors() && ((this.GetShaderFlags2(file, shape2) & 32) == 32)) { if (!stat.staticModels[this.quadIndex].Contains("glacierrubbletrim0")) { logFile.WriteLog("Vertex Colors Flag, but no vertex colors in " + stat.staticModels[this.quadIndex]); } } if (((int)data.GetBSNumUVSets() & 1) == 0) return shape1; float _x = stat.x - (float)quad.x * 4096f; float _y = stat.y - (float)quad.y * 4096f; Matrix33 matrix33_1 = new Matrix33(true); Matrix33 matrix33_2 = new Matrix33(true); Matrix33 matrix33_3 = new Matrix33(true); matrix33_1.SetRotationX(Utils.ToRadians(-stat.rotX)); matrix33_2.SetRotationY(Utils.ToRadians(-stat.rotY)); matrix33_3.SetRotationZ(Utils.ToRadians(-stat.rotZ)); Matrix44 matrix44 = new Matrix44(new Matrix33(true) * matrix33_1 * matrix33_2 * matrix33_3, new Vector3(_x, _y, stat.z), 1f); List<Vector3> vertices = new List<Vector3>(data.GetVertices()); List<Vector3> normals = new List<Vector3>(data.GetNormals()); List<Vector3> tangents = new List<Vector3>(data.GetTangents()); List<Vector3> bitangents = new List<Vector3>(data.GetBitangents()); // generate tangents independent of fix tangents setting bool newtangents = false; bool newbitangents = false; if (this.generateTangents && data.HasNormals()) { if (tangents.Count == 0) { newtangents = true; for (int index = 0; index < vertices.Count; ++index) tangents.Add(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); } if (bitangents.Count == 0) { newbitangents = true; for (int index = 0; index < vertices.Count; ++index) bitangents.Add(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); } } for (int index = 0; index < vertices.Count; ++index) { vertices[index] *= shape2.GetScale() * parentScale; vertices[index] *= shape2.GetTransform() * parentTransform; vertices[index] *= stat.scale; vertices[index] *= matrix44; if (data.HasNormals()) { normals[index] *= parentTransform.RemoveTranslation() * shape2.GetTransform().RemoveTranslation(); normals[index] *= matrix44.RemoveTranslation(); // adjust tangents as well if (tangents.Count != 0) { tangents[index] *= parentTransform.RemoveTranslation() * shape2.GetTransform().RemoveTranslation(); tangents[index] *= matrix44.RemoveTranslation(); } // adjust bitangents as well if (bitangents.Count != 0) { bitangents[index] *= parentTransform.RemoveTranslation() * shape2.GetTransform().RemoveTranslation(); bitangents[index] *= matrix44.RemoveTranslation(); } // fix tangents when they were newly generated if (newtangents || newbitangents || this.fixTangents) { Vector3 vector3_1 = Vector3.Cross(normals[index], new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1f)); Vector3 vector3_2 = Vector3.Cross(normals[index], new Vector3(0.0f, 1f, 0.0f)); if (newtangents) { tangents[index] = (double)vector3_1.Length > (double)vector3_2.Length ? vector3_1 : vector3_2; tangents[index].Normalize(); } if (newbitangents) { bitangents[index] = Vector3.Cross(normals[index], tangents[index]); bitangents[index].Normalize(); } } } bbox.GrowByVertex(vertices[index]); vertices[index] /= (float)this.quadLevel; } data.SetVertices(vertices); if (data.HasNormals()) { data.SetNormals(normals); data.SetHasTangents(false); } data.SetCenter(new Vector3((float)(((double)bbox.px1 + (double)bbox.px2) / 2.0), (float)(((double)bbox.py1 + (double)bbox.py2) / 2.0), (float)(((double)bbox.pz1 + (double)bbox.pz2) / 2.0)) / (float)this.quadLevel); data.SetRadius(this.CalcRadius(data)); data.SetConsistencyFlags((ushort)0); data.SetKeepFlags((byte)51); data.SetSkyrimMaterial(0U); shape1.shape = shape2; = data; // relative x, y for segment shape1.x = _x; shape1.y = _y; shape1.boundingBox = bbox; //Console.WriteLine(stat.staticName + " 2 " + stat.refID + " " + file + " " + shape2.GetName() + " "); shape1.textures = this.GetMeshTextures(file, shape2); shape1.material = stat.materialName; shape1.isHighDetail = false; if (useHDFlag) { if ((stat.refFlags & 131072) == 131072) { if (HDMeshList.Any(stat.staticModels[this.quadIndex].ToLower().Contains)) { shape1.isHighDetail = true; } else if (notHDMeshList.Any(stat.staticModels[this.quadIndex].ToLower().Contains)) { shape1.isHighDetail = false; } else { shape1.isHighDetail = true; } } } // Shader Flags 2 SLSF2_Double_Sided shape1.isDoubleSided = (this.GetShaderFlags2(file, shape2) & 16) == 16; // clamp mode for atlas shape1.TextureClampMode = this.GetTextureClampMode(file, shape2); /*if ((this.GetShaderFlags1(file, shape2) & 1) == 1) { //logFile.WriteLog("Specular" + stat.staticModels[this.quadIndex]); }*/ if (AtlasList.Contains(shape1.textures[0])) { if (this.UVAtlas(data, shape1.textures[0], stat)) { string[] strArray = new string[2]; strArray[0] = AtlasList.Get(shape1.textures[0]).AtlasTexture; strArray[1] = AtlasList.Get(shape1.textures[0]).AtlasTextureN; shape1.textures = strArray; shape1.TextureClampMode = 0U; shape1.isHighDetail = false; } } else { if (useOptimizer && quadLevel != 4 && shape1.textures[0].ToLower().Contains("mountainslab01")) { string[] strArray = new string[2]; strArray[0] = "textures\\landscape\\mountains\\"; strArray[1] = "textures\\landscape\\mountains\\"; shape1.textures = strArray; } if (notHDTextureList.Any(shape1.textures[0].Contains)) { if (this.verbose) { logFile.WriteLog("No atlas for " + shape1.textures[0] + " in " + stat.staticModels[this.quadIndex]); } } else { if (!useHDFlag) { shape1.isHighDetail = true; } } } if (notHDTextureList.Any(shape1.textures[0].Contains)) { shape1.isHighDetail = false; } if (HDTextureList.Any(shape1.textures[0].Contains)) { shape1.isHighDetail = true; } if (shape1.textures[0].Contains("dyndolod\\lod")) { shape1.TextureClampMode = 0U; shape1.isHighDetail = false; } if (!this.generateVertexColors || (this.quadLevel != 4 && !shape1.isHighDetail)) { data.SetHasVertexColors(false); shape1.hasVertexColor = false; } if (this.generateTangents) { //shape1.material.Length != 0 if (!useOptimizer || (useOptimizer && (this.quadLevel == 4 || shape1.isHighDetail))) { data.SetTangents(tangents); data.SetBitangents(bitangents); } } if (this.removeUnseenFaces && quad.hasTerrainVertices) { this.RemoveUnseenFaces(quad, data, shape1); if ((int)data.GetNumTriangles() == 0) return (ShapeDesc)null; } else { quad.outValues.totalTriCount += data.GetNumTriangles(); quad.outValues.reducedTriCount += data.GetNumTriangles(); } this.GenerateSegments(quad, ref shape1); return shape1; }