private void Login() { string tmpHolder = "SELECT Username, Password FROM tblSysUsers WHERE Username = '******' AND Password ='******'"; if (globalData.AlreadyExist(tmpHolder) == true) { string tmpHolderAuth = "SELECT * FROM tblServerAuth WHERE MacAddress='" + GlobalData.GetMACAddress() + "'"; if (globalData.AlreadyExist(tmpHolderAuth) == true) { DateTime tmpSDate = Convert.ToDateTime(globalData.GetValue(tmpHolderAuth, "StartDate")); DateTime tmpEDate = Convert.ToDateTime(globalData.GetValue(tmpHolderAuth, "EndDate")); var Different = tmpEDate - DateTime.Now; double tmpDays = Different.TotalDays; if (tmpDays == 0 || tmpDays < 0) { MessageBox.Show("Your Software License is Upto Date, Please Purchase License ", "Authendication Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } else { getUserInfo(); getCompanyInfo(); GlobalData.GCompName = globalData.GetValue("SELECT * FROM tblCompany WHERE CustID=" + GlobalData.GCompID + "", "NameOF"); GlobalData.GUserGroup = globalData.GetValue("SELECT * FROM tblUserGroup WHERE CustID=" + gUserGroupID + "", "NameOF"); string stockRommID = globalData.GetValue("SELECT * FROM tblSetCompStockRoom WHERE CompID = " + GlobalData.GCompID + "", "StockRoomID"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(stockRommID)) { GlobalData.GStockRoomID = 0; } else { GlobalData.GStockRoomID = Convert.ToInt32(stockRommID); } this.Hide(); frmIPMain f = new frmIPMain(); f.ShowDialog(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Sorry.. This PC don't have license ", "Authendication Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } } else { LoginAttempts += 1; MessageBox.Show("Sorry.. Username/ Password is incorrect", "Login Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (LoginAttempts == 3) { Environment.Exit(0); } return; } }