private void DisplayVRInputSettings() { Settings.VRInputSupport = UnityGUI.Toggle("VRInput Support", Settings.VRInputSupport); if (UnityGUI.OnMouseHoverPrevious()) { helpMessage = "Add VRInput support to the Input Manager. Recommended if using the Vive Pro Eye."; } }
private void DisplayPathSettings() { UnityGUI.Header("Paths", true); Settings.QuitForInvalidPaths = UnityGUI.Toggle("Quit For Invalid Paths", Settings.QuitForInvalidPaths); if (UnityGUI.OnMouseHoverPrevious()) { helpMessage = "Application will quit on initialisation if any fields that are using the Path Attribute have invalid paths."; } }
private void DisplayProstheticVisionSettings() { UnityGUI.Header("Prosthetic Vision", true); Settings.SaveRuntimeChangesAutomatically = UnityGUI.Toggle("Save Runtime Changes", Settings.SaveRuntimeChangesAutomatically); if (UnityGUI.OnMouseHoverPrevious()) { helpMessage = "Save runtime changes made to ImageRenderers automatically."; } UnityGUI.IndentLevel--; UnityGUI.FlexibleSpace(); UnityGUI.HelpLabel(helpMessage, MessageType.Info); }
private void DisplayEyeTrackingSettings() { UnityGUI.IndentLevel--; UnityGUI.Label("Eye Tracking SDKs"); UnityGUI.IndentLevel++; Settings.FoveSupport = UnityGUI.Toggle("FOVE", Settings.FoveSupport); if (UnityGUI.OnMouseHoverPrevious()) { helpMessage = "Enable FOVE eye tracking. Will produce errors if the FOVE Unity Package has not been imported."; } Settings.ViveProEyeSupport = UnityGUI.Toggle("Vive Pro Eye", Settings.ViveProEyeSupport); if (UnityGUI.OnMouseHoverPrevious()) { helpMessage = "Enable Vive Pro Eye eye tracking. Will produce errors if the SRanipal Unity Package has not been imported."; } UnityGUI.Space(); }