public void Tick() { if (NewItems == null) { NewItems = new ConcurrentDictionary <Serial, LKCamelot.script.item.Item>(); NewAuctions = new ConcurrentDictionary <Serial, script.item.AuctionItem>(); foreach (var items in BinaryIO.LoadItems()) { NewItems.TryAdd(items.m_Serial, items); } foreach (var play in BinaryIO.LoadAuctions()) { NewAuctions.TryAdd(play.item.m_Serial, play); } foreach (var play in BinaryIO.LoadPlayers()) { handler.add.TryAdd(play.Name, play); } Console.WriteLine("Loaded " + NewAuctions.Count + " Auctions."); Console.WriteLine("Loaded " + NewItems.Count + " Items."); Console.WriteLine("Loaded " + handler.add.Count + " Players."); } if (m_MObjects == null) { m_MObjects = new ConcurrentDictionary <Serial, Serial>(); foreach (var mobile in handler.add.Values) { m_MObjects.TryAdd(mobile.Serial, mobile.Serial); } foreach (var item in NewItems) { m_MObjects.TryAdd(item.Key, item.Key); } foreach (var item in NewAuctions) { m_MObjects.TryAdd(item.Key, item.Key); } } if (NewNpcs == null) { NewNpcs = new Dictionary <Serial, LKCamelot.script.npc.BaseNPC>() { { 1, new script.npc.Arnold() }, { 2, new script.npc.Employee() }, { 3, new script.npc.Loen() }, { 4, new script.npc.Aron() }, { 7, new script.npc.Boy() }, { 5, new script.npc.Alias() }, } } ; if (World.NewMonsters == null) { Spawnere.Spawn(); } if (spawner == null) { spawner = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { spawnrun(); } ); } QueDele tq; List <QueDele> TickQued = new List <QueDele>(); try { TickQued = TickQue.ToList(); } catch { }; foreach (var tick in TickQued) { if (tick == null) { TickQue.RemoveAt(0); continue; } if (tick.Serial < LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds) { SendToAll(tick); TickQue.Remove(tick); // var ttt = tick.Packet.Skip(1).Take(4); Serial temp; if (m_MObjects.ContainsKey(tick.tempser)) { m_MObjects.TryRemove(tick.tempser, out temp); } } } if (LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds - 3600000 > lastitemsave) { lastitemsave = LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds; SaveAll(); string chat = "[Alias]: Bring your friends to the Last Kingdom!"; SendToAll(new QueDele("all", new UpdateChatBox(0x08, 0x02, 0, (short)chat.Count(), chat).Compile())); chat = "[Alias]: Visit the trader at:!"; SendToAll(new QueDele("all", new UpdateChatBox(0x08, 0x02, 0, (short)chat.Count(), chat).Compile())); } foreach (var playe in w_server.OnlineConnections) { if (playe.Client == null || playe.Client.player == null) { continue; } KeyValuePair <string, Player> play = new KeyValuePair <string, Player>(playe.Client.player.Name, playe.Client.player); if (play.Value == null || play.Value.loggedIn == false) { continue; } if ((play.Value.client.keepalive + 15000) < Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds) { w_server.Disconnect(play.Value.client.connection); } if (play.Value.client.connection == null || play.Value.client.connection.Socket == null) { w_server.Disconnect(play.Value.client.connection); } if (play.Value.Color == 0) { if (play.Value.pklastpk.Count > 0) { play.Value.Color = 1; } else if (Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds > play.Value.pkPinkDelay && Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds - play.Value.pkpinkktime < play.Value.pkPinkDelay) { play.Value.Color = 2; } } if (play.Value.Color == 2) { if (Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds - play.Value.pkpinkktime > play.Value.pkPinkDelay) { play.Value.Color = 0; } if (play.Value.pklastpk.Count > 0) { play.Value.Color = 1; } } if (play.Value.Color == 1) { try { long[] pkslist = new long[play.Value.pklastpk.Count]; play.Value.pklastpk.CopyTo(pkslist); if (Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds - play.Value.pklastred > play.Value.pkRedDelay) { play.Value.pklastred = Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds; play.Value.pklastpk.RemoveAt(0); } if (play.Value.pklastpk.Count == 0) { play.Value.Color = 0; } /* foreach (var pk in pkslist) * { * if (Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds - pk > play.Value.pkRedDelay) * play.Value.pklastpk.Remove(pk); * }*/ } catch { } } if (play.Value.AutoMana && play.Value.MPCur < (play.Value.MP * play.Value.AutoManaP)) { var pot = NewItems.Where(xe => xe.Value.Parent != null && (xe.Value.Parent == play.Value || xe.Value.ParSer == play.Value.Serial) && (xe.Value.Name == "Magic Drug" || xe.Value.Name == "Full Magic Drug")).FirstOrDefault(); if (pot.Value != null) { pot.Value.Use(play.Value); } } if (play.Value.AutoHP && play.Value.HPCur < (play.Value.HP * play.Value.AutoHPP)) { var pot = NewItems.Where(xe => xe.Value.Parent != null && (xe.Value.Parent == play.Value || xe.Value.ParSer == play.Value.Serial) && (xe.Value.Name == "Life Drug" || xe.Value.Name == "Full Life Drug")).FirstOrDefault(); if (pot.Value != null) { pot.Value.Use(play.Value); } } if (play.Value.AutoHit && LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds - play.Value.AttackSpeed > play.Value.autohittick && LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds - play.Value.AttackSpeed > play.Value.client.LastAttack) { play.Value.autohittick = LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds; play.Value.client.LastAttack = LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds; World.SendToAll(new QueDele(play.Value.Map, new SwingAnimationChar(play.Value.Serial, play.Value.Face).Compile())); play.Value.client.combatHandler.HandleMelee(play.Value, play.Value.Face); } if (LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds - play.Value.RegenTick > play.Value.LastRegen) { float regamt = 0.1f; if (play.Value.Map == "Rest") { regamt = 0.25f; } play.Value.LastRegen = LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds; var playhp = play.Value; playhp.HPCur += (int)((float)playhp.HP * regamt); playhp.MPCur += (int)((float)playhp.MP * regamt); } /* var Items = World.NewItems.Where(xe => xe.Value.m_Map != null * && xe.Value.m_Map == play.Value.Map) * .Select(xe => xe); */ /* var LocalPlayers = handler.add.Where(xe => xe.Value != null && xe.Value.Map != null * && xe.Value.loggedIn && xe.Value.Map == play.Value.Map).Select(xe => xe); * * * * foreach (var playee in LocalPlayers) * { * if (playee.Key == play.Key) * continue; * * if (!play.Value.InstancedObjects.Contains(playee.Value.Serial)) * { * play.Value.InstancedObjects.Add(playee.Value.Serial); * play.Value.client.SendPacket(new CreateChar(playee.Value, playee.Value.Serial).Compile()); * play.Value.client.SendPacket(new SetObjectEffectsPlayer(playee.Value).Compile()); * } * }*/ // System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.ForEach(Monsters, mob => ProcMobs(play, mob)); } }