// Methods public static void CreateBook(string _title, int _authorID, DateTime _pubDate) { // This method will create a Book object and add it to the Books list. // Format Pub date to only have the month and year. using (LibraryContext context = new LibraryContext()) { context.Books.Add(new Book() { Title = _title, PublicationDate = _pubDate, AuthorID = _authorID }); Book newBook = context.Books.Last(); BorrowController.CreateBorrow(newBook.ID); context.SaveChanges(); } }
public static void ReturnBookByID(int _id) { // This method will set the ReturnedDate of the Book object with the given ID to the current date. BorrowController.ReturnBorrowByID(_id); }
public static void ExtendDueDateForBookByID(int _id) { // This method will extend the given book with the IDs due date by 7 days. BorrowController.ExtendDueDateForBorrowByID(_id); }