static void Main(string[] args) { var people = new List <Person>() { new Person() { Name = "Anastasia", Job = "Developer" }, new Person() { Name = "Dzmitry", Job = "Developer" }, new Person() { Name = "Peter", Job = "Bookeeper" }, new Person() { Name = "Josh", Job = "Cook" }, new Person() { Name = "Aaron", Job = "Cook" }, new Person() { Name = "Anastasia", Job = "Server" }, }; var anastasias = from p in people where p.Job == "Developer" select p; foreach (var anastasia in anastasias) { Console.WriteLine(anastasia.Job); Console.WriteLine(anastasia.Name); } var books = new BookRepository().GetBooks(); //With select you can select by property var cheapBooksTitles = books .Where(b => b.Price < 10) .Where(b => b.Price < 10) .Select(b => b.Title); // Linq query Operator like a SQL var cheaperBooks = from b in books where b.Price < 10 orderby b.Title select b.Title; // Returning Single Book or Operator || SingleOrDefault will return null as a value var singleBook = books.SingleOrDefault(b => b.Title == "ASP.NET MVC"); Console.WriteLine(singleBook.Price); // can find the first value that matche the query || FirstOrDefalult Console.WriteLine(books.First(b => b.Title == "C# Advanced Topics").Title); // Last || LastOrDefault Console.WriteLine(books.Last(b => b.Title == "C# Advanced Topics").Title); // Skiping the data Console.WriteLine(books.Skip(2).Take(3).Select(b => b.Title)); // Aggregators Console.WriteLine("Aggregators"); Console.WriteLine(books.Count()); //Max Price Console.WriteLine(books.Max(x => x.Price)); // Cheppest Price Console.WriteLine(books.Min(x => x.Price)); // Sum Console.WriteLine(books.Sum(b => b.Price)); // Aggregate fuinctions var list = new List <int>() { 13, 18, 25, 12, 16 }; list.Aggregate((a, b) => a + b); // Get Avarage var avgPrice = books.Average(b => b.Price); Console.WriteLine("The avarage book price is {0} ", avgPrice); foreach (var s in books.Skip(2).Take(3).Select(b => b.Title)) { Console.WriteLine("Skipped Book {0} ", s); } foreach (var cheapBooksTitle in cheapBooksTitles) { Console.WriteLine(cheapBooksTitle); } foreach (var book in books.OrderBy(b => b.Title).Where(b => b.Price < 10)) { Console.WriteLine(book.Title); Console.WriteLine(book.Price); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var books = new BookRepository().GetBooks(); //LINQ Query Operators var cheaperBooks = from b in books where b.Price < 10 orderby b.Title select b.Title; /*---the same -----*/ //LINQ Extension Methods var cheapBooks = books .Where(b => b.Price < 10) .OrderBy(b => b.Title) .Select(b => b.Title); foreach (var bk in cheapBooks) { // Console.WriteLine(book.Title); Console.WriteLine(bk); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ var book = books.Single(b => b.Title == "ASP.NET MVC"); //throw an exception if nothing found var book2 = books.SingleOrDefault(b => b.Title == "ASP.NET MVC++"); //return null if nothing found Console.WriteLine(book.Title); Console.WriteLine(book2 == null ? "null" : book2.Title); /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ var book3 = books.First(); //first element of the collection var book4 = books.First(b => b.Title == "C# Advanced Topics"); //first element of the collection var book5 = books.FirstOrDefault(); //return null if nothing found Console.WriteLine(book3.Title); Console.WriteLine(book4.Price); Console.WriteLine(book5 == null ? "null" : book5.Title); var book6 = books.Last(); //first element of the collection var book7 = books.Last(b => b.Title == "C# Advanced Topics"); //first element of the collection var book8 = books.LastOrDefault(); //return null if nothing found Console.WriteLine(book6.Title); Console.WriteLine(book7.Price); Console.WriteLine(book8 == null ? "null" : book8.Title); /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ var books9 = books.Skip(2).Take(3); //used for paging data //skip 2 records or two objects and take 3 foreach (var bb in books9) { Console.WriteLine(bb.Title); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ var count = books.Count(); Console.WriteLine(count); var maxPrice = books.Max(b => b.Price); var minPrice = books.Min(b => b.Price); var sumPriceofAllBook = books.Sum(b => b.Price); var average = books.Average(b => b.Price); Console.WriteLine("maxPrice : {0} and min price : {1} and sum of all books : {2}, and finally average = {3}", maxPrice, minPrice, sumPriceofAllBook, average); Console.ReadLine(); }