public IOPH_EZLinkDongle(ADTRecord adtRec, IAppMainWindow mainWin) { this._adtRec = adtRec; this._mainWin = mainWin; this._teleFromWin = new Telegram(0x3e8); this._teleToWin = new Telegram(0x3e8); this._replyData = new DataBuffer(0x3e8); this._isSeries = false; this._seriesExecStat = SeriesExecutionState.Stop; this._taskEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); this._taskState = TaskState.TaskReady_OK; if (adtRec.isUsbEZLinkDevice()) { this._ddi = DDI_EZLinkDongle.instance(); } else if (adtRec.isTESTDevice()) { this._ddi = DDI_TEST.instance(); } else { GlobalServices.ErrMsg("FATAL ERROR: IOPH_EZLinkDongle", "I/O port type not supported, exit WDS!"); Application.Exit(); } this._iot = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.doDeviceIO)); this._iot.IsBackground = true; this._iot.Name = "IOPH_EZLink thread"; this._isTelegramRequest = false; this._isRxTimerRequest = false; this._isReadRxPacketEnabled = false; this._iot.Start(); }
public int flushRead(DeviceHandle handle, DataBuffer data) { if (handle.isInvalid()) { GlobalServices.ErrMsg("DDI_TEST.flushRead()", "called with INVALID handle"); return -1; } data.copy(handle.TestDevHnd.readBuff); handle.TestDevHnd.readBuff.NumItems = 0; handle.TestDevHnd.readBuffIdx = 0; return data.NumItems; }
public DCPProtocol(IDCPDeviceInterface a_devInterface, int a_DCPMaxDataLen, int a_DCPMsgRepeatNr, int a_DCPRecTimeout, int a_ThreadSleepTime, byte a_DCPSOFByte) { _DCPMaxDataLen = 0x7c; _DCPMsgRepeatNr = 3; _DCPSOFByte = 0x55; _ThreadSleepTime = 10; _DCPRecTimeout = 500; _DCPMsgRepeatNr = a_DCPMsgRepeatNr; _DCPMaxDataLen = a_DCPMaxDataLen; _DCPSOFByte = a_DCPSOFByte; _DCPRecTimeout = a_DCPRecTimeout; _ThreadSleepTime = a_ThreadSleepTime; _devInterface = a_devInterface; _buffer = new DataBuffer(10); }
public int flushRead(DeviceHandle handle, DataBuffer data) { int bytesInRxQueue = 0; if (handle.isInvalid()) { GlobalServices.ErrMsg("DDI_USB.flushRead()", "called with INVALID handle"); return -1; } if (FTDIWrapper.GetRxQueueLen(handle.USBhnd.hnd, ref bytesInRxQueue) != 0) { GlobalServices.ErrMsg("DDI_USB.flushRead()", "FTDIWrapper.GetRxQueueLen() returned:" + FTDIWrapper.GetErrorString()); return -1; } return, data, bytesInRxQueue); }
public IOPH_DCP(ADTRecord adtRec, IAppMainWindow mainWin) { _adtRec = adtRec; _mainWin = mainWin; _teleFromWin = new Telegram(GlobalServices.maxCommandDataLen); _teleToWin = new Telegram(GlobalServices.maxReplyDataLen); _replyData = new DataBuffer(GlobalServices.maxReplyDataLen); _isSeries = false; _seriesExecStat = SeriesExecutionState.Stop; _taskState = TaskState.TaskReady_OK; int num = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DCPMaxDataLen"]); int num2 = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DCPMsgRepeatNr"]); int num3 = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DCPRecTimeout"]); byte num4 = byte.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DCPSOFByte"]); _dcpProtocolEngine = new DCPProtocol(this, num, num2, num3, 10, num4); _DCPRXMsg = new DCPFrame(num, num4); _DCPAnswerMsg = new DCPFrame(num, num4); _DCPTXMsg = new DCPFrame(num, num4); _DCPTXBuf = new DCPFrame(num, num4); if (adtRec.isUsbFtdiDevice()) { _ddi = DDI_USB.instance(); } else if (adtRec.isRS232Device()) { _ddi = DDI_RS232.instance(); } else if (adtRec.isTESTDevice()) { _ddi = DDI_TEST.instance(); } else if (adtRec.isHIDDevice()) { _ddi = DDI_HID.instance(); } else { GlobalServices.ErrMsg("IOPH_DCP.IOPH_DCP()", "FATAL ERROR: Unknown I/O port type, exit WDS!"); Application.Exit(); } _iot = new Thread(new ThreadStart(doDeviceIO)); _iot.IsBackground = true; _iot.Name = "IOPH_DCP thread"; _isTelegramRequest = false; _iot.Start(); }
public bool isDeviceAlive(DeviceHandle handle) { DataBuffer data = new DataBuffer("\r".Length + "\n\rOK\n\r>".Length); if (handle.isInvalid()) { GlobalServices.ErrMsg("DDI_TEST.isDeviceAlive()", "called with INVALID handle"); return false; } data.copy("\r"); if (this.write(handle, data) < 0) { return false; } if (, data, data.Capacity) < 0) { return false; } return data.endsWith("\n\rOK\n\r>"); }
public IOPH_LoadBoard(ADTRecord adtRec, IAppMainWindow mainWin) { this._adtRec = adtRec; this._mainWin = mainWin; this._teleFromWin = new Telegram(GlobalServices.maxCommandDataLen); this._teleToWin = new Telegram(GlobalServices.maxReplyDataLen); this._replyData = new DataBuffer(GlobalServices.maxReplyDataLen, Data_Type.ASCII); this._isSeries = false; this._seriesExecStat = SeriesExecutionState.Stop; this._taskEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); this._taskState = TaskState.TaskReady_OK; if (adtRec.isUsbFtdiDevice()) { this._ddi = DDI_USB.instance(); this._isTestDevice = false; } else if (adtRec.isRS232Device()) { this._ddi = DDI_RS232.instance(); this._isTestDevice = false; } else if (adtRec.isTESTDevice()) { this._ddi = DDI_TEST.instance(); this._isTestDevice = true; } else if (adtRec.isHIDDevice()) { this._ddi = DDI_HID.instance(); this._isTestDevice = false; } else { GlobalServices.ErrMsg("IOPH_LoadBoard.IOPH_LoadBoard()", "FATAL ERROR: Unknown I/O port type, exit WDS!"); GlobalServices.msgBox("FATAL ERROR: Unknown I/O port type, exit WDS!", "IOPH_LoadBoard.IOPH_LoadBoard()"); Application.Exit(); } this.ReadReplytimerDelegate = new TimerCallback(this.rxReadReplyTimerTickHandler); this._iot = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.doDeviceIO)); this._iot.IsBackground = true; this._iot.Name = "IOPH_LoadBoard thread"; this._iot.Start(); }
public DCPRetCodes AnswerToDCPMessage(DataBuffer a_data, MessageTypes a_msgType, CommandSet a_cmdSet, DCPFrame a_txMsg, DCPFrame a_rxMsg) { DataBuffer buffer = new DataBuffer(a_data.NumItems + 4); byte num = (byte) a_msgType; buffer = a_data; switch (num) { case 0x40: case 0x80: a_txMsg.CmdSet = (byte) a_cmdSet; a_txMsg.SeqNum = a_rxMsg.SeqNum; break; } int num2 = 0; while (num2 < _DCPMsgRepeatNr) { DCPRetCodes codes; if (_dcpVersion == DCPVersion.DCP) { codes = a_txMsg.ConstructDCPmsg(buffer, a_cmdSet, a_msgType); } else { codes = a_txMsg.ConstructDCP2msg(buffer, a_cmdSet, a_msgType); } codes = doExchangeDCP_TX(a_txMsg, a_rxMsg); switch (codes) { case DCPRetCodes.DCP_RESP_SENT: return codes; case DCPRetCodes.DCP_FATAL: return codes; } return DCPRetCodes.DCP_FATAL; } return DCPRetCodes.DCP_FATAL; }
private bool SendRequest(string request, int sliptime) { DataBuffer data = new DataBuffer(1); byte[] buf = new byte[2]; Thread.Sleep(sliptime); for (int i = 0; i < request.Length; i++) { buf[0] = (byte) request[i]; data.copy(buf, 1); Thread.Sleep(sliptime); if (_ddi.write(_adtRecord.PortAddress.handle, data) != 0) return false; } return true; }
public int WriteDevice(DataBuffer buf) { return _ddi.write(_adtRec.PortAddress.handle, buf); }
private void execReceiveCommandFromDevice() { int initialTimeout = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DCP2IndicationTimeout"]); Interlocked.Increment(ref _adtRec.IsDeviceBusy); lock (_adtRec.DevSyncObj) { DCPRetCodes codes = _dcpProtocolEngine.doRxDCP(initialTimeout, _DCPRXMsg); if ((codes != DCPRetCodes.DCP_ERR_TIMEOUT) || (codes != DCPRetCodes.DCP_TERMINATED)) { TelegramType deviceFailure; switch (codes) { case DCPRetCodes.DCP_OK: { deviceFailure = TelegramType.PacketRecERROR; if (_DCPRXMsg.MsgType == 0) { deviceFailure = TelegramType.PacketRecOK; } _dcpProtocolEngine.AnswerToDCPMessage(new DataBuffer(), MessageTypes.ACK, (CommandSet)_teleFromWin.DCPCmdSet, _DCPTXBuf, _DCPRXMsg); sendTelegramToMainWin(deviceFailure, null, _DCPRXMsg); DataBuffer buffer = new DataBuffer(4); buffer.copy(new byte[2]); _dcpProtocolEngine.exchangeDCPMessage(buffer, MessageTypes.SynchReqOrIndication, (CommandSet)_teleFromWin.DCPCmdSet, _DCPTXMsg, _DCPAnswerMsg); goto Label_014F; } case DCPRetCodes.DCP_FATAL: deviceFailure = TelegramType.DeviceFailure; sendTelegramToMainWin(deviceFailure, null); goto Label_014F; case DCPRetCodes.DCP_ERR_TIMEOUT: goto Label_014F; } deviceFailure = TelegramType.DeviceFailure; sendTelegramToMainWin(deviceFailure, null); } Label_014F:; } Interlocked.Decrement(ref _adtRec.IsDeviceBusy); }
public int flushRead(DeviceHandle handle, DataBuffer data) { int num; if (handle.isInvalid()) { _log.Warn("Called with INVALID handle"); return -1; } data.NumItems = 0; while ((num = readAppend(handle, data, 1)) == 1) { } if (num == -1) { _log.Warn("readAppend() returned with -1"); return -1; } return data.NumItems; }
public int ReadAppendDevice(DataBuffer buf, int bytesToRead) { return _ddi.readAppend(_adtRec.PortAddress.handle, buf, bytesToRead); }
public DCPRetCodes exchangeDCPMessage(DataBuffer a_data, MessageTypes a_msgType, CommandSet a_cmdSet, DCPFrame a_txMsg, DCPFrame a_rxMsg) { MessageTypes synchReqOrIndication; DataBuffer buffer = new DataBuffer(a_data.NumItems + 4); MessageTypes types = synchReqOrIndication = a_msgType; buffer = a_data; TaskState writingCommand = TaskState.WritingCommand; switch (synchReqOrIndication) { case MessageTypes.ACK: case MessageTypes.Nack: return DCPRetCodes.DCP_FATAL; } for (int i = 0; i < _DCPMsgRepeatNr; i++) { DCPRetCodes codes; switch (_dcpVersion) { case DCPVersion.DCP2: codes = a_txMsg.ConstructDCP2msg(buffer, a_cmdSet, synchReqOrIndication); break; default: codes = a_txMsg.ConstructDCPmsg(buffer, a_cmdSet, synchReqOrIndication); break; } codes = doExchangeDCP_TX(a_txMsg, a_rxMsg); switch (codes) { case DCPRetCodes.DCP_RESP_SENT: return codes; case DCPRetCodes.DCP_FATAL: return codes; case DCPRetCodes.DCP_ERR_TIMEOUT: case DCPRetCodes.DCP_ERR_EDC: break; default: if (codes != DCPRetCodes.DCP_OK) return DCPRetCodes.DCP_FATAL; if (a_rxMsg.SeqNum == a_txMsg.SeqNum) { if ((a_rxMsg.MsgType != 0) && (a_rxMsg.MsgType != 0xc0)) { if (a_rxMsg.MsgType != 0x80) { if (a_rxMsg.MsgType != 0x40) return DCPRetCodes.DCP_FATAL; if (writingCommand != TaskState.SynchReq) { if (a_rxMsg.Len > 2) return DCPRetCodes.DCP_OK_ACK; return DCPRetCodes.DCP_OK; } synchReqOrIndication = types; buffer = a_data; writingCommand = TaskState.WritingCommand; } else { if (a_rxMsg.CmdSet != 0) return DCPRetCodes.DCP_OK_NACK; if (a_rxMsg.Data[0] != 0) return DCPRetCodes.DCP_OK_NACK; } } } else { writingCommand = TaskState.SynchReq; synchReqOrIndication = MessageTypes.SynchReqOrIndication; buffer.NumItems = 0; } break; } } return DCPRetCodes.DCP_FATAL; }
private DCPRetCodes doExchangeDCP_TX(DCPFrame a_dcpTxMsg, DCPFrame a_dcpRxMsg) { int dueTime = _DCPRecTimeout; DataBuffer dataToSend = new DataBuffer(a_dcpTxMsg.Data.Length + 4); DCPRetCodes codes = a_dcpTxMsg.CopyDCPmsgToDataBuffer(dataToSend); int num2 = 0; if (_devInterface != null) num2 = _devInterface.WriteDevice(dataToSend); if (num2 != -1) { if ((a_dcpTxMsg.MsgType == 0x40) || (a_dcpTxMsg.MsgType == 0x80)) return DCPRetCodes.DCP_RESP_SENT; _isSOFTimeOut = false; _rxTimer = new System.Threading.Timer(new TimerCallback(rxSOFTimerTickHandler), null, dueTime, -1); while (!_isSOFTimeOut) if (checkIfSOFArrived() == DCPRetCodes.DCP_OK) { if (_rxTimer != null) { _rxTimer.Dispose(); _rxTimer = null; } return doRxDCP(dueTime, a_dcpRxMsg); } if (_rxTimer != null) { _rxTimer.Dispose(); _rxTimer = null; } } return DCPRetCodes.DCP_FATAL; }
public DCPRetCodes CopyDCPmsgToDataBuffer(DataBuffer DataToSend) { if (DataToSend != null) { int num = 0; DataToSend.NumItems = 3; DataToSend[num++] = this._DCPSOFByte; DataToSend[num++] = this.Len; DataToSend[num++] = this.Ctrl; DataToSend.appendFromStartIdx(this.Data, 0, this.Len - 2); num += this.Len - 2; DataToSend.NumItems++; DataToSend[num] = this.EDC; DataToSend.DType = Data_Type.Binary; return DCPRetCodes.DCP_OK; } return DCPRetCodes.DCP_FATAL; }
private bool ExchCmdWithDev(DeviceHandle a_Handle, DataBuffer a_Data) { int writeRetryCnt = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WriteRetryCnt"]); DataBuffer data = new DataBuffer(512) { DType = Data_Type.ASCII }; while (writeRetryCnt > 0) { data.copy(a_Data); int readRetryCnt = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ReadRetryCnt"]); if (write(a_Handle, data) < 0) { _log.Warn("Device was probably disconnected. write() returned with -1"); return false; } Thread.Sleep(100); data.NumItems = 0; while (readRetryCnt > 0) { if (readAppend(a_Handle, data, data.Capacity - data.NumItems) < 0) { _log.Warn("Device was probably disconnected. readAppend() returned with -1"); Thread.Sleep(50); readRetryCnt--; } else { if (data.endsWith("OK\n\r>")) { a_Data.copy(data); return true; } Thread.Sleep(100); readRetryCnt--; } } writeRetryCnt--; } a_Data.NumItems = 0; return false; }
public int readAppend(DeviceHandle handle, DataBuffer data, int bytesToRead) { int num2; byte[] buffer = new byte[bytesToRead]; int num = 0; int num5 = bytesToRead; try { if (handle == null || handle.isInvalid() || !handle.RS232hnd.hnd.IsOpen) { string portName = "unknown port"; if (handle != null && handle.RS232hnd != null && handle.RS232hnd.hnd != null) portName = handle.RS232hnd.hnd.PortName; _log.Error("readAppend() - " + portName + " - Port is not accessible"); return -1; } if (data.Capacity < (data.NumItems + num5)) { if (_log.IsErrorEnabled) _log.Error("readAppend() - DataBuffer is too small: data.Capacity:'" + data.Capacity.ToString() + "' < data.NumItems:'" + data.NumItems.ToString() + "' + bytesToRead:'" + num5.ToString() + "'"); return -1; } } catch (Exception exception) { _log.Error("readAppend() 1 - " + exception.Message); return -1; } int num4 = num2 = data.NumItems; data.NumItems += num5; do { try { int num7 = handle.RS232hnd.hnd.BytesToRead; num = handle.RS232hnd.hnd.Read(buffer, 0, (num5 < num7) ? num5 : num7); } catch (TimeoutException) { } catch (Exception exception2) { _log.Error("readAppend() 2 - " + exception2.Message); return -1; } int num3 = 0; num5 = 0; while (num3 < num) { byte num6 = buffer[num3++]; if (data.DType == Data_Type.ASCII) { if (num6 != 0) data[num2++] = num6; else { num5++; _log.Warn("delivered a NULL byte"); } } else data[num2++] = num6; } } while (num5 > 0); data.NumItems = num2; return (num2 - num4); }
public void StopIdentifyDevice(DeviceHandle handle, DeviceDescriptor a_dev) { DataBuffer data = new DataBuffer(128); int pollDeviceTypeProcDelay = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PollDeviceTypeProcDelay"]); if ((a_dev.DeviceType != null) && (a_dev.DeviceType.TypeID == DeviceTypeID.LoadBoard)) { data.copy("d0\r"); write(handle, data); Thread.Sleep(pollDeviceTypeProcDelay); } }
public int read(DeviceHandle handle, DataBuffer data, int bytesToRead) { if (handle.isInvalid()) { _log.Error("read() - Called with INVALID handle"); return -1; } data.NumItems = 0; return readAppend(handle, data, bytesToRead); }
public void IdentifyDevice(DeviceHandle handle, DeviceDescriptor a_dev) { if (a_dev.DeviceType != null && a_dev.DeviceType.TypeID == DeviceTypeID.LoadBoard) { DataBuffer data = new DataBuffer(128); data.copy("d3\r"); write(handle, data); Thread.Sleep(int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PollDeviceTypeProcDelay"])); } }
private void queryEBID(DeviceHandle handle, DeviceDescriptor a_dev) { DataBuffer data = new DataBuffer(512) { DType = Data_Type.ASCII }; string bufToStr = ""; if (handle.isInvalid() || a_dev.DeviceType == null) _log.Error("queryEBID() - Called with INVALID argument"); else { flushRead(handle, data); if (a_dev.FirmwareType != null && (a_dev.FirmwareType.Name == "LoadBoard" || a_dev.FirmwareType.Name == "LoadBoard_Lite") ) { switch (a_dev.DeviceType.TypeID) { case DeviceTypeID.LoadBoard: case DeviceTypeID.SDBC: data.copy("L6\r"); write(handle, data); return; case DeviceTypeID.EZLink: case DeviceTypeID.SRW002: case DeviceTypeID.Unknown: return; case DeviceTypeID.SRW004: data.copy("ged\r"); if (ExchCmdWithDev(handle, data) && data.BufToStr.Contains("0x40")) { data.copy("gwd\r"); if (ExchCmdWithDev(handle, data)) { bufToStr = data.BufToStr; try { string[] strArray = bufToStr.Split(new char[] { ' ' }); int index = strArray[0].IndexOf("x"); strArray[0] = strArray[0].Remove(0, index + 1); for (int i = 1; i < strArray.Length; i++) strArray[i] = strArray[i].Replace("0x", ""); byte[] bytes = new byte[strArray.Length]; for (int j = 0; j < (strArray.Length - 1); j++) bytes[j] = Convert.ToByte(strArray[j], 16); string str3 = Encoding.Default.GetString(bytes); if (str3.Length > 6) { switch(str3.Substring(0, 6)) { case "SI1000": a_dev.PnPEBID = new CDTRecord(); a_dev.PnPEBID.ChipType = "Si1000"; a_dev.PnPEBID.ChipClass = "Transceiver"; a_dev.PnPEBID.ChipRevision = "B1"; break; case "SI1002": a_dev.PnPEBID = new CDTRecord(); a_dev.PnPEBID.ChipType = "Si1002"; a_dev.PnPEBID.ChipClass = "Transceiver"; a_dev.PnPEBID.ChipRevision = "B1"; break; case "SI1004": a_dev.PnPEBID = new CDTRecord(); a_dev.PnPEBID.ChipType = "Si1004"; a_dev.PnPEBID.ChipClass = "Transceiver"; a_dev.PnPEBID.ChipRevision = "B1"; break; case "SI1010": a_dev.PnPEBID = new CDTRecord(); a_dev.PnPEBID.ChipType = "Si1010"; a_dev.PnPEBID.ChipClass = "Transceiver"; a_dev.PnPEBID.ChipRevision = "B1"; break; case "SI1012": a_dev.PnPEBID = new CDTRecord(); a_dev.PnPEBID.ChipType = "Si1012"; a_dev.PnPEBID.ChipClass = "Transceiver"; a_dev.PnPEBID.ChipRevision = "B1"; break; case "SI1014": a_dev.PnPEBID = new CDTRecord(); a_dev.PnPEBID.ChipType = "Si1014"; a_dev.PnPEBID.ChipClass = "Transceiver"; a_dev.PnPEBID.ChipRevision = "B1"; break; } } } catch (FormatException exception) { _log.Error("queryEBID()" + exception.Message); } } } return; } } } }
private FDResult WriteFirmwareToDevice(ArrayList firmware, UpdateFirmwareCallback callback) { FDResult oK = FDResult.OK; try { if (_adtRecord.PortAddress.comAddr.COMPortId <= 0) { callback(0, true, "The com port: " + _adtRecord.PortAddress.comAddr.COMPortId.ToString() + " is not valid.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return FDResult.FatalError; } _ddi.enablePollerRun(false); Thread.Sleep(300); bool flag = false; do { flag = false; try { int num; _log.Info("==== WriteFirmwareToDevice ==== "); if (_adtRecord.DeviceInfo.DeviceType.TypeID != DeviceTypeID.SRW002) { num = _ddi.close(_adtRecord.PortAddress.handle); _adtRecord.PortAddress.comAddr.baudRate = 19200; _adtRecord.PortAddress.handle =, 'E'); } if (!SendRequest("bl\r")) { oK = FDResult.FatalError; throw new Exception("Error while writing command to change to boot loader mode of the device."); } Thread.Sleep(100); num = _ddi.close(_adtRecord.PortAddress.handle); _adtRecord.PortAddress.handle = null; if (num != 0) { oK = FDResult.Error; throw new Exception("Error while closing serial port."); } _adtRecord.PortAddress.comAddr.baudRate = 115200; _adtRecord.PortAddress.handle =, 'E'); if (_adtRecord.PortAddress.handle == null) { oK = FDResult.FatalError; throw new Exception("The serial port could not be opened in high speed mode."); } Thread.Sleep(100); _log.Info("in bl mode: J cmd"); if (!SendRequest("J\r")) { oK = FDResult.FatalError; throw new Exception("Error while writing command to change the communication speed on the device."); } if (WaitForResponse("BLD", "V1.10W")) { oK = FDResult.FatalError; throw new Exception("Error while waiting for response to Get Bootloader revision."); } string response = respBuff.objectInfo(false); _log.Info("in bl mode: response of 'J':" + response); if (response.Contains("SRW")) { string[] strArray = response.Split(new char[] { ',' }); string text1 = strArray[0]; if (strArray[3].Substring(0, 3) != "BLD") { oK = FDResult.FatalError; throw new Exception("HW is not in Bootloader mode"); } if (strArray[2] != "01.2r") { oK = FDResult.FatalError; throw new Exception("Bootloader revision mismatch."); } } response = ""; _log.Info("in bl mode: Na5f1H cmd"); if (!SendRequest("Na5f1H")) { oK = FDResult.Error; throw new Exception("Error while writing command to Set Key Sequence on the device."); } if (WaitForResponse("E09", null)) { oK = FDResult.FatalError; throw new Exception("Error while waiting for response to Set Key Sequence on the device."); } _log.Info("in bl mode: K cmd"); if (!SendRequest("K")) { oK = FDResult.Error; throw new Exception("Error while writing command to Set Key Sequence on the device."); } if (WaitForResponse("EA\r\nOK\r\n>", null, 50)) { oK = FDResult.FatalError; throw new Exception("Error while waiting for response to Set Key Sequence on the device."); } _log.Info("in bl mode: download loop"); for (int i = 0; i < firmware.Count; i++) { string fw_cmd = (string)firmware[i]; DataBuffer data = new DataBuffer(fw_cmd.Length); data.copy(fw_cmd); Thread.Sleep(1); if (_ddi.write(_adtRecord.PortAddress.handle, data) != 0) { oK = FDResult.FatalError; throw new Exception("Error while writing firmware command."); } callback((int)Math.Round((double)((((double)(i + 1)) / ((double)firmware.Count)) * 100.0), 0), false, "", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } _log.Info("in bl mode: end of download loop"); if (WaitForResponse("E09", null)) { oK = FDResult.FatalError; throw new Exception("Error while waiting for response to Hex download."); } _log.Info("in bl mode: L mcd"); if (!SendRequest("L")) { oK = FDResult.FatalError; throw new Exception("Error while checking image integrity."); } if (WaitForResponse("00000000", null)) { oK = FDResult.FatalError; throw new Exception("Error while waiting for response to check image integrity."); } _log.Info("in bl mode: M cmd"); if (!SendRequest("M")) { oK = FDResult.Error; throw new Exception("Error while starting application."); } _log.Info("==== WriteFirmwareToDevice has finished ===="); Thread.Sleep(1000); } catch (Exception exception) { _log.Info("in bl mode: error occured:" + exception.Message); flag = false; switch (callback(0, true, "There was an error while writing the firmware to the device.\r\n" + exception.Message, MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel)) { case DialogResult.Cancel: flag = false; break; case DialogResult.Retry: flag = true; break; default: flag = false; break; } } } while (flag); } catch (Exception exception2) { callback(0, true, "There was a fatal error while writing the firmware to the device.\r\n" + exception2.Message, MessageBoxButtons.OK); } finally { _ddi.close(_adtRecord.PortAddress.handle); _adtRecord.PortAddress.comAddr.baudRate = 19200; _adtRecord.PortAddress.handle =, 'D'); _ddi.enablePollerRun(true); } return oK; }
private bool isDeviceAlive(IOPortAddress iopaddr, out bool bootLoaderMode, out DeviceTypeID deviceType) { string command_CR = "\r"; DataBuffer data = new DataBuffer(100); bootLoaderMode = false; deviceType = DeviceTypeID.Unknown; if (iopaddr.handle == null) return false; if (iopaddr.handle.isInvalid()) { _log.Warn("Called with INVALID handle"); return false; } int writeRetryCnt = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WriteRetryCnt"]); int readRetryCnt = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ReadRetryCnt"]); while (writeRetryCnt > 0) { data.copy(command_CR); if (write(iopaddr.handle, data) < 0) { Thread.Sleep(10); writeRetryCnt--; } else { _log.Debug("[CR] was sent"); data.NumItems = 0; int readCount = readRetryCnt; while (readCount > 0) { if (readAppend(iopaddr.handle, data, data.Capacity - data.NumItems) < 0) readCount--; else { if (data.endsWith("OK\n\r>")) { _log.Debug("Device looks to be alive"); return true; } Thread.Sleep(20); readCount--; } } Thread.Sleep(20); writeRetryCnt--; } } _log.Debug("Device to be checked with RTS control enabled"); close(iopaddr.handle); iopaddr.handle = open(iopaddr, 19200, 'E'); _log.Debug("Port opened by isDeviceAlive()@19200:" + iopaddr.comAddr.COMPortId + " DTR Enabled"); writeRetryCnt = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WriteRetryCnt"]); readRetryCnt = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ReadRetryCnt"]); while (writeRetryCnt > 0) { data.copy(command_CR); if (write(iopaddr.handle, data) < 0) { Thread.Sleep(10); writeRetryCnt--; } else { _log.Debug("isDeviceAlive():: '\r' sent"); data.NumItems = 0; int num4 = readRetryCnt; while (num4 > 0) { if (readAppend(iopaddr.handle, data, data.Capacity - data.NumItems) < 0) { Thread.Sleep(10); num4--; } else { _log.Debug("isDeviceAlive():: response to '\r':" + data.BufToStr); if (data.BufToStr.Contains("OK\n\r>")) return true; Thread.Sleep(20); num4--; } } Thread.Sleep(20); writeRetryCnt--; } } close(iopaddr.handle); _log.Debug("Port closed by isDeviceAlive()@19200:" + iopaddr.comAddr.COMPortId); iopaddr.handle = open(iopaddr, 115200, 'D'); _log.Debug("Port opened by isDeviceAlive()@115200:" + iopaddr.comAddr.COMPortId); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { data.copy("J"); if (write(iopaddr.handle, data) < 0) Thread.Sleep(10); Thread.Sleep(50); _log.Debug("isDeviceAlive():: 'J' sent"); data.NumItems = 0; int readCnt = readRetryCnt; while (readCnt > 0) { if (readAppend(iopaddr.handle, data, data.Capacity - data.NumItems) < 0) { Thread.Sleep(10); readCnt--; } else { _log.Debug("isDeviceAlive():: response to 'J':" + data.BufToStr); if (data.endsWith("OK\r\n>\r\n")) { deviceType = DeviceTypeID.SDBC_8; bootLoaderMode = true; return true; } Thread.Sleep(20); readCnt--; } } } writeRetryCnt = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WriteRetryCnt"]); readRetryCnt = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ReadRetryCnt"]); while (writeRetryCnt > 0) { data.copy("OK\n\r>"); if (write(iopaddr.handle, data) < 0) { Thread.Sleep(10); writeRetryCnt--; } else { _log.Debug("[CRLF] sent"); data.NumItems = 0; int num7 = readRetryCnt; while (num7 > 0) { if (readAppend(iopaddr.handle, data, data.Capacity - data.NumItems) < 0) { Thread.Sleep(10); num7--; } else { _log.Debug("Response to [CRLF]:" + data.BufToStr); if (data.endsWith("OK\n\r>")) return true; Thread.Sleep(20); num7--; } } Thread.Sleep(20); writeRetryCnt--; } } return false; }
public DCPRetCodes doRxDCP(int initialTimeout, DCPFrame dcpRxMsg) { int num2 = 1; _messageByteIndex = 0; int num3 = 0; DataBuffer buf = new DataBuffer(_DCPMaxDataLen) { NumItems = 0 }; _isPacketTimeOut = false; tmrPacketTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(); tmrPacketTimer.Interval = initialTimeout; tmrPacketTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(tmrPacketTimer_Elapsed); tmrPacketTimer.Start(); while (!_isPacketTimeOut && (num2 > 0)) { int num; int num5; int num6; if (_terminateRequested) return DCPRetCodes.DCP_TERMINATED; switch (_messageByteIndex) { case 0: { num = 0; if (_devInterface != null) num = _devInterface.ReadAppendDevice(buf, 3); if (num < 0) { buf.NumItems = 0; return DCPRetCodes.DCP_FATAL; } if (num == 0) Thread.Sleep(_ThreadSleepTime); else { dcpRxMsg.Len = buf[_messageByteIndex]; _messageByteIndex++; if (dcpRxMsg.Len < 2) { dcpRxMsg.Len = 0; return DCPRetCodes.DCP_ERR_EDC; } num = (_devInterface == null) ? 0 : _devInterface.ReadAppendDevice(buf, (dcpRxMsg.Len - buf.NumItems) + 1); if (num < 0) { buf.NumItems = 0; return DCPRetCodes.DCP_FATAL; } } continue; } case 1: { if (buf.NumItems < 2) break; dcpRxMsg.Ctrl = buf[_messageByteIndex++]; num2 = dcpRxMsg.Len - 1; continue; } case 2: if (buf.NumItems <= 2) continue; num5 = buf.NumItems - 2; num6 = 0; goto Label_025E; default: goto Label_0269; } num = (_devInterface == null) ? 0 : _devInterface.ReadAppendDevice(buf, (dcpRxMsg.Len - buf.NumItems) + 1); if (num < 0) { buf.NumItems = 0; return DCPRetCodes.DCP_FATAL; } if (num > 0) { dcpRxMsg.Ctrl = buf[_messageByteIndex++]; num2 = dcpRxMsg.Len - 1; } continue; Label_0225: dcpRxMsg.Data[_messageByteIndex - 2] = buf[_messageByteIndex++]; num2--; num3++; num6++; Label_025E: if (num6 < num5) goto Label_0225; continue; Label_0269: if (_messageByteIndex > 2) { num = 0; if (_devInterface != null) num = _devInterface.ReadAppendDevice(buf, (dcpRxMsg.Len - buf.NumItems) + 1); if (num < 0) { buf.NumItems = 0; return DCPRetCodes.DCP_FATAL; } for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { dcpRxMsg.Data[_messageByteIndex - 2] = buf[_messageByteIndex++]; num2--; num3++; } } } if (_isPacketTimeOut) { _isPacketTimeOut = false; return DCPRetCodes.DCP_ERR_TIMEOUT; } tmrPacketTimer.Stop(); if (_messageByteIndex > 2) { _messageByteIndex -= 3; } else { return DCPRetCodes.DCP_ERR_EDC; } dcpRxMsg.EDC = dcpRxMsg.Data[_messageByteIndex]; dcpRxMsg.Data[_messageByteIndex] = 0; byte num4 = (byte) (dcpRxMsg.Len ^ dcpRxMsg.Ctrl); _messageByteIndex = 0; while (_messageByteIndex < (dcpRxMsg.Len - 2)) { num4 ^= dcpRxMsg.Data[_messageByteIndex]; _messageByteIndex++; } if (dcpRxMsg.EDC != num4) return DCPRetCodes.DCP_ERR_EDC; return DCPRetCodes.DCP_OK; }
private DeviceDescriptor queryDeviceInfo(DeviceHandle handle, DeviceDescriptor devInfo) { DataBuffer data = new DataBuffer(128); int writeRetryCnt = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WriteRetryCnt"]); int pollDeviceTypeProcDelay = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PollDeviceTypeProcDelay"]); int readRetryCnt = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ReadRetryCnt"]); if (handle.isInvalid()) { _log.Error("QueryDeviceInfo() - Called with INVALID argument"); return devInfo; } data.copy("\r"); write(handle, data); Thread.Sleep(pollDeviceTypeProcDelay); flushRead(handle, data); while (writeRetryCnt > 0) { if (devInfo.BootloaderMode) { data.copy("J"); _log.Debug("queryDeviceInfo():: 'J'"); } else { data.copy("I\r"); _log.Debug("queryDeviceInfo():: 'I\r'"); } if (write(handle, data) < 0) { _log.Warn("Device was probably disconnected. write() returned with -1"); return devInfo; } Thread.Sleep(pollDeviceTypeProcDelay); data.NumItems = 0; for (int i = readRetryCnt; i > 0; i--) { if (readAppend(handle, data, data.Capacity - data.NumItems) < 0) { _log.Warn("Device was probably disconnected. readAppend() returned with -1"); return devInfo; } if (data.endsWith("OK\n\r>")) break; Thread.Sleep(20); } string response = data.BufToStr; _log.Info("queryDeviceInfo():: response:" + response); try { if (response.Length < 10) return devInfo; string strTmp = response.Substring(0, 10); if (response.Contains("SRW")) { #region SRW... string[] strArray = response.Remove(0, response.IndexOf("SRW")).Split(new char[] { ',' }); string subType = strArray[3].Substring(0, 3).Trim(); switch (strArray[0].Trim()) { case "SRW001": devInfo.DeviceType = new DeviceType(DeviceTypeID.SDBC_8); switch (subType) { case "NW2": devInfo.FirmwareType = new FirmwareType("ENW_Master"); break; case "BLD": devInfo.FirmwareType = new FirmwareType("Bootloader"); break; case "PED": devInfo.FirmwareType = new FirmwareType("PER_Demo"); break; } devInfo.DevicePhoto = SDBC.SDBC_8; devInfo.MarketingName = SDBC.MarketingName; devInfo.UnAssignedDeviceText = SDBC.UnAssignedDeviceText; devInfo.SwitchPhoto = SDBC.SDBC_switch; devInfo.WarningText = SDBC.WarningText; devInfo.PartNumber = SDBC.PartNumber; break; case "SRW002": devInfo.DeviceType = new DeviceType(DeviceTypeID.SRW002); if (subType != null && subType == "LBF") devInfo.FirmwareType = new FirmwareType("LBF"); devInfo.DevicePhoto = SRW002.SRW002_400; devInfo.MarketingName = SRW002.MarketingName; devInfo.UnAssignedDeviceText = SRW002.UnAssignedDeviceText; devInfo.SwitchPhoto = SRW002.SRW002_400; devInfo.WarningText = SRW002.WarningText; devInfo.PartNumber = SRW002.PartNumber; break; case "SRW003": devInfo.DeviceType = new DeviceType(DeviceTypeID.EZLink); switch (subType) { case "NW1": devInfo.FirmwareType = new FirmwareType("NWD_Slave"); break; case "NW2": devInfo.FirmwareType = new FirmwareType("ENW_Slave"); break; case "BLD": devInfo.FirmwareType = new FirmwareType("Bootloader"); break; case "ED": devInfo.FirmwareType = new FirmwareType("EZLink"); break; } devInfo.DevicePhoto = EzLink.EZLink_D_EP; devInfo.MarketingName = EzLink.MarketingName; devInfo.UnAssignedDeviceText = EzLink.UnAssignedDeviceText; devInfo.SwitchPhoto = EzLink.EZLink_switch; devInfo.WarningText = EzLink.WarningText; devInfo.PartNumber = EzLink.PartNumber; break; case "SRW004": devInfo.DeviceType = new DeviceType(DeviceTypeID.SRW004); switch (subType) { case "LBL": devInfo.FirmwareType = new FirmwareType("LoadBoard_Lite"); break; case "BLD": devInfo.FirmwareType = new FirmwareType("Bootloader"); break; } devInfo.DevicePhoto = SRW004.Si1000DK; devInfo.MarketingName = SRW004.MarketingName; devInfo.UnAssignedDeviceText = SRW004.UnAssignedDeviceText; devInfo.WarningText = SRW004.WarningText; devInfo.PartNumber = SRW004.PartNumber; break; case "SRW005": devInfo.DeviceType = new DeviceType(DeviceTypeID.EZLink); switch (subType) { case "NW1": devInfo.FirmwareType = new FirmwareType("NWD_Slave"); break; case "NW2": devInfo.FirmwareType = new FirmwareType("ENW_Slave"); break; case "BLD": devInfo.FirmwareType = new FirmwareType("Bootloader"); break; case "ED": devInfo.FirmwareType = new FirmwareType("EZLink"); break; } devInfo.DevicePhoto = EzLink.EZLink_D_EP; devInfo.MarketingName = EzLink.MarketingName; devInfo.UnAssignedDeviceText = EzLink.UnAssignedDeviceText; devInfo.SwitchPhoto = EzLink.EZLink_switch; devInfo.WarningText = EzLink.WarningText; devInfo.PartNumber = EzLink.PartNumber; break; case "SRW007": devInfo.DeviceType = new DeviceType(DeviceTypeID.SRW007); switch (subType) { case "RKD": devInfo.FirmwareType = new FirmwareType("RKE_Master"); break; case "BLD": devInfo.FirmwareType = new FirmwareType("Bootloader"); break; } devInfo.DevicePhoto = SRW007.SRW007_100x84; devInfo.MarketingName = SRW007.MarketingName; devInfo.UnAssignedDeviceText = SRW007.UnAssignedDeviceText; devInfo.SwitchPhoto = SRW007.SRW007_switch; devInfo.WarningText = SRW007.WarningText; devInfo.PartNumber = SRW007.PartNumber; break; case "SRW008": devInfo.DeviceType = new DeviceType(DeviceTypeID.SRW008); switch (subType) { case "RKD": devInfo.FirmwareType = new FirmwareType("RKE_Master"); break; case "BLD": devInfo.FirmwareType = new FirmwareType("Bootloader"); break; } devInfo.DevicePhoto = SRW008.SRW008_100x84; devInfo.MarketingName = SRW008.MarketingName; devInfo.UnAssignedDeviceText = SRW008.UnAssignedDeviceText; devInfo.SwitchPhoto = SRW008.SRW008_switch; devInfo.WarningText = SRW008.WarningText; devInfo.PartNumber = SRW008.PartNumber; break; case "SRW009": devInfo.DeviceType = new DeviceType(DeviceTypeID.SRW009); switch (subType) { case "RKD": devInfo.FirmwareType = new FirmwareType("RKE_Master"); break; case "BLD": devInfo.FirmwareType = new FirmwareType("Bootloader"); break; } devInfo.DevicePhoto = SRW009.SRW009_100x84; devInfo.MarketingName = SRW009.MarketingName; devInfo.UnAssignedDeviceText = SRW009.UnAssignedDeviceText; devInfo.SwitchPhoto = SRW009.SRW009_switch; devInfo.WarningText = SRW009.WarningText; devInfo.PartNumber = SRW009.PartNumber; break; default: break; } devInfo.DeviceVersion = new DeviceVersion(strArray[1]); devInfo.FirmwareVersion = new FirmwareVersion(strArray[2]); return devInfo; #endregion } if (strTmp.Contains("SDBC-8")) { #region SDBC-8 int idx = strTmp.IndexOf("SDBC-8"); // SDBC-8......VVVVV......FFFFF..PED // SDBC-8......VVVVV......FFFFF..NWD // dev.version fw.version devInfo.DeviceType = new DeviceType(DeviceTypeID.SDBC_8); strTmp = response.Substring(idx + 30, 3); if (strTmp == "NWD") { devInfo.DeviceVersion = new DeviceVersion(response.Substring(idx + 12, 5)); devInfo.FirmwareType = new FirmwareType("NWD_Master"); devInfo.FirmwareVersion = new FirmwareVersion(response.Substring(idx + 23, 5)); devInfo.DevicePhoto = SDBC.SDBC_8; devInfo.SwitchPhoto = SDBC.SDBC_switch; devInfo.WarningText = SDBC.WarningText; return devInfo; } if (strTmp == "PED") { devInfo.DeviceVersion = new DeviceVersion(response.Substring(idx + 12, 5)); devInfo.FirmwareType = new FirmwareType("PER_Demo"); devInfo.FirmwareVersion = new FirmwareVersion(response.Substring(idx + 23, 5)); devInfo.DevicePhoto = SDBC.SDBC_8; devInfo.SwitchPhoto = SDBC.SDBC_switch; devInfo.WarningText = SDBC.WarningText; return devInfo; } #endregion } else if (strTmp.Contains("D-EP")) { #region EZLink int idx = strTmp.IndexOf("D-EP"); devInfo.DeviceType = new DeviceType(DeviceTypeID.EZLink); if (response.Substring(idx + 27, 3) == "NWD") { strTmp = response.Substring(idx + 9, 5); devInfo.DeviceVersion = new DeviceVersion(strTmp); devInfo.FirmwareType = new FirmwareType("NWD_Slave"); strTmp = response.Substring(idx + 20, 5); devInfo.FirmwareVersion = new FirmwareVersion(strTmp); return devInfo; } #endregion } else { if (response.Contains("V1.10W")) { devInfo.DeviceType = new DeviceType(DeviceTypeID.SDBC_8); devInfo.DeviceVersion = new DeviceVersion("01.1r"); devInfo.FirmwareType = new FirmwareType("Bootloader"); devInfo.FirmwareVersion = new FirmwareVersion("V1.10W"); devInfo.DevicePhoto = SDBC.SDBC_8; devInfo.SwitchPhoto = SDBC.SDBC_switch; devInfo.WarningText = SDBC.WarningText; return devInfo; } if (response.Length >= 26) { #region LoadBoard if (response.Substring(4, 26) == "Wireless Development Suite") { devInfo.DeviceType = new DeviceType(DeviceTypeID.LoadBoard); devInfo.DeviceVersion = new DeviceVersion("02.20"); devInfo.FirmwareType = new FirmwareType("LoadBoard"); devInfo.FirmwareVersion = new FirmwareVersion(response.Substring(0x23, 4)); devInfo.DevicePhoto = LoadBoard.HWBoard_LoadBoard; return devInfo; } if (response.Substring(4, 16) == "LoadBoard Loader") { devInfo.DeviceType = new DeviceType(DeviceTypeID.LoadBoard); devInfo.DeviceVersion = new DeviceVersion("02.20"); devInfo.FirmwareType = new FirmwareType("BootLoader"); devInfo.FirmwareVersion = new FirmwareVersion(response.Substring(0x17, 4)); return devInfo; } #endregion } } } catch (Exception exception) { _log.Error("QueryDeviceInfo() - " + exception.Message); return devInfo; } writeRetryCnt--; } return devInfo; }
public DCPRetCodes ConstructDCPmsg(DataBuffer a_DataToSend, CommandSet a_cmdset, MessageTypes a_msgtype) { if (this.Data == null) { return DCPRetCodes.DCP_FATAL; } if (!this._seqList.ContainsKey((byte) a_cmdset)) { this._seqList.Add((byte) a_cmdset, 3); } this.Len = (byte) (((byte) a_DataToSend.NumItems) + 2); this.CmdSet = (byte) a_cmdset; this.MsgType = (byte) a_msgtype; MessageTypes types = a_msgtype; if (types <= MessageTypes.ACK) { switch (types) { case MessageTypes.Data: this.SeqNum = (byte) (this.SeqNum + 1); break; } } else if ((types != MessageTypes.Nack) && (types == MessageTypes.SynchReqOrIndication)) { this.SeqNum = 0; } this.Ctrl = (byte) ((this.CmdSet + this.MsgType) + this.SeqNum); this.EDC = (byte) (this.Len ^ this.Ctrl); for (int i = 0; i < a_DataToSend.NumItems; i++) { this.Data[i] = a_DataToSend[i]; this.EDC = (byte) (this.EDC ^ a_DataToSend[i]); } return DCPRetCodes.DCP_OK; }
private void UpdateControls(DataBuffer slavedata) { Point location = new Point(0, 0); int temp = 0; if (slavedata[0] == 0x83) { if (slavedata[1] == 0) { this.pnlNode1.Visible = false; } else { this.pnlNode1.Visible = true; this.lbl_NoNodes.Visible = false; if (slavedata[2] != 0) { temp = slavedata[2]; this.txbN1Temp.Text = this.CalcTemp(temp); this.pnlN1TempBar.Height = (int) (temp * 0.39); location = this.pnlN1TempBar.Location; location.Y = (this.pnlN1TempBase.Location.Y + this.pnlN1TempBase.Height) - this.pnlN1TempBar.Height; this.pnlN1TempBar.Location = location; this.CalcColor(temp); this.pnlN1TempBar.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(,,; } if (slavedata[3] != 0xff) { this.pnlN1PBEvent.BackColor = this._LedColor_H; } else { this.pnlN1PBEvent.BackColor = this._LedColor_L; } byte num1 = slavedata[4]; } if (slavedata[5] == 0) { this.pnlNode2.Visible = false; } else { this.pnlNode2.Visible = true; this.lbl_NoNodes.Visible = false; if (slavedata[6] != 0) { temp = slavedata[6]; this.txbN2Temp.Text = this.CalcTemp(temp); this.pnlN2TempBar.Height = (int) (temp * 0.39); location = this.pnlN2TempBar.Location; location.Y = (this.pnlN2TempBase.Location.Y + this.pnlN2TempBase.Height) - this.pnlN2TempBar.Height; this.pnlN2TempBar.Location = location; this.CalcColor(temp); this.pnlN2TempBar.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(,,; } if (slavedata[7] != 0xff) { this.pnlN2PBEvent.BackColor = this._LedColor_H; } else { this.pnlN2PBEvent.BackColor = this._LedColor_L; } byte num2 = slavedata[8]; } if (slavedata[9] == 0) { this.pnlNode3.Visible = false; } else { this.pnlNode3.Visible = true; this.lbl_NoNodes.Visible = false; if (slavedata[10] != 0) { temp = slavedata[10]; this.txbN3Temp.Text = this.CalcTemp(temp); this.pnlN3TempBar.Height = (int) (temp * 0.39); location = this.pnlN3TempBar.Location; location.Y = (this.pnlN3TempBase.Location.Y + this.pnlN3TempBase.Height) - this.pnlN3TempBar.Height; this.pnlN3TempBar.Location = location; this.CalcColor(temp); this.pnlN3TempBar.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(,,; } if (slavedata[11] != 0xff) { this.pnlN3PBEvent.BackColor = this._LedColor_H; } else { this.pnlN3PBEvent.BackColor = this._LedColor_L; } byte num3 = slavedata[12]; } if (slavedata[13] == 0) { this.pnlNode4.Visible = false; } else { this.pnlNode4.Visible = true; this.lbl_NoNodes.Visible = false; if (slavedata[14] != 0) { temp = slavedata[14]; this.txbN4Temp.Text = this.CalcTemp(temp); this.pnlN4TempBar.Height = (int) (temp * 0.39); location = this.pnlN4TempBar.Location; location.Y = (this.pnlN4TempBase.Location.Y + this.pnlN4TempBase.Height) - this.pnlN4TempBar.Height; this.pnlN4TempBar.Location = location; this.CalcColor(temp); this.pnlN4TempBar.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(,,; } if (slavedata[15] != 0xff) { this.pnlN4PBEvent.BackColor = this._LedColor_H; } else { this.pnlN4PBEvent.BackColor = this._LedColor_L; } byte num4 = slavedata[0x10]; } if ((!this.pnlNode1.Visible && !this.pnlNode2.Visible) && (!this.pnlNode3.Visible && !this.pnlNode4.Visible)) { this.lbl_NoNodes.Visible = true; } } }
public int write(DeviceHandle handle, DataBuffer data) { if (handle == null || handle.isInvalid()) { _log.Warn("Called with INVALID handle"); return -1; } try { handle.RS232hnd.hnd.Write(data.Buf, 0, data.NumItems); } catch (Exception exception) { _log.Error("write() - " + exception.Message); return -1; } return 0; }
public NodeDescriptor(int index, DataBuffer a_buf) { _address = (byte) (a_buf[index + 1] & 7); _temperature = (a_buf[index + 11] * 0x100) + a_buf[index + 12]; _analog = (a_buf[index + 9] * 0x100) + a_buf[index + 10]; _humidity = a_buf[10]; _battery = a_buf[index + 13]; _button = a_buf[index + 14]; }