public void AddBook() { var addbookwindow = new AddBookWindow(); addbookwindow.DataContext = this; var result = addbookwindow.ShowDialog(); if (result == true) { if (title == null | category == null | bookid.Count == 0 | bookauthor.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("incomplete of filling up the information"); } else { for (int i = 0; i < bookid.Count; i++) { var newbook = new Book(); newbook.BookTitle = title; newbook.BookCategory = category; newbook.BookAvailability = Availability.AVAILABLE.ToString(); for (int a = 0; a < bookauthor.Count; a++) { newbook.BOOKAUTHOR.Add(bookauthor[a]); } newbook.BookIDNumber = bookid[i]; BOOKSLIST.Add(newbook); } MessageBox.Show("successfully added the book"); } title = null; category = null; bookid.Clear(); bookauthor.Clear(); } else { title = null; category = null; bookid.Clear(); bookauthor.Clear(); } }
//public Author selectedauthor { get; set; } //public ObservableCollection<Author> bookauthor { get; set; } = new ObservableCollection<Author>(); public void AddBook() { var addbookwindow = new AddBookWindow(); addbookwindow.DataContext = this; var result = addbookwindow.ShowDialog(); if (result == true) { if (title == null | category == null | bookid.Count == 0 | authorfirstname == null | authorlastname == null) { MessageBox.Show("incomplete of filling up the information"); } else { //for (int i = 0; i < bookid.Count; i++) //{ // var newbook = new BOOK(); // newbook.BookTitle = title; // newbook.BookCategory = category; // newbook.BookAvailability = Availability.AVAILABLE.ToString(); // for (int a = 0; a < bookauthor.Count; a++) // { // newbook.BOOKAUTHOR.Add(bookauthor[a]); // } // newbook.BookIDNumber = bookid[i]; // BOOKSLIST.Add(newbook); //} SqlCommand command_addauthor = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO [AUTHOR](LastName,FirstName) VALUES(@LastName,@FirstName)", con); //SqlCommand command_author = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO [AUTHOR](AuthorID,LastName,FirstName) VALUES(@AuhtorID,@LastName,@FirstName)", con); //command_author.Parameters.AddWithValue("@AuhtorID",dt_author.Rows.Count+1); command_addauthor.Parameters.AddWithValue("@LastName", authorlastname); command_addauthor.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FirstName", authorfirstname); con.Open(); command_addauthor.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); MessageBox.Show(dt_author.Rows.Count.ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < bookid.Count; i++) { //SqlCommand command_book = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO [BOOK](BookID,Title,Category,Availability,AuthorID) VALUES(@BookID,@Title,@Category,@Availability,@AuthorID)", con); SqlCommand command_addbook = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO [BOOK](Title,Category,Availability,AuthorID) VALUES(@Title,@Category,@Availability,@AuthorID)", con); //command_book.Parameters.AddWithValue("@BookID", bookid[i]); command_addbook.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Title", title); command_addbook.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Category", category); command_addbook.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Availability", Availability.AVAILABLE.ToString()); command_addbook.Parameters.AddWithValue("@AuthorID", int.Parse(dt_author.Rows[dt_author.Rows.Count - 1]["AuthorID"].ToString())); BOOKSLIST.Add(new BOOK(title, category, int.Parse(dt_author.Rows[dt_author.Rows.Count - 1]["AuthorID"].ToString()), bookid[i], Availability.AVAILABLE.ToString())); con.Open(); command_addbook.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); } //for(int i = 0;i<bookauthor.Count;i++) //{ // SqlCommand command_author = new SqlCommand() //} } //title = null; //category = null; //authorfirstname = null; //authorlastname = null; //bookid.Clear(); //bookauthor.Clear(); } //else //{ // title = null; // category = null; // bookid.Clear(); // bookauthor.Clear(); //} title = null; category = null; authorfirstname = null; authorlastname = null; bookid.Clear(); }