public decimal dItemPrice(SqlConnection oConn, string sItemCode, int iListnum, ref int iErr) { // routine to get an Item price based on the Price List Number iErr = -1; if (iListnum < 1) { return(0.0M); } try { string SQL = ""; SQL = SQL + "SELECT Price FROM ITM1 WHERE ItemCode = '" + sItemCode + "' AND PriceList ='" + iListnum.ToString() + "'"; sTmp = sGetDBField(ref oConn, SQL); if (sTmp == "") { return(0.0M); } iErr = 0; return(Convert.ToDecimal(sTmp)); } catch (Exception ex) { DImsg.MessageERR(ref ex); return(0.0M); } finally { GC.Collect(); } }
public SAPbobsCOM.Company Connect(string pServer, string pDBName, string pDBUser, string pDBPassword, SAPbobsCOM.BoDataServerTypes pServerType, string pSAPUser, string pSAPPassword, ref int iErr) { if (pDBName == "") { iErr = 1; } if (iErr != 0) { return(null); } //oConnTrg = SQLDirect.oConnectToSql(txbDBServerTrg.Text, cmbSAPDBTrg.Text.Substring(0, cmbSAPDBTrg.Text.IndexOf(" - ")), txbDBUserTrg.Text, txbDBPassTrg.Text, true, bErr); oComp.Server = pServer; if (pServer == "") { oComp.Server = scServer; } oComp.DbUserName = pDBUser; if (pDBUser == "") { oComp.DbUserName = scSQLName; } oComp.DbPassword = pDBPassword; if (pDBPassword == "") { oComp.DbPassword = scSQLPass; } oComp.DbServerType = pServerType; //if (pServerType == null) oComp.DbServerType = SAPbobsCOM.BoDataServerTypes.dst_MSSQL2008; oComp.CompanyDB = pDBName; oComp.UserName = pSAPUser; if (pSAPUser == "") { oComp.UserName = scSAPName; } oComp.Password = pSAPPassword; if (pSAPPassword == "") { oComp.Password = scSAPPass; } iErr = oComp.Connect(); if (iErr == 0) { return(oComp); } else { DImsg.MessageERR(iErr, oComp.GetLastErrorDescription()); return(null); } }
public string sGetDBfield(ref SAPbobsCOM.Company oComp, string sSQL, ref bool BubbleEvent) { string functionReturnValue = null; // routine to execut the sql command and return a value functionReturnValue = ""; if (BubbleEvent == false) { return(functionReturnValue); } SAPbobsCOM.Recordset oRS1 = null; try { oRS1 = rsGetDBRecSet(ref oComp, sSQL, ref BubbleEvent); if (oRS1.RecordCount > 0) { functionReturnValue = oRS1.Fields.Item(0).Value.ToString(); } } catch (Exception ex) { BubbleEvent = false; DImsg.MessageERR(ref ex); } if ((oRS1 != null)) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(oRS1); } GC.Collect(); return(functionReturnValue); }
public string sGetDocEntry(SqlConnection oConn, string sTable, string sDocNum) { // get the document ENTRY for the specified DocNum. string sRtn = ""; string SQL = ""; try { // get the corresponding DocNum SQL = "SELECT DocEntry FROM " + sTable + " WHERE DocNum = '" + sDocNum + "'"; sRtn = sGetDBField(ref oConn, SQL); return(sRtn); } catch (Exception ex) { DImsg.MessageERR(ref ex); return(sRtn); } finally { GC.Collect(); } }
public string sGetDBField(ref SqlConnection oConn, string Query) { // get the first element - // if nothing if found return empty. string sReturn = ""; string[][] RecordData; if (oConn != null) { RecordData = ReturnArrayQueryData(oConn, Query); if (RecordData == null) { return(sReturn); } if (RecordData.Length <= 0) { return(sReturn); } try { sReturn = RecordData[0][0]; } catch (Exception ex) { DImsg.MessageERR(ref ex); } } return(sReturn); }
public SAPbobsCOM.Recordset rsGetDBRecSet(ref SAPbobsCOM.Company oComp, string sSQL, ref bool BubbleEvent) { SAPbobsCOM.Recordset functionReturnValue = default(SAPbobsCOM.Recordset); // routine to execut the sql command and return a record set functionReturnValue = null; if (BubbleEvent == false) { return(functionReturnValue); } //Dim oRS1 As SAPbobsCOM.Recordset = Nothing try { //oRS1 = oComp.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset) //oRS1.DoQuery(sSQL) //rsGetDBRecSet = oRS1 functionReturnValue = (SAPbobsCOM.Recordset)oComp.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset); functionReturnValue.DoQuery(sSQL); iTmp = functionReturnValue.RecordCount; } catch (Exception ex) { BubbleEvent = false; DImsg.MessageERR(ref ex); } //If Not oRS1 Is Nothing Then System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(oRS1) GC.Collect(); return(functionReturnValue); }
public object ExecuteScalar(SqlConnection oConn, string sCommand) { object value = null; try { if (oConn != null) { SqlCommand sSQLCmd; using (sSQLCmd = new SqlCommand(sCommand, oConn)) { // ExecuteNonQuery returns the number of rows accessed. value = sSQLCmd.ExecuteScalar(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { DImsg.MessageERR(ref ex); } finally { } return(value); }
public DataTable LoadDataTable(SqlConnection oConn, string sQuery, string sTableName) { if (oConn == null) { return(null); } if (sQuery.Trim().Length == 0) { return(null); } if (sTableName.Trim().Length == 0) { return(null); } try { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(sQuery, oConn); ds = new DataSet(sTableName); da.Fill(ds, sTableName); return(ds.Tables[sTableName]); } catch (Exception ex) { DImsg.MessageERR(ref ex); return(null); } finally { GC.Collect(); } }
public int SQLCommand(SqlConnection oConn, string sCommand) { int iRtn = -1; try { if (oConn != null) { SqlCommand sSQLCmd; using (sSQLCmd = new SqlCommand(sCommand, oConn)) { // ExecuteNonQuery returns the number of rows accessed. iRtn = sSQLCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { iRtn = -1; DImsg.MessageERR(ref ex); } finally { } return(iRtn); }
public string sGetLastDocNumAdded(SqlConnection oConn, string sTable, string sBP) { // get the last docement added for the specified BP. string sRtn = ""; string SQL = ""; try { // get the Doc Entry sRtn = sGetLastDocEntryAdded(oConn, sTable, sBP); // get the corresponding DocNum SQL = "SELECT DocNum FROM " + sTable + " WHERE DocEntry = '" + sRtn + "'"; sRtn = sGetDBField(ref oConn, SQL); return(sRtn); } catch (Exception ex) { DImsg.MessageERR(ref ex); return(sRtn); } finally { GC.Collect(); } }
public SqlConnection oConnectToSql(string sServer, string sDataBase, string sUser, string sPassword, bool bDisplayErrMsg, ref int iErr) { SqlConnection functionReturnValue = default(SqlConnection); functionReturnValue = null; if (iErr != 0) { return(functionReturnValue); } SqlConnection oConn = new SqlConnection(); string sConnStr = ""; sConnStr = sConnStr + "integrated security=False;"; sConnStr = sConnStr + "data source=" + sServer + ";"; sConnStr = sConnStr + "persist security info=False;"; sConnStr = sConnStr + "initial catalog=" + sDataBase + ";"; sConnStr = sConnStr + "User ID=" + sUser + ";"; sConnStr = sConnStr + "Password="******";"; oConn.ConnectionString = sConnStr; try { oConn.Open(); } catch (SqlException ex) { iErr = ex.Number; // don't display error message if the user is addin user is invalid if (ex.Number == 18456 & sUser == scSQLName & sPassword == scSQLPass) { return(null); //"Login failed for user '" + sUser + "'." } if (bDisplayErrMsg) { DImsg.MessageERR(ex.Number, ex.Message); } return(null); } catch (Exception ex) { iErr = -1; if (bDisplayErrMsg) { DImsg.MessageERR(ref ex); } return(null); } return(oConn); //return functionReturnValue; //oConn.InfoMessage += New SqlInfoMessageEventHandler(OnInfoMessage) //oConn.StateChange += New StateChangeEventHandler(OnStateChange) }
public void SetConfig(SqlConnection oConn, string sName, string sVal, string sGrp, string sCmt) { string sCode = ""; try { SQL = "SELECT Code FROM " + scConfig + " WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Name = N'" + sName + "'"; sCode = cSQL.sGetDBField(ref oConn, SQL); // entry does not exist, add it if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sCode)) { // first find the next code SQL = "SELECT MAX(Code)+10 FROM " + scConfig + " WITH (NOLOCK)"; sCode = cSQL.sGetDBField(ref oConn, SQL); if (sCode == "0") { sCode = "1000"; } SQL = "INSERT " + scConfig + " VALUES('" + sCode + "','" + sName + "','" + sVal + "','" + sGrp + "','" + sCmt + "'"; if (cSQL.SQLCommand(oConn, SQL) != 1) { //DImsg.MessageERR(iErr, sErr); there is an error message in SQLCommand } return; } SQL = ""; SQL = SQL + "UPDATE " + scConfig + " SET U_Value = '" + sVal + "'"; if (sGrp != null) { SQL = SQL + " , U_Group = '" + sGrp + "'"; } if (sCmt != null) { SQL = SQL + " , U_Comment = '" + sCmt + "'"; } SQL = SQL + " WHERE Name = '" + sName + "'"; cSQL.SQLCommand(oConn, SQL); } catch (Exception ex) { DImsg.MessageERR(ref ex); } finally { GC.Collect(); } }
private SqlDataReader ReturnRecordSet(SqlConnection oConn, string sQuery) { // olny one datareader per connection SqlCommand oSqlCommand = null; try { oSqlCommand = new SqlCommand(sQuery, oConn); SqlDataReader oRecordSet = oSqlCommand.ExecuteReader(); return(oRecordSet); } catch (Exception ex) { DImsg.MessageERR(ref ex); return(null); } }
public string sGetConfig(SqlConnection oConn, string sName) { try { // get the entry string sRec = cSQL.sGetDBField(ref oConn, "SELECT U_Value FROM " + scConfig + " WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Name = '" + sName + "'"); return(sRec); } catch (Exception ex) { DImsg.MessageERR(ref ex); return(null); } finally { GC.Collect(); } }
public string[] sArrayOfRow(SqlConnection oConn, string sQuery, ref int iErr) { // return an array of returned values for one Row if (iErr != 0) { return(null); } try { string[][] sData = null; sData = ReturnArrayQueryData(oConn, sQuery); if (sData == null) { return(null); } int j = sData[0].Length - 1; string[] sRtn = null; sRtn = new string[j + 1]; for (int i = 0; i <= j; i++) { sRtn[i] = sData[0][i]; } return(sRtn); } catch (Exception ex) { iErr = 1; DImsg.MessageERR(ex.Message); return(null); } finally { } }
public decimal[] dArrayOfColumn(SqlConnection oConn, string sQuery, ref int iErr) { // return an array of values for one Column - DECIMAL if (iErr != 0) { return(null); } try { string[][] sData = null; sData = ReturnArrayQueryData(oConn, sQuery); if (sData == null) { return(null); } int j = sData[0].Length - 1; decimal[] dRtn = null; dRtn = new decimal[j + 1]; for (int i = 0; i <= j; i++) { dRtn[i] = Convert.ToDecimal(sData[i][0]); } return(dRtn); } catch (Exception ex) { iErr = 1; DImsg.MessageERR(ex.Message); return(null); } finally { } }
public string[] sArrayOfColumn(SqlConnection oConn, string sQuery, ref int iErr) { // return an array of values for one Column if (iErr != 0) { return(null); } try { string[][] sData = null; sData = ReturnArrayQueryData(oConn, sQuery); if (sData == null) { return(null); } int j = sData.GetUpperBound(0); string[] sRtn = null; sRtn = new string[j + 1]; for (int i = 0; i <= j; i++) { sRtn[i] = sData[i][0]; } return(sRtn); } catch (Exception ex) { iErr = 1; DImsg.MessageERR(ex.Message); return(null); } finally { } }
public decimal dGetDBfield(ref SAPbobsCOM.Company oComp, string sSQL, ref int iRecCnt, ref bool BubbleEvent) { decimal functionReturnValue = default(decimal); // routine to execut the sql command and return a value functionReturnValue = 0m; if (BubbleEvent == false) { return(functionReturnValue); } SAPbobsCOM.Recordset oRS1 = null; try { oRS1 = rsGetDBRecSet(ref oComp, sSQL, ref BubbleEvent); iRecCnt = oRS1.RecordCount; if (oRS1.RecordCount > 0) { functionReturnValue = Convert.ToDecimal(oRS1.Fields.Item(0).Value); } } catch (Exception ex) { BubbleEvent = false; DImsg.MessageERR(ref ex); } if (oRS1 != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(oRS1); } GC.Collect(); return(functionReturnValue); }
public string sGetLastDocEntryAdded(SqlConnection oConn, string sTable, string sBP) { // get the last docement Entry added for the specified BP. string sRtn = ""; string SQL = ""; try { SQL = "SELECT MAX(DocEntry) FROM " + sTable + " WHERE CardCode = '" + sBP + "'"; sRtn = sGetDBField(ref oConn, SQL); return(sRtn); } catch (Exception ex) { DImsg.MessageERR(ref ex); return(sRtn); } finally { GC.Collect(); } }
public void CreateSQL_User(string sServer, string sDatabase, string saUser, string saPassword, string AddonUserName, string AddonUserPassword, int connectiontrys, ref int iErr) { //select count(*) From master.sysxlogins WHERE NAME = 'myUsername' // see if user exists if (iErr != 0) { return; } SqlConnection oConn = oConnectToSql(sServer, sDatabase, AddonUserName, AddonUserPassword, false, ref iErr); if (oConn != null) { goto ExitSub; } tryagain: SQLAddUserPrompt oForm = new SQLAddUserPrompt(sServer, sDatabase); oForm.GetUserAndPassowrd(ref saUser, ref saPassword); if ((oForm.CancelWasPressed == true)) { goto ExitSub; } oConn = oConnectToSql(sServer, sDatabase, saUser, saPassword, false, ref iErr); if (oConn == null) { iErr = 0; goto tryagain; } // add the user to the database iErr = 1; try { SqlCommand c = new SqlCommand(("CREATE LOGIN " + (sql_fix(AddonUserName) + (" WITH PASSWORD = \'" + (sql_fix(AddonUserPassword) + "\' , CHECK_EXPIRATION = OFF, CHECK_POLICY = OFF ")))), oConn); int inttemp = c.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { DImsg.MessageERR("CREATE LOGIN creation failed" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); goto ExitSub; } try { SqlCommand c2 = new SqlCommand(("EXEC sys.sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame =" + (sql_fix(AddonUserName) + ", @rolename = N\'sysadmin\'")), oConn); int inttemp2 = c2.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { DImsg.MessageERR("sys.sp_addsrvrolemember creation failed" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); goto ExitSub; } iErr = 0; ExitSub: if (oConn != null) { oConn.Close(); } GC.Collect(); }