/// <summary> /// Creates the lowerlevel OBJ records for this shape. /// </summary> /// <param name="hssfShape">The HSSF shape.</param> /// <param name="shapeId">The shape id.</param> /// <returns></returns> private ObjRecord CreateObjRecord(HSSFTextbox hssfShape, int shapeId) { HSSFShape shape = hssfShape; ObjRecord obj = new ObjRecord(); CommonObjectDataSubRecord c = new CommonObjectDataSubRecord(); c.ObjectType = (CommonObjectType)((HSSFSimpleShape)shape).ShapeType; c.ObjectId = GetCmoObjectId(shapeId); c.IsLocked = true; c.IsPrintable = true; c.IsAutoFill = true; c.IsAutoline = true; EndSubRecord e = new EndSubRecord(); obj.AddSubRecord(c); obj.AddSubRecord(e); return obj; }
/** * Creates the low level OBJ record for this shape. */ private ObjRecord CreateObjRecord(HSSFSimpleShape shape, int shapeId) { ObjRecord obj = new ObjRecord(); CommonObjectDataSubRecord c = new CommonObjectDataSubRecord(); c.ObjectType = CommonObjectType.COMBO_BOX; c.ObjectId = shapeId; c.IsLocked = true; c.IsPrintable = false; c.IsAutoFill = true; c.IsAutoline = false; FtCblsSubRecord f = new FtCblsSubRecord(); LbsDataSubRecord l = LbsDataSubRecord.CreateAutoFilterInstance(); EndSubRecord e = new EndSubRecord(); obj.AddSubRecord(c); obj.AddSubRecord(f); obj.AddSubRecord(l); obj.AddSubRecord(e); return obj; }
private void ConvertGroup(HSSFShapeGroup shape, EscherContainerRecord escherParent, Hashtable shapeToObj) { EscherContainerRecord spgrContainer = new EscherContainerRecord(); EscherContainerRecord spContainer = new EscherContainerRecord(); EscherSpgrRecord spgr = new EscherSpgrRecord(); EscherSpRecord sp = new EscherSpRecord(); EscherOptRecord opt = new EscherOptRecord(); EscherRecord anchor; EscherClientDataRecord clientData = new EscherClientDataRecord(); spgrContainer.RecordId = EscherContainerRecord.SPGR_CONTAINER; spgrContainer.Options = (short)0x000F; spContainer.RecordId = EscherContainerRecord.SP_CONTAINER; spContainer.Options = (short)0x000F; spgr.RecordId = EscherSpgrRecord.RECORD_ID; spgr.Options = (short)0x0001; spgr.RectX1 = shape.X1; spgr.RectY1 = shape.Y1; spgr.RectX2 = shape.X2; spgr.RectY2 = shape.Y2; sp.RecordId = EscherSpRecord.RECORD_ID; sp.Options = (short)0x0002; int shapeId = drawingManager.AllocateShapeId(drawingGroupId); sp.ShapeId = shapeId; if (shape.Anchor is HSSFClientAnchor) sp.Flags = EscherSpRecord.FLAG_GROUP | EscherSpRecord.FLAG_HAVEANCHOR; else sp.Flags = EscherSpRecord.FLAG_GROUP | EscherSpRecord.FLAG_HAVEANCHOR | EscherSpRecord.FLAG_CHILD; opt.RecordId = EscherOptRecord.RECORD_ID; opt.Options = (short)0x0023; opt.AddEscherProperty(new EscherBoolProperty(EscherProperties.PROTECTION__LOCKAGAINSTGROUPING, 0x00040004)); opt.AddEscherProperty(new EscherBoolProperty(EscherProperties.GROUPSHAPE__PRINT, 0x00080000)); anchor = ConvertAnchor.CreateAnchor(shape.Anchor); // clientAnchor.Col1( ( (HSSFClientAnchor) shape.Anchor ).Col1 ); // clientAnchor.Row1( (short) ( (HSSFClientAnchor) shape.Anchor ).Row1 ); // clientAnchor.Dx1( (short) shape.Anchor.Dx1 ); // clientAnchor.Dy1( (short) shape.Anchor.Dy1 ); // clientAnchor.Col2( ( (HSSFClientAnchor) shape.Anchor ).Col2 ); // clientAnchor.Row2( (short) ( (HSSFClientAnchor) shape.Anchor ).Row2 ); // clientAnchor.Dx2( (short) shape.Anchor.Dx2 ); // clientAnchor.Dy2( (short) shape.Anchor.Dy2 ); clientData.RecordId = (EscherClientDataRecord.RECORD_ID); clientData.Options = ((short)0x0000); spgrContainer.AddChildRecord(spContainer); spContainer.AddChildRecord(spgr); spContainer.AddChildRecord(sp); spContainer.AddChildRecord(opt); spContainer.AddChildRecord(anchor); spContainer.AddChildRecord(clientData); ObjRecord obj = new ObjRecord(); CommonObjectDataSubRecord cmo = new CommonObjectDataSubRecord(); cmo.ObjectType = CommonObjectType.GROUP; cmo.ObjectId = shapeId; cmo.IsLocked = true; cmo.IsPrintable = true; cmo.IsAutoFill = true; cmo.IsAutoline = true; GroupMarkerSubRecord gmo = new GroupMarkerSubRecord(); EndSubRecord end = new EndSubRecord(); obj.AddSubRecord(cmo); obj.AddSubRecord(gmo); obj.AddSubRecord(end); shapeToObj[clientData] = obj; escherParent.AddChildRecord(spgrContainer); ConvertShapes(shape, spgrContainer, shapeToObj); }
public override Object Clone() { CommonObjectDataSubRecord rec = new CommonObjectDataSubRecord(); rec.field_1_objectType = field_1_objectType; rec.field_2_objectId = field_2_objectId; rec.field_3_option = field_3_option; rec.field_4_reserved1 = field_4_reserved1; rec.field_5_reserved2 = field_5_reserved2; rec.field_6_reserved3 = field_6_reserved3; return rec; }
/// <summary> /// Creates the low level OBJ record for this shape. /// </summary> /// <param name="hssfShape">The HSSFShape.</param> /// <param name="shapeId">The shape id.</param> /// <returns></returns> private ObjRecord CreateObjRecord(HSSFShape hssfShape, int shapeId) { HSSFShape shape = hssfShape; ObjRecord obj = new ObjRecord(); CommonObjectDataSubRecord c = new CommonObjectDataSubRecord(); c.ObjectType=(CommonObjectType)((HSSFSimpleShape)shape).ShapeType; // c.ObjectId((short) ( 1 )); c.ObjectId = GetCmoObjectId(shapeId); c.IsLocked=true; c.IsPrintable=true; c.IsAutoFill=true; c.IsAutoline=true; // c.Reserved2( 0x012C0A84 ); c.Reserved2=(0x0); // UnknownRecord sub1 = new UnknownRecord( (short)0x7, (short)0x2, new byte[] { 0x09, 0x00 } ); // UnknownRecord sub2 = new UnknownRecord( (short)0x8, (short)0x2, new byte[] { 0x01, 0x00 } ); EndSubRecord e = new EndSubRecord(); obj.AddSubRecord(c); // obj.AddSubRecord( sub1 ); // obj.AddSubRecord( sub2 ); obj.AddSubRecord(e); return obj; }
/// <summary> /// Creates the lowerlevel OBJ records for this shape. /// </summary> /// <param name="hssfShape">The HSSF shape.</param> /// <param name="shapeId">The shape id.</param> /// <returns></returns> private ObjRecord CreateObjRecord(HSSFShape hssfShape, int shapeId) { HSSFShape shape = hssfShape; ObjRecord obj = new ObjRecord(); CommonObjectDataSubRecord c = new CommonObjectDataSubRecord(); c.ObjectType = CommonObjectType.MICROSOFT_OFFICE_DRAWING; c.ObjectId = shapeId; c.IsLocked = true; c.IsPrintable = true; c.IsAutoFill = true; c.IsAutoline = true; EndSubRecord e = new EndSubRecord(); obj.AddSubRecord(c); obj.AddSubRecord(e); return obj; }