void Apply() { ADialog ad=new ADialog(); ad.id=dialog_id; ad.comment=comment; ad.dialog=stepdialogs; int write = dw.AddToXML(ad); if(write==DialogWriter.IDNOTAVAILBLE) { SwNotification("Dialog ID Not Available."); } else if(write==DialogWriter.WRITEFAILED) { SwNotification("Cannot Find the Dialog File."); } else { SwNotification("Successfully Add the Dialog into the System."); } }
void Apply() { ADialog ad = new ADialog(); ad.id = edit_id; ad.comment = comment; ad.dialog = stepdialogs; dw.RemoveFromXML(edit_id); int write = dw.AddToXML(ad); if (write == DialogWriter.IDNOTAVAILBLE) { SwNotification("Something Wrong in the Apply Process."); } else if (write == DialogWriter.WRITEFAILED) { SwNotification("Cannot Find the Dialog File."); } else { SwNotification("Successfully Apply the Dialog."); } }
public int AddToXML(ADialog _dialog) { if(file == null) return WRITEFAILED; if (!CheckIDAvailble(_dialog.id)) return IDNOTAVAILBLE; //root of the data XmlElement data = file.CreateElement("data"); data.SetAttribute("id",_dialog.id); data.SetAttribute("comment", _dialog.comment); dialog_node.AppendChild(data); foreach(StepDialog sd in _dialog.dialog) { XmlElement stepdialog = file.CreateElement("text"); stepdialog.SetAttribute("order",sd.order); stepdialog.SetAttribute("speaker", sd.speaker); stepdialog.SetAttribute("aud", sd.audio); stepdialog.InnerText = sd.text; data.AppendChild(stepdialog); } file.Save("Assets\\Resources\\dialog.xml"); if (File.Exists("Assets\\Resources\\dialog.xml.meta")) File.Delete("Assets\\Resources\\dialog.xml.meta"); return WRITESUCCESS; }
public ADialog GetDialog(string id) { XmlNodeList dialogs = dialog_node.ChildNodes; ADialog result = new ADialog(); result.dialog = new List<StepDialog>(); foreach (XmlElement di in dialogs) { if(di.GetAttribute("id")==id) { result.id = id; result.comment = di.GetAttribute("comment"); XmlNodeList steps = di.ChildNodes; foreach(XmlElement sd in steps) { StepDialog stepdialog = new StepDialog(); stepdialog.order = sd.GetAttribute("order"); stepdialog.speaker = sd.GetAttribute("speaker"); stepdialog.audio = sd.GetAttribute("aud"); stepdialog.text = sd.InnerText; result.dialog.Add(stepdialog); } result.dialog.Sort((a, b) => { if (int.Parse(a.order) > int.Parse(b.order)) return 1; if (int.Parse(a.order) == int.Parse(b.order)) return 0; return -1; }); return result; } } result.id = "null"; return result; }