internal void Start() { string ApplicationPrefix = GlobalConfig.ProductName.ToUpperInvariant(); TraceDebug.Trace("Start {0}", GlobalConfig.ProductName); #if PORTABLE Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(ApplicationPrefix + "_PORTABLE", GlobalConfig.MainFolder, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(ApplicationPrefix + "_DRIVE", GlobalConfig.ApplicationDrive, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); #endif Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(ApplicationPrefix + "_DATA", GlobalConfig.MainFolder, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); messageID = NativeMethods.RegisterWindowMessage("KrentoStop"); //Do not localize!!! NativeMethods.AddRemoveMessageFilter(messageID, ChangeWindowMessageFilterFlags.Add); PrepareStandardProperties(); showSplashScreen = true; ApplyGUILanguage(); GlobalSettings.LoadGlobalSettings(); GlobalSettings.ManagerLeft = Settings.Default.ManagerLeft; GlobalSettings.ManagerTop = Settings.Default.ManagerTop; #region Parse command line foreach (string param in args) { if (TextHelper.SameText(param, @"/low")) { GlobalConfig.LowMemory = true; } if (TextHelper.SameText(param, @"/ns")) { showSplashScreen = false; } if (TextHelper.SameText(param, @"/nd")) { KrentoContext.SkipDocklets = true; } if (TextHelper.SameText(param, @"/nt")) { KrentoContext.SkipToys = true; } if (TextHelper.SameText(param, @"/desktop")) { KrentoContext.CreateDesktopCircle = true; } if (param.IndexOf(@".circle", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > 0) { KrentoContext.CircleParameter = param; } if (FileOperations.IsKrentoPackage(param)) { KrentoContext.PackageParameter = param; } } #endregion this.context = new KrentoContext(); #region FirstRun if (NativeMethods.GlobalCheckAtom("krento_first_run")) { KrentoContext.FirstRun = true; NativeMethods.GlobalKillAtom("krento_first_run"); } #if PORTABLE string firstRunFile = Path.Combine(GlobalConfig.ApplicationFolder, ""); if (NativeMethods.FileExists(firstRunFile)) { KrentoContext.FirstRun = true; NativeMethods.FileDelete(firstRunFile); } #endif if (KrentoContext.FirstRun) { GlobalSettings.SaveGlobalSettings(); } #endregion #region First Instance if (context.FirstInstance) { if ((showSplashScreen) && GlobalSettings.ShowSplashScreen) { splashScreen = new SplashScreen(); } else { splashScreen = null; } this.mainForm = new MainForm(context); mainForm.Text = GlobalConfig.ProductName; InteropHelper.MainWindow = mainForm.Handle; if (showSplashScreen) { if (splashScreen != null) { mainForm.SplashScreen = splashScreen; } } if (NativeMethods.StartEngineEx(mainForm.Handle)) { if (GlobalSettings.ActivateServer) { if (NetworkOperations.PortAvailable(GlobalSettings.PortNumber)) { context.StartServer(); } } appContext = new ApplicationContext(); //Load plugins. If the instance is the first instance and //engine is activated, then plugins are loaded try { context.LoadKrentoPlugins(); } catch (Exception) { //do not stop on wrong plugins TraceDebug.Trace("Exception on loading Krento plugin"); } try { context.LoadKrentoToys(); } catch (Exception) { //do not stop on wrong plugins TraceDebug.Trace("Exception on loading Krento toy"); } try { context.LoadKrentoDocklets(); } catch { //do not stop on wrong docklet TraceDebug.Trace("Exception on loading docklet"); } NativeThemeManager.MakeSound("#110"); Application.Run(appContext); } } #endregion }
internal void InstallKrentoPart(string fileName) { string destination = null; bool compressed = false; bool loadNewToy = false; bool loadNewDocklet = false; bool reloadStones = false; string mainFolderName = null; string ext = Path.GetExtension(fileName); if (TextHelper.SameText(ext, ".toy")) { destination = GlobalConfig.ToysFolder; compressed = true; loadNewToy = true; } else if (TextHelper.SameText(ext, ".kmenu")) { destination = GlobalConfig.MenusFolder; compressed = true; } else if (TextHelper.SameText(ext, ".kskin")) { destination = GlobalConfig.SkinsFolder; compressed = true; } else if (TextHelper.SameText(ext, ".stone")) { destination = GlobalConfig.StoneClasses; compressed = true; reloadStones = true; } else if (TextHelper.SameText(ext, ".lng")) { destination = GlobalConfig.LanguagesFolder; compressed = false; } else if (TextHelper.SameText(ext, ".kadd")) { destination = GlobalConfig.AddInRootFolder; compressed = true; } else if (TextHelper.SameText(ext, ".docklet")) { destination = GlobalConfig.DockletsFolder; compressed = true; loadNewDocklet = true; } else if (TextHelper.SameText(ext, ".circle")) { destination = GlobalConfig.RollingStonesFolder; compressed = false; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(destination)) { return; } if (!compressed) { string destinationName = Path.Combine(destination, Path.GetFileName(fileName)); try { FileOperations.CopyFile(fileName, destinationName); if (TextHelper.SameText(destination, GlobalConfig.RollingStonesFolder)) { if (FileOperations.FileExists(destinationName)) { Manager.HistoryAdd(destinationName); } } } catch (Exception ex) { TraceDebug.Trace(ex); } } else { try { destination = Path.Combine(destination, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName)); if (!Directory.Exists(destination)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(destination); } } catch (Exception ex) { TraceDebug.Trace(ex); } NativeMethods.ExtractArchive(fileName, destination); FileOperations.CopyFile(fileName, Path.Combine(GlobalConfig.DownloadsFolder, Path.GetFileName(fileName))); if (reloadStones) { try { string newStonePath; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mainFolderName)) { newStonePath = Path.Combine(destination, mainFolderName); } else { newStonePath = destination; } Language.Merge(Path.Combine(newStonePath, GlobalSettings.Language + ".lng")); } catch (Exception ex) { //Toy load error happens TraceDebug.Trace(ex); } //Loading of the new stone must be AFTER merging of the language Manager.LoadStoneClasses(); } else if (loadNewToy) { try { string newToyPath; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mainFolderName)) { newToyPath = Path.Combine(destination, mainFolderName); } else { newToyPath = destination; } context.LoadKrentoToys(newToyPath); } catch (Exception ex) { //Toy load error happens TraceDebug.Trace(ex); } } else if (loadNewDocklet) { try { string newDockletPath; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mainFolderName)) { newDockletPath = Path.Combine(destination, mainFolderName); } else { newDockletPath = destination; } context.LoadKrentoDocklets(newDockletPath); } catch (Exception ex) { //Toy load error happens TraceDebug.Trace(ex); } } } }