コード例 #1
        protected absGlfwWindow(int Width   = 640, int Height = 480, string Title   = "GLFW OpenGL Window",
                                int red     = 0, int green    = 0, int blue         = 0, int alpha = 0, int depth = 0, int stencil = 0,
                                int GLMajor = 4, int GLMinor  = 3, bool CoreProfile = true, bool DebugContext = false, bool Fullscreen = false)
            // handles initializing of glfw library.

            pCreateOptions = new clsCreateOptions()
                Width              = Width,
                Height             = Height,
                Title              = Title,
                Red                = red,
                Green              = green,
                Blue               = blue,
                Alpha              = alpha,
                Depth              = depth,
                Stencil            = stencil,
                GLMajor            = GLMajor,
                GLMinor            = GLMinor,
                CoreContext        = CoreProfile,
                DebugContext       = DebugContext,
                ForwaredCompatible = !CoreProfile,
                Fullscreen         = Fullscreen,
                RefreshRate        = 0,
                FSAASamples        = 0,

            // validate create options.
コード例 #2
        protected absGlfwWindow(int Width = 640, int Height = 480, string Title = "GLFW OpenGL Window",
            int red = 0, int green = 0, int blue = 0, int alpha = 0, int depth = 0, int stencil = 0,
            int GLMajor = 4, int GLMinor = 3, bool CoreProfile = true, bool DebugContext = false, bool Fullscreen = false)
            // handles initializing of glfw library.

            pCreateOptions = new clsCreateOptions()
                Width = Width,
                Height = Height,
                Title = Title,
                Red = red,
                Green = green,
                Blue = blue,
                Alpha = alpha,
                Depth = depth,
                Stencil = stencil,
                GLMajor = GLMajor,
                GLMinor = GLMinor,
                CoreContext = CoreProfile,
                DebugContext = DebugContext,
                ForwaredCompatible = !CoreProfile,
                Fullscreen = Fullscreen,
                RefreshRate = 0,
                FSAASamples = 0,

            // validate create options.