private static void UnhandledException(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e) { ConsoleWrapper.Alloc(); Log.Error(e.ExceptionObject); ConsoleWrapper.WriteLine("Error occured. Please check the log file for details"); Environment.Exit(1); }
private static void Uninstall() { ConsoleWrapper.Alloc(); if (!RequireAdministratorPrivilages()) { return; } Registry.ClassesRoot.DeleteSubKeyTree(REGISTRY_KEY_NAME, false); ConsoleWrapper.WriteLine("RDP Protocol Handler uninstalled."); Log.Info("RDP Protocol Handler uninstalled."); }
private static bool RequireAdministratorPrivilages() { var isAdmin = IsUserAdministrator(); if (!isAdmin) { var oldColor = ConsoleWrapper.ForegroundColor; ConsoleWrapper.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; ConsoleWrapper.WriteLine("You must be system administrator"); ConsoleWrapper.ForegroundColor = oldColor; Log.Error("You must be system administrator"); } return(isAdmin); }
private static void Install(bool prompt = true) { ConsoleWrapper.Alloc(); if (!RequireAdministratorPrivilages()) { return; } //if (prompt) //{ // ConsoleWrapper.Write("Do you want to install RDP Protocol handler? (for details use /?) [Y]es [N]o:"); // var result = ConsoleWrapper.ReadLine(); // if (result?.ToLower() != "y") return; //} Uninstall(); //-- get assembly info var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); var handlerLocation = assembly.Location; //-- create registy structure var rootKey = Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey(REGISTRY_KEY_NAME); var defaultIconKey = rootKey?.CreateSubKey("DefaultIcon"); var commandKey = rootKey?.CreateSubKey("shell")?.CreateSubKey("open")?.CreateSubKey("command"); rootKey?.SetValue("", "rdp:Remote Desktop Protocol"); rootKey?.SetValue("URL Protocol", ""); defaultIconKey?.SetValue("", @"C:\Windows\System32\mstsc.exe"); commandKey?.SetValue("", $@"""{handlerLocation}"" ""%1"""); //-- Log.Info("RDP Protocol Handler installed"); ConsoleWrapper.WriteLine("RDP Protocol Handler installed"); ConsoleWrapper.WriteLine($"WARNING: Do not move this '{assembly.FullName}' to other location, otherwise handler will not work. If you change the location run installation process again."); }
private static void Help() { ConsoleWrapper.Alloc(); ConsoleWrapper.WriteLine("For help go to:"); }