private void ViewPollResult() { //총득표수 셋팅 //this.GetPollSum(); this.pollSum = PollBaseLib.GetPollSum(this.poll_id); dbUtil = new DBLib(); string fieldNames, tableName, whereClause, orderBy; fieldNames = "exNbr,example,pPoint"; tableName = "t_PollEX"; whereClause = "poll_id =" + this.poll_id; orderBy = "exNbr"; //실제쿼리실행 drPoll = dbUtil.Select_DR(fieldNames, tableName, whereClause, orderBy); Table pTable = new Table(); TableRow tRow; TableCell tCell; while (drPoll.Read()) { tRow = new TableRow(); tCell = new TableCell(); tCell.ColumnSpan = 2; tCell.Text = drPoll["exNbr"].ToString() + "." + drPoll["example"].ToString(); //Create a new cell and add it to the row.//행만들기 tRow.Cells.Add(tCell); pTable.Rows.Add(tRow); tRow = new TableRow(); tCell = new TableCell(); tCell.Width = Unit.Percentage(2); //tCell.BackColor = Color.LightGreen; tCell.Text = " "; tRow.Cells.Add(tCell); tCell = new TableCell(); tCell.CssClass = "sTxt1"; System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image imgBar = PollBaseLib.DrawGraph(Convert.ToInt32(drPoll["pPoint"]), this.pollSum); tCell.Controls.Add(imgBar); tCell.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(" " + imgBar.AlternateText)); tRow.Cells.Add(tCell); pTable.Width = Unit.Percentage(100); pTable.BorderWidth = 0; pTable.CellPadding = 0; pTable.CellSpacing = 0; pTable.Rows.Add(tRow); } drPoll.Close(); pnViewResult.Controls.Add(pTable); }
private bool LoadPollMain() { dbUtil = new DBLib(); string fieldNames, tableName, whereClause, orderBy; fieldNames = "poll_id,pTopic,pBeginTime,pEndTime"; tableName = "t_PollMain"; whereClause = "DATEDIFF(day, pBeginTime, '" + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + "') >=0"; whereClause += " AND DATEDIFF(day, pEndTime, '" + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + "') <=0"; whereClause += " AND pDisplay = 1 AND IsStaff = 0"; whereClause += " AND poll_id = " + this.poll_id; orderBy = "poll_id DESC"; //실제쿼리실행 drPoll = dbUtil.Select_DR(1, fieldNames, tableName, whereClause, orderBy); //Response.End(); if (drPoll.HasRows) { drPoll.Read(); PostState.Self["poll_id"] = drPoll["poll_id"].ToString(); this.poll_id = Convert.ToInt32(drPoll["poll_id"]); pTopic.Text = drPoll["pTopic"].ToString(); //기간세팅 period.Text = PollBaseLib.GetPeriod(drPoll["pBeginTime"], drPoll["pEndTime"]); drPoll.Close(); return(true); } else { PostState.Self["poll_id"] = 0; pTopic.Text = "현재 진행하고 있지 않습니다."; return(false); } }
private void ViewPollResult() { //총득표수 셋팅 //this.GetPollSum(); this.pollSum = PollBaseLib.GetPollSum(this.poll_id); dbUtil = new DBLib(); string fieldNames, tableName, whereClause, orderBy; fieldNames = "exNbr,example,pPoint"; tableName = "t_PollEX"; whereClause = "poll_id =" + this.poll_id; orderBy = "exNbr"; //실제쿼리실행 drPoll = dbUtil.Select_DR(fieldNames, tableName, whereClause, orderBy); Table pTable = new Table(); TableRow tRow; TableCell tCell; pTable.Width = Unit.Percentage(100); pTable.BorderWidth = 1; pTable.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Solid; pTable.BorderColor = Color.LightBlue; pTable.CellPadding = 1; pTable.CellSpacing = 2; tRow = new TableRow(); tRow.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; tRow.Height = 30; tRow.BackColor = JinsLibrary.IMAGE.ImageLib.Self.ColorFromArgb("d2", "f1", "ff"); //Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32("d2",16),Convert.ToInt32("f1",16) ,Convert.ToInt32("ff",16)); tCell = new TableCell(); tCell.CssClass = "header"; tCell.Text = "예문"; tRow.Cells.Add(tCell); tCell = new TableCell(); tCell.CssClass = "header"; tCell.Width = 50; tCell.Text = "득표수"; tRow.Cells.Add(tCell); tCell = new TableCell(); tCell.CssClass = "header"; tCell.Text = "그래프"; tRow.Cells.Add(tCell); pTable.Rows.Add(tRow); while (drPoll.Read()) { tRow = new TableRow(); tCell = new TableCell(); tCell.Text = " " + drPoll["exNbr"].ToString() + "." + drPoll["example"].ToString(); tRow.Cells.Add(tCell); tCell = new TableCell(); tCell.BackColor = JinsLibrary.IMAGE.ImageLib.Self.ColorFromArgb("f4", "fc", "ff"); tCell.Text = drPoll["pPoint"].ToString() + " 표"; tCell.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; tRow.Cells.Add(tCell); tCell = new TableCell(); System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image imgBar = PollBaseLib.DrawGraph(Convert.ToInt32(drPoll["pPoint"]), this.pollSum); tCell.Controls.Add(imgBar); tCell.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(" " + imgBar.AlternateText)); tRow.Cells.Add(tCell); pTable.Rows.Add(tRow); } tRow = new TableRow(); tRow.BackColor = JinsLibrary.IMAGE.ImageLib.Self.ColorFromArgb("d2", "f1", "ff"); tCell = new TableCell(); tRow.Height = 20; tCell.ColumnSpan = 3; tRow.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; tCell.Text = "[총득표수 : " + this.pollSum.ToString() + "표]"; tRow.Cells.Add(tCell); pTable.Rows.Add(tRow); drPoll.Close(); phViewResult.Controls.Add(pTable); }