コード例 #1
        public void OnPlayerTurnBegin(City c)
            Player p = c.owner;

            if (state == States.InProgress)
                if (turnsRemaining == 0)
                    App.Announce($"{name} has been built!");
                    c.currentlyBuilding = null;
                    state      = States.Builded;
                    c.Currpop += bonusProsperityFirstTurn;

                    if (name == "Granary")
                        // Add prosperity equal to number of resources connected to this city
                        int res = Game.game.Map.OfType <MapObject>().Where(x => x is Resource).Select(x => x as Resource).Where(x => x.cityOwner == c).Count();
                        c.Currpop += res;
                        App.Announce("Granary added " + res + " prosperity to one of your cities");
            else if (state == States.Builded)
                p.resources += bonusOutputEachTurn;
                c.Currpop   += bonusProsperityEachTurn;
コード例 #2
 public void OnPlayerTurnBegin(Player player)
     if (state == States.InProgress)
         if (turnsRemaining <= 0)
             state = States.Researched;
             player.currentlyResearching = null;
             App.Announce($"{name} research completed! Go to research tab and choose another research.");
             if (player == Game.game.players[0])
                 if (name == rssrch[(int)researches.Ironsmithing].name)
                     Achievement.achievements[(int)Achievement.eAchievs.Ironman].isSpecial = false;
                 if (name == rssrch[(int)researches.Gunpowder].name)
                     Achievement.achievements[(int)Achievement.eAchievs.PowerOfGunpowder].isSpecial = false;
コード例 #3
        public bool StartBuilding(City c)
            Player p = c.owner;

            bool everythingResearched = researchReq.Count() == 0;

            if (!everythingResearched)
                foreach (int i in researchReq)
                    if (p.researches[i].state == Research.States.Researched)
                        everythingResearched = true;
                        everythingResearched = false;

            if (state == States.NotBuild && p.resources >= cost && c.currentlyBuilding == null && everythingResearched)
                p.resources        -= cost;
                state               = States.InProgress;
                c.currentlyBuilding = this;
                App.Announce($"{name} is now building in one of your cities, it'll be done in {turnsRemaining} turns");
                if (state == States.Builded)
                    App.Announce("This building is already built");
                else if (state == States.InProgress)
                    App.Announce("You are already building this building");
                else if (c.currentlyBuilding != null)
                    App.Announce("You are already building something");
                else if (!everythingResearched)
                    App.Announce("There are some researches, you have to do before building " + name);
                else if (p.resources < cost)
                    App.Announce("You don't have enough resources");
                    App.Announce("You cannot build this building");
コード例 #4
        public Game(int length = 64, string save = "", int numberOfPlayers = 2, bool playAI = false, bool genMapIfNewGame = true)
            if (save == "")
                // New game
                this.length = length;
                rnd         = new Random();
                game        = this;
                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPlayers; i++)
                    Player p = new Player()
                        color = i, name = "Player " + (i + 1)
                    p.currAI = i != 0 && playAI ? new AIsoptik(p) : null;

                if (genMapIfNewGame)
                    Map = GenerateMap(length);
                    game = this;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    App.isAnnounceEnabled = true;
                    Bridge.Script.Call("console.log", ex);
                    App.Announce("Unable to load game, save is corrupted. Generating new game...");
                    Bridge.Html5.Window.LocalStorage["game_continue"] = "";

                    this.length = length;
                    rnd         = new Random();
                    game        = this;
                    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPlayers; i++)
                        Player p = new Player()
                            color = i, name = "Player " + (i + 1)
                        p.currAI = i != 0 && playAI ? new AIsoptik(p) : null;
                    Map = GenerateMap(length);
                    //new Game(length, "", numberOfPlayers, playAI);
コード例 #5
ファイル: Achievement.cs プロジェクト: SoptikHa2/kingdom
 private void CheckAchiev()
     if (!isSpecial && !isDone)
         if (enemiesKilled >= reqEnemiesKilled && unitsLost >= reqUnitsLost && finishedGames >= reqFinishedGames && citiesCaptured >= reqCitiesCaptured &&
             resourcesRebuilt >= reqResourcesRebuilt && unitsRecruited >= reqUnitsRecruited && researchesResearched >= reqResearchesResearched &&
             recruitTentsBuilt >= reqRecruitTentsBuilt && recruitTentsDestroyed >= reqRecruitTentsDestroyed)
             isDone = true;
             App.Announce("Achieved new achievement: " + name);
コード例 #6
ファイル: City.cs プロジェクト: SoptikHa2/kingdom
        public override void NextTurn()
            if (Game.game.Map[x, y, 2] != null && (Game.game.Map[x, y, 2] as Unit).owner != owner)
                if (!readyToCapture)
                    readyToCapture = true;

                int pState = Game.game.playerState;

                if (readyToCapture && (Game.game.Map[x, y, 2] as Unit).owner == Game.game.players[pState == 0 ? Game.game.players.Count - 1 : pState - 1])
                    App.Announce("There is a city ready to capture!");

                if (readyToCapture && (Game.game.Map[x, y, 2] as Unit).owner != owner && owner == Game.game.players[pState == 0 ? Game.game.players.Count - 1 : pState - 1])
                    App.Announce("One of your cities is under siege!");
            else if (readyToCapture)
                readyToCapture = false;

            if (owner != null && Game.game.players[Game.game.playerState] == owner)
                owner.resources += Production;

            if (Game.game.Map[x, y, 2] != null && (Game.game.Map[x, y, 2] as Unit).owner == owner && Game.game.players[Game.game.playerState] == owner)
                (Game.game.Map[x, y, 2] as Unit).hp += 2;
                if ((Game.game.Map[x, y, 2] as Unit).hp > (Game.game.Map[x, y, 2] as Unit).maxhp)
                    (Game.game.Map[x, y, 2] as Unit).hp = (Game.game.Map[x, y, 2] as Unit).maxhp;
コード例 #7
        public bool StartResearch(Player player)
            bool everythingResearched = reqResearch.Count() == 0;

            if (!everythingResearched)
                foreach (int i in reqResearch)
                    if (player.researches[i].state == States.Researched)
                        everythingResearched = true;
                        everythingResearched = false;
            if (everythingResearched && state == States.NotResearched && cost <= player.resources && player.currentlyResearching == null && reqScienceLevel <= player.researchMultiplier)
                player.resources           -= cost;
                state                       = States.InProgress;
                player.currentlyResearching = this;

                 * int minusDueToSciencePoints = 0;
                 * if(reqScienceLevel + 1 < player.researchMultiplier)
                 * {
                 *  int percent = (int)(10 * (reqScienceLevel - player.researchMultiplier));
                 *  minusDueToSciencePoints = maximumTurnsRemaining * percent / 100;
                 * }
                 * turnsRemaining -= minusDueToSciencePoints;
                 * maximumTurnsRemaining -= minusDueToSciencePoints;*/

                App.Announce($"Research {name} started! It'll be finished in {turnsRemaining} turns.");
                if (!everythingResearched)
                    App.Announce("You need to research another researches before researching this");
                else if (state != States.NotResearched)
                    if (state == States.InProgress)
                        App.Announce("You are already researching this research");
                        App.Announce("You have already researched this research");
                else if (player.currentlyResearching != null)
                    App.Announce("You are already researching something");
                else if (reqScienceLevel > player.researchMultiplier)
                    App.Announce("Your science level isn't big enough. Build more science buildings.");
                    App.Announce("You don't have enough resources to start research");