public KinectDevice() { //_faceTracker = new FaceTrackerData(); _skeletonTracker = new SkeletonTrackerData(); _streamWriter = new StreamWriter(); // for Alpha, one sensor is supported _currentSensor = KinectSensor.Default; if (_currentSensor != null) { // get the coordinate mapper _coordinateMapper = _currentSensor.CoordinateMapper; // open the sensor _currentSensor.Open(); // get the depth (display) extents FrameDescription frameDescription = _currentSensor.DepthFrameSource.FrameDescription; _bodies = new Body[_currentSensor.BodyFrameSource.BodyCount]; // open the reader for the body frames _reader = _currentSensor.BodyFrameSource.OpenReader(); if (_reader != null) { _reader.FrameArrived += Reader_FrameArrived; } // set the status text Console.WriteLine("d|Found a sensor"); //this.StatusText = Properties.Resources.InitializingStatusTextFormat; } else { // on failure, set the status text Console.WriteLine("d|No sensor found"); //this.StatusText = Properties.Resources.NoSensorStatusText; } }