コード例 #1
        private unsafe List <Point> GetSpinePoints(Body activeBody, KinectBuffer depthBuffer, KinectBuffer bodyIndexBuffer)
            var joints = activeBody.Joints;

            if (!BackTrackerHelper.isBodyTracked(joints))

            // calculateRotationAngle(leftShoulder, rightShoulder, out double tan, out double cos);

            var width  = depthFrameDescription.Width;
            var height = depthFrameDescription.Height;

            var     bodyIndexFrameData = bodyIndexBuffer.UnderlyingBuffer;
            byte *  frameData          = (byte *)bodyIndexFrameData;
            ushort *depthFrameData     = (ushort *)depthBuffer.UnderlyingBuffer;

            // preparation work
            List <Point> spinePoints     = new List <Point>(height);
            BackArea     backArea        = new BackArea(kinectSensor, joints);
            int          lastPointY      = -1;
            Point        point           = new Point();
            var          depthSpacePoint = new DepthSpacePoint();
            var          point3D         = new CameraSpacePoint();

            if (debugData)
                writetext.WriteLine("############## FRAME START ##############");
            List <Point> rowPoints = new List <Point>();
            var          size      = bodyIndexBuffer.Size;

            for (int i = 0; i < (int)size; ++i)
                // the BodyColor array has been sized to match
                // BodyFrameSource.BodyCount

                // check if point belong to a person
                if (frameData[i] < BodyColor.Length)
                    point.X           = i % width;
                    point.Y           = i / width;
                    depthSpacePoint.X = i % width;
                    depthSpacePoint.Y = i / width;

                    // check if point is on the back
                    var pointIsOnBack = backArea.isPointInSpineArea(point);
                    if (pointIsOnBack)
                        this.bodyIndexPixels[i] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
                        this.bodyIndexPixels[i] = BodyColor[frameData[i]];
                    if (!pointIsOnBack)

                    // fill the current row of points (pixels that have the same Y)
                    point3D = kinectSensor.CoordinateMapper.MapDepthPointToCameraSpace(depthSpacePoint, depthFrameData[i]);
                    rowPoints.Add(new Point(point3D.Z, point3D.Y));
                    if (debugData)
                        writetext.WriteLine($"{point3D.Z}, {point3D.Y}");
                    if (i / width != lastPointY && rowPoints.Count != 0)
                        // if the current pixel doesn't belong to the same row
                        // process the current row and calculate the spine point from it
                        if (debugData)
                            writetext.WriteLine("-100, -100");
                    lastPointY = i / width;
                    this.bodyIndexPixels[i] = 0x00000000;

            if (debugData)
                writetext.WriteLine("************** FRAME END **************");

            // process the last line of pixels
            if (rowPoints.Count != 0)
コード例 #2
        private void drawSpinePoints(List <Point> spinePoints)
            if (spinePoints == null)
            Array.Clear(spinePixels, 0, spinePixels.Length);

            var width  = depthFrameDescription.Width;
            var height = depthFrameDescription.Height;

            // calculate max and mix points
            // of the spine
            int maxHeightPoint = 0, minHeightPoint = 0;
            int maxZPoint = 0, minZPoint = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < spinePoints.Count; i++)
                if (spinePoints[minHeightPoint].Y > spinePoints[i].Y)
                    minHeightPoint = i;
                if (spinePoints[maxHeightPoint].Y < spinePoints[i].Y)
                    maxHeightPoint = i;

                if (spinePoints[minZPoint].X > spinePoints[i].X)
                    minZPoint = i;
                if (spinePoints[maxZPoint].X < spinePoints[i].X)
                    maxZPoint = i;
            double roundFactor = 0.3;

            // round them, otherwise the picture is to shaky
            // because max and min value are slightly different from frame to frame
            double maxHeight       = BackTrackerHelper.upperBound(spinePoints[maxHeightPoint].Y, roundFactor);
            double minHeight       = BackTrackerHelper.lowerBound(spinePoints[minHeightPoint].Y, roundFactor);
            double maxZ            = BackTrackerHelper.upperBound(spinePoints[maxZPoint].X, roundFactor);
            double minZ            = BackTrackerHelper.lowerBound(spinePoints[minZPoint].X, roundFactor);
            double conversionRateY = height / (maxHeight - minHeight);
            double conversionRateZ = width / (maxZ - minZ);
            double conversionRate  = Math.Min(conversionRateY, conversionRateZ);

            // convert coordinates of a spine to pixels on the screen
            for (int i = 0; i < spinePoints.Count; i++)
                int pictureY = height - 1 - (int)(conversionRate * (spinePoints[i].Y - minHeight));
                int pictureX = (int)(conversionRate * (spinePoints[i].X - minZ));
                this.spinePixels[pictureY * width + pictureX] = BodyColor[0];

                new Int32Rect(0, 0, this.spineBitmap.PixelWidth, this.spineBitmap.PixelHeight),
                this.spineBitmap.PixelWidth * (int)BytesPerPixel,