private void loadDictionary() { using (System.IO.StreamReader sr = System.IO.File.OpenText("wordlist.txt")) { string s = ""; while ((s = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { s = s.ToLowerInvariant(); int count = 0; WordTreeNode currentNode = InitialNode; while (count < s.Length) { WordTreeNode next = currentNode.HasChild(s[count]); if (next == null) { next = new WordTreeNode(s[count], false); currentNode.AddChild(next); } currentNode = next; count++; } currentNode.AddChild(new WordTreeNode('!', false)); } } }
public void SetParent(WordTreeNode st) { parent = st; if (character == '!') { count++; parent.AddCount(); } }
public int CompareTo(Object obj) { if (obj.GetType().Equals(this.GetType())) { WordTreeNode other = (WordTreeNode)(obj); return(this.character.CompareTo(other.character)); } else { return(1); } }
public void AddChild(WordTreeNode st) { children.Add(st); st.SetParent(this); }
private void ConstructLetterLayout() { Letters = new List <Bubble>(); //START TRIGRAM SORTING ---------------------------------------------------- List <TrigramTrinaryNode> TrigramList = null; if (WordStack.Count >= 2) { string last = WordStack.Pop(); string twoback = WordStack.Peek(); WordStack.Push(last); TrigramList = Trigram.GetList(twoback, last); } if (TrigramList == null) { TrigramList = new List <TrigramTrinaryNode>(); } string WordSoFar = (string)(CenterBubble_Label.Content); List <WordTreeNode> TrigramChars = new List <WordTreeNode>(); foreach (TrigramTrinaryNode ttn in TrigramList) { string word = Trigram.MainNodes[ttn.WordIndex].text; if (word.StartsWith(WordSoFar, true, null)) { char next = ' '; if (word.Length > WordSoFar.Length) { next = word[WordSoFar.Length]; } bool found = false; foreach (WordTreeNode wtn in TrigramChars) { if (wtn.character == next) { wtn.count += (int)(ttn.frequency); found = true; } } if (!found) { WordTreeNode newWtn = new WordTreeNode(next, false); newWtn.count = (int)(ttn.frequency); TrigramChars.Add(newWtn); } } } //END TRIGRAM SORTING ----------------------------------------------------- List <WordTreeNode> finalChars = new List <WordTreeNode>(); while (finalChars.Count < Math.Min(9, TrigramChars.Count) && TrigramChars.Count > 0) { WordTreeNode max = TrigramChars[0]; foreach (WordTreeNode t in TrigramChars) { if (t.count > max.count) { max = t; } } finalChars.Add(max); TrigramChars.Remove(max); } int count = 0; CurrentNode.children = Organize(CurrentNode.children); while (finalChars.Count < 9 && count < CurrentNode.children.Count) { char n = CurrentNode.children[count].character; if (n != '!') { bool alreadyExists = false; foreach (WordTreeNode wtn in finalChars) { if (n == wtn.character) { alreadyExists = true; } } if (!alreadyExists) { finalChars.Add(CurrentNode.children[count]); } } count++; } count = 0; while (finalChars.Count < 9) { char n = InitialNode.children[count].character; bool alreadyExists = false; foreach (WordTreeNode wtn in finalChars) { if (n == wtn.character) { alreadyExists = true; } } if (!alreadyExists) { finalChars.Add(new WordTreeNode(n, false)); } count++; } WordTreeNode[] placedChars = new WordTreeNode[9]; List <WordTreeNode> placeLater = new List <WordTreeNode>(); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { WordTreeNode wtn = finalChars[i]; int place = -1; foreach (WordTreeNode a in PreviousCharacterLocation) { if (wtn.character == a.character && Sticky.Content.Equals("Turn off Sticky")) { place = a.count; } } if (place == -1) { placeLater.Add(wtn); } else { int ct = 0; while (true) { int position = (((int)(Math.Pow((-1), (ct + 1)))) * ((ct + 1) / 2) + place) % 9; while (position < 0) { position += 9; } ct++; if (placedChars[position] == null) { placedChars[position] = wtn; break; } } } } placeLater.Sort(); foreach (WordTreeNode wtn in placeLater) { bool placed = false; int ct = 0; while (!placed) { if (placedChars[ct] == null) { placedChars[ct] = wtn; placed = true; } ct++; } } //Now placedChars contains all the characters in the order they need to be placed ----------- for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { WordTreeNode wtn = placedChars[i]; WordTreeNode listing = null; foreach (WordTreeNode position in PreviousCharacterLocation) { if (position.character == wtn.character) { listing = position; listing.count = i; } } if (listing != null) { PreviousCharacterLocation.Remove(listing); PreviousCharacterLocation.Insert(0, listing); } else { WordTreeNode newwtn = new WordTreeNode(wtn.character, false); newwtn.count = i; PreviousCharacterLocation.Insert(0, newwtn); } } double cutTheta = 2 * Math.PI / 9; double greatestWords = int.MinValue; foreach (WordTreeNode w in placedChars) { greatestWords = (w.count > greatestWords) ? w.count : greatestWords; } for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { WordTreeNode wtn = placedChars[i]; WordTreeNode fromNode = CurrentNode.HasChild(wtn.character); Letters.Add(new Bubble(theCanvas, new Point(Canvas.GetLeft(CenterBubble_Ellipse) + CenterBubble_Ellipse.Width / 2 + RADIUS[0] * Math.Sin(cutTheta * i), Canvas.GetTop(CenterBubble_Ellipse) + CenterBubble_Ellipse.Height / 2 + RADIUS[0] * -Math.Cos(cutTheta * i)), BUBBLERADIUS[0], fromNode != null ? Brushes.Yellow : Brushes.LightYellow, wtn.character, Bubble.RingStatus.INNER, 30 + (fromNode != null ? (int)(18 * fromNode.count / greatestWords) : 0))); } cutTheta = 2 * Math.PI / 27; for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) { Letters.Add(new Bubble(theCanvas, new Point(Canvas.GetLeft(CenterBubble_Ellipse) + CenterBubble_Ellipse.Width / 2 + RADIUS[1] * Math.Sin(cutTheta * i), Canvas.GetTop(CenterBubble_Ellipse) + CenterBubble_Ellipse.Height / 2 + RADIUS[1] * -Math.Cos(cutTheta * i)), BUBBLERADIUS[1], CurrentNode.HasChild((char)((int)('a') + i)) != null ? Brushes.Yellow : Brushes.LightYellow, (char)((int)('a') + i), Bubble.RingStatus.OUTER, 24)); } Letters.Add(new Bubble(theCanvas, new Point(Canvas.GetLeft(CenterBubble_Ellipse) + CenterBubble_Ellipse.Width / 2 + RADIUS[1] * Math.Sin(26 * cutTheta), Canvas.GetTop(CenterBubble_Ellipse) + CenterBubble_Ellipse.Height / 2 + RADIUS[1] * -Math.Cos(26 * -cutTheta)), BUBBLERADIUS[1], CurrentNode.HasChild('-') != null ? Brushes.Yellow : Brushes.LightYellow, '-', Bubble.RingStatus.OUTER, 24)); }
public void RunWordSearch() { if (TrackedSkeleton != null) { Joint MotionHandJoint = (TrackedSkeleton.Joints[MotionHand]).ScaleTo(222, 1044); Joint MotionHandJointScaled = TrackedSkeleton.Joints[MotionHand].ScaleTo(1366, 768, 0.55f, 0.55f); Joint SelectionHandJoint = (TrackedSkeleton.Joints[SelectionHand]).ScaleTo(222, 656); Joint SelectionHandJointScaled = (TrackedSkeleton.Joints[SelectionHand]).ScaleTo(1366, 768, 0.55f, 0.55f); Point MotionHandPosition = new Point((MotionHandJointScaled.Position.X), (MotionHandJointScaled.Position.Y)); Point SelectionHandPosition = new Point((SelectionHandJointScaled.Position.X), (SelectionHandJointScaled.Position.Y)); //Move Cursor //SetCursorPos((int)(MotionHandPosition.X), (int)(MotionHandPosition.Y)); Point destination_top_left = theCanvas.PointFromScreen(MotionHandPosition); if (selected.Count > 0) { Pointer_Ellipse.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; int best = 0; for (int i = 1; i < selected.Count; i++) { if (selected_time[i][1].Subtract(selected_time[i][0]).TotalDays > selected_time[best][1].Subtract(selected_time[best][0]).TotalDays) { best = i; } } Bubble select = selected[best]; if (halo != null) { halo.RemoveFromParent(); } halo = select.ConstructClone(destination_top_left); halo_parent = select; } else { Pointer_Ellipse.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; if (halo != null) { halo.RemoveFromParent(); halo = null; halo_parent = null; } } destination_top_left = Point.Add(destination_top_left, new System.Windows.Vector(Pointer_Ellipse.Width / -2, Pointer_Ellipse.Height / -2)); Canvas.SetTop(Pointer_Ellipse, destination_top_left.Y); Canvas.SetLeft(Pointer_Ellipse, destination_top_left.X); //Added data position to a queue of positions that will be loaded for each letter PositionData.Enqueue("\r\n\t\t\t\t<entry motionhand_x=\"" + MotionHandPosition.X + "\" motionhand_y=\"" + MotionHandPosition.Y + "\" selectionhand_x=\"" + SelectionHandPosition.X + "\" selectionhand_y=\"" + SelectionHandPosition.Y + "\" relative_timestamp=\"" + DateTime.Now.Subtract(StartTime).TotalMilliseconds + "\" />"); //Setup the default colors of the bubbles foreach (Bubble beta in Letters) { if (CurrentNode.HasChild(beta.Word()) != null) { beta.SetColor(Brushes.Yellow); } else { beta.SetColor(Brushes.LightYellow); } } for (int i = 0; i < selected.Count; i++) { if (!selected_off[i] && !CircleOver(selected[i].Ellipse)) { selected_off[i] = true; selected_time[i][1] = DateTime.Now; } else if (!selected_off[i] && CircleOver(selected[i].Ellipse)) { selected_time[i][1] = DateTime.Now; } else if (selected_off[i] && CircleOver(selected[i].Ellipse)) { TimeSpan t = selected_time[i][1].Subtract(selected_time[i][0]); selected_time[i][0] = DateTime.Now.Subtract(t); selected_time[i][1] = DateTime.Now; selected_off[i] = false; } } //Starting Case (only occurs once) if (SelectionHandLast == null) { SelectionHandLast = SelectionHandPosition; } else { //Measures the distance traveled by the selection hand SelectionHandDistance += Point.Subtract(SelectionHandLast, SelectionHandPosition).Length; SelectionHandLast = SelectionHandPosition; } //Measures the distance traveled by the motion hand if (MotionHandLast == null) { MotionHandLast = MotionHandPosition; } else { MotionHandDistance += Point.Subtract(MotionHandLast, MotionHandPosition).Length; MotionHandLast = MotionHandPosition; } //foreach (Bubble beta in Letters) //{ // if (Shift) // { // beta.setText(beta.Word().ToString().ToUpperInvariant()[0]); // } // else // { // beta.setText(beta.Word().ToString().ToLowerInvariant()[0]); // } //} Gesture MotionHandGesture = keyboardGestureTracker.track(TrackedSkeleton, TrackedSkeleton.Joints[MotionHand], nui.NuiCamera.ElevationAngle); Gesture SelectionHandGesture = regularGestureTracker.track(TrackedSkeleton, TrackedSkeleton.Joints[SelectionHand], nui.NuiCamera.ElevationAngle); if (CircleOver(CenterBubble_Ellipse)) { ReturnedToCenter = true; if (!EnterCenterFirst) { PositionData = new Queue <string>(); EnterCenterFirst = true; } if (SelectionHandGesture != null && (( == GestureID.SwipeLeft && SelectionHand == JointID.HandRight) || ( == GestureID.SwipeRight && SelectionHand == JointID.HandLeft))) { SendKeys.SendWait("{Backspace}"); if (CenterBubble_Label.Content.ToString().Length > 0) { CenterBubble_Label.Content = CenterBubble_Label.Content.ToString().Substring(0, CenterBubble_Label.Content.ToString().Length - 1); CurrentNode = (CurrentNode.parent != null ? CurrentNode.parent : CurrentNode); } RemoveLayout(); ConstructLetterLayout(); PositionData.Enqueue("\r\n\t\t\t\t<backspace motionhand_x=\"" + MotionHandPosition.X + "\" motionhand_y=\"" + MotionHandPosition.Y + "\" selectionhand_x=\"" + SelectionHandPosition.X + "\" selectionhand_y=\"" + SelectionHandPosition.Y + "\" relative_timestamp=\"" + DateTime.Now.Subtract(StartTime).TotalMilliseconds + "\" />"); } else if (SelectionHandGesture != null && == GestureID.Push) { if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(last_space).TotalSeconds > 0.75) { RemoveLayout(); CurrentNode = InitialNode; ConstructLetterLayout(); SendKeys.SendWait(" "); WordStack.Push(CenterBubble_Label.Content.ToString()); string word = "\r\n\t\t<word text=\"" + WordStack.Peek() + "\">"; while (WordData.Count > 0) { word += WordData.Dequeue(); } word += "\r\n\t\t</word>"; SentenceData.Enqueue(word); WordData = new Queue <string>(); CenterBubble_Label.Content = ""; last_space = DateTime.Now; } } //if ((SelectionHandGesture != null && == GestureID.SwipeUp) || Shift == true) //{ // Shift = true; // foreach (Bubble beta in Letters) // { // beta.setText(beta.Word().ToString().ToUpperInvariant()[0]); // } //} //if ((SelectionHandGesture != null && == GestureID.SwipeDown) || Shift == false) //{ // Shift = false; // foreach (Bubble beta in Letters) // { // beta.setText(beta.Word().ToString().ToLowerInvariant()[0]); // } //} if (selected.Count > 0 && MotionHandGesture != null && == GestureID.Still) { Bubble select = halo; //Shift = false; ReturnedToCenter = false; char c = select.GetCharacter(); RemoveLayout(); WordTreeNode NextNode = CurrentNode.HasChild(c); if (NextNode == null) { NextNode = new WordTreeNode(c, false); NextNode.parent = CurrentNode; } CurrentNode = NextNode; ConstructLetterLayout(); SendKeys.SendWait(c.ToString()); CenterBubble_Label.Content = CenterBubble_Label.Content.ToString() + c.ToString(); string letter = ""; string InnerRing = (select.r == Bubble.RingStatus.INNER ? "true" : (PreviousCharacterLocation.Contains(CurrentNode) ? "false" : "outside")); letter += ("\r\n\t\t\t<print char=\"" + c + "\" selection_hand_distance=\"" + SelectionHandDistance + "\" motion_hand_distance=\"" + MotionHandDistance + "\" InnerRing=\"" + InnerRing + "\""); while (PositionData.Count > 0) { letter += PositionData.Dequeue(); } PositionData = new Queue <string>(); letter += ("\r\n\t\t\t</print>"); WordData.Enqueue(letter); SelectionHandDistance = 0.0; MotionHandDistance = 0.0; if (CurrentNode.HasChild('!') != null) { CenterBubble_Ellipse.Fill = Brushes.AntiqueWhite; } else { CenterBubble_Ellipse.Fill = Brushes.GreenYellow; } selected = new List <Bubble>(); selected_time = new List <DateTime[]>(); selected_off = new List <bool> (); } } // We can make changes to the layout if (ReturnedToCenter) { if ( == GestureID.Still) { foreach (Bubble beta in Letters) { if (CircleOver(beta.Ellipse) && !selected.Contains(beta)) { selected.Add(beta); DateTime[] arr = new DateTime[2]; arr[0] = DateTime.Now; arr[1] = DateTime.Now; selected_time.Add(arr); selected_off.Add(false); } if (CurrentNode.HasChild(beta.Word()) != null) { beta.SetColor(Brushes.Yellow); } else { beta.SetColor(Brushes.LightYellow); } } } } } if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(BlueFlash).TotalMilliseconds < 500) { CenterBubble_Ellipse.Fill = Brushes.LightBlue; } else { if (CurrentNode.HasChild('!') != null) { CenterBubble_Ellipse.Fill = Brushes.AntiqueWhite; } else { CenterBubble_Ellipse.Fill = Brushes.GreenYellow; } } if (halo_parent != null) { halo_parent.SetColor(Brushes.LightGreen); } }
private void ConstructLetterLayout() { Letters = new List<Bubble>(); //START TRIGRAM SORTING ---------------------------------------------------- List<TrigramTrinaryNode> TrigramList = null; if (WordStack.Count >= 2) { string last = WordStack.Pop(); string twoback = WordStack.Peek(); WordStack.Push(last); TrigramList = Trigram.GetList(twoback, last); } if (TrigramList == null) { TrigramList = new List<TrigramTrinaryNode>(); } string WordSoFar = (string)(CenterBubble_Label.Content); List<WordTreeNode> TrigramChars = new List<WordTreeNode>(); foreach (TrigramTrinaryNode ttn in TrigramList) { string word = Trigram.MainNodes[ttn.WordIndex].text; if (word.StartsWith(WordSoFar, true, null)) { char next = ' '; if (word.Length > WordSoFar.Length) { next = word[WordSoFar.Length]; } bool found = false; foreach (WordTreeNode wtn in TrigramChars) { if (wtn.character == next) { wtn.count += (int)(ttn.frequency); found = true; } } if (!found) { WordTreeNode newWtn = new WordTreeNode(next, false); newWtn.count = (int)(ttn.frequency); TrigramChars.Add(newWtn); } } } //END TRIGRAM SORTING ----------------------------------------------------- List<WordTreeNode> finalChars = new List<WordTreeNode>(); while (finalChars.Count < Math.Min(9, TrigramChars.Count) && TrigramChars.Count > 0) { WordTreeNode max = TrigramChars[0]; foreach (WordTreeNode t in TrigramChars) { if (t.count > max.count) max = t; } finalChars.Add(max); TrigramChars.Remove(max); } int count = 0; CurrentNode.children = Organize(CurrentNode.children); while (finalChars.Count < 9 && count < CurrentNode.children.Count) { char n = CurrentNode.children[count].character; if (n != '!') { bool alreadyExists = false; foreach (WordTreeNode wtn in finalChars) { if (n == wtn.character) { alreadyExists = true; } } if (!alreadyExists) { finalChars.Add(CurrentNode.children[count]); } } count++; } count = 0; while (finalChars.Count < 9) { char n = InitialNode.children[count].character; bool alreadyExists = false; foreach (WordTreeNode wtn in finalChars) { if (n == wtn.character) { alreadyExists = true; } } if (!alreadyExists) { finalChars.Add(new WordTreeNode(n, false)); } count++; } WordTreeNode[] placedChars = new WordTreeNode[9]; List<WordTreeNode> placeLater = new List<WordTreeNode>(); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { WordTreeNode wtn = finalChars[i]; int place = -1; foreach (WordTreeNode a in PreviousCharacterLocation) { if (wtn.character == a.character && Sticky.Content.Equals("Turn off Sticky")) { place = a.count; } } if (place == -1) { placeLater.Add(wtn); } else { int ct = 0; while (true) { int position = (((int)(Math.Pow((-1), (ct + 1)))) * ((ct + 1) / 2) + place) % 9; while (position < 0) { position += 9; } ct++; if (placedChars[position] == null) { placedChars[position] = wtn; break; } } } } placeLater.Sort(); foreach (WordTreeNode wtn in placeLater) { bool placed = false; int ct = 0; while (!placed) { if (placedChars[ct] == null) { placedChars[ct] = wtn; placed = true; } ct++; } } //Now placedChars contains all the characters in the order they need to be placed ----------- for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { WordTreeNode wtn = placedChars[i]; WordTreeNode listing = null; foreach (WordTreeNode position in PreviousCharacterLocation) { if (position.character == wtn.character) { listing = position; listing.count = i; } } if (listing != null) { PreviousCharacterLocation.Remove(listing); PreviousCharacterLocation.Insert(0, listing); } else { WordTreeNode newwtn = new WordTreeNode(wtn.character, false); newwtn.count = i; PreviousCharacterLocation.Insert(0, newwtn); } } double cutTheta = 2 * Math.PI / 9; double greatestWords = int.MinValue; foreach (WordTreeNode w in placedChars) { greatestWords = (w.count > greatestWords) ? w.count : greatestWords; } for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { WordTreeNode wtn = placedChars[i]; WordTreeNode fromNode = CurrentNode.HasChild(wtn.character); Letters.Add(new Bubble(theCanvas, new Point(Canvas.GetLeft(CenterBubble_Ellipse) + CenterBubble_Ellipse.Width / 2 + RADIUS[0] * Math.Sin(cutTheta * i), Canvas.GetTop(CenterBubble_Ellipse) + CenterBubble_Ellipse.Height / 2 + RADIUS[0] * -Math.Cos(cutTheta * i)), BUBBLERADIUS[0], fromNode != null ? Brushes.Yellow : Brushes.LightYellow, wtn.character, Bubble.RingStatus.INNER, 30 + (fromNode != null ? (int)( 18 * fromNode.count / greatestWords) : 0))); } cutTheta = 2 * Math.PI / 27; for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) { Letters.Add(new Bubble(theCanvas, new Point(Canvas.GetLeft(CenterBubble_Ellipse) + CenterBubble_Ellipse.Width / 2 + RADIUS[1] * Math.Sin(cutTheta * i), Canvas.GetTop(CenterBubble_Ellipse) + CenterBubble_Ellipse.Height / 2 + RADIUS[1] * -Math.Cos(cutTheta * i)), BUBBLERADIUS[1], CurrentNode.HasChild((char)((int)('a') + i)) != null ? Brushes.Yellow : Brushes.LightYellow, (char)((int)('a') + i), Bubble.RingStatus.OUTER, 24)); } Letters.Add(new Bubble(theCanvas, new Point(Canvas.GetLeft(CenterBubble_Ellipse) + CenterBubble_Ellipse.Width / 2 + RADIUS[1] * Math.Sin(26 * cutTheta), Canvas.GetTop(CenterBubble_Ellipse) + CenterBubble_Ellipse.Height / 2 + RADIUS[1] * -Math.Cos(26 * -cutTheta)), BUBBLERADIUS[1], CurrentNode.HasChild('-') != null ? Brushes.Yellow : Brushes.LightYellow, '-', Bubble.RingStatus.OUTER, 24)); }
public void RunWordSearch() { if (TrackedSkeleton != null) { Joint MotionHandJoint = (TrackedSkeleton.Joints[MotionHand]).ScaleTo(222, 1044); Joint MotionHandJointScaled = TrackedSkeleton.Joints[MotionHand].ScaleTo(1366, 768, 0.55f, 0.55f); Joint SelectionHandJoint = (TrackedSkeleton.Joints[SelectionHand]).ScaleTo(222, 656); Joint SelectionHandJointScaled = (TrackedSkeleton.Joints[SelectionHand]).ScaleTo(1366, 768, 0.55f, 0.55f); Point MotionHandPosition = new Point((MotionHandJointScaled.Position.X), (MotionHandJointScaled.Position.Y)); Point SelectionHandPosition = new Point((SelectionHandJointScaled.Position.X), (SelectionHandJointScaled.Position.Y)); //Move Cursor //SetCursorPos((int)(MotionHandPosition.X), (int)(MotionHandPosition.Y)); Point destination_top_left = theCanvas.PointFromScreen(MotionHandPosition); if (selected.Count > 0) { Pointer_Ellipse.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; int best = 0; for (int i = 1; i < selected.Count; i++) { if (selected_time[i][1].Subtract(selected_time[i][0]).TotalDays > selected_time[best][1].Subtract(selected_time[best][0]).TotalDays) { best = i; } } Bubble select = selected[best]; if (halo != null) { halo.RemoveFromParent(); } halo = select.ConstructClone(destination_top_left); halo_parent = select; } else { Pointer_Ellipse.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; if (halo != null) { halo.RemoveFromParent(); halo = null; halo_parent = null; } } destination_top_left = Point.Add(destination_top_left, new System.Windows.Vector(Pointer_Ellipse.Width / -2, Pointer_Ellipse.Height / -2)); Canvas.SetTop(Pointer_Ellipse, destination_top_left.Y); Canvas.SetLeft(Pointer_Ellipse, destination_top_left.X); //Added data position to a queue of positions that will be loaded for each letter PositionData.Enqueue("\r\n\t\t\t\t<entry motionhand_x=\"" + MotionHandPosition.X + "\" motionhand_y=\"" + MotionHandPosition.Y + "\" selectionhand_x=\"" + SelectionHandPosition.X + "\" selectionhand_y=\"" + SelectionHandPosition.Y + "\" relative_timestamp=\"" + DateTime.Now.Subtract(StartTime).TotalMilliseconds + "\" />"); //Setup the default colors of the bubbles foreach (Bubble beta in Letters) { if (CurrentNode.HasChild(beta.Word()) != null) { beta.SetColor(Brushes.Yellow); } else { beta.SetColor(Brushes.LightYellow); } } for (int i = 0; i < selected.Count; i++) { if (!selected_off[i] && !CircleOver(selected[i].Ellipse)) { selected_off[i] = true; selected_time[i][1] = DateTime.Now; } else if (!selected_off[i] && CircleOver(selected[i].Ellipse)) { selected_time[i][1] = DateTime.Now; } else if (selected_off[i] && CircleOver(selected[i].Ellipse)) { TimeSpan t = selected_time[i][1].Subtract(selected_time[i][0]); selected_time[i][0] = DateTime.Now.Subtract(t); selected_time[i][1] = DateTime.Now; selected_off[i] = false; } } //Starting Case (only occurs once) if (SelectionHandLast == null) { SelectionHandLast = SelectionHandPosition; } else { //Measures the distance traveled by the selection hand SelectionHandDistance += Point.Subtract(SelectionHandLast, SelectionHandPosition).Length; SelectionHandLast = SelectionHandPosition; } //Measures the distance traveled by the motion hand if (MotionHandLast == null) { MotionHandLast = MotionHandPosition; } else { MotionHandDistance += Point.Subtract(MotionHandLast, MotionHandPosition).Length; MotionHandLast = MotionHandPosition; } //foreach (Bubble beta in Letters) //{ // if (Shift) // { // beta.setText(beta.Word().ToString().ToUpperInvariant()[0]); // } // else // { // beta.setText(beta.Word().ToString().ToLowerInvariant()[0]); // } //} Gesture MotionHandGesture = keyboardGestureTracker.track(TrackedSkeleton, TrackedSkeleton.Joints[MotionHand], nui.NuiCamera.ElevationAngle); Gesture SelectionHandGesture = regularGestureTracker.track(TrackedSkeleton, TrackedSkeleton.Joints[SelectionHand], nui.NuiCamera.ElevationAngle); if (CircleOver(CenterBubble_Ellipse)) { ReturnedToCenter = true; if (!EnterCenterFirst) { PositionData = new Queue<string>(); EnterCenterFirst = true; } if (SelectionHandGesture != null && ( ( == GestureID.SwipeLeft && SelectionHand == JointID.HandRight) || ( == GestureID.SwipeRight && SelectionHand == JointID.HandLeft) )) { SendKeys.SendWait("{Backspace}"); if (CenterBubble_Label.Content.ToString().Length > 0) { CenterBubble_Label.Content = CenterBubble_Label.Content.ToString().Substring(0, CenterBubble_Label.Content.ToString().Length - 1); CurrentNode = (CurrentNode.parent != null ? CurrentNode.parent : CurrentNode); } RemoveLayout(); ConstructLetterLayout(); PositionData.Enqueue("\r\n\t\t\t\t<backspace motionhand_x=\"" + MotionHandPosition.X + "\" motionhand_y=\"" + MotionHandPosition.Y + "\" selectionhand_x=\"" + SelectionHandPosition.X + "\" selectionhand_y=\"" + SelectionHandPosition.Y + "\" relative_timestamp=\"" + DateTime.Now.Subtract(StartTime).TotalMilliseconds + "\" />"); } else if (SelectionHandGesture != null && == GestureID.Push) { if(DateTime.Now.Subtract(last_space).TotalSeconds > 0.75) { RemoveLayout(); CurrentNode = InitialNode; ConstructLetterLayout(); SendKeys.SendWait(" "); WordStack.Push(CenterBubble_Label.Content.ToString()); string word = "\r\n\t\t<word text=\"" + WordStack.Peek() + "\">"; while (WordData.Count > 0) { word += WordData.Dequeue(); } word += "\r\n\t\t</word>"; SentenceData.Enqueue(word); WordData = new Queue<string>(); CenterBubble_Label.Content = ""; last_space = DateTime.Now; } } //if ((SelectionHandGesture != null && == GestureID.SwipeUp) || Shift == true) //{ // Shift = true; // foreach (Bubble beta in Letters) // { // beta.setText(beta.Word().ToString().ToUpperInvariant()[0]); // } //} //if ((SelectionHandGesture != null && == GestureID.SwipeDown) || Shift == false) //{ // Shift = false; // foreach (Bubble beta in Letters) // { // beta.setText(beta.Word().ToString().ToLowerInvariant()[0]); // } //} if (selected.Count > 0 && MotionHandGesture != null && == GestureID.Still) { Bubble select = halo; //Shift = false; ReturnedToCenter = false; char c = select.GetCharacter(); RemoveLayout(); WordTreeNode NextNode = CurrentNode.HasChild(c); if (NextNode == null) { NextNode = new WordTreeNode(c, false); NextNode.parent = CurrentNode; } CurrentNode = NextNode; ConstructLetterLayout(); SendKeys.SendWait(c.ToString()); CenterBubble_Label.Content = CenterBubble_Label.Content.ToString() + c.ToString(); string letter = ""; string InnerRing = (select.r == Bubble.RingStatus.INNER ? "true" : (PreviousCharacterLocation.Contains(CurrentNode) ? "false" : "outside")); letter += ("\r\n\t\t\t<print char=\"" + c + "\" selection_hand_distance=\"" + SelectionHandDistance + "\" motion_hand_distance=\"" + MotionHandDistance + "\" InnerRing=\"" + InnerRing + "\""); while (PositionData.Count > 0) { letter += PositionData.Dequeue(); } PositionData = new Queue<string>(); letter += ("\r\n\t\t\t</print>"); WordData.Enqueue(letter); SelectionHandDistance = 0.0; MotionHandDistance = 0.0; if (CurrentNode.HasChild('!') != null) { CenterBubble_Ellipse.Fill = Brushes.AntiqueWhite; } else { CenterBubble_Ellipse.Fill = Brushes.GreenYellow; } selected = new List<Bubble>(); selected_time = new List<DateTime[]>(); selected_off = new List<bool> (); } } // We can make changes to the layout if (ReturnedToCenter) { if ( == GestureID.Still) { foreach (Bubble beta in Letters) { if (CircleOver(beta.Ellipse) && !selected.Contains(beta)) { selected.Add(beta); DateTime[] arr = new DateTime[2]; arr[0] = DateTime.Now; arr[1] = DateTime.Now; selected_time.Add(arr); selected_off.Add(false); } if (CurrentNode.HasChild(beta.Word()) != null) { beta.SetColor(Brushes.Yellow); } else { beta.SetColor(Brushes.LightYellow); } } } } } if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(BlueFlash).TotalMilliseconds < 500) { CenterBubble_Ellipse.Fill = Brushes.LightBlue; } else { if (CurrentNode.HasChild('!') != null) { CenterBubble_Ellipse.Fill = Brushes.AntiqueWhite; } else { CenterBubble_Ellipse.Fill = Brushes.GreenYellow; } } if (halo_parent != null) { halo_parent.SetColor(Brushes.LightGreen); } }