コード例 #1
        public override void StoreItemCount(CharacterBody self)
            ArtemisBlessingComponent cpt = self.gameObject.GetComponent <ArtemisBlessingComponent>();

            if (GetCount(self) > 0 || cpt)
                if (!cpt)
                    cpt = self.gameObject.AddComponent <ArtemisBlessingComponent>();
                cpt.cachedIcnt = GetCount(self);
コード例 #2
        private void IL_CBTakeDamage(ILContext il)
            var  c = new ILCursor(il);
            bool ILFound;

            int locDmg = -1;

            ILFound = c.TryGotoNext(
                x => x.MatchLdarg(1),
                x => x.MatchLdfld <DamageInfo>("damage"),
                x => x.MatchStloc(out locDmg));

            if (!ILFound)
                ilFailed = true;
                KevinsAdditionsPlugin._logger.LogError("Failed to apply Artemis' Blessing IL patch (damage var read), item will not work; target instructions not found");

            FieldReference locEnemy = null;
            int            locThis  = -1;

            ILFound = c.TryGotoNext(
                x => x.MatchLdloc(2),
                x => x.MatchLdarg(out locThis),
                x => x.MatchLdfld(out locEnemy),
                x => x.MatchCallOrCallvirt <CharacterBody>("get_teamComponent"),
                x => x.MatchCallOrCallvirt <TeamComponent>("get_teamIndex"));

            if (!ILFound)
                ilFailed = true;
                KevinsAdditionsPlugin._logger.LogError("Failed to apply Artemis' Blessing IL patch (damage var read), item will not work; target instructions not found");

            int locChrm = -1;

            ILFound = c.TryGotoNext(
                x => x.MatchLdloc(out locChrm),
                x => x.MatchCallOrCallvirt <CharacterMaster>("get_inventory"),
                x => x.MatchLdcI4((int)ItemIndex.Crowbar)) &&
                                    x => x.OpCode == OpCodes.Brfalse);

            if (ILFound)
                c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, locChrm);
                c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, locThis);
                c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, locDmg);
                c.EmitDelegate <Func <CharacterMaster, HealthComponent, float, float> >((chrm, body, origdmg) =>
                    ArtemisBlessingComponent cpt = chrm.GetBodyObject().GetComponent <ArtemisBlessingComponent>();
                    if (!cpt || cpt.cachedIcnt == 0)
                    float aDist = (chrm.GetBody().corePosition - body.body.corePosition).magnitude;

                    return(origdmg * (1 + (Math.Max((Math.Min(aDist, maxDist) - medDist) * effectMult, minReduction - 1.0f) * cpt.cachedIcnt))); //Damage Calculation
                c.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, locDmg);
                ilFailed = true;
                KevinsAdditionsPlugin._logger.LogError("Failed to apply Artemis' Blessing IL patch (damage var write), item will not work; target instructions not found");
コード例 #3
        private void IL_CBDefaultHitCallback(ILContext il) // Reduces the damage falloff when equipped
            var  c = new ILCursor(il);
            bool ILFound;

            ArtemisBlessingComponent cpt = null;

            c.EmitDelegate <Action <BulletAttack> >((thing) =>
                cpt = thing.owner.GetComponent <ArtemisBlessingComponent>();

            if (!cpt)

            ILFound = c.TryGotoNext(
                x => x.MatchLdcR4(0.5f),
                x => x.MatchLdcR4(60f),
                x => x.MatchLdcR4(25f),
                x => x.MatchLdarg(1),
                x => x.MatchLdfld <BulletAttack.BulletHit>("distance"),
                x => x.MatchCallOrCallvirt("UnityEngine.Mathf", "InverseLerp"),
                x => x.MatchCallOrCallvirt("UnityEngine.Mathf", "Clamp01"),
                x => x.MatchLdcR4(0.5f));

            if (!ILFound)
                ilFailed = true;
                KevinsAdditionsPlugin._logger.LogError("Failed to apply Artemis' Blessing IL patch (bulletfalloff var read), item will not work; target instructions not found");
                c.Next.Operand = falloffBullet;
                c.Index       += 8;
                c.Next.Operand = 1f - falloffBullet;

            ILFound = c.TryGotoNext(
                x => x.MatchLdcR4(0.25f),
                x => x.MatchLdcR4(25f),
                x => x.MatchLdcR4(7f),
                x => x.MatchLdarg(1),
                x => x.MatchLdfld <BulletAttack.BulletHit>("distance"),
                x => x.MatchCallOrCallvirt("UnityEngine.Mathf", "InverseLerp"),
                x => x.MatchCallOrCallvirt("UnityEngine.Mathf", "Clamp01"),
                x => x.MatchLdcR4(0.75f));

            if (!ILFound)
                ilFailed = true;
                KevinsAdditionsPlugin._logger.LogError("Failed to apply Artemis' Blessing IL patch (shotgunfalloff var read), item will not work; target instructions not found");
            c.Next.Operand = falloffShotgun;
            c.Index       += 8;
            c.Next.Operand = 1f - falloffShotgun;