public static void DrawNewPadWindow(int windowID) { if (_padCosts == null || _padLvlOptions == null) { LoadPadNamesAndCosts(); } GUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUILayout.Label("Name:"); _newName = GUILayout.TextField(_newName); GUILayout.Label("Pad level:"); _selectedPadIdx = GUILayout.SelectionGrid(_selectedPadIdx, _padLvlOptions, 1); double curPadCost = _padCosts[_selectedPadIdx]; double curPadBuildTime = FacilityUpgrade.CalculateBuildTime(curPadCost, SpaceCenterFacility.LaunchPad); string sBuildTime = KSPUtil.PrintDateDelta(curPadBuildTime, true); GUILayout.Label($"It will cost {Math.Round(curPadCost, 2):N} funds to build the new launchpad. " + $"Estimated construction time is {sBuildTime}. Would you like to build it?"); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Yes")) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_newName)) { ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("Enter a name for the new launchpad"); return; } for (int i = 0; i < KCTGameStates.ActiveKSC.LaunchPads.Count; i++) { var lp = KCTGameStates.ActiveKSC.LaunchPads[i]; if (string.Equals(, _newName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("Another launchpad with the same name already exists"); return; } } GUIStates.ShowNewPad = false; _centralWindowPosition.height = 1; _centralWindowPosition.width = 150; _centralWindowPosition.x = (Screen.width - 150) / 2; GUIStates.ShowBuildList = true; if (!Utilities.CurrentGameIsCareer()) { KCTDebug.Log("Building new launchpad!"); KCTGameStates.ActiveKSC.LaunchPads.Add(new KCT_LaunchPad(_newName, _selectedPadIdx)); } else if (Funding.CanAfford((float)curPadCost)) { KCTDebug.Log("Building new launchpad!"); Utilities.SpendFunds(curPadCost, TransactionReasons.StructureConstruction); KCTGameStates.ActiveKSC.LaunchPads.Add(new KCT_LaunchPad(_newName, -1)); FacilityUpgrade newPad = new FacilityUpgrade { FacilityType = SpaceCenterFacility.LaunchPad, Id = KCT_LaunchPad.LPID, IsLaunchpad = true, LaunchpadID = KCTGameStates.ActiveKSC.LaunchPads.Count - 1, UpgradeLevel = _selectedPadIdx, CurrentLevel = -1, Cost = curPadCost, CommonName = _newName }; newPad.SetBP(curPadCost); try { KCTEvents.OnFacilityUpgradeQueued?.Fire(newPad); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogException(ex); } KCTGameStates.ActiveKSC.KSCTech.Add(newPad); } else { ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("Not enough funds to build this launchpad."); } _padCosts = null; _padLvlOptions = null; _costOfNewLP = int.MinValue; } if (GUILayout.Button("No")) { _centralWindowPosition.height = 1; _centralWindowPosition.width = 150; _centralWindowPosition.x = (Screen.width - 150) / 2; _padCosts = null; _padLvlOptions = null; GUIStates.ShowNewPad = false; GUIStates.ShowBuildList = true; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.EndVertical(); CenterWindow(ref _centralWindowPosition); }
public static void DrawNewPadWindow(int windowID) { if (_padCosts == null || _padLvlOptions == null) { LoadPadNamesAndCosts(); } GUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUILayout.Label("Name:"); _newName = GUILayout.TextField(_newName); GUILayout.Label("Pad level:"); _selectedPadIdx = GUILayout.SelectionGrid(_selectedPadIdx, _padLvlOptions, 2); Vector3 unlimitedSizeThreshold = new Vector3(70, 130, 70); double curPadCost; float fractionalPadLvl = -1; float tonnageLimit = 0; Vector3 curPadSize =; int customPadIdx = _padLvlOptions.Length - 1; bool isCustom = _selectedPadIdx == customPadIdx; if (isCustom) { curPadCost = 0; GUILayout.Label("Tonnage limit:"); _tonnageLimit = GUILayout.TextField(_tonnageLimit); if (float.TryParse(_tonnageLimit, out tonnageLimit) && tonnageLimit >= _padTons[0]) { float unlimitedTonnageThreshold = PresetManager.Instance.ActivePreset.GeneralSettings.PadUnlimitedTonnageThreshold; if (tonnageLimit >= unlimitedTonnageThreshold) { int padLvl = _padLvlOptions.Length - 2; tonnageLimit = unlimitedTonnageThreshold; curPadSize = _padSizes[padLvl]; curPadCost = _padCosts[padLvl]; fractionalPadLvl = padLvl; } else { for (int i = 1; i < _padTons.Length; i++) { if (tonnageLimit < _padTons[i]) { float lowerBound = _padTons[i - 1]; float upperBound = Math.Min(_padTons[i], unlimitedTonnageThreshold); float fractionOverFullLvl = (tonnageLimit - lowerBound) / (upperBound - lowerBound); fractionalPadLvl = (i - 1) + fractionOverFullLvl; var s1 = _padSizes[i - 1]; var s2 = Vector3.Min(_padSizes[i], unlimitedSizeThreshold); curPadSize = s1 + (s2 - s1) * fractionOverFullLvl; var c1 = _padCosts[i - 1]; var c2 = _padCosts[i]; curPadCost = c1 + (c2 - c1) * fractionOverFullLvl; break; } } } } } else { fractionalPadLvl = _selectedPadIdx; curPadSize = _padSizes[_selectedPadIdx]; curPadCost = _padCosts[_selectedPadIdx]; tonnageLimit = _padTons[_selectedPadIdx]; } if (curPadSize != { if (curPadSize.y == float.MaxValue) { GUILayout.Label($"Size limit: unlimited"); } else { GUILayout.Label($"Size limit: {curPadSize.x:#.#}x{curPadSize.y:#.#}m"); } } if (curPadCost > 0) { double curPadBuildTime = FacilityUpgrade.CalculateBuildTime(curPadCost, SpaceCenterFacility.LaunchPad); string sBuildTime = KSPUtil.PrintDateDelta(curPadBuildTime, includeTime: false); GUILayout.Label($"It will cost {Math.Round(curPadCost):N} funds to build the new launchpad. " + $"Estimated construction time is {sBuildTime}."); } GUILayout.Label("Would you like to build it?"); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Yes") && ValidatePadCreationParameters(_newName, fractionalPadLvl, tonnageLimit, curPadSize)) { GUIStates.ShowNewPad = false; _centralWindowPosition.height = 1; _centralWindowPosition.width = 150; _centralWindowPosition.x = (Screen.width - 150) / 2; GUIStates.ShowBuildList = true; if (!Utilities.CurrentGameIsCareer()) { KCTDebug.Log("Building new launchpad!"); KCTGameStates.ActiveKSC.LaunchPads.Add(new KCT_LaunchPad(_newName, fractionalPadLvl, tonnageLimit, curPadSize)); } else if (Funding.CanAfford((float)curPadCost)) { KCTDebug.Log("Building new launchpad!"); Utilities.SpendFunds(curPadCost, TransactionReasons.StructureConstruction); var lp = new KCT_LaunchPad(_newName, fractionalPadLvl, tonnageLimit, curPadSize); KCTGameStates.ActiveKSC.LaunchPads.Add(lp); var padConstr = new PadConstruction { LaunchpadIndex = KCTGameStates.ActiveKSC.LaunchPads.Count - 1, Cost = curPadCost, Name = _newName }; padConstr.SetBP(curPadCost); KCTGameStates.ActiveKSC.PadConstructions.Add(padConstr); try { KCTEvents.OnPadConstructionQueued?.Fire(padConstr, lp); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogException(ex); } } else { ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("Not enough funds to build this launchpad."); } _padCosts = null; _padLvlOptions = null; _costOfNewLP = int.MinValue; } if (GUILayout.Button("No")) { _centralWindowPosition.height = 1; _centralWindowPosition.width = 150; _centralWindowPosition.x = (Screen.width - 150) / 2; _padCosts = null; _padLvlOptions = null; GUIStates.ShowNewPad = false; GUIStates.ShowBuildList = true; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.EndVertical(); CenterWindow(ref _centralWindowPosition); }