コード例 #1
        private void MainForm_FileOpened(object sender, FileOpenedEventArgs e)
            //check to see if we've loaded our providers into the db custom data, if not load them up.
            dbPwDatabase = e.Database;
            if (!dbPwDatabase.CustomData.Exists("OpenIdProviders"))
                string[] p = new string[] { "AOL", "Blogger", "BuddyPress", "Flickr", "Google", "LiveJournal", "Microsoft ", "WordPress", "Yahoo", "Facebook" };
                foreach (string s in p)
                    OpenIdProvider provider = new OpenIdProvider()
                        Name = s


            tsmiOptions.Enabled = dbPwDatabase != null;
コード例 #2
 private void SetProviderReferences(OpenIdProvider provider)
     if (provider != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(provider.LinkedEntryUUID))
         tbUserName.Text       = string.Format(@"{{REF:U@I:{0}}}", provider.LinkedEntryUUID);
         tbPassword.Text       = string.Format(@"{{REF:P@I:{0}}}", provider.LinkedEntryUUID);
         tbRepeatPassword.Text = string.Format(@"{{REF:P@I:{0}}}", provider.LinkedEntryUUID);
コード例 #3
        private void OnWindowAdded(object sender, GwmWindowEventArgs e)
            PwEntryForm pefEntryForm = (e.Form as PwEntryForm);

            if (pefEntryForm != null)
                //check to see if it's an OpenId entry either through the flag from clicking the correct entry, or check the custom data
                //only do this check if we haven't already set the flag
                if (!IsOpenIdEntry)
                    IsOpenIdEntry = pefEntryForm.EntryRef.CustomData.Exists("IsOpenIdEntry") && pefEntryForm.EntryRef.CustomData.Get("IsOpenIdEntry") == "true";

                if (IsOpenIdEntry)
                    //find our provider
                    OpenIdProvider provider = null;

                    //hook up to the saved event so we can update custom data
                    pefEntryForm.EntrySaved += EntryForm_EntrySaved;

                    //create our controls and add to form
                    Label lblOpenId = new Label()
                        Location = new Point(6, 40),
                        Size     = new Size(61, 13),
                        Text     = "OpenId Provider",

                    TextBox tbOpenId = new TextBox()
                        Location = new Point(81, 37),
                        Name     = "m_tbOpenId",
                        Size     = new Size(373, 20),
                        TabIndex = 5,

                    tbOpenId.Leave += OnTbOpenId_Leave;

                    string[] providerNames = providers.Select(p => p.Name).ToArray();
                    UIUtil.EnableAutoCompletion(tbOpenId, false, providerNames);

                    //if editing, set the OpenID textbox value
                    if (pefEntryForm.EditModeEx == PwEditMode.EditExistingEntry)
                        tbOpenId.Text = pefEntryForm.EntryRef.CustomData.Get("OpenIdProvider");
                        provider      = providers.Where(p => p.Name.Equals(tbOpenId.Text, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)).SingleOrDefault();
                    Control[] tabEntryArray = pefEntryForm.Controls.Find("m_tabEntry", true);

                    if (tabEntryArray.Length == 1)

                    //hide the controls we don't want
                    //password repeat
                    Control[] lblPasswordRepeatArray = pefEntryForm.Controls.Find("m_lblPasswordRepeat", true);
                    Control[] tbRepeatPasswordArray  = pefEntryForm.Controls.Find("m_tbRepeatPassword", true);
                    Control[] btnGenPwArray          = pefEntryForm.Controls.Find("m_btnGenPw", true);

                    if (lblPasswordRepeatArray.Length == 1)
                        lblPasswordRepeatArray[0].Visible = false;

                    if (tbRepeatPasswordArray.Length == 1)
                        tbRepeatPassword         = (TextBox)tbRepeatPasswordArray[0];
                        tbRepeatPassword.Visible = false;

                    if (btnGenPwArray.Length == 1)
                        btnGenPwArray[0].Visible = false;

                    Control[] lblQualityArray     = pefEntryForm.Controls.Find("m_lblQuality", true);
                    Control[] pbQualityArray      = pefEntryForm.Controls.Find("m_pbQuality", true);
                    Control[] lblQualityInfoArray = pefEntryForm.Controls.Find("m_lblQualityInfo", true);

                    if (lblQualityArray.Length == 1)
                        lblQualityArray[0].Visible = false;

                    if (pbQualityArray.Length == 1)
                        pbQualityArray[0].Visible = false;

                    if (lblQualityInfoArray.Length == 1)
                        lblQualityInfoArray[0].Visible = false;

                    //move the ones we keep
                    Control[] lblUserNameArray = pefEntryForm.Controls.Find("m_lblUserName", true);
                    Control[] tbUserNameArray  = pefEntryForm.Controls.Find("m_tbUserName", true);

                    if (lblUserNameArray.Length == 1)
                        lblUserNameArray[0].Location = new Point(6, 67);

                    if (tbUserNameArray.Length == 1)
                        tbUserName          = (TextBox)tbUserNameArray[0];
                        tbUserName.Location = new Point(81, 64);
                        tbUserName.Enabled  = false;

                    Control[] lblPasswordArray    = pefEntryForm.Controls.Find("m_lblPassword", true);
                    Control[] tbPasswordArray     = pefEntryForm.Controls.Find("m_tbPassword", true);
                    Control[] cbHidePasswordArray = pefEntryForm.Controls.Find("m_cbHidePassword", true);

                    if (lblPasswordArray.Length == 1)
                        lblPasswordArray[0].Location = new Point(6, 94);

                    if (tbPasswordArray.Length == 1)
                        tbPassword          = (TextBox)tbPasswordArray[0];
                        tbPassword.Location = new Point(81, 91);
                        tbPassword.Enabled  = false;

                    if (cbHidePasswordArray.Length == 1)
                        cbHidePasswordArray[0].Location = new Point(423, 90);
                        cbHidePasswordArray[0].Enabled  = false;

                    Control[] lblUrlArray = pefEntryForm.Controls.Find("m_lblUrl", true);
                    Control[] tbUrlArray  = pefEntryForm.Controls.Find("m_tbUrl", true);

                    if (lblUrlArray.Length == 1)
                        lblUrlArray[0].Location = new Point(6, 118);

                    if (tbUrlArray.Length == 1)
                        tbUrlArray[0].Location = new Point(81, 118);

                    Control[] lblNotesArray = pefEntryForm.Controls.Find("m_lblNotes", true);
                    Control[] rtNotesArray  = pefEntryForm.Controls.Find("m_rtNotes", true);

                    if (lblNotesArray.Length == 1)
                        lblNotesArray[0].Location = new Point(6, 144);

                    if (rtNotesArray.Length == 1)
                        rtNotesArray[0].Location = new Point(81, 144);
                        rtNotesArray[0].Height   = 160;

                    //set the references if any

                    //reset our flag
                    IsOpenIdEntry = false;
コード例 #4
        private void OnTbOpenId_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenIdProvider provider = providers.Where(p => p.Name.Equals(((TextBox)sender).Text, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)).SingleOrDefault();
