public ActionResult Edit(PlacardType obj) { try { NSession.Update(obj); NSession.Flush(); } catch (Exception ee) { return Json(new { IsSuccess = false, ErrorMsg = "出错了" }); } return Json(new { IsSuccess = true }); }
public JsonResult Create(PlacardType obj) { try { obj.CreateOn = DateTime.Now; obj.CreateBy = CurrentUser.Realname; NSession.Save(obj); NSession.Flush(); } catch (Exception ee) { return Json(new { IsSuccess = false, ErrorMsg = "出错了" }); } return Json(new { IsSuccess = true }); }
public ActionResult EditStatus(string p, string s) { List<ProductType> products = NSession.CreateQuery("from ProductType where Id in(" + p + ")").List<ProductType>().ToList(); foreach (ProductType productType in products) { productType.Status = s; NSession.Update(productType); NSession.Flush(); LoggerUtil.GetProductRecord(productType, "订单产品属性修改", "产品:" + productType.SKU + "状态修改为“" + s + "”", CurrentUser, NSession); if (s == "停产") { int count = 0; string orderid = ""; List<OrderType> orderTypes = NSession.CreateQuery( "from OrderType where Id in(select OId from OrderProductType where SKU='" + productType.SKU + "') and Status='已处理' and Enabled=1") .List<OrderType>().ToList(); foreach (OrderType orderType in orderTypes) { orderType.IsStop = 1; NSession.Update(orderType); NSession.Flush(); LoggerUtil.GetOrderRecord(orderType, "订单产品属性修改", "产品:" + productType.SKU + "状态修改为“" + s + "”,同时订单属性设置为停售订单", CurrentUser, NSession); orderid += orderType.OrderNo + " "; count++; } NSession.CreateQuery("update OrderProductType set IsQue=2 where SKU='" + productType.SKU + "'").UniqueResult(); PlacardType placard = new PlacardType { CardType = "产品", Title = productType.SKU + " 停产", Content = "相关" + count + "条订单编号: " + orderid, CreateBy = "系统自动", CreateOn = DateTime.Now, IsTop = 1 }; NSession.Save(placard); NSession.Flush(); } } return Json(new { IsSuccess = true }); }