public KalturaPlaylist Add(KalturaPlaylist playlist, bool updateStats) { KalturaParams kparams = new KalturaParams(); if (playlist != null) { kparams.Add("playlist", playlist.ToParams()); } kparams.AddBoolIfNotNull("updateStats", updateStats); _Client.QueueServiceCall("playlist", "add", kparams); if (this._Client.IsMultiRequest) { return(null); } XmlElement result = _Client.DoQueue(); return((KalturaPlaylist)KalturaObjectFactory.Create(result)); }
public KalturaPlaylist Clone(string id, KalturaPlaylist newPlaylist) { KalturaParams kparams = new KalturaParams(); kparams.AddStringIfNotNull("id", id); if (newPlaylist != null) { kparams.Add("newPlaylist", newPlaylist.ToParams()); } _Client.QueueServiceCall("playlist", "clone", kparams); if (this._Client.IsMultiRequest) { return(null); } XmlElement result = _Client.DoQueue(); return((KalturaPlaylist)KalturaObjectFactory.Create(result)); }
public KalturaPlaylist Update(string id, KalturaPlaylist playlist) { return(this.Update(id, playlist, false)); }
public KalturaPlaylist Add(KalturaPlaylist playlist) { return(this.Add(playlist, false)); }
static void PlaylistExecuteMultiRequestExample() { KalturaClient client = new KalturaClient(GetConfig()); client.StartMultiRequest(); // Request 1 client.SessionService.Start(ADMIN_SECRET, "", KalturaSessionType.ADMIN, PARTNER_ID, 86400, ""); client.KS = "{1:result}"; // for the current multi request, the result of the first call will be used as the ks for next calls // Request 2 client.MediaService.List(); KalturaMultiResponse response = client.DoMultiRequest(); foreach (object obj in response) { if (obj.GetType() == typeof(KalturaAPIException)) { Console.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + ((KalturaAPIException)obj).Message); } } String twoEntries = ""; if (response[1].GetType() == typeof(KalturaMediaListResponse)) { KalturaMediaListResponse mediaListResponse = (KalturaMediaListResponse)response[1]; twoEntries = mediaListResponse.Objects[0].Id + ", " + mediaListResponse.Objects[1].Id; Console.WriteLine("We will use the first 2 entries we got as a reponse: " + twoEntries); } if (twoEntries.Equals("")) { return; } string ks = client.GenerateSession(ADMIN_SECRET, USER_ID, KalturaSessionType.ADMIN, PARTNER_ID, 86400, ""); client.KS = ks; KalturaPlaylist newPlaylist = new KalturaPlaylist(); newPlaylist.Name = "Test Playlist"; newPlaylist.PlaylistContent = twoEntries; newPlaylist.PlaylistType = KalturaPlaylistType.STATIC_LIST; KalturaPlaylist kPlaylist = client.PlaylistService.Add(newPlaylist); // new multirequest client.StartMultiRequest(); client.PlaylistService.Execute(kPlaylist.Id); client.PlaylistService.Execute(kPlaylist.Id); response = client.DoMultiRequest(); foreach (object obj in response) { if (obj.GetType() == typeof(KalturaAPIException)) { Console.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + ((KalturaAPIException)obj).Message); } } foreach (var currentResponse in response) { if (currentResponse.GetType() != typeof(KalturaMultiResponse)) { throw new Exception("Unexpected multirequest response"); } } }