コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        ///     In this example
        ///         - consumer group functionality (i.e. .Subscribe + offset commits) is not used.
        ///         - the consumer is manually assigned to a partition and always starts consumption
        ///           from a specific offset (0).
        /// </summary>
        public static void Run_ManualAssign(string brokerList, List <string> topics, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var config = new ConsumerConfig
                // the group.id property must be specified when creating a consumer, even
                // if you do not intend to use any consumer group functionality.
                GroupId          = new Guid().ToString(),
                BootstrapServers = brokerList,
                // partition offsets can be committed to a group even by consumers not
                // subscribed to the group. in this example, auto commit is disabled
                // to prevent this from occuring.
                EnableAutoCommit = true

            using (var consumer = new Consumer <Ignore, string>(config))
                consumer.Assign(topics.Select(topic => new TopicPartitionOffset(topic, 0, Offset.Beginning)).ToList());

                consumer.OnError += (_, e)
                                    => Console.WriteLine($"Error: {e.Reason}");

                consumer.OnPartitionEOF += (_, topicPartitionOffset)
                                           => Console.WriteLine($"End of partition: {topicPartitionOffset}");

                while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                        var consumeResult = consumer.Consume(cancellationToken);
                        Console.WriteLine($"Received message at {consumeResult.TopicPartitionOffset}: ${consumeResult.Message}");
                    catch (ConsumeException e)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Consume error: {e.Error}");

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     In this example
        ///         - offsets are manually committed.
        ///         - no extra thread is created for the Poll (Consume) loop.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Run_Consume(string brokerList, List <string> topics, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var config = new ConsumerConfig
                BootstrapServers     = brokerList,
                GroupId              = "csharp-consumer",
                EnableAutoCommit     = false,
                StatisticsIntervalMs = 5000,
                SessionTimeoutMs     = 6000,
                AutoOffsetReset      = AutoOffsetResetType.Earliest

            const int commitPeriod = 5;

            using (var serdeProvider = new AvroSerdeProvider(new AvroSerdeProviderConfig {
                SchemaRegistryUrl = ""
                using (var consumer = new Consumer <Ignore, com.landoop.social.reddit.post.reddit_post>(config, null, serdeProvider.GetDeserializerGenerator <com.landoop.social.reddit.post.reddit_post>()))
//            using (var consumer = new Consumer<Ingore, string>(config))
                    // Note: All event handlers are called on the main .Consume thread.

                    // Raised when the consumer has been notified of a new assignment set.
                    // You can use this event to perform actions such as retrieving offsets
                    // from an external source / manually setting start offsets using
                    // the Assign method. You can even call Assign with a different set of
                    // partitions than those in the assignment. If you do not call Assign
                    // in a handler of this event, the consumer will be automatically
                    // assigned to the partitions of the assignment set and consumption
                    // will start from last committed offsets or in accordance with
                    // the auto.offset.reset configuration parameter for partitions where
                    // there is no committed offset.
                    consumer.OnPartitionsAssigned += (_, partitions)
                                                     => Console.WriteLine($"Assigned partitions: [{string.Join(", ", partitions)}], member id: {consumer.MemberId}");

                    // Raised when the consumer's current assignment set has been revoked.
                    consumer.OnPartitionsRevoked += (_, partitions)
                                                    => Console.WriteLine($"Revoked partitions: [{string.Join(", ", partitions)}]");

                    consumer.OnPartitionEOF += (_, tpo)
                                               => Console.WriteLine($"Reached end of topic {tpo.Topic} partition {tpo.Partition}, next message will be at offset {tpo.Offset}");

                    consumer.OnError += (_, e)
                                        => Console.WriteLine($"Error: {e.Reason}");

                    //consumer.OnStatistics += (_, json)
                    //    => Console.WriteLine($"Statistics: {json}");


                    while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                            var consumeResult = consumer.Consume(cancellationToken);
                            Console.WriteLine($"Topic: {consumeResult.Topic}");
                            Console.WriteLine($"Partition: {consumeResult.Partition} Offset: {consumeResult.Offset}");
                            Console.WriteLine($"Subreddit Topic: { consumeResult.Value.subreddit }");
                            Console.WriteLine($"{ consumeResult.Value.body }");

                            if (consumeResult.Offset % commitPeriod == 0)
                                // The Commit method sends a "commit offsets" request to the Kafka
                                // cluster and synchronously waits for the response. This is very
                                // slow compared to the rate at which the consumer is capable of
                                // consuming messages. A high performance application will typically
                                // commit offsets relatively infrequently and be designed handle
                                // duplicate messages in the event of failure.
                                var committedOffsets = consumer.Commit(consumeResult);
                                Console.WriteLine($"Committed offset: {committedOffsets}");
                        catch (ConsumeException e)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Consume error: {e.Error}");
