コード例 #1
ファイル: KDevice.cs プロジェクト: luca-cardelli/KaemikaXM
            public List <Place> StartEquilibrate(List <SampleValue> inSamples, double fortime, Style style)
                if (!Exec.IsExecuting())
                    throw new ExecutionEnded("");
                //Gui.Log("Device: EQUILIBRATE Start " + Style.FormatSequence(inSamples, ", ", x => x.FormatSymbol(style)) + " for " + style.FormatDouble(fortime));

                List <Place> goBacks = new List <Place> {

                List <Place>[] routes = new List <Place> [inSamples.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < inSamples.Count; i++)
                    string toZone = (inSamples[i].Temperature() < KDeviceHandler.coldTemperature) ? "mixing" : (inSamples[i].Temperature() > KDeviceHandler.hotTemperature) ? "hot" : "warm";
                    Place  goBack = placement.PlaceOf(inSamples[i], style);
                    Place place = FreePlaceInColumn(zone[toZone], minRow: goBack.Row(), currentlyAt: goBack, skipNo: 0);
                    routes[i] = placement.PathHorFirst(placement.PlaceOf(inSamples[i], style), place);
                placement.FollowRoutes(routes, clearance: 1, style);
                device.dropletColor       = dropletColorGrey;
                device.dropletBiggieColor = dropletColorGrey;
コード例 #2
ファイル: KControl.cs プロジェクト: luca-cardelli/KaemikaXM
        // Device button

        private void DeviceButton()
                (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
                if (!KDeviceHandler.Exists())
                    KDeviceHandler.Start(30, 100);
                    if (!Exec.IsExecuting())
コード例 #3
ファイル: KDevice.cs プロジェクト: luca-cardelli/KaemikaXM
            public void FollowRoute(List <Place> route, int clearance, Style style, bool log = true)
                Place current = null;

                foreach (Place next in route)
                    if (!Exec.IsExecuting())
                        throw new ExecutionEnded("");
                    if (current == null)
                        current = next;                  // starting place
                        if (CanStepTo(current, next, clearance))
                            Step(StepDirection(current, next, style), current, next, style);
                            current = next;
                            throw new Error("ERROR: Droplet FollowRoute failed");
コード例 #4
ファイル: KDevice.cs プロジェクト: luca-cardelli/KaemikaXM
            public void Split(List <SampleValue> outSamples, SampleValue inSample, Style style)
                if (!Exec.IsExecuting())
                    throw new ExecutionEnded("");
                //Gui.Log("Device: SPLIT " + Style.FormatSequence(outSamples, ", ", x => x.FormatSymbol(style)) + " = " + inSample.FormatSymbol(style));

                Place[,] area = FreeAreaInColumn(zone["mixing"], minRow: placement.PlaceOf(inSample, style).Row(), rows: 1, cols: 2 * outSamples.Count - 1); // find free columns in "mixing" block, on the same row
                placement.MoveHorFirst(inSample, area[0, 0], clearance: 1, style);

                double volume = inSample.Volume();

                for (int i = outSamples.Count - 1; i >= 1; i--)
                    volume = volume - outSamples[i].Volume();
                    SampleValue tempSample = new SampleValue(inSample.symbol, null, new NumberValue(volume), new NumberValue(1), true);
                    placement.SplitHor(tempSample, outSamples[i], area[0, 0], area[0, 1], style);
                    placement.FollowRoute(placement.PathHorFirst(placement.PlaceOf(outSamples[i], style), area[0, 2 * i]), clearance: 0, style);
                placement.Clear(area[0, 0], style, log: false);
                placement.Place(outSamples[0], area[0, 0], style, log: false);

                List <Place>[] routes = new List <Place> [outSamples.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < outSamples.Count; i++)
                    Place place = FreePlaceInColumn(zone["staging"], minRow: 0, currentlyAt: area[0, 2 * i], skipNo: i);
                    routes[i] = placement.PathVerFirst(placement.PlaceOf(outSamples[i], style), place);
                placement.FollowRoutes(routes, clearance: 1, style);
コード例 #5
ファイル: KDevice.cs プロジェクト: luca-cardelli/KaemikaXM
            public void Mix(SampleValue outSample, List <SampleValue> inSamples, Style style)
                if (!Exec.IsExecuting())
                    throw new ExecutionEnded("");
                //Gui.Log("Device: MIX " + outSample.FormatSymbol(style) + " = " + Style.FormatSequence(inSamples, ", ", x => x.FormatSymbol(style)));
                Place[,] area = FreeAreaInColumn(zone["mixing"], minRow: placement.PlaceOf(inSamples[0], style).Row(), rows: 1, cols: 2 * inSamples.Count - 1); // find free columns in "mixing" block, on the same row

                List <Place>[] routes = new List <Place> [inSamples.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < inSamples.Count; i++)
                    routes[i] = placement.PathHorFirst(placement.PlaceOf(inSamples[i], style), area[0, 2 * i]);
                placement.FollowRoutes(routes, clearance: 1, style);

                for (int i = 1; i < inSamples.Count; i++)
                    placement.FollowRoute(placement.PathHorFirst(placement.PlaceOf(inSamples[i], style), area[0, 1]), clearance: 0, style);
                    SampleValue accumulator = placement.SampleOf(area[0, 0]);
                    SampleValue tempSample  = new SampleValue(outSample.symbol, null, new NumberValue(accumulator.Volume() + inSamples[i].Volume()), new NumberValue(1), true);
                    placement.MixHor(tempSample, area[0, 0], area[0, 1], style);
                placement.Clear(area[0, 0], style, log: false);
                placement.Place(outSample, area[0, 0], style, log: false);

                Place staging = FreePlaceInColumn(zone["staging"], minRow: 0, currentlyAt: area[0, 0], skipNo: 0);

                placement.MoveVerFirst(outSample, staging, clearance: 1, style);
コード例 #6
ファイル: KDevice.cs プロジェクト: luca-cardelli/KaemikaXM
            public void FollowRoutes(List <Place>[] routes, int clearance, Style style)
                bool[] currentCanStep = new bool[routes.Length]; // on phase 0 cache CanStep for all the 4 phases
                int[]  nextStep       = new int[routes.Length];  // step each path forward on phase 3, if it CanStep
                for (int i = 0; i < nextStep.Length; i++)
                    nextStep[i] = 1;
                bool allFinished;

                    if (!Exec.IsExecuting())
                        throw new ExecutionEnded("");
                    allFinished = true;
                    for (int phase = 0; phase < 4; phase++)
                        bool stepped = false;
                        for (int r = 0; r < routes.Length; r++)
                            if (nextStep[r] < routes[r].Count)
                                allFinished = false;
                                Place current = routes[r][nextStep[r] - 1];
                                Place next    = routes[r][nextStep[r]];
                                if (phase == 0)
                                    currentCanStep[r] = CanStepTo(current, next, clearance);
                                if (currentCanStep[r])
                                    StepPhase(phase, StepDirection(current, next, style), current, next, style);
                                    stepped = true;
                                    if (phase == 3)
                        if (!allFinished && !stepped)
                            throw new Error("ERROR: FollowRoutes failed");
                        if (phase < 3)
                } while (!allFinished);
コード例 #7
ファイル: KDevice.cs プロジェクト: luca-cardelli/KaemikaXM
 public void SetAnimation(Animation animation)
     lock (KDeviceHandler.device) {
         if (!Exec.IsExecuting())
             throw new ExecutionEnded("");
         this.animation = animation;
コード例 #8
ファイル: KDevice.cs プロジェクト: luca-cardelli/KaemikaXM
            // === DEVICE PROTOCOL OPERATIONS === //

            public void Sample(SampleValue sample, Style style)
                if (!Exec.IsExecuting())
                    throw new ExecutionEnded("");
                //Gui.Log("Device: NEW DROPLET " + sample.FormatSymbol(style));
                Place source = ReservePlaceInColumn(zone["staging"]);

                placement.Appear(sample, source, style);
                //placement.Place(sample, source, style);
コード例 #9
 public static void PauseEquilibrate(Netlist netlist, Style style)
     if (!netlist.autoContinue)
         while ((!continueExecution) && Exec.IsExecuting())
             // if (!KGui.gui.GuiContinueEnabled()) KGui.gui.GuiOutputAppendText(netlist.Format(style));
         KGui.gui.GuiContinueEnable(false); continueExecution = false;
         //KGui.gui.GuiOutputSetText(""); // clear last results in preparation for the next, only if not autoContinue
コード例 #10
ファイル: KDevice.cs プロジェクト: luca-cardelli/KaemikaXM
 public void Concentrate(List <SampleValue> outSamples, List <SampleValue> inSamples, Style style)
     if (!Exec.IsExecuting())
         throw new ExecutionEnded("");
     //Gui.Log("Device: CONCENTRATE " + Style.FormatSequence(outSamples, ", ", x =>x.FormatSymbol(style)) + " = " + Style.FormatSequence(inSamples, ", ", x => x.FormatSymbol(style)));
     for (int i = 0; i < inSamples.Count; i++)
         Place place = placement.PlaceOf(inSamples[i], style);
         placement.Remove(inSamples[i], style);
         placement.Place(outSamples[i], place, style);
コード例 #11
ファイル: KDevice.cs プロジェクト: luca-cardelli/KaemikaXM
 public SampleValue Extract(Place place, Style style, bool log = true)
     lock (KDeviceHandler.device) {
         if (!Exec.IsExecuting())
             throw new ExecutionEnded("");
         SampleValue sample = placeToSample[place];
         //if (log) Gui.Log("Device:   Extract " + sample.FormatSymbol(style) + " from " + place.Format(style));
コード例 #12
ファイル: KDevice.cs プロジェクト: luca-cardelli/KaemikaXM
 public Place Remove(SampleValue sample, Style style, bool log = true)
     lock (KDeviceHandler.device) {
         if (!Exec.IsExecuting())
             throw new ExecutionEnded("");
         CheckIsPlaced(sample, style);
         Place place = sampleToPlace[sample];
         //if (log) Gui.Log("Device:   Remove " + sample.FormatSymbol(style) + " from " + place.Format(style));
コード例 #13
ファイル: KControl.cs プロジェクト: luca-cardelli/KaemikaXM
 private void StartAction(bool forkWorker, bool autoContinue = false)
     if (Exec.IsExecuting() && !ContinueEnabled())
         return;                                    // we are already running a simulation, don't start a concurrent one
     if (Exec.IsExecuting() && ContinueEnabled())   // we are already running a simulation; make start button work as continue button
         Protocol.continueExecution = true;
         if (Exec.lastExecution != null)
             Exec.lastExecution.netlist.autoContinue = autoContinue;
     else                                                              // do a start
         Exec.Execute_Starter(forkWorker, autoContinue: autoContinue); // This is where it all happens
コード例 #14
ファイル: KDevice.cs プロジェクト: luca-cardelli/KaemikaXM
            public void Dispose(List <SampleValue> samples, Style style)
                if (!Exec.IsExecuting())
                    throw new ExecutionEnded("");
                //Gui.Log("Device: DISPOSE " + Style.FormatSequence(samples, ", ", x => x.FormatSymbol(style)));
                Place[,] area = FreeAreaInColumn(zone["mixing"], minRow: 0, rows: 1, cols: 2 * samples.Count - 1); // find free columns in "mixing" block, on the same row

                List <Place>[] routes = new List <Place> [samples.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < samples.Count; i++)
                    routes[i] = placement.PathHorFirst(placement.PlaceOf(samples[i], style), area[0, 2 * i]);
                placement.FollowRoutes(routes, clearance: 1, style);
                for (int i = 0; i < samples.Count; i++)
                    placement.Disappear(placement.PlaceOf(samples[i], style), style);
コード例 #15
ファイル: KDevice.cs プロジェクト: luca-cardelli/KaemikaXM
 public void Place(SampleValue sample, Place place, Style style, bool log = true)
     lock (KDeviceHandler.device) {
         if (!Exec.IsExecuting())
             throw new ExecutionEnded("");
         if (IsPlaced(sample))
             throw new Error("ERROR Device.Placement.Place");
         if (IsOccupied(place))
             throw new Error("ERROR Device.Placement.Place");
         //if (log) Gui.Log("Device:   Place " + sample.FormatSymbol(style) + " into " + place.Format(style));
         sampleToPlace[sample] = place;
         placeToSample[place]  = sample;
         sampleToStyle[sample] = style;
コード例 #16
ファイル: KDevice.cs プロジェクト: luca-cardelli/KaemikaXM
 public void EndEquilibrate(List <Place> goBacks, List <SampleValue> outSamples, List <SampleValue> inSamples, double fortime, Style style)
     if (!Exec.IsExecuting())
         throw new ExecutionEnded("");
     //Gui.Log("Device: EQUILIBRATE End " + Style.FormatSequence(outSamples, ", ", x => x.FormatSymbol(style)) + " = " + Style.FormatSequence(inSamples, ", ", x => x.FormatSymbol(style)) + " for " + style.FormatDouble(fortime));
     device.dropletColor       = dropletColorRed;
     device.dropletBiggieColor = dropletColorPurple;
     for (int i = 0; i < inSamples.Count; i++)
         Place place = placement.PlaceOf(inSamples[i], style);
         placement.Remove(inSamples[i], style, log: false);
         placement.Place(outSamples[i], place, style, log: false);
     List <Place>[] routes = new List <Place> [inSamples.Count];
     for (int i = 0; i < inSamples.Count; i++)
         routes[i] = placement.PathVerFirst(placement.PlaceOf(outSamples[i], style), goBacks[i]);
     placement.FollowRoutes(routes, clearance: 1, style);
コード例 #17
ファイル: KDevice.cs プロジェクト: luca-cardelli/KaemikaXM
 public void Regulate(List <SampleValue> outSamples, List <SampleValue> inSamples, Style style)
     if (!Exec.IsExecuting())
         throw new ExecutionEnded("");
     List <Place>[] routes = new List <Place> [inSamples.Count];
     //Gui.Log("Device: REGULATE " + Style.FormatSequence(outSamples, ", ", x =>x.FormatSymbol(style)) + " = " + Style.FormatSequence(inSamples, ", ", x => x.FormatSymbol(style)));
     for (int i = 0; i < inSamples.Count; i++)
         string toZone = (outSamples[i].Temperature() < KDeviceHandler.coldTemperature) ? "staging" : (outSamples[i].Temperature() > KDeviceHandler.hotTemperature) ? "hot" : "warm";
         Place  from   = placement.PlaceOf(inSamples[i], style);
         Place  place  = FreePlaceInColumn(zone[toZone], minRow: from.Row(), currentlyAt: from, skipNo: 0);
         routes[i] = placement.PathHorFirst(placement.PlaceOf(inSamples[i], style), place);
     placement.FollowRoutes(routes, clearance: 1, style);
     for (int i = 0; i < inSamples.Count; i++)
         Place place = placement.PlaceOf(inSamples[i], style);
         placement.Remove(inSamples[i], style);
         placement.Place(outSamples[i], place, style);
コード例 #18
ファイル: KControl.cs プロジェクト: luca-cardelli/KaemikaXM
 public static bool IsSimulating()
     return(Exec.IsExecuting() && !ContinueEnabled());
コード例 #19
        Integrate(Func <double, double, Vector, Func <double, Vector, Vector>, IEnumerable <SolPoint> > Solver,
                  State initialState, double initialTime, double finalTime, Func <double, Vector, Vector> Flux,
                  SampleValue sample, List <ReportEntry> reports, Noise noise, bool nonTrivialSolution, Style style)
            double redrawTick = initialTime; double redrawStep = (finalTime - initialTime) / 50;
            double densityTick = initialTime; double densityStep = (finalTime - initialTime) / 1000;
            int    pointsCounter   = 0;
            int    renderedCounter = 0;
            double lastTime        = finalTime;
            State  lastState       = null;

            if (initialState.NaN())
                Gui.Log("Initial state contains NaN.");
                return(lastTime, lastState);

            (string[] series, string[] seriesLNA) = GenerateSeries(reports, noise, style);

            IEnumerable <SolPoint> solution = SolutionGererator(Solver, initialState, initialTime, finalTime, Flux, nonTrivialSolution, style);
            List <TriggerEntry>    triggers = sample.Triggers(style);

            bool[] triggered = new bool[triggers.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < triggers.Count; i++)
                triggered[i] = false;

            // BEGIN foreach (SolPoint solPoint in solution)  -- done by hand to catch exceptions in MoveNext()

            SolPoint solPoint    = new SolPoint(initialTime, initialState.Clone().ToArray());
            bool     hasSolPoint = false;
            var      enumerator  = solution.GetEnumerator();

                // Handle triggers first, they can apply to the initial state
                if (triggers.Count > 0)
                    State state         = null; // allocated on need from solPoint
                    State modifiedState = null; // allocated on need from state
                    for (int i = 0; i < triggers.Count; i++)
                        if (triggered[i] == false)
                            TriggerEntry trigger = triggers[i];
                            if (state == null)
                                state = new State(sample.Count(), lna: noise != Noise.None).InitAll(solPoint.X);
                            if (trigger.condition.ObserveBool(sample, solPoint.T, state, Flux, style))
                                if (modifiedState == null)
                                    modifiedState = state.Clone();
                                double rawValue   = trigger.assignment.ObserveMean(sample, solPoint.T, state, Flux, style);
                                double assignment = trigger.sample.stateMap.NormalizeDimension(trigger.target, rawValue, trigger.dimension, trigger.sample.Volume(), style);
                                int    index      = sample.stateMap.IndexOf(trigger.target.symbol);
                                modifiedState.SetMean(index, assignment);
                                if (noise != Noise.None && trigger.assignmentVariance != null)
                                    double rawValueVariance   = trigger.assignmentVariance.ObserveMean(sample, solPoint.T, state, Flux, style);
                                    double assignmentVariance = trigger.sample.stateMap.NormalizeDimension(trigger.target, rawValueVariance, trigger.dimension, trigger.sample.Volume(), style);
                                    modifiedState.SetCovar(index, index, assignmentVariance);
                                triggered[i] = true;
                    if (modifiedState != null)          //restart the solver
                        State newState = modifiedState; // new State(sample.Count(), lna: noise != Noise.None).InitAll(modifiedState.ToArray());
                        solution   = SolutionGererator(Solver, newState, solPoint.T, finalTime, Flux, nonTrivialSolution, style);
                        enumerator = solution.GetEnumerator();

                try {
                    if (!enumerator.MoveNext())
                    solPoint    = enumerator.Current;    // get next step of integration from solver
                    hasSolPoint = true;
                catch (ConstantEvaluation e) { // stop simulation but allow execution to proceed
                    Gui.Log("Simulation stopped and ignored: cannot evaluate constant '" + e.Message + "'");
                    return(lastTime, lastState);
                catch (Error e) { throw new Error(e.Message); }
                catch (Exception e) { KChartHandler.ChartUpdate(style, false); throw new Error("ODE Solver FAILED: " + e.Message); }

                // LOOP BODY of foreach (SolPoint solPoint in solution):
                if (!Exec.IsExecuting())
                    KChartHandler.ChartUpdate(style); throw new ExecutionEnded("");
                }                                  // break;

                if (style.chartOutput)             // Plot the new solution point
                    if (solPoint.T >= densityTick) // avoid drawing too many points
                        State state = new State(sample.Count(), lna: noise != Noise.None).InitAll(solPoint.X);
                        for (int i = 0; i < reports.Count; i++)
                            if (series[i] != null)   // if a series was actually generated from this report
                            // generate deterministic series
                                if ((noise == Noise.None && reports[i].flow.HasDeterministicValue()) ||
                                    (noise != Noise.None && reports[i].flow.HasStochasticMean()))
                                    double mean = reports[i].flow.ObserveMean(sample, solPoint.T, state, Flux, style);
                                    KChartHandler.ChartAddPoint(series[i], solPoint.T, mean, 0.0, Noise.None);
                                // generate LNA-dependent series
                                if (noise != Noise.None && reports[i].flow.HasStochasticVariance() && !reports[i].flow.HasNullVariance())
                                    double mean     = reports[i].flow.ObserveMean(sample, solPoint.T, state, Flux, style);
                                    double variance = reports[i].flow.ObserveVariance(sample, solPoint.T, state, style);
                                    KChartHandler.ChartAddPoint(seriesLNA[i], solPoint.T, mean, variance, noise);
                        densityTick += densityStep;
                    if (solPoint.T >= redrawTick)   // avoid redrawing the plot too often
                        KChartHandler.ChartUpdate(style, incremental: true);
                        redrawTick += redrawStep;

                lastTime = solPoint.T;

                // END foreach (SolPoint solPoint in solution)
            } while (true);

            if (hasSolPoint)
                lastState = new State(sample.Count(), lna: noise != Noise.None).InitAll(solPoint.X);
            KChartHandler.ChartUpdate(style, incremental: false);

            return(lastTime, lastState);