コード例 #1
ファイル: OrderManagement.cs プロジェクト: Bobom/kuanmai
        public ChargeOrder GenerateOrder(ChargeOrder order)
                if (order == null)
                    throw new KMBitException("订单对象不能为NULL");
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.MobileNumber))
                    throw new KMBitException("充值的手机号码不能为空");
                chargebitEntities db = null;
                    db = new chargebitEntities();

                    List<LaJi> las = (from laji in db.LaJi where laji.PId == 3 select laji).ToList<LaJi>();
                    if (las.Count == 0)
                        throw new KMBitException("系统已经被停用,请联系统管理员");
                    if (las.Count > 1)
                        throw new KMBitException("系统设置有错误,请联系统管理员");
                    LaJi la = las[0];
                    if (!la.UP)
                        throw new KMBitException("系统已经被停用,请联系统管理员");

                    Marketing_Orders mOrder = null;
                    Marketing_Activity_Taocan mTaocan = null;
                    Marketing_Activities activity = null;
                    if (order.IsMarket && order.MarketOrderId > 0)
                        //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.MacAddress))
                        //    throw new KMBitException("活动充值时必须获取终端的MAC地址");
                        mOrder = (from o in db.Marketing_Orders where o.Id == order.MarketOrderId select o).FirstOrDefault<Marketing_Orders>();
                        if (mOrder == null)
                            throw new KMBitException(string.Format("编号为{0}的活动充值记录不存在", order.MarketOrderId));
                        if (mOrder.Used)
                            throw new KMBitException("此二维码已经只用过,不能重复使用");
                        mTaocan = (from m in db.Marketing_Activity_Taocan where m.Id == mOrder.ActivityTaocanId select m).FirstOrDefault<Marketing_Activity_Taocan>();
                        if (mTaocan == null)
                            throw new KMBitException(string.Format("编号为{0}的活动充值记录的套餐信息不存在", order.MarketOrderId));

                        activity = (from a in db.Marketing_Activities where a.Id == mTaocan.ActivityId select a).FirstOrDefault<Marketing_Activities>();
                        if (activity == null)
                            throw new KMBitException(string.Format("编号为{0}的活动不存在", mTaocan.ActivityId));
                        //check if the device or the number is already charged
                        if (activity.ScanType == 1)
                            int[] acos = (from mo in db.Marketing_Orders where mo.ActivityId == activity.Id select mo.Id).ToArray<int>();
                            if (acos == null || acos.Length <= 0)
                                throw new KMBitException(string.Format("编号为{0}的活动还没有任何可用的充值套餐", mTaocan.ActivityId));
                            int count = (from o in db.Charge_Order where o.Phone_number == order.MobileNumber && o.Status != 3 && acos.Contains(o.MarketOrderId) select o.Id).Count();
                            if (count > 0)
                                throw new KMBitException("同一次营销活动每个手机每个号码只能扫描一次");

                        order.ResourceId = mTaocan.ResourceId;
                        order.ResourceTaocanId = mTaocan.ResourceTaocanId;
                        order.RouteId = mTaocan.RouteId;
                        if (order.AgencyId == 0)
                            order.AgencyId = (from a in db.Marketing_Activities
                                              where a.Id == mTaocan.ActivityId
                                              select a.AgentId

                    Resource_taocan taocan = null;
                    if (order.ResourceTaocanId <= 0 && order.RouteId > 0)
                        var query = from ta in db.Agent_route
                                    join tc in db.Resource_taocan on ta.Resource_taocan_id equals tc.Id
                                    where ta.Id == order.RouteId
                                    select tc;
                        taocan = query.FirstOrDefault<Resource_taocan>();
                    else if (order.ResourceTaocanId > 0)
                        taocan = (from tc in db.Resource_taocan where tc.Id == order.ResourceTaocanId select tc).FirstOrDefault<Resource_taocan>();
                    if (!taocan.Enabled)
                        throw new KMBitException(ChargeConstant.RESOURCE_TAOCAN_DISABLED);
                    if (taocan == null)
                        throw new KMBitException("套餐信息不存在,不能充值");
                    order.ResourceTaocanId = taocan.Id;
                    KMBit.DAL.Resource resource = (from ri in db.Resource
                                                   join tr in db.Resource_taocan on ri.Id equals tr.Resource_id
                                                   where tr.Id == order.ResourceTaocanId
                                                   select ri).FirstOrDefault<Resource>();

                    if (resource == null)
                        throw new KMBitException("落地资源不存在");
                    if (!resource.Enabled)
                        throw new KMBitException(ChargeConstant.RESOURCE_DISABLED);
                    Agent_route route = null;
                    if (order.AgencyId > 0 && order.RouteId > 0)
                        route = (from r in db.Agent_route where r.Id == order.RouteId select r).FirstOrDefault<Agent_route>();
                        if (route == null)
                            throw new KMBitException("代理商路由不存在");

                        if (route.User_id != order.AgencyId)
                            throw new KMBitException("当前代理商没有此路由");

                        if (!route.Enabled)
                            throw new KMBitException(string.Format("编号为{0}代理商路由已被管理员停用", route.Id));

                    Charge_Order history = new Charge_Order();
                    history.OpenId = order.OpenId;
                    history.OpenAccountType = order.OpenAccountType;
                    history.Agent_Id = order.AgencyId;
                    history.Completed_Time = 0;
                    history.Created_time = order.CreatedTime > 0 ? order.CreatedTime : DateTimeUtil.ConvertDateTimeToInt(DateTime.Now);
                    history.Operate_User = order.OperateUserId;
                    history.Out_Order_Id = "";
                    history.Payed = order.Payed;
                    history.Phone_number = order.MobileNumber;
                    history.MobileSP = order.MobileSP;
                    history.Province = order.Province;
                    history.City = order.City;
                    history.Resource_id = resource.Id;
                    history.Resource_taocan_id = order.ResourceTaocanId;
                    history.RuoteId = order.RouteId;
                    //status 11 means non payed order
                    history.Status = 11;
                    history.CallBackUrl = order.CallbackUrl != null ? order.CallbackUrl : null;
                    history.Platform_Sale_Price = taocan.Sale_price;
                    if (taocan.EnableDiscount)
                        history.Platform_Cost_Price = taocan.Purchase_price * taocan.Resource_Discount;
                        history.Platform_Cost_Price = taocan.Purchase_price;

                    if (order.IsMarket && order.MarketOrderId > 0)
                        history.Charge_type = 1;
                        history.MarketOrderId = order.MarketOrderId;
                        history.Sale_price = mTaocan.Price;
                        history.Purchase_price = history.Platform_Sale_Price * route.Discount;
                        if (order.AgencyId > 0)
                            history.Client_Order_Id = order.ClientOrderId;
                            history.Charge_type = 1;
                            history.Purchase_price = taocan.Sale_price * route.Discount;
                            history.Sale_price = route.Sale_price;
                            history.Revenue = history.Purchase_price - history.Platform_Cost_Price;
                            history.Message = "成功提交到充值系统,等待充值,可以到流量充值查询里查看充值状态...";
                        else if (order.OperateUserId > 0)
                            history.Charge_type = 2;
                            history.Purchase_price = taocan.Sale_price;
                            history.Sale_price = taocan.Sale_price;
                            history.Revenue = history.Platform_Sale_Price - history.Platform_Cost_Price;
                            history.Message = "成功提交到充值系统,等待充值,可以到流量充值查询里查看充值状态...";
                            history.Charge_type = 0;
                            history.Purchase_price = taocan.Sale_price;
                            history.Sale_price = taocan.Sale_price;
                            history.Revenue = history.Platform_Sale_Price - history.Platform_Cost_Price;

                    order.Id = history.Id;

                    //Create Payment record for direct charge
                    if (history.Charge_type == 0)
                        Payment_history payment = new Payment_history() { PaymentAccount = "", Amount = taocan.Sale_price, ChargeOrderId = history.Id, CreatedTime = DateTimeUtil.ConvertDateTimeToInt(DateTime.Now), PayType = 0, Tranfser_Type = 1 };
                        order.PaymentId = payment.Id;

                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new KMBitException(ex.Message);
                    if (db != null)

            return order;
コード例 #2
ファイル: ChargeService.cs プロジェクト: Bobom/kuanmai
 protected void RemoveQRCode(Charge_Order order)
         chargebitEntities db = null;
             db = new chargebitEntities();
             Marketing_Orders mOrder = (from mo in db.Marketing_Orders where mo.Id==order.MarketOrderId select mo).FirstOrDefault<Marketing_Orders>();
             if(mOrder!=null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(mOrder.CodePath))
                 string tmpPhysicalPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(settings.RootDirectory,mOrder.CodePath.Replace('/','\\'));
         }catch(Exception ex)