public ModuleKISPickup GetActivePickupNearest(Vector3 position, bool canPartAttachOnly = false, bool canStaticAttachOnly = false) { ModuleKISPickup nearestPModule = null; float nearestDistance = Mathf.Infinity; List <ModuleKISPickup> pickupModules = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.FindPartModulesImplementing <ModuleKISPickup>(); foreach (ModuleKISPickup pickupModule in pickupModules) { float partDist = Vector3.Distance(pickupModule.part.transform.position, position); if (partDist <= nearestDistance) { if (canPartAttachOnly == false && canStaticAttachOnly == false) { nearestDistance = partDist; nearestPModule = pickupModule; } else if (canPartAttachOnly == true && pickupModule.allowPartAttach) { nearestDistance = partDist; nearestPModule = pickupModule; } else if (canStaticAttachOnly == true && pickupModule.allowStaticAttach) { nearestDistance = partDist; nearestPModule = pickupModule; } } } return(nearestPModule); }
public void Drop(Part part, Part fromPart) { if (!KISAddonPointer.isRunning) { ModuleKISPickup pickupModule = GetActivePickupNearest(fromPart); if (pickupModule) { KISAddonPointer.allowPart = KISAddonPointer.allowEva = KISAddonPointer.allowMount = KISAddonPointer.allowStatic = true; KISAddonPointer.allowStack = pickupModule.allowPartStack; KISAddonPointer.maxDist = pickupModule.maxDistance; if (draggedItem != null) { KISAddonPointer.scale = draggedItem.GetScale(); } else { KISAddonPointer.scale = 1; } KISAddonPointer.StartPointer(part, OnPointerAction, OnPointerState, pickupModule.transform); pointerMode = PointerMode.Drop; } else { KIS_Shared.DebugError("No active pickup nearest !"); } } KISAddonCursor.StopPartDetection(); }
private void MoveDrop(Part tgtPart, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot) { KIS_Shared.DebugLog("Move part"); ModuleKISPickup modulePickup = GetActivePickupNearest(pos); if (modulePickup) { if (movingPart.parent) { bool movingPartMounted = false; ModuleKISPartMount partM = movingPart.parent.GetComponent <ModuleKISPartMount>(); if (partM) { if (partM.PartIsMounted(movingPart)) { movingPartMounted = true; } } if (!movingPartMounted) { AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(GameDatabase.Instance.GetAudioClip(modulePickup.detachPartSndPath), movingPart.transform.position); } } AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(GameDatabase.Instance.GetAudioClip(modulePickup.dropSndPath), pos); } KIS_Shared.DecoupleFromAll(movingPart); movingPart.transform.position = pos; movingPart.transform.rotation = rot; KIS_Shared.SendKISMessage(movingPart, KIS_Shared.MessageAction.DropEnd, KISAddonPointer.GetCurrentAttachNode(), tgtPart); KISAddonPointer.StopPointer(); movingPart = null; }
public override void OnUnEquip(KIS_Item item) { ModuleKISPickup pickupModule = item.inventory.part.GetComponent <ModuleKISPickup>(); if (pickupModule) { pickupModule.allowPartAttach = orgToolPartAttach; pickupModule.allowStaticAttach = orgToolStaticAttach; pickupModule.allowPartStack = orgToolPartStack; pickupModule.attachPartSndPath = orgAttachPartSndPath; pickupModule.detachPartSndPath = orgDetachPartSndPath; pickupModule.attachStaticSndPath = orgAttachStaticSndPath; pickupModule.detachStaticSndPath = orgDetachStaticSndPath; } }
private Part CreateDrop(Part tgtPart, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot) { KIS_Shared.DebugLog("Create & drop part"); ModuleKISPickup modulePickup = GetActivePickupNearest(pos); draggedItem.StackRemove(1); Part newPart = KIS_Shared.CreatePart(draggedItem.partNode, pos, rot, draggedItem.inventory.part); KIS_Shared.SendKISMessage(newPart, KIS_Shared.MessageAction.DropEnd, KISAddonPointer.GetCurrentAttachNode(), tgtPart); KISAddonPointer.StopPointer(); draggedItem = null; draggedPart = null; if (modulePickup) { AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(GameDatabase.Instance.GetAudioClip(modulePickup.dropSndPath), pos); } return(newPart); }
public void GroundDetach() { if (staticAttached) { KIS_Shared.DebugLog("Removing static rigidbody and fixed joint on " + this.part.partInfo.title); if (fixedJoint) { Destroy(fixedJoint); } if (connectedGameObject) { Destroy(connectedGameObject); } fixedJoint = null; connectedGameObject = null; staticAttached = false; ModuleKISPickup modulePickup = KISAddonPickup.instance.GetActivePickupNearest(this.transform.position); if (modulePickup) { KIS_Shared.PlaySoundAtPoint(modulePickup.detachStaticSndPath, this.transform.position); } } }
public void GroundAttach() { KIS_Shared.DebugLog("Create kinematic rigidbody"); if (connectedGameObject) { Destroy(connectedGameObject); } GameObject obj = new GameObject("KISBody"); obj.AddComponent <Rigidbody>(); obj.rigidbody.mass = 100; obj.rigidbody.isKinematic = true; obj.transform.position = this.part.transform.position; obj.transform.rotation = this.part.transform.rotation; connectedGameObject = obj; KIS_Shared.DebugLog("Create fixed joint on the kinematic rigidbody"); if (fixedJoint) { Destroy(fixedJoint); } FixedJoint CurJoint = this.part.gameObject.AddComponent <FixedJoint>(); CurJoint.breakForce = staticAttachBreakForce; CurJoint.breakTorque = staticAttachBreakForce; CurJoint.connectedBody = obj.rigidbody; fixedJoint = CurJoint; this.part.vessel.Landed = true; staticAttached = true; ModuleKISPickup modulePickup = KISAddonPickup.instance.GetActivePickupNearest(this.transform.position); if (modulePickup) { KIS_Shared.PlaySoundAtPoint(modulePickup.attachStaticSndPath, this.transform.position); } }
void OnMouseDetachPartClick(Part part) { if (KISAddonPointer.isRunning) { return; } if (hoverInventoryGui()) { return; } if (!HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) { return; } if (!detachOk) { return; } if (!HasActivePickupInRange(part)) { return; } detachActive = false; KISAddonCursor.StopPartDetection(); KISAddonCursor.CursorDefault(); ModuleKISItem item = part.GetComponent <ModuleKISItem>(); if (item) { if (item.staticAttached) { item.GroundDetach(); if (item.allowPartAttach == 1) { ModuleKISPickup pickupModule = GetActivePickupNearest(part); KIS_Shared.PlaySoundAtPoint(pickupModule.detachStaticSndPath, pickupModule.part.transform.position); } if (item.allowPartAttach == 2) { ModuleKISPickup pickupModule = GetActivePickupNearest(part, canStaticAttachOnly: true); KIS_Shared.PlaySoundAtPoint(pickupModule.detachStaticSndPath, pickupModule.part.transform.position); } return; } } part.decouple(); if (item) { if (item.allowPartAttach == 1) { ModuleKISPickup pickupModule = GetActivePickupNearest(part); KIS_Shared.PlaySoundAtPoint(pickupModule.detachPartSndPath, pickupModule.part.transform.position); } if (item.allowPartAttach == 2) { ModuleKISPickup pickupModule = GetActivePickupNearest(part, canPartAttachOnly: true); KIS_Shared.PlaySoundAtPoint(pickupModule.detachPartSndPath, pickupModule.part.transform.position); } } else { ModuleKISPickup pickupModule = GetActivePickupNearest(part, canPartAttachOnly: true); KIS_Shared.PlaySoundAtPoint(pickupModule.detachPartSndPath, pickupModule.part.transform.position); } }
void OnMouseDetachEnterPart(Part part) { if (!detachActive) { return; } detachOk = false; if (!HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) { return; } if (KISAddonPointer.isRunning) { return; } if (hoverInventoryGui()) { return; } if (draggedPart) { return; } ModuleKISPartDrag pDrag = part.GetComponent <ModuleKISPartDrag>(); ModuleKISItem item = part.GetComponent <ModuleKISItem>(); ModuleKISPartMount parentMount = null; if (part.parent) { parentMount = part.parent.GetComponent <ModuleKISPartMount>(); } // Do nothing if part is EVA if (part.vessel.isEVA) { return; } // Check part distance if (!HasActivePickupInRange(part)) { KISAddonCursor.CursorEnable("KIS/Textures/tooFar", "Too far", "(Move closer to the part)"); return; } // Check if part is static attached if (item) { if (item.staticAttached) { ModuleKISPickup pickupModule = GetActivePickupNearest(part, canStaticAttachOnly: true); if ((item.allowStaticAttach == 1) || (pickupModule && item.allowStaticAttach == 2)) { part.SetHighlightColor(XKCDColors.Periwinkle); part.SetHighlight(true, false); KISAddonCursor.CursorEnable("KIS/Textures/detachOk", "Detach from ground", '(' + part.partInfo.title + ')'); detachOk = true; return; } else { if (FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.isEVA) { KISAddonCursor.CursorEnable("KIS/Textures/needtool", "Tool needed", "(This part can't be detached from the ground without a tool)"); return; } else { KISAddonCursor.CursorEnable("KIS/Textures/forbidden", "Not supported", "(Detach from ground function is not supported on this part)"); return; } } } } // Check if part can be detached if (!parentMount) { if (part.children.Count > 0 || part.parent) { //Part with a child or a parent if (item) { if (item.allowPartAttach == 0) { KISAddonCursor.CursorEnable("KIS/Textures/forbidden", "Can't detach", "(This part can't be detached)"); return; } else if (item.allowPartAttach == 2) { ModuleKISPickup pickupModule = GetActivePickupNearest(part, canPartAttachOnly: true); if (!pickupModule) { if (FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.isEVA) { KISAddonCursor.CursorEnable("KIS/Textures/needtool", "Tool needed", "(Part can't be detached without a tool)"); return; } else { KISAddonCursor.CursorEnable("KIS/Textures/forbidden", "Not supported", "(Detach function is not supported on this part)"); return; } } } } else { ModuleKISPickup pickupModule = GetActivePickupNearest(part, canPartAttachOnly: true); if (!pickupModule) { if (FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.isEVA) { KISAddonCursor.CursorEnable("KIS/Textures/needtool", "Tool needed", "(Part can't be detached without a tool)"); return; } else { KISAddonCursor.CursorEnable("KIS/Textures/forbidden", "Not supported", "(Detach function is not supported on this part)"); return; } } } } else { // Part without childs and parent return; } } // Check if part is a root if (!part.parent) { KISAddonCursor.CursorEnable("KIS/Textures/forbidden", "Root part", "(Cannot detach a root part)"); return; } // Detach icon part.SetHighlightColor(XKCDColors.Periwinkle); part.SetHighlight(true, false); part.parent.SetHighlightColor(XKCDColors.Periwinkle); part.parent.SetHighlight(true, false); KISAddonCursor.CursorEnable("KIS/Textures/detachOk", "Detach", '(' + part.partInfo.title + ')'); detachOk = true; }
void OnMouseGrabEnterPart(Part part) { if (!grabActive) { return; } grabOk = false; if (!HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) { return; } if (KISAddonPointer.isRunning) { return; } if (hoverInventoryGui()) { return; } if (draggedPart == part) { return; } ModuleKISPartDrag pDrag = part.GetComponent <ModuleKISPartDrag>(); ModuleKISPartMount parentMount = null; if (part.parent) { parentMount = part.parent.GetComponent <ModuleKISPartMount>(); } ModuleKISItem item = part.GetComponent <ModuleKISItem>(); // Drag part over another one if possible (ex : mount) if (draggedPart && pDrag) { KISAddonCursor.CursorEnable(pDrag.dragIconPath, pDrag.dragText, '(' + pDrag.dragText2 + ')'); return; } if (draggedPart) { KISAddonCursor.CursorDisable(); return; } // Do nothing if part is EVA if (part.vessel.isEVA) { return; } // Check part distance if (!HasActivePickupInRange(part)) { KISAddonCursor.CursorEnable("KIS/Textures/tooFar", "Too far", "(Move closer to the part)"); return; } // Check part mass float pMass = (part.mass + part.GetResourceMass()); float pickupMaxMass = GetAllPickupMaxMassInRange(part); if (pMass > pickupMaxMass) { KISAddonCursor.CursorEnable("KIS/Textures/tooHeavy", "Too heavy", "(Bring more kerbal [" + pMass + " > " + pickupMaxMass + ")"); return; } // Check if part can be detached and grabbed if (!parentMount) { if (part.children.Count > 0 || part.parent) { //Part with a child or a parent if (item) { if (item.allowPartAttach == 0) { KISAddonCursor.CursorEnable("KIS/Textures/forbidden", "Can't grab", "(This part can't be detached)"); return; } else if (item.allowPartAttach == 2) { ModuleKISPickup pickupModule = GetActivePickupNearest(part, canPartAttachOnly: true); if (!pickupModule) { if (FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.isEVA) { KISAddonCursor.CursorEnable("KIS/Textures/needtool", "Tool needed", "(This part can't be detached without a tool)"); return; } else { KISAddonCursor.CursorEnable("KIS/Textures/forbidden", "Not supported", "(Detach function is not supported on this part)"); return; } } } } else { ModuleKISPickup pickupModule = GetActivePickupNearest(part, canPartAttachOnly: true); if (!pickupModule) { if (FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.isEVA) { KISAddonCursor.CursorEnable("KIS/Textures/needtool", "Tool needed", "(This part can't be detached without a tool)"); return; } else { KISAddonCursor.CursorEnable("KIS/Textures/forbidden", "Not supported", "(Detach function is not supported on this part)"); return; } } } } else { // Part without childs and parent if (item) { if (item.staticAttached && item.allowStaticAttach == 2) { ModuleKISPickup pickupModule = GetActivePickupNearest(part, canStaticAttachOnly: true); if (!pickupModule) { if (FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.isEVA) { KISAddonCursor.CursorEnable("KIS/Textures/needtool", "Tool needed", "(This part can't be detached from the ground without a tool)"); return; } else { KISAddonCursor.CursorEnable("KIS/Textures/forbidden", "Not supported", "(Detach from ground function is not supported on this part)"); return; } } } } } } // check number of part attached if (part.parent) { if (part.children.Count > 0) { KISAddonCursor.CursorEnable("KIS/Textures/forbidden", "Can't grab", "(" + (part.children.Count + 1) + " parts is attached to it)"); return; } } else { if (part.children.Count > 1) { KISAddonCursor.CursorEnable("KIS/Textures/forbidden", "Can't grab", "(" + part.children.Count + " parts is attached to it)"); return; } } // Grab icon if (part.children.Count > 0 || part.parent) { KISAddonCursor.CursorEnable("KIS/Textures/grabOk", "Detach & Grab", '(' + part.partInfo.title + ')'); } else { KISAddonCursor.CursorEnable("KIS/Textures/grabOk", "Grab", '(' + part.partInfo.title + ')'); } part.SetHighlight(true, false); grabOk = true; }
private void OnPointerAction(KISAddonPointer.PointerTarget pointerTarget, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot, Part tgtPart, string srcAttachNodeID = null, AttachNode tgtAttachNode = null) { if (pointerTarget == KISAddonPointer.PointerTarget.PartMount) { if (movingPart) { MoveAttach(tgtPart, pos, rot, srcAttachNodeID, tgtAttachNode); } else { CreateAttach(tgtPart, pos, rot, srcAttachNodeID, tgtAttachNode); } ModuleKISPartMount pMount = tgtPart.GetComponent <ModuleKISPartMount>(); if (pMount) {; } } if (pointerTarget == KISAddonPointer.PointerTarget.Part || pointerTarget == KISAddonPointer.PointerTarget.PartNode || pointerTarget == KISAddonPointer.PointerTarget.Static || pointerTarget == KISAddonPointer.PointerTarget.KerbalEva) { if (pointerMode == PointerMode.Drop) { if (movingPart) { MoveDrop(tgtPart, pos, rot); } else { CreateDrop(tgtPart, pos, rot); } } if (pointerMode == PointerMode.Attach) { if (movingPart) { MoveAttach(tgtPart, pos, rot, srcAttachNodeID, tgtAttachNode); } else { CreateAttach(tgtPart, pos, rot, srcAttachNodeID, tgtAttachNode); } // sound ModuleKISPickup modulePickup = GetActivePickupNearest(pos); if (tgtPart) { if (modulePickup) { AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(GameDatabase.Instance.GetAudioClip(modulePickup.attachPartSndPath), pos); } } } } draggedItem = null; draggedPart = null; movingPart = null; KISAddonCursor.CursorDefault(); }
public void Awake() { // Set inventory module for every eva kerbal KIS_Shared.DebugLog("Set KIS config..."); ConfigNode nodeSettings = GameDatabase.Instance.GetConfigNode("KIS/settings/KISConfig"); if (nodeSettings == null) { KIS_Shared.DebugError("KIS settings.cfg not found or invalid !"); return; } // Set global settings ConfigNode nodeGlobal = nodeSettings.GetNode("Global"); if (nodeGlobal.HasValue("itemDebug")) { ModuleKISInventory.debugContextMenu = bool.Parse(nodeGlobal.GetValue("itemDebug")); } if (nodeGlobal.HasValue("breathableAtmoPressure")) { breathableAtmoPressure = float.Parse(nodeGlobal.GetValue("breathableAtmoPressure")); } ConfigNode nodeEvaInventory = nodeSettings.GetNode("EvaInventory"); ConfigNode nodeEvaPickup = nodeSettings.GetNode("EvaPickup"); ConfigNode nodeStackable = nodeSettings.GetNode("StackableItemOverride"); ConfigNode nodeStackableModule = nodeSettings.GetNode("StackableModule"); // Set stackable items list stackableList.Clear(); foreach (string partName in nodeStackable.GetValues("partName")) { stackableList.Add(partName); } // Set stackable module list stackableModules.Clear(); foreach (string moduleName in nodeStackableModule.GetValues("moduleName")) { stackableModules.Add(moduleName); } //-------Male Kerbal // Adding module to EVA cause an unknown error but work Part evaPrefab = PartLoader.getPartInfoByName("kerbalEVA").partPrefab; try { evaPrefab.AddModule("ModuleKISInventory"); } catch {} try { evaPrefab.AddModule("ModuleKISPickup"); } catch { } // Set inventory module for eva ModuleKISInventory evaInventory = evaPrefab.GetComponent <ModuleKISInventory>(); if (evaInventory) { if (nodeGlobal.HasValue("kerbalDefaultMass")) { evaInventory.kerbalDefaultMass = float.Parse(nodeGlobal.GetValue("kerbalDefaultMass")); } SetInventoryConfig(nodeEvaInventory, evaInventory); evaInventory.invType = ModuleKISInventory.InventoryType.Eva; KIS_Shared.DebugLog("Eva inventory module loaded successfully"); } // Set pickup module for eva ModuleKISPickup evaPickup = evaPrefab.GetComponent <ModuleKISPickup>(); if (evaPickup) { if (nodeEvaPickup.HasValue("grabKey")) { KISAddonPickup.grabKey = nodeEvaPickup.GetValue("grabKey"); } if (nodeEvaPickup.HasValue("attachKey")) { KISAddonPickup.attachKey = nodeEvaPickup.GetValue("attachKey"); } if (nodeEvaPickup.HasValue("allowPartAttach")) { evaPickup.allowPartAttach = bool.Parse(nodeEvaPickup.GetValue("allowPartAttach")); } if (nodeEvaPickup.HasValue("allowStaticAttach")) { evaPickup.allowStaticAttach = bool.Parse(nodeEvaPickup.GetValue("allowStaticAttach")); } if (nodeEvaPickup.HasValue("allowPartStack")) { evaPickup.allowPartStack = bool.Parse(nodeEvaPickup.GetValue("allowPartStack")); } if (nodeEvaPickup.HasValue("maxDistance")) { evaPickup.maxDistance = float.Parse(nodeEvaPickup.GetValue("maxDistance")); } if (nodeEvaPickup.HasValue("grabMaxMass")) { evaPickup.grabMaxMass = float.Parse(nodeEvaPickup.GetValue("grabMaxMass")); } if (nodeEvaPickup.HasValue("dropSndPath")) { evaPickup.dropSndPath = nodeEvaPickup.GetValue("dropSndPath"); } if (nodeEvaPickup.HasValue("attachPartSndPath")) { evaPickup.attachPartSndPath = nodeEvaPickup.GetValue("attachPartSndPath"); } if (nodeEvaPickup.HasValue("detachPartSndPath")) { evaPickup.detachPartSndPath = nodeEvaPickup.GetValue("detachPartSndPath"); } if (nodeEvaPickup.HasValue("attachStaticSndPath")) { evaPickup.attachStaticSndPath = nodeEvaPickup.GetValue("attachStaticSndPath"); } if (nodeEvaPickup.HasValue("detachStaticSndPath")) { evaPickup.detachStaticSndPath = nodeEvaPickup.GetValue("detachStaticSndPath"); } if (nodeEvaPickup.HasValue("draggedIconResolution")) { KISAddonPickup.draggedIconResolution = int.Parse(nodeEvaPickup.GetValue("draggedIconResolution")); } KIS_Shared.DebugLog("Eva pickup module loaded successfully"); } //-------Female Kerbal // Adding module to EVA cause an unknown error but work Part evaFemalePrefab = PartLoader.getPartInfoByName("kerbalEVAfemale").partPrefab; try { evaFemalePrefab.AddModule("ModuleKISInventory"); } catch { } try { evaFemalePrefab.AddModule("ModuleKISPickup"); } catch { } // Set inventory module for eva ModuleKISInventory evaFemaleInventory = evaFemalePrefab.GetComponent <ModuleKISInventory>(); if (evaFemaleInventory) { if (nodeGlobal.HasValue("kerbalDefaultMass")) { evaFemaleInventory.kerbalDefaultMass = float.Parse(nodeGlobal.GetValue("kerbalDefaultMass")); } SetInventoryConfig(nodeEvaInventory, evaFemaleInventory); evaFemaleInventory.invType = ModuleKISInventory.InventoryType.Eva; KIS_Shared.DebugLog("Eva inventory module loaded successfully"); } // Set pickup module for eva ModuleKISPickup evaFemalePickup = evaFemalePrefab.GetComponent <ModuleKISPickup>(); if (evaFemalePickup) { if (nodeEvaPickup.HasValue("grabKey")) { KISAddonPickup.grabKey = nodeEvaPickup.GetValue("grabKey"); } if (nodeEvaPickup.HasValue("attachKey")) { KISAddonPickup.attachKey = nodeEvaPickup.GetValue("attachKey"); } if (nodeEvaPickup.HasValue("allowPartAttach")) { evaFemalePickup.allowPartAttach = bool.Parse(nodeEvaPickup.GetValue("allowPartAttach")); } if (nodeEvaPickup.HasValue("allowStaticAttach")) { evaFemalePickup.allowStaticAttach = bool.Parse(nodeEvaPickup.GetValue("allowStaticAttach")); } if (nodeEvaPickup.HasValue("allowPartStack")) { evaFemalePickup.allowPartStack = bool.Parse(nodeEvaPickup.GetValue("allowPartStack")); } if (nodeEvaPickup.HasValue("maxDistance")) { evaFemalePickup.maxDistance = float.Parse(nodeEvaPickup.GetValue("maxDistance")); } if (nodeEvaPickup.HasValue("grabMaxMass")) { evaFemalePickup.grabMaxMass = float.Parse(nodeEvaPickup.GetValue("grabMaxMass")); } if (nodeEvaPickup.HasValue("dropSndPath")) { evaFemalePickup.dropSndPath = nodeEvaPickup.GetValue("dropSndPath"); } if (nodeEvaPickup.HasValue("attachPartSndPath")) { evaFemalePickup.attachPartSndPath = nodeEvaPickup.GetValue("attachPartSndPath"); } if (nodeEvaPickup.HasValue("detachPartSndPath")) { evaFemalePickup.detachPartSndPath = nodeEvaPickup.GetValue("detachPartSndPath"); } if (nodeEvaPickup.HasValue("attachStaticSndPath")) { evaFemalePickup.attachStaticSndPath = nodeEvaPickup.GetValue("attachStaticSndPath"); } if (nodeEvaPickup.HasValue("detachStaticSndPath")) { evaFemalePickup.detachStaticSndPath = nodeEvaPickup.GetValue("detachStaticSndPath"); } if (nodeEvaPickup.HasValue("draggedIconResolution")) { KISAddonPickup.draggedIconResolution = int.Parse(nodeEvaPickup.GetValue("draggedIconResolution")); } KIS_Shared.DebugLog("Eva pickup module loaded successfully"); } // Set inventory module for every pod with crew capacity KIS_Shared.DebugLog("Loading pod inventory..."); foreach (AvailablePart avPart in PartLoader.LoadedPartsList) { if ( == "kerbalEVA") { continue; } if ( == "kerbalEVA_RD") { continue; } if ( == "kerbalEVAfemale") { continue; } if (!avPart.partPrefab) { continue; } if (avPart.partPrefab.CrewCapacity < 1) { continue; } KIS_Shared.DebugLog("Found part with CrewCapacity : " +; for (int i = 0; i < avPart.partPrefab.CrewCapacity; i++) { try { ModuleKISInventory moduleInventory = avPart.partPrefab.AddModule("ModuleKISInventory") as ModuleKISInventory; SetInventoryConfig(nodeEvaInventory, moduleInventory); moduleInventory.podSeat = i; moduleInventory.invType = ModuleKISInventory.InventoryType.Pod; KIS_Shared.DebugLog("Pod inventory module(s) for seat " + i + " loaded successfully"); } catch { KIS_Shared.DebugWarning("Pod inventory module(s) for seat " + i + " can't be loaded !"); } } } }