Load() public static method

public static Load ( ulong recordNum, FileSystemNTFS fileSystem, MFTLoadDepth loadDepth = MFTLoadDepth.Full, string path = "" ) : MFTRecord
recordNum ulong
fileSystem FileSystemNTFS
loadDepth MFTLoadDepth
path string
return MFTRecord
コード例 #1
        public FileSystemNTFS(IFileSystemStore store)
            Store = store;


            _mftSector = (BPB_MFTStartCluster64 * BPB_SecPerClus);
            _MFT       = new FileNTFS(MFTRecord.Load(0, this), "");
            _root      = new FolderNTFS(MFTRecord.Load(5, this), "", true);

            _bitmapFile = new FileNTFS(MFTRecord.Load(6, this), "");
            _bitmap     = _bitmapFile.GetBytes(0, _bitmapFile.StreamLength);
コード例 #2
        private void MftScan(FileSystem.NodeVisitCallback callback)
            ulong numFiles = _MFT.StreamLength / (ulong)(SectorsPerMFTRecord * BytesPerSector);

            for (ulong i = 0; i < numFiles; i++)
                MFTRecord record = MFTRecord.Load(i, this, MFTLoadDepth.NameAttributeOnly);

                if (record.Valid)
                    if (!callback(record, i, numFiles))
コード例 #3
        private void LoadExternalAttributeList(int startOffset, MFTAttribute attrList)
            int offset = 0;

            while (true)
                //Align to 8 byte boundary
                if (offset % 8 != 0)
                    offset = (offset / 8 + 1) * 8;

                // Load the header for this external attribute reference.
                AttributeType type = (AttributeType)BitConverter.ToUInt32(_data, offset + startOffset + 0x0);
                // 0xFFFFFFFF marks end of attributes.
                if (offset == attrList.ValueLength || type == AttributeType.End)
                ushort length                = BitConverter.ToUInt16(_data, offset + startOffset + 0x4);
                byte   nameLength            = _data[offset + startOffset + 0x6];
                ushort id                    = BitConverter.ToUInt16(_data, offset + startOffset + 0x18);
                ulong  vcn                   = BitConverter.ToUInt64(_data, offset + startOffset + 0x8);
                ulong  extensionRecordNumber = (BitConverter.ToUInt64(_data, offset + startOffset + 0x10) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF);

                if (extensionRecordNumber != RecordNum && extensionRecordNumber != MFTRecordNumber)                   // TODO: Are these ever different?
                // Load the MFT extension record, locate the attribute we want, and copy it over.
                    MFTRecord extensionRecord = MFTRecord.Load(extensionRecordNumber, this.FileSystem);
                    if (extensionRecord.Valid)
                        foreach (MFTAttribute externalAttribute in extensionRecord._attributes)
                            if (id == externalAttribute.Id)
                                if (externalAttribute.NonResident && externalAttribute.Type == AttributeType.Data)
                                    // Find the corresponding data attribute on this record and merge the runlists
                                    bool merged = false;
                                    foreach (MFTAttribute attribute in _attributes)
                                        if (attribute.Type == AttributeType.Data && externalAttribute.Name == attribute.Name)
                                            MergeRunLists(ref attribute.Runs, externalAttribute.Runs);
                                            merged = true;
                                    if (!merged)

                offset += 0x1A + (nameLength * 2);