public new void Load(Project project) { currentProject = project; sheet = project.sheets["tiles"]; hScrollBar.Enabled = true; hScrollBar.Minimum = 0; hScrollBar.Maximum = sheet.Cols * sheet.spriteWidth; hScrollBar.LargeChange = tilesPanel.Width; hScrollBar.SmallChange = sheet.spriteWidth; hScrollBar.ValueChanged += (sender, args) => { this.offsetX = hScrollBar.Value; tilesPanel.Invalidate(); }; vScrollBar.Enabled = true; vScrollBar.Minimum = 0; vScrollBar.Maximum = sheet.sheet.Height + sheet.spriteHeight; vScrollBar.LargeChange = tilesPanel.Height; vScrollBar.SmallChange = sheet.spriteHeight; vScrollBar.ValueChanged += (sender, args) => { this.offsetY = vScrollBar.Value; tilesPanel.Invalidate(); }; tilesPanel.Resize += (sender, args) => { hScrollBar.LargeChange = tilesPanel.Width; vScrollBar.LargeChange = tilesPanel.Height; hScrollBar.Enabled = hScrollBar.LargeChange <= hScrollBar.Maximum; vScrollBar.Enabled = vScrollBar.LargeChange <= vScrollBar.Maximum; }; LoadObjects(); tilePage.Invalidate(); }
public AnimationSelector(SpriteSheet sheet, Project project) { InitializeComponent(); spriteSelector.Image = sheet.sheet; spriteSelector.SpriteWidth = sheet.spriteWidth; spriteSelector.SpriteHeight = sheet.spriteHeight; selectedFrames = new Animation.Frame[1]; selectedFrames[0] = new Animation.Frame(0, 1); }
public AnimationSelector(Animation.Group group, SpriteSheet sheet, Project project) { InitializeComponent(); spriteSelector.Image = sheet.sheet; spriteSelector.SpriteWidth = sheet.spriteWidth; spriteSelector.SpriteHeight = sheet.spriteHeight; selectedFrames = group.frames.ToArray(); //Must be set last because their events are already hooked up maxFramesNumUpDown.Value = group.frames.Count; spriteSelector.SelectedIndex = selectedFrames[0].sheetId; timeoutNumericUpDown.Value = selectedFrames[0].time; }
public Animation(string animationName, Project project) { this.project = project; Loader loader = project.loader; PropertyReader props = loader.GetPropertyReader().Select("animations/" + animationName + ".xml"); foreach (PropertyReader animation in props.SelectAll("group")) { string groupName = animation.GetString("name"); Group group = new Group(); foreach (PropertyReader frame in animation.SelectAll("frame")) { int id = frame.GetInt("sheetid"); int time = frame.GetInt("time"); group.frames.Add(new Frame(id, time)); } groups.Add(groupName, group); } this.sheet = project.sheets[props.GetString("sheet")]; }
private void addbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (SpriteSheetDialog dialog = new SpriteSheetDialog()) { dialog.okButton.Click += (in_sender, in_args) => { if (dialog.nameTextBox.Text.Trim() == "") { MessageBox.Show("Name cannot be empty"); } else if (dialog.pictureBox.Image == null) { MessageBox.Show("Image cannot be empty"); } else if (!project.sheets.ContainsKey(dialog.nameTextBox.Text)) { dialog.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; } else { MessageBox.Show(this, string.Format("A sprite named \"{0}\" already exists!", dialog.nameTextBox.Text)); } }; if (dialog.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { SpriteSheet sheet = new SpriteSheet(project); project.sheets.Add(dialog.nameTextBox.Text.Trim().ToLower(), sheet); sheet.sheet = (Bitmap)dialog.pictureBox.Image; sheet.spriteWidth = (int)dialog.widthNumericUpDown.Value; sheet.spriteHeight = (int)dialog.HeightNumericUpDown.Value; sheet.x = (int)dialog.xNumericUpDown.Value; sheet.y = (int)dialog.yNumericUpDown.Value; int index = listbox.SelectedIndex; LoadItems(); listbox.SelectedIndex = index; } } }
public Gfx(int id, SpriteSheet sheet) { if (sheet == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("sheet"); = id; this.sheet = sheet; }
public Tile(SpriteSheet.Gfx gfx, bool passable) { this.gfx = gfx; this.passable = passable; }
public Animation(SpriteSheet sheet, Project project) { this.project = project; this.sheet = sheet; }